"They're definitely going to be fighting endlessly, take my word for it."

Zhang San brushed it silently beside him, as if the facts in front of him did not exceed his expectations.

I also have a lot of ideas in my heart. After all, this is not a trivial matter, and it must not be messed up. I think clearly in my heart.

Zhou Zhang looked at the other party and nodded silently.

After all, looking at the other party like this, he also cares about his own strengths.

I know everyone very well in my heart, but I don't really want to be just a robber. After all, being a robber is too hopeless.

Everyone is thinking in their hearts that they can fly higher if they have the opportunity, instead of being restrained by a robber.

So under this status, Zhou Zhang has chosen to trust the other party, after all, some of the other party's experiences are enough for him to trust him.

If he were him, he would never let go if he had a chance, after all, he would be able to escape his identity as a robber.

"Here, I hope you can trust me."

"If you are real enough and honest enough, I am willing to take you to fly."

"Bring you back from being a robber and making you a powerhouse of powerhouses."

Zhou Zhang said excitedly next to him, as if he had told the other party that if he betrayed himself, there would be absolutely no harm.

I never imagined what kind of results would come out. Zhou Zhang felt very excited when he said these words, especially the tone.

He didn't give the other party any chance to explain at all, as if he had already made up his mind.

The facts at the moment should be as simple as this. After all, you need to use your sincerity to impress the other party.

It must not be too casual. If you don't believe the other party, or if you are too modest, there is absolutely no way for the two to continue to cooperate.

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Zhang Sanyi didn't know how to answer for a while, as if his heart had been pricked by a needle.

My heart is also quite distressed, and I don't know how to face Zhou Zhang.

It was also quite shocking in my heart. This was the first time someone said something like this to me.

I am also very grateful in my heart, if there is no Zhou Zhang, or I am still a little thief.

After thinking of this, Zhang San was also very scared, and at this time he already had his own name.

For this kind of thing, I am relatively lucky. After all, I have met Zhou Zhang, and Zhou Zhang is quite talented.

"Don't worry, master, I will definitely follow you, and there will never be any partiality."

"I will definitely be very loyal, and I will never lose any chains. I will definitely work hard under your hands."

"I will never let down your hopes for me, please rest assured, I have absolutely no problems."

Zhang San said excitedly next to him, as if he had told the other party that he had absolutely no partiality, and was definitely quite loyal.

Especially the look on his face, he had already told the other party, and there was no accident at all.

As soon as Zhang San finished speaking, he immediately knelt down with both hands on his knees. He was very respectful, as if he had already identified Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang didn't expect things to happen like this, and the other party would actually slap him down, and he was still so loyal, it was really unacceptable.

However, for Zhou Zhang, he is also quite happy in his heart, and it is also quite good for him to have such a small follower.

If you can say that your team can grow and develop, or you can build a gang yourself, I am very happy to think about it.

"Well, since you said so, then I have to make a decision to tell you."

"From today onwards we are going to build a gang, but this gang is also quite large."

"Please believe in my strength, and deal with those teams that don't talk about the bad luck."

Zhou Zhang said excitedly next to him, as if he had already prepared his future.

Especially the tone, it told the other party that there was no deviation at all, and there was no idea, just a special shock and a special firmness.

There is no other thing that can disturb all of this, and I want to understand in my heart.

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Zhang San didn't know what to say, and when he cut it out, his heart was full of emotions.

If this is really the case, then I have become the veteran of this gang, and I am very happy to think about it.

Chapter 64 New Missions

For such a position, my heart is also quite exciting.

After all, I also need continuous development, and I definitely don’t want to be a starter in the past few years.

I also want to hand over an opportunity to have a better turnaround. If I stay like this, there is no future at all.

After thinking of this, Zhang San is also very determined. After all, the young man in front of him also looks very excited.

Especially when looking at each other's eyes, I already understood a little in my heart, this young man is definitely not an ordinary person.

Otherwise, there would be absolutely no such confidence, especially when the other party said that he was going to confront them, there was no fear at all.

It is precisely because of strength that this performance is possible. If there is no strength, how could it be possible to do this?

Even if Zhou Zhang is pretending, after so many years of experience, he can tell at a glance whether Zhou Zhang is pretending or not.

Therefore, I am quite lucky, Zhou Zhang is definitely the kind of character who is hidden, especially when he was slaughtering his partner just now.

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