The Supreme Being

Chapter 1012 Jiangdong Covenant

When the sun sets into the water, there are thousands of golden scales, and the river looks like a dream.

Meng Qi felt relaxed and did not mention anything about Overlord again. Instead, he smiled and said, "Is there anything I can do to help with the Supreme Demon's matter?"

"Heart Sage, Benevolence Sage, etc. are all nearby, and many dharma bodies are gathered together. You are a newbie here, and you are in a strange place, so I'm afraid you can't be of much help." Ren Qiushui politely rejected Meng Qi's proposal. After all, this person's origin is mysterious, and he doesn't know what to do yet. You shouldn't trust him, and his realm is at most similar to your own, so he won't be able to play a big role.

Meng Qi just had the mentality of witnessing history and did not insist on it. He said with a smile: "Fairy Ren, if I have a friend who has just arrived in Luocheng, how should I find him when I have no way to contact or deduce him for the time being? "

Ren Qiu Shui pondered for a moment and smiled slightly: "You can just go and listen to Xinsheng's lecture tomorrow. Since he has come to Luocheng, how can he not know about Xinsheng's affairs and miss the opportunity to listen to the lecture?"

"A good idea." Meng Qi smiled with his palms in his hands, thinking that this was indeed the case. When Senior He Qi realized that he had returned to the Middle Ages and knew that there was a Heart Sage teaching nearby, he would definitely go on a pilgrimage to listen to the Heart's teachings, and even ask questions about swordsmanship. , when the time comes, all he has to do is get up and ask the Heart Saint for a few words. It is not difficult for him to notice and take the initiative to come over to join him. The previous liaison device has temporarily lost its function because it returned to ancient times and the cause and effect of the heaven and earth became chaotic. Adjust slowly and "do as the Romans do."

Meng Qi was about to get up and walk around where Xin Sheng was giving lectures, when he saw Ren Qiu Shui take out a brown doll, which looked like wood but not wood, and looked like gold but not gold. It was the size of a palm, and it was carved with Ren Qiu Shui's own face, lifelike. But there was something mysterious about it that made Meng Qi feel familiar, as if it was somewhat similar to his own communicator.

"How would you like to ask my friend?" Ren Qiushui asked with a smile.

Girl, don’t you know that asking someone’s name is a taboo thing? If I call you, do you dare to answer? Meng Qi's mind jumped, and he thought of Taishang Laojun's deception. He secretly slandered, but on the surface he said with a smile: "Su Meng, Su Meng's Su, Su Meng's Meng."

Ren Qiushui rarely encountered this kind of answer and couldn't help but smile: "Fellow Daoist Su, do you want to become a person on the righteous path?"

"What do you mean by this?" Meng Qi was a little confused.

Does it still require certification to become a righteous person?

Ren Qiushui said seriously: "Ren Sheng practices the way of benevolence and righteousness, and has compassion for others. He put forward the idea that 'the stronger the strength, the heavier the shoulders, and the more self-discipline is needed.'" "

Such a familiar statement... Meng Qi raised his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Ren Qiushui explained: "When it comes to the exterior scene, the inner heaven and earth are revealed, and the power of nature is mobilized. Every gesture has great power. If the fight is not restricted, the city will be destroyed, the river will be destroyed, the sky will be changed, and the body will be buried hundreds of miles away. By the way, after attaining the Dharmakaya, his strength becomes more and more powerful. Even if he is not in the sea of ​​stars and the damage caused is weakened, he can still move mountains and seas. One person can destroy a country, and the gods are even more terrifying. Even if they cannot destroy the real world, under the protracted continuous attack. , can also trigger the destruction of most living things, and only places protected by corresponding forbidden laws can survive.

"With such strength and destructive power, sometimes, even though there is no malice in his heart, just because he is not conscious, the aftermath of the fight will take away thousands of lives, and even turn the world into ruins, ushering in the end of the world, so Rensheng believes that all Dharmakayas must have the concept of 'the stronger the strength, the heavier the burden, and the more self-discipline is required', so as not to destroy the environment we rely on to survive. "

"At the suggestion of Rensheng and Shusheng, the Righteous Dharmakaya met in Guangling. After discussion, they signed the "Jiangdong Covenant" and voluntarily reduced their attacks. If they encountered an enemy, they must first use magic seals or seals such as the two-realm dividing talisman, the geographical map of the universe, etc. The corresponding magical power isolates the battlefield from the real world and minimizes the damage of the aftermath. "

Meng Qi has not yet reached the point of disregarding human life. He is not opposed to this idea. He just feels that his hands are tied and interjects: "What if the situation is urgent and there is no time to separate the two worlds?"

"Then put yourself first." Ren Qiushui's eyes flickered, and his voice unconsciously became deeper.

Rensheng may sacrifice himself, but he cannot force other dharma bodies to give up their lives for mortals. In that case, unless he can overwhelm all dharma bodies and join forces, there is no way for them to sign the "Jiangdong Covenant".

"But this can only restrain the right path. The evil evil can use this matter as a threat. For example, when they are about to be caught, they threaten to destroy the city with them." Meng Qi thought.

Ren Qiushui nodded lightly: "Similar things did happen, but it made the evil demon Zuodao not so indifferent to human life and like to destroy. After all, it is a bargaining chip that can be blackmailed. Of course, the specific situation will be dealt with in detail. If this evil demon is let go It will cause greater damage and more losses, so it should be cut off.”

"The covenant is not bad, and the benevolent saint is worthy of 'benevolence'." Meng Qi praised, there are very few people who can respect mortals even when they are immortals.

Of course, this is also the way of benevolence and sainthood. There is no way of such perseverance. The "Nine Swords of the Saint" simply rely on its own changes and does not even touch the level of the Dharmakaya. It is simpler than subtle and longer than the great way.

After praising him, Meng Qi asked with a smile: "The Overlord didn't sign the "Jiangdong Covenant", right?"

This is the first time I have heard about the "Jiangdong Covenant" that was annihilated in the Great Tribulation of the Demon Buddha. Perhaps Master Yunhe knows better.

"No." Ren Qiushui smiled bitterly.

Is the overlord a restricted person?

After saying these two words, Ren Qiushui put away his smile and asked solemnly: "Ren Sheng is nearby. Fellow Daoist Su, would you like to sign the "Jiangdong Covenant"?"

"Okay." Meng Qi pondered for a moment and answered in the affirmative.

I am still confused about how to return to the future. It is necessary to have more contact with and understand the ancient masters, and the saints and the overlords are an inescapable knot.

Ren Qiushui seemed to be relieved, revealing a bit of her daughter's charm. The five slender fingers on her right hand danced like a dance, and a strange talisman instantly formed and landed on the brown puppet.

The brown puppet suddenly glowed with seven colors, like a flashing "neon light". It paused in pure white while breathing, opened its mouth, and made an old and straight voice, as if filled with the awe-inspiring aura between heaven and earth: "Fairy Ren met the Supreme Being. Demon?"

Seeing this scene, the corner of Meng Qi's mouth gradually curled up. Is this a "telephone" from the medieval era?

A "telephone" based on the art of mechanism and magic weapon refining?

Isn't this similar to what you want? It seems like we need to talk to the “producer”!

"Never." Ren Qiushui said directly without any greetings, "Junior met a new Dharmakaya. He wants to come to visit Rensheng and sign the "Jiangdong Covenant"."

At this time, the Middle Ages could barely be regarded as the "fairy world" of other universes and worlds. From time to time, dharma bodies would ascend from time to time. Ren Qiushui had used this as an excuse for his own origin, and now he was helping Meng Qi cover it up.

"I am very happy that my new friend has such a kind heart. Let the fairy bring him here." The old but vast voice of the benevolent saint came from the puppet's mouth and only echoed within a radius of one foot.

"Okay." Ren Qiushui saw the pure white light covering the puppet dissipate.

Meng Qi asked with great interest: "What is this?"

"The 'Tongxin Doll' is a gadget jointly made by the Qi Sage and the Sage Sage. As long as their respective characteristics are pre-set, they can communicate remotely. It is very convenient." Ren Qiushui introduced with a little pride.

The Saint of Instruments and the Saint of Numbers? The Wang family has hidden a lot of good things... Meng Qi muttered, but this didn't seem to be popular enough.

Ren Qiu Shui put away his idol and led Meng Qi out of Luocheng to an academy in a nearby mountain. Ren Sheng was hiding here and was presiding over the search for the "Tai Shang Demon" Wu Daoming.

Two rays of light fell in front of a thatched cottage. Meng Qi frowned suddenly, and Ren Qiushui immediately let out a sigh, because Rensheng was not inside!

Ren Sheng, who we just talked to and made the agreement with, is not there!

Benevolent Sheng has always promised a thousand pieces of gold, how could he do such a thing to break the promise? Did something happen? Ren Qiushui's expression became solemn, and the long sword in his hand turned into light and slashed out.

The wooden door became illusory, and the scenes inside were clearly reflected under the light of the sword. The tables, books, and incense burners were placed quietly, and the rest was empty, with no benevolent saint in sight.

Ren Qiushui took a step forward and appeared in the thatched cottage. His consciousness reached out and searched carefully for any clues.

"There are no traces of fighting." Meng Qi stood out beside her.

Ren Qiushui nodded slightly and said: "Sheng Benevolence is the best among all the saints. He is the strongest dharma body in the world. He is only one step away from breaking through the limitations of heaven and earth. He can prove his own legend. No one can make him disappear mysteriously, unless, unless... "

At this moment, she had a flash of inspiration and her eyes lit up: "Unless the battlefield is separated from the real world!"

There were many similar things after the signing of the "Kodong Covenant". The room seemed calm, but in fact a life and death fight was going on.

"Ren Sheng didn't leave any explanation. It seems that he was pulled in by force. I'm afraid there's no one who can pull him in by force, right?" Meng Qi already had the Lixian Sword in his hand, and he didn't relax at all.

Ren Qiushui shook his head and said solemnly: "Yes, the Demon Sect's 'Jiuyoukan Map'! If the two heavenly kings join forces, they may not be able to force Rensheng in, and Rensheng certainly does not want to affect the outside world."

In today's world, after tens of thousands of years of turbulence, many saints have long since passed away, and the remaining nine are all top-notch. It is expected that legend will make this era known as the "Age of Saints". However, besides the Nine Saints, there are also There are other immortals and other masters, such as the Four Holy Monks, the Two Swords of the Universe, the Sun and the Moon, the Six Heavenly Kings of the Demon Sect, and the unparalleled Overlord.

The six heavenly kings of the Demon Sect are all higher in qualifications than the Supreme Demon, but they were frightened by the Demon Emperor's claws and were still integrated into the Demon Sect by him. Some of them are relatively independent and dissatisfied with Wu Daoming, while others want to prosper the Demon Sect. Choosing to surrender, two of the four demons under Wu Daoming were former heavenly kings, and now one has fallen.

So, the Demon Sect reached an agreement and came out in force to rescue the Supreme Demon? Meng Qi was just thinking about it when he suddenly heard a bang, the wooden door was blown away by the hurricane, and the blizzard filled the thatched cottage, making the place seem to have formed a boundary on its own, isolated from the outside world.

Amidst the roar of the wind, a figure broke in. He was wearing a black robe, his skin was as white as ice and snow, and he was holding a black sword that was as winding as a snake. He looked at Meng Qi and Ren Qiushui and said:

"Just two juniors?"

"Okay, just use it as a sacrificial sword."

Ren Qiushui's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and he sent a message to Meng Qi:

"The Demon Sword King of the Demon Sect!"

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