"Brother, you have to help them later. It was quite distressing to see them last time."

"And I feel that the shopkeeper is a good person. I don't want him to die early."

Phoenix said helplessly from the side, and even reached out and gently shook Zhou Zhang's arm.

It seems that all the heavy responsibilities have been placed on Zhou Zhang.

In my heart, I also went to see the shopkeeper in Hong Kong, and I was also very unhappy.

"The shopkeeper is a good person, so brother, you have to help him, he is in trouble right now."

The more Fenghuang said next to him, the lower his voice became, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances.

Zhou Zhang was quite embarrassed to see it in his eyes, after all, he knew it very well in his heart.

If it is said to be the other party, it means that you need to go to work yourself. At that time, isn't it going to cause trouble for yourself?

"Don't worry, although this matter is quite troublesome, I will not insist on not playing."

"And I also have a good impression of the shopkeeper.

"Now that so many bad things have been done, it's okay to do a good thing."

Zhou Zhang said silently, with a lot of identification in his tone, especially when he looked at the other party with his eyes as if he had already confirmed the other party.

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Phoenix nodded silently, as long as his brother spoke, there would be no problem.

After all, what kind of situation and what kind of strength their strength is at the moment, there is still some gap compared with Zhou Zhang.

He was quite confident in his brother's strength, otherwise he wouldn't be so troubled.

"But I want to tell you, you must be good, if you encounter any danger, I will not play the shopkeeper."

"You have to take care of yourself later, you must not make any mistakes."

Zhou Zhang said silently, and there was a lot of majesty in his tone, as if he had already identified the other party.

He didn't give Phoenix any opportunity to explain at all, as if everything had already been decided.

"Okay, I see, I'll do the same thing, brother."

"How can I not listen to you, don't worry, there is absolutely no accident."

Phoenix said silently, as if he was helpless in every way, and there was absolutely no way to do it.

There is also quite a grievance here, and he has considerable strength, but after being with Zhou Zhang.

Every time I encounter dangerous things, I never let myself go to work, and I am quite embarrassed.

"Okay, since you said so, then I have to pay attention."

"And I won't protect you from now on. I'll go to the grass to see what's going on."

"It's not an option if it's dragged here, there will always be time for these people to die."

The traffic policeman said silently, that is, there was a lot of humor in the middle, as if he had seen through the other party.

Listening to Zhou Zhang's words, he nodded silently, it was indeed like this, it was time to scout.

"Go, brother, you have to be careful when the time comes, there must be no accidents."

"Phoenix must be safe here and will never do anything else."

Fenghuang said silently beside him, as if he was guaranteeing a ticket with Zhou Zhang, he would definitely not mess around.

Looking at Phoenix like this, Zhou Zhang also smiled silently, Phoenix is ​​so cute, and he couldn't put it down.

For me, Phoenix is ​​my biggest resistance, and this is my sister anyway, and I will never let Phoenix appear in any danger.

Chapter 52 Shadow Killer

You must find out what is going on in front of you, or else you will encounter any danger, but it is really too late to cry.

So when you do something, you have to make arrangements.

Zhou Zhang still understands this very well, so he didn't say much and directly cut into the other party's interior.

Seeing Zhou Zhang doing this, he didn't say much. After all, this has always been Zhou Zhang's personality and has always been like this.

Zhou Zhang didn't say much, and quietly stepped into the forest.

After all, I also know very well that the so-called enemies are hidden here, and then I emphasize that I don't know much about it.

So in any case, you must find the other party, and only in this way can you find out the other party's location.

At that time, I will cooperate with the big man, and try my best to get rid of these people in a while, but my own strength will not occur.

He should remain silent, otherwise he would have no way to stay here.

After all, if one's own strength is very strong, it will put pressure on the shopkeeper, as if he wants to eat the other party and become an undercover agent.

However, at this time, Zhou Zhang was in a rather surging mood. After all, this was the first time for this kind of thing, and he was still quite concerned about it.

Right now, there is no way to crawl in the grass and move forward slowly.

"By the way, I have forgotten a pair of tricks, it's too stupid to remember.

Zhou Zhang said silently, and at this moment, he suddenly remembered a big move, and he forgot to use it.

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