The most important thing is that I already have a lot of strength, and there is no need to endure it any longer. I just want to build my strength as soon as possible.

When building strength, there must not be too much strength to be low, otherwise it is really hard to imagine such a situation.

So at this time, I have to think about it and prepare, at least I have no friends with them, but otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble.


"Second brother is not good, there is an ambush here."

"I didn't expect them to do this at all. It's really annoying."

At this time, a terrifying voice came from the grass, as if it had shocked everyone, and I was particularly afraid in my heart.

Hearing the other party say that Zhou Zhang's eyes widened even more, I didn't see the third master wrong if I didn't ride myself, it seems that the other party still has some skills.

I never thought that such a thing would happen. After all, the speed of those big men was also very slow, and there was no accident at all.

But such a thing has happened, so it shows that the third master is still very capable, otherwise, how could it be possible to do such a beautiful thing?

Zhou Zhang was also helpless, and he didn't know what to say. The current scene was also a kind of pressure for him.

Although I said that I have some good feelings for the shopkeeper in my heart, but I have no way to do it, after all, his defense is really too embarrassing.

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot underestimate the enemy. After all, once it is cleaned up, it will be a direct collapse for the whole person.

After all, the enemy is not an ordinary existence. They think about how to kill you, and they don't think about other things.

So at this time, I was also very scared, and it was really hard to imagine what would happen in the end.

"Zhou Zhang, it looks like those few of them will be in danger soon."

"I guess the third head will never let them go, after all, he can talk about their strength. !

"This is a very good tactic. It seems that they are in some danger for the fifth leader."

Zhang San said silently next to him that he was quite happy in his heart. It seemed that he had read it right. The third master of the third master was still very powerful.

In the current scene, any method of his trademark can only pray silently and pray that Jiulong Mountain can win.

Although he said that he was quite desperate for Jiulong Mountain, he grew up in Zhongshan anyway, so he still prayed silently to the other party.

"Haha, don't worry, there won't be any surprises, if nothing happens, the fifth head of the family will probably lose this time.!

"After all, he is a little too light on the enemy, and he has already committed a major taboo in the military. There must be no such situation."

Zhou Zhang silently said that he knew this situation very well in his heart, and many times even an opponent stronger than himself was killed by himself because of these underestimated enemies.

Therefore, I also know very well how terrifying a rival in love is in my heart, so I must not underestimate the enemy unless it is absolutely necessary.

It is definitely a loss for me. If there is any accident, it will be in the gutter, the boat has capsized, and there is absolutely no way to reverse the situation.

No matter how powerful you are, there is nothing you can do about it, and it can only be like this right now.

Chapter 74 The Sneak Attack Failed

Looking at these remarks of the other party, Zhang San was also quite surprised, and he never thought that Zhou Zhang would believe in the other party so much.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. Which aspects will go well and which aspects will fail? This cannot be solved in a few words.

After all, there will be five masters in the world, and that is not for ordinary people. That kind of power is really terrifying. Thinking of the reputation of the other party, my heart is constantly shaking.

But when Zhou Zhang said this, he didn't dare to refute anything. After all, if he refuted, he would choose to be disrespectful to Zhou Zhang.

But I don't know what to say. Although I say I am from the Nine Dragons Mountain, I still need to recognize the reality.

After all, Jiulong Mountain is quite passive now, and there is no way to get rid of all this.

Although all of this is an opportunity for Jiulong Mountain, as long as this opportunity is grasped well, there will be many bloody battles.

After thinking of this, Zhang San also felt a lot of helplessness. After all, the scenes in front of him were really difficult to subvert the facts in front of him.

I can only silently recognize the other party, hoping that the other party has some powerful technologies that can solve all these situations.

There is no way I can do it. After all, Jiulongshan usually provokes a lot of forces, but in this case, the other party will not let Jiulongshan go.

"Okay, or you don't believe me when I say it, then just see the result."

Zhou Zhang said helplessly beside him, looking at Zhang San's expression, he knew something in his heart.

It seems that the other party doesn't trust the words he said at all, but there is no way, just look at the results.

After all, who will win and who will go well, everyone just needs to watch the results and wait for the news.

Listening to the other party, no one said anything. Zhang San didn't know what to say. He just nodded silently, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Right now, I don't have any way to do it. After all, such a scene is also a kind of sadness for me, and I don't have any way to help.

However, since he has chosen to make a new face, he cannot have any nostalgia for Jiulong Mountain. After all, there is no way at the moment.

If you still can't let go of Jiulongshan, then your account has no future and has always been a robber.

After thinking of this, I was quite afraid in my heart. After all, the reputation of robbers is really bad, and Jiulongshan has a bad reputation.

Moreover, there are many dangers in it, and it is impossible to imagine that one day because you offended someone, you will die unexpectedly.

After thinking of this, Zhang San also firmed up his thoughts, and didn't say anything, just nodded silently.

I don't know what to say, and I don't have any right to choose. If I stay like this, it's really ugly.

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