After that, he didn't say much. Today, he closed his eyes with both hands together, and felt that the surroundings were constantly flying.

It was as if something had happened, it was indeed like this, and Zhou Zhang suddenly became much more transparent.

Compared to before, it seems that there is no such person, just like a soul, if anyone sees it, it will definitely be very scary.

It is simply unacceptable, after all, there are very few tricks that can make people overcome other tricks.

"This is really a good trick, it's really very unusual."

"It's really great, it's great to have this system."

Zhou Zhang said giggling, as if he had picked up a big bargain.

I also liked it quite a bit in my heart. After all, this kind of trick is really too powerful, it is really against the sky, and it directly makes myself transparent.

If you say that you don't have a strong expert, you won't be aware of your existence at all.

"Now I just need to calm down and walk lightly."

The lady said silently, and then the whole body actually floated up. This is the way of the Spirit Emperor prepared by herself.

After all, I also know very well in my heart that I must not let other people feel the turbulence such as leaves, otherwise they will take it lightly.

I still know this kind of truth very well in my heart, and I must not show the other party too much.

Afterwards, Zhou Zhang didn't say anything, just sold out and walked forward in small steps.

If you let other people, there will be no change at all, as if there is no such person, it is really difficult to accept this fact.

Even Zhou Zhang had a hard time accepting it. After all, these strengths were simply too heaven-defying, and I never thought they would be so terrifying these few days.

"Good job, this time I will definitely let you all go around. I have to see if I have the strength to dare to be wild here."

Zhou Zhang said silently, and his hands were tightly clenched into a fist.

There was a lot of majesty mixed in his tone, as if he wanted to kill the other party, and he didn't give the other party any chance to explain.

"Let me see where you are, so don't check it for me, come out for me quickly."

Zhou Zhang said giggling, as if he was a cat, constantly looking for his prey.

They also know themselves very well in their hearts, this is in the dark, they will never find themselves, and it seems that they are very beneficial now.

The heart is even more surging, after all, these facts are really very exciting, as if to make fun of the other party.

After that, Zhou Zhang didn't say much about his hands, and he didn't know where to put them. His heart was surging, and it was the first time he had done such a trivial thing.

I have been walking forward silently, but at this moment, I suddenly feel that something is wrong.

"Brother, should we play? Otherwise, it's not good to always recognize these hidden weapons."

"I guess they are already dead, we can play when the time comes."

At this time, Zhou Zhang suddenly heard a voice, like a robber-like voice.

It was at this time that Zhou Zhang suddenly understood that it seemed that what he was looking for had been found, and they were not far from him.

"Well, if it wasn't for you to talk, I wouldn't be able to find you."

"It seems that you are also throwing yourself into the net right now. If that's the case, then I won't give you any chance."

"I want to see what strength you have to dare to be here." Zhou Zhang said silently, adding a lot of cruelty to you in his tone, as if he had already identified the other party.

He didn't give the other party any chance to explain at all, and then he stretched out his hand and gently touched his back.

Then I saw a small knife appearing on the hand. This small knife is also a divine existence, and what kind of things are quite powerful for me.

It is definitely not something that these people can challenge at will. It seems that this time I want to give them a surprise.

They must not be allowed to be so fat, otherwise, the things that they promised Phoenix would really be impossible to accomplish.

"Okay, the hunt has just begun."

"I'm going to shock all of you and show you what a real assassin is."

Zhou Zhang said silently, with a lot of majesty in his tone, as if he had solved the other party's heart disease.

He didn't take the other party in his eyes at all, and he was quite confident in his heart, and it was a kind of recognition for his own strength.

Then I saw that the knife was also transparent, and I was quite crazy in my heart.

It is really difficult to accept the things that I have grasped, and things will become transparent with me.

This kind of trick is really terrifying, even if I didn't expect it, it would be so defiant.

If this is the case, then these thieves will definitely not survive, and they must all be killed.

Chapter 53

Zhou Zhang's appearance had already told them that their time of death had come.

It will never give them any chance to escape, otherwise, they will really fail themselves.

"The hunt is about to start, and you all have to die for me."

Zhou Zhang said silently, with a lot of pride in his tone, but he didn't want that at first.

Just thinking about destroying the other party is enough, and letting the big guys go out, but at this time.

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