He said this silently next to him, and he was a little surprised in his heart. He really didn't expect that the other party would actually know this kind of trick.

"And I can tell you that we don't need any help. Besides, why should we help the World Association?"

Zhou Zhang said helplessly from the side, and he was very dissatisfied in his heart. After all, what the other party said was a little too partial.

And my own phoenix is ​​in the world club, if I listen to their words and help me say, isn't this joking with me?

Such a thing must never happen, otherwise, if something unexpected happens, it will definitely be a very big blow to me.

There are all kinds of helplessness in my heart. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If Phoenix has any accident, it will be too sad for me.

I can't accept this fact myself, after all, the scene in front of me is also very scary to think about, and it is difficult to accept such a situation.

I don't have any way to change anything, I can only listen silently, otherwise I would be really angry.

"Zhou Zhang, it seems that these people still have some actions, otherwise they would not be so thoughtful."

"I really didn't expect that they would still be tricked into Jiulong Mountain. It's really unimaginable."

Zhang San quietly said that he was very excited about all this in his heart. This was the first time he had encountered someone who sensed Jiulong Mountain.

After all, it was the first time that Jiulongshan was bullying others or the first time they met. Someone dared to take the initiative to fight against Jiulongshan. It was really hard to imagine such a situation.

Listening to the other party, he didn't say Zhou Zhang, and frowned. He didn't have so much in his heart, and he knew very well what the situation was, and there was no way to do it right now.

I don't even know what to say. After all, I am quite embarrassed in my heart at this moment, and I understand it very well in my heart. It seems that my boss is not so good.

But the other party made a decisive decision, and he still didn't understand something in his heart, so he didn't understand it for the time being. What was the situation, it didn't fit his character at all.

"No, you see a lot of panic in their footsteps."

"This is definitely their existing decision, definitely not prepared in advance, you can rest assured."

Zhou Zhang said suddenly after a long time, his eyes were full of panic, as if he had already told the other party, there is absolutely no such possibility.

After all, I have understood this truth for so many years. It is not a joke to see what kind of preparation they have.

If you can't even see these things, you won't be able to come out for so many years. After all, you still need some strength to go out and mix, so it's not too casual.

Listening to Zhou Zhang's words, Zhang San also noticed this situation. It was indeed like this. He listened to the other person's footsteps from afar, and there were many small steps in it.

I am also extremely helpless, and there is no way to do it, it seems that it can only be like this.

I never thought that such a situation would occur, and it is really difficult to accept such a reason.

Right now, I also understand some of the situation here, it seems that there are still some problems, otherwise, it will not be so smooth.

I was also extremely helpless, I really did not expect such a situation to occur, and it was also a blow to myself as a whole.

It was unimaginable that Zhou Zhang was so careful.

Chapter 73

After all, this kind of thinking is quite scary for everyone. After all, once there is such an idea, the power that erupts is really too great.

Just like the third master, Convenience has gained a lot of strength because of careful thinking, although ideas are still very important.

It is also difficult for me to imagine that Zhou Zhang is so confident, that he can detect anything, which is also a blow to himself, after all, the other party is still so young.

In my heart, I didn't dare to accept the fact, as if my strength was far from Zhou Zhang's, it wasn't even a single star at all.

"Okay, let's not talk too much about it. Will you be biased towards the fifth head of the family for specific matters? You will understand by looking at the final result."

"I am very fond of this businessman. After all, the other party is not arrogant or impetuous, and he is a good player."

Zhou Zhang said silently, he knew this situation very well in his heart, and he already had a rough idea of ​​what it meant.

Although there are many things that I can't say, I know very well that in the scenes in front of me, there are definitely many dangers to myself.

Right now, I don't have any way to continue doing it, so I can only persist silently like this, otherwise, everything in front of me will be helpless.

I don't have any way to say more. After all, there are Zhou Zhang here, and I don't have any chance to say more.

"Okay Zhou Zhang, I really admire you, you are really amazing."

"I don't know what to say to you, but thank you for what you did. It's really amazing. If I look at you with admiration."

Zhang San said helplessly next to him, he was very helpless in his heart, as if everything the other party did was really a blow to us.

Right now, I don't have any way to do it. After all, I don't have any initiative to be anxious at this moment. As long as there is evidence, there are still some guarantees.

"Haha, don't worry, if I leave everything to you, then what am I."

"You can understand that my strength is definitely more than that, and some more terrifying things will happen to you later."

Zhou Zhang silently said that he is happy in his heart, and it is also a good thing for him to be recognized by the other party.

However, I also have a lot of hope for the third-headed family, and I know it very well in my heart, and her family is definitely not the kind of very rash person.

If the other party also wants to learn their skills, they will dump the other party like this.

Moreover, the five-headed family really doesn't take the enemy seriously. This is a taboo in the battlefield. A little carelessness will put you in danger.

I told him that he still knew very well in his heart, so at this time, he still trusted the fifth master. After all, it was really difficult for the fifth master to accept such a situation.

If there is any danger in the future, I don't know what to say. When, once the Fifth Boss loses, just take the Phoenix away directly.

After all, I don't want to get involved in this muddy water right now, as long as I can get the blood of the black unicorn back, there is no need to do too much.

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