"You have to protect yourself later."

At this time, the shopkeeper hurried over and said to Zhou Zhang silently.

Looking at his face is also quite flustered, as if encountering a lot of big trouble.

"Good shopkeeper, don't worry, we will definitely protect ourselves."

"It will definitely not cause trouble for you, you can rest assured."

Zhou Zhang said silently beside him, with a lot of thanks mixed in his tone.

Having brought Phoenix for so long, I have never met someone as kind as the other party.

Especially when I saw the other party's expression, I was so panicked, and my heart was quite warm.

This was the first time I met someone who was worried about me.

"Don't worry, shopkeeper, hurry up with your work, we will never disturb you."

Phoenix also said silently beside him, with a lot of care in his tone.

Seeing the two of them look like this, the shopkeeper nodded silently.

Then he didn't dare to be too long-winded, and ran back to his position directly.

There was a lot of fear mixed in his eyes, as if he had called out his budget right now.

Although he said that he knew very well in his heart, it would not be very peaceful on this road.

But when faced with danger, he still has a kind of inexplicable worry.

"Tell us what kind of situation the big man has."

The shopkeeper said worriedly beside him, after all, this is his own medicinal material.

Once robbed by others, the loss to oneself is too great.

I couldn't accept the fact that once I was robbed by others, I would have the whole family.

Therefore, it is also quite anxious for the current situation, and I don't dare to have any accidents at all.

Otherwise, I wouldn't spend a lot of money to invite a rather terrifying existence.

"Treasurer or we are already in danger."

"That kind of breath, even I am quite afraid."

"Looks like we should be ambushed."

"This feeling is too strong, there will never be any mistakes."

The big man said dully beside him.

After all, there has never been a time when the other party was so afraid on this road.

Chapter 49

Hearing what the other party said, the shopkeeper was also quite frightened.

After all, once he was ambushed, the impact on him would be too great.

Not to mention that the process will be greatly slowed down, and these medicinal materials may not be preserved, let alone life.

"Then what's going on here? Why haven't they shown up yet?"

"Besides, what's the use of robbing us of a bunch of medicines at this time?"

"Aren't some strong people supposed to come from the blood of the black unicorn?"

The shopkeeper said helplessly beside him, and there was a lot of despair in his tone.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, it really affects me too much.

"Don't say more about the shopkeeper, you can understand that not everyone comes from the blood of the black unicorn."

"After all, the blood of the black unicorn is not something you can get if you want it."

"However, some people also came to loot halfway."

"Like what they do."

The big man said dully beside him, even more with a lot of fear, after all, there is no way he can do it right now.

"Brothers get ready."

"Absolutely not to be attacked by them."

The big man said dully beside him, which can be regarded as making everyone pay attention.

After all, this is no small matter, and this is the first time a robbery has happened.

I must protect this team no matter what, otherwise I will really feel sorry for the other party.

I saw that the big man's voice just fell, and then I saw that many figures gradually appeared in the caravan.

These figures are also particularly powerful, and there is no fear at all.

Looking at the front, Zhou Zhang was also very excited, and he finally understood.

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