At this time, the third master said silently beside him, and his tone was also full of jokes, as if the other party was joking with himself.

He didn't put the other party in his eyes at all, and his eyes were full of happiness. After all, what the other party did was really unimaginable for him.

I didn't quite understand that the other party would actually do this, as if they had thrown themselves into a snare.

"I guessed that a person like you would definitely do this kind of thing, and a trap has been set up for you."

"As expected, you didn't guess wrong and you still jumped into the trap. It's hard to imagine how rude you are."

The third head giggled next to him and said that he didn't take the fifth head in his eyes at all, as if he was a spouse for convenience, and did not give the other party any benefits at all.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Zhang was also particularly shocked in his heart. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong, and he still understood it very well.

It seems that this is indeed the case. The other party has already fallen into the report of the third master, and there is no way at all.

Moreover, all this done by the third master also made him quite gratified, after all, this is not a small matter.

I don't have any way to say anything myself, and I am very helpless to my boss. The other party will make these situations, and I don't know how to explain it.

Therefore, it is not too early to draw conclusions, and some time to explore the situation here.

It's really hard to imagine that the fifth leader would be so careless and can do anything. It's a bit too unexpected for me.

"Look at it, there is absolutely no mistake in my guess, and the next outcome is already clear."

"There will never be any accident, you have to figure it out."

Zhou Zhang silently said that his heart is quite the same, that is, what kind of strength Jiulongshan will have in the future, and what kind of results will be there, it is quite clear.

He also understands the opponent's strength very well, which is definitely too terrifying.

It is really hard to imagine such a situation, and I also recognize the other party in particular. After all, all the other party's actions have highly affected my attention.

"Indeed, then let's wait and see. I'll see what happens later."

Zhang San reluctantly said beside him that he was quite proud in his heart. After all, he had done these things from the countryside, and he was also recognized by himself.

I am also very happy for myself, after all, this is not, this is related to the life and death of Jiulong Mountain.

"What are you talking about? What's going on? Do you think we're afraid of you?"

"Okay, I don't want to say anything more to you, the third head of the family, you come down and fight with me."

It was at this time that suddenly I saw those bright places, and a voice called out.

During this period of time, I also missed it a lot, and I didn't take anyone in my eyes at all, and the tone began to be quite proud, as if telling the other party that I was not afraid at all.

Listening to the other party, don't say that Zhou Zhang is full of helplessness, and he is still here to be a hero at any time. It is really hard to imagine how stupid the other party is.

For myself, I don't know what to say to the other party, so please watch him silently and make sure they are safe later.

Although he and the shopkeeper have known each other for a long time, and have some good feelings for him, they have not reached the level in the deep mountains.

After all, I have already understood, and the other party is doing this for the sake of profit. In these situations, I don't know what to say.

I also know very well in my heart what they want, and there is no need for me to compete with them for these things.

This is not a trivial matter, once something goes wrong, it is also a loss for me.

At this time, if you get the blood of the black unicorn, you should consider it.

It must not be too careless or too casual, otherwise, it will be a huge loss for oneself.

So it is better to punish yourself at this time, and choose a path that is more suitable for you at that time.

This is the best way to do it, and there are no mistakes.

Chapter 76

So at this time, Zhou Zhang didn't dare to be an early bird. After all, it's not easy to be an early bird, and he must admit the situation in front of him.

I don't know what to say. Although Jiulongshan is quite passive, the other party is also quite wise.

What kind of result will be in the end, I don't know what to say, after all, it is not the strongest that will win.

"Okay, let's not think about it too much, let's take a look at the current scene, and don't do anything for the time being."

"I need to take a good look at it now. Which team should I put on my head, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Zhou Zhang said silently by the side, he had made up his mind in his heart, after all, this is not a trivial matter, and it must not be messed up.

Otherwise, in the end, I don't know how to solve it, and now I can only suffer silently like this.

Listening to the other party, he didn't say Zhang San, so he didn't have any rebuttals, and he knew very well what Zhou Zhang was thinking in his heart.

Right now, he doesn't have any right to speak, and he has no way to stop or change any thoughts of the other party.

As long as you are more well-behaved, there is no need to cut your head and face, as long as you are with each other, you will have more opportunities for improvement.

"Haha, you think I'm stupid. Since I chose to get rid of you, I will definitely leave your bones behind."

"Don't worry, I will definitely torture you when you arrive home five, so that you understand what terror is."

It was at this time that the terrifying voice came out, and the tone was quite terrifying, as if he had already told the other party that he would never give the other party any chance.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Zhang also frowned, or something more drastic was about to happen.

I don't know what to say, after all, I don't allow myself to have any excuses in the current scene.

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