That kind of speed and that kind of strength is really terrifying, even if I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

In other words, this is the distance between the strong and the garbage, and there is no way I can do it myself.

"Okay, then let's not talk more, they should be about to enter the real battle."

"As for the gang, we will continue to talk about it when we obtain the blood of the black unicorn."

"Otherwise, it's still a little early to say these words, and we won't be of any use."

Zhang San said in a silent dissuasion from the side, seeing that Zhou Zhang also knew each other very well in his heart, he was a little excited.

But I am also very happy. If there is such a day, I will also feel a big turn over.

Therefore, I have already figured out that no matter how difficult it is, I want to continue working beside Zhou Zhang, or this is the best development for me.

"It's really like this. You reminded me well, so let's not talk about these things."

"I want to see what kind of strength the two of them have, and understand the combat effectiveness of your world."

Zhou Zhang said silently beside him, as if he was not from the other side's world, he didn't take this world seriously at all.

However, for Zhang San, he really couldn't understand the tone of the other party, it was really unacceptable, and he didn't know where Zhou Zhang came from.

There are all kinds of helplessness in my heart, but I don't know what to say.

It is indeed like this, looking at the other party is also mysterious, but it is also grand and strange, and I don't know where it came from or where it will go.

However, now is not the time to ask questions, it is indeed like this, Zhou Zhang is indeed very mysterious.

Therefore, he can't interrupt the other party's thoughts at this time. It has been so many years, and he must win Zhou Zhang's favor.

"Okay, it's really like this, no, Zhou Zhang, look at it."

"The real battle has begun, and they have all started."

"From the above angle, you can see it all."

"It's really exciting, there will be a real decisive battle soon, and it will start soon."

Zhang San said excitedly beside him, as if he was looking forward to the incident in front of him.

The excitement is even more incredible, but the voice is also very low, and there is nothing that Lin Xia can do for fear of being heard by others.

Zhou Zhang looked at the other party like this, and was quite embarrassed in his heart, but he was full of expectations.

I also really want to understand how strong the people in this country are, and how far apart I can be compared to me.

At that time, I will have an idea in my heart, and I will not suffer from such mistakes, and will not suffer from these things.

"It is indeed like this, it seems that they are all ready."

Zhou Zhang followed the other party's voice and saw that the scene below was also quite complicated, and now it's over.

It's really hard to imagine. It seems that these two groups of people have already made preparations, or the two groups of Tianxiahui and Jiulongshan have already understood it in their hearts.

It's just a wonderful performance and an expectation to see who will win right now.

"Phoenix, you have to be careful, don't put me in any danger."

"You can understand that the strength of these people is actually very general."

Zhou Zhang said silently that he was still quite worried in his heart, what would happen to Phoenix, for himself, the phone was too big.

After all, that's his own sister. If he can't even protect his own sister, how will Zhou Zhang get along in the future?

After thinking of this, Zhou Zhang's heart is also very firm, he must protect his sister, otherwise it will be too late to cry.

"Did you see that little girl in the carriage?"

"It's a little girl with two braids."

Zhou Zhang pointed to the side and said, as if he was telling the other party some truth.

His eyes were also particularly sharp, staring directly at Phoenix and did not move.

"Okay, Director, I have seen it, what happened to that little girl?"

"Could it be that he has some relationship with us? I also want to understand it very well."

Zhang San said silently beside him, and there was a lot of curiosity in his tone, as if he already had a general understanding of the situation.

Zhang San didn't dare to say anything else, after all, he had already seen a lot of weakness in Zhou Zhang's eyes.

There can be absolutely no accident, and I know it very well in my heart.

"It's really like this, and it has a very big relationship with us."

"You will understand in the future that no matter what danger you encounter, you must protect this little girl."

"After all, this is my sister, and she must be protected."

Zhou Zhang said silently beside him, with a lot of firmness in his tone, as if he had already confirmed with the other party.

"This is the first mission we two have just met, and you have to do it."

Zhou Zhang said excitedly next to him that this was the first time he had given orders to others, and he was very happy to see it like this.

Listening to what the other party said, Zhang San didn't dare to refute anything, just nodded silently.

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