The Supreme Being

Chapter 1013: Tweaking the tiger away from the mountain (second update)

Meng Qi previously commented on the seven top swordsmanships in the world, saying that the "Taishi Demonic Sword" is ever-changing, full of both false and true, and is extremely terrifying, so it should be considered one of them.

And the "Devil Sword King" is the master of the "Taishi Demon Sword" in this era!

He is an immortal who has been in charge of the magic sword for a long time. The more blood he gets, the more tyrannical he becomes. His battle with the Qi Saint at the peak of the sea of ​​stars was a famous match in medieval times. He was defeated with just one move. His strength is evident, but in the end he still couldn't escape. The sword of the protagonist of this era of Overlord.

After hearing Ren Qiushui's voice transmission and knowing the identity of the person in front of him, every bit of information about him came to Meng Qi's mind. It can be said that he may not be clear about the details, but he has an overall grasp of it. The Demon Sword King's understanding is definitely far better than that of Ren Qiu Shui, and even better than the Demon Sword King himself. There is no secret about the direction of his swordsmanship, the reality of his demon skills, the development of his life, and his final destination.

This is one of the biggest advantages of traveling back in time.

You can pretend to be a powerful person and compete with the Sage in the art of magic!

Of course, in the face of such an immortal, my level is too low. Even if I understand the weaknesses, I have little chance of winning, and may even be in danger of my life. No matter Wuji, Daoyi, Kaitian, Tathagata, Jietian or Zhuxian, there is no way to completely make up for it. With such a gap, unless one can transform the Three Pure Ones at once and lay down the Zhuxian Sword Formation by oneself, currently one can only rely on the Celestial Immortal-level magic weapon "Lixian Sword" to give full play to its power. In this way, as long as one does not fall into a protracted battle, There is still considerable hope of escape.

It is a pity that the Supreme Heavenly Demon has not yet been promoted to Heavenly Immortal, and the Demonic Sword Heavenly King has not yet been defeated by the Overlord for the first time. The seeds of failure are left deep in his heart and cannot be resolved. Otherwise, he only needs to simulate "dominance" at the critical moment and display With the "Six Overlord Slashes", you can seize the mental flaw of the Demon Sword King and complete the feat of forcibly killing an immortal one on one.

But it doesn't matter. With the current situation in Luo City, he still has other options!

The blizzard filled the thatched cottage, and it seemed to belong to a different world from the outside world. Any movement here could not break through the ice-cold blockade. In the flash of light and stone, Meng Qi's thoughts floated, and he had already discerned the situation and deduced the changes.


A flash of green light lit up, like a moonlight descending from the sky, and Ren Qiushui pulled out his Blue Moon Sword.

Her expression was dignified and her posture was guarded, but deep in her eyes there was a bit of the unique scorching heat of a swordsman. For an enemy of the level of the Demon Sword Heavenly King, even if she possessed the "Absolute Immortal Sword Sutra", she would not be able to enter the realm of the Earthly Immortal for the first time. The gap is too big, so I don't dare to try a duel, so I often choose to avoid it in advance. Now that I can't avoid it, it's time to fulfill my long-cherished wish to see the "Taishi Demonic Sword".

My own Biyue Sword was given by my master, and was refined by Lingbao Tianzun. It is an immortal-level divine weapon. If I fully display the power of the divine sword and the immortal sword intention, I may not be able to withstand the "Demon Sword King" for a short period of time, and let my body possess the power of Jietian. The mysterious companion found an opportunity to break the isolation of the "Snow World" and create a way to escape.

When Ren Qiushui drew his sword, the Demon Sword King had already drawn his sword. As a member of the Demon Sect, he would never be polite.

The black sword light spreads forward in the void like a poisonous snake, and the surrounding snowflakes turn dark, as if there is invisible murderous intention hidden in every corner. The sword light you see may not be real.

But at this moment, Ren Qiushui's pupils were dilated, his face changed, his right hand was obviously trembling, and he couldn't draw the sword.

Before the magic sword arrived, she seemed to be caught in an inner battle, unable to stop her, and watched helplessly as the sword light pierced her eyebrows.

In Ren Qiushui's spiritual world, a five-clawed true dragon covered in black scales was coiled around, filled with magic mist and exuding terrifying pressure, fighting to the death with her true spirit.

"Taishi Demonic Sword", the sword's intention cuts the heart, the sword light cuts the body, the virtual and the real attack together, mysterious and mysterious, as long as any one side fails to block it, it will end in failure and death!

The "Black Viper" swam in front of Ren Qiushui with a heavy layer of dark snow. She managed to gather her energy and let the Biyue Sword turn into a bright moon and hang in front of her, trying to block it. The Devil Sword King's skin was like snow and his lips were like The red face seemed to be within reach.

At this moment, she "saw" the fairy sword in Meng Qi's hand, glowing with red, green, yellow, white and black, draw a circle.

The sword light formed a circle, and the five colors condensed, like a bracelet, and hit the Demon Sword King.

This five-color aperture firmly binds the changes of yin and yang, and the center is chaotic. It seems to be a world of its own, but also seems to contain and swallow all things. It is the beginning and the end.

The flying black snowflakes shrank, collapsed towards the core of the five-color aperture, and disappeared without a trace. The snake-like sword light unfolded countless changes, true and false, but like destiny, it could never escape the envelope of the aperture.

It was also as if the two sides were in different time and space. The five-color aperture was fast but the magic sword changed slowly, so it could be seen at a glance, and there was no secret at all.

With this sword, Meng Qi used the "Zhuxian Sword Technique" to combine the "Wuji Seal" that had not yet entered the palace with the power of the Heavenly Sword!

The Demon Sword King let out a light sigh, and his eyes were full of five-color apertures, unable to see the mystery. With a shake of his right hand, the Demon Sword suddenly became huge and turned into a giant pillar supporting the ice and snow world, deducing the Nine Nether Demon Realm in the haze. The heaven and earth, like a majestic one, collided with the aperture.

Use strength to overcome cleverness!


The magic sword hit the circle of light, but it felt like nothingness and powerlessness, and the darkness swallowed up the majestic power that was rushing in.

Meng Qi's right hand trembled, and the sword roared softly. It seemed that he could not withstand the power of this series, and was about to be unable to stabilize the aperture. But at this moment, the chaos in the center of the aperture did not shrink but expanded, confusing the front, rear, left, and right.

Yin and Yang flowed, their positions changed, and a vast and bright sword light suddenly appeared in the darkness, a sword light that blended with the majestic power of the Demon Sword King!

With that sword strike just now, Meng Qi's real purpose was to borrow power, to borrow the power of the Demon Sword King!

The splendid sword light cut through the sky and struck the barrier between the wind and snow, creating a gap in the sky with a gesture that opened up the world.


The snowy sky and the earth collapsed, and the sword light rushed out of the thatched cottage and into the sky, dyeing the night like daylight and illuminating the entire Luo City, making it extremely eye-catching.

The light fell, illuminating the face of the Demon Sword King extremely clearly, but his relaxed expression suddenly changed, becoming more solemn than Ren Qiushui's.

Suddenly, the void in front of him became dreamy, filled with an unreal feeling, and a palm suddenly appeared and struck his face.

There is no sense of void penetration, no sense of shrinking to an inch. After the owner of the palm sees that there is no distance between himself and the Demon Sword King, there is really no distance.

There is nothing outside the heart, the Saint of Heart takes action!

The path Meng Qi chose was not to escape, but to try his best to break through the ice and snow world and spread the news of the fight. In order to search for the supreme demon, Luocheng gathered many righteous dharma bodies, including some extraordinary figures such as Xin Sheng. You can only do it secretly. If you are exposed to the public, they will be the ones escaping, not you!

At this time, another jet-black palm protruded, with six fingers, full of destruction. It flicked its fingers, and it hit the palm of the Heart Saint, causing a terrifying aftermath. The Heart Saint had to turn his palm to suppress the aftermath.

Seizing this opportunity, the Demon Sword King took a step back and disappeared into the darkness outside the thatched cottage. His enchanting eyes took a deep look at Meng Qi.

At the same time, a picture scroll floated out from the void. Two figures each held one end and fled away in an instant. The upright and powerful aura of awe immediately erupted, eroding and dissolving the remaining demonic intent.

A figure wearing ancient robes appeared and said in an old and straight voice: "Everyone, please stay safe and don't fall into the trap of trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain."

As soon as the voice fell, Meng Qi felt that there was a sword light retracting like a heart for heaven and earth, and he saw a mirror in the sky flashing away, as well as various tyrannical auras. If the Demon Sword King and others did not make a decisive escape at the opportunity, as long as they were slow for a moment, , you will immediately be trapped in a tight siege, and you can’t explain it here.

A plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain? After he came to his senses, he frowned slightly, somewhat understanding the Demon Sect's wishful thinking, and his response was also part of their plan!

Medieval saints such as Benevolence Saint, Heart Saint, Qi Saint, and many dharma bodies have laid a dragnet in Luocheng. The Supreme Demon cannot escape at all, and can only watch them search layer by layer, hoping to delay until the strength is restored.

However, several heavenly kings of the Demon Sect pretended to be in internal strife and had already reached an agreement secretly. With the help of the "Jiuyoukan Map", they raided Rensheng, who was in charge of rounding up the Supreme Demon. If they could capture Rensheng and cut off the connection between the center and everywhere, The net of heaven and earth will inevitably disintegrate, and the Supreme Heavenly Demon will naturally be able to escape from Luo City easily. If this fails, he will create a movement, attract the assistance of the Righteous Dharma Body, and forcibly create a hole in the flawless arrangement, allowing the Supreme Heavenly Demon to escape. .

What a good plan! Meng Qi couldn't help but admired. They must have had other arrangements, one that allowed them to hold on for a short time and escape after being surrounded by the Righteous Dharma Body. Unfortunately, he was an unknown person who broke in and stimulated the movement in advance, so he failed to complete the plan. He had no choice but to run away in embarrassment.

"My little friend is extraordinary in strength. When I was in the realm of human immortals, I would not dare to stand up to the immortals." After Ren Sheng rearranged the arrangement, he looked at Meng Qi with a smile.

His eyebrows and beard are all white, and his eyebrows are as bright as jade. His face is deeply wrinkled, but he has an aura of majesty. Even though his figure is ordinary, he still gives people the impression of being tall and towering, but his tone is humorous at this time, which is completely different from the serious and upright character Meng Qi imagined. different.

Rensheng turned out to be a funny old man...

Meng Qi put away the Lixian Sword, cupped his hands and said, "Thanks to Fairy Ren for attracting the attention of the Demon Sword King, otherwise this junior would not have been able to succeed with one blow so easily."

"You, you, being too modest is close to hypocrisy. Are you trying to be a hypocrite?" Rensheng joked with a smile.

He never asked Meng Qi about his origins, but only listened to what he said and watched his actions. After a few words of greeting, he took out the "Jiangdong Covenant" for Meng Qi to sign. At the end, he said: "My little friend is unpredictable. If you have time, I would like to help with the search." The Supreme Demon?"

With the divine consciousness of the gods, Luo Cheng is completely exposed, and there is no secret at all. If he had just turned into a mortal, the Supreme Demon would have been found out long ago. There are no clues yet, which means that he has other methods.

Of course, if the evil devil came to hunt him down, things would be much simpler and easier. He could just destroy Luo City and dig thousands of feet into the ground, leaving no grass behind.

"This junior has this intention." Meng Qi agreed without hesitation.

When the two of them left the thatched cottage together, Ren Qiushui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Fellow Daoist Su, I'm afraid that the sword you just struck was not the Seven Heaven-Jieting Swords?"

I always feel a little familiar!

Meng Qi smiled: "Of course not."

"That's the Zhuxian sword technique."

There will be an update in the early morning, but I’m not sure when it will be. I’ll check it out tomorrow morning~

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