After all, I don't have any idea in my heart to help, what should the other party do?

So at this time, it is better to punish yourself and see the situation clearly.

"You dare to talk big about your strength, aren't you kidding me?"

"I want to see what strength you can use to conquer me. Don't worry, I will never give you any chance."

The fifth master said angrily next to him, it was too embarrassing for him, to be told that by the other party, as if he was underestimating himself.

It was quite embarrassing in my heart, but it was still quite powerful in face, and I didn't mean to back down at all.

It seems that even if he is left alone, he will not be afraid. After all, his strength is enough to tell everyone that it is quite a terrifying existence.

"Haha, don't think how powerful you are, I can tell you that this time I will never give you any chance."

"Since you dare to break up with our Jiulong Mountain, then I will tell you that I will never give you any chance."

The third master said angrily next to him, as if he had already prepared it, and did not give the other party any explanation at all.

He also knew very well in his heart that he must take down the opponent no matter what, otherwise, it would be too dangerous for the entire Nine Dragons Mountain.

"Being ashamed with you is to look down on you, don't think how powerful you are."

"I want to see what strength you have, and can resist so much strength, and attack you at the same time."

The third master laughed loudly next to him, as if he didn't have any optimism about the other party at all, and he was quite proud in his heart. After all, the facts in front of him were simply not allowed to be explained by others.

In my heart, I know very well what will happen in the end, and I am very optimistic at all.

I thought in my heart that Jiulong Mountain would never dare to have too much conflict with myself, otherwise, Jiulong Mountain would be too dangerous.

The current Nine Dragons Mountain is also full of crises, and there is no hope at all. After all, there are already a lot of strengths that have already pointed the finger at each other.

After thinking of this, I also mourned silently for the other party. After all, this is not a small matter, and it is really too difficult for them.

"What is the situation of this person, and he is still so careless at this time."

"There's no fear at all, it's really hard to imagine what he's thinking."

"But he doesn't know whether to live or die. If it were me, I would never let him live."

"Otherwise, such people are really annoying, and I really can't stand it anymore."

Zhou Zhang said dully beside him, he was quite speechless about what the other party said, and he didn't know what to say.

It's like asking for a dead end. I really don't know what the other party is thinking. In such a dangerous situation, there are still some people behind who need their protection.

To dare to say such a thing, isn't it purely courting death?I can't even imagine what's going on.

"Zhou Zhang, don't think about it, they are all talking like this, they have always looked down on our Nine Dragons Mountain."

"But the strength of our Nine Dragons Mountain is quite terrifying, and it is definitely not something they can easily explain."

"Fortunately, there has never been any battle, otherwise they will be the first in the world to change."

Zhang San said silently next to him, every time he mentioned the World Association, he was quite angry in his heart, as if the World Association had no intention of going against Jiulong Mountain.

My heart is also very depressed. In the recent period of time, Tianxiahui has been constantly looking for trouble in Jiulong Mountain, and it is really hard to go on.

"Okay, I don't care what kind of grievances you have, but this person in front of you is really a bit too hateful."

"Speaking so proudly, I didn't think about the consequences at all."

"I'll have his good fruit to eat later. I guess the third-in-command will be ruthless this time."

"Otherwise, they wouldn't be so inspiring, and it's very clear to think about it."

Zhou Zhang said silently beside him, he knew this situation very well in his heart, and it seemed that a good show would be launched soon.

However, you must be prepared, and you must not let your life be in danger, otherwise it will be too late to cry.

After all, the phoenix is ​​his own spiritual support, so in any case, it cannot be said that it is true, even if it encounters great difficulties, it is the same.

Chapter 77

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Zhang San was also quite frightened in his heart, as if something terrible was about to happen.

I also know very well in my heart that there will be five masters in the world, and that has a very important position.

If it is said that the fifth head of the family is killed, it is equivalent to going to war with the world. Such a result is unacceptable to any force.

Otherwise, I would have done this a long time ago, and I can't blame the other party for hating it because there is a huge organization behind me.

After thinking of this, I was also quite afraid. After all, if there was an open war with the world, it would be a loss for everyone.

"Zhou Zhang, aren't you joking with me? You can understand that you are fighting against the world, and imagining the picture is quite terrifying."

"You have to be clear in your heart that the World Association is not a joke. Whether it is from human resources or economic resources, most of them belong to all existences."

"So unless it is a last resort, Jiulong Mountain will not be at war with the world."

Zhang San said silently beside him that he was quite afraid of all this in his heart. After all, the current scene was also embarrassing for him.

I can't accept this fact at all. After all, this is not a joke, and I have to look at it like this, that is, there is no camera.

"Haha, don't worry, there is absolutely nothing wrong, otherwise, the third master wouldn't have killed so many people."

"It is also the fifth-headed family that is so powerful, so they still need to make all preparations."

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