The Supreme Being

Chapter 1014 The Consequences of Guiding the Country (Third Update)

Immortal-killing swordsmanship?

He can even kill the immortal swordsmanship? No wonder it feels a bit familiar to me!

In addition to the Seven Swords of Jie Tian, ​​he can actually kill the immortal swordsmanship, which is really hard to fathom. I can't help but wonder what other swordsmanship he has mastered!

Ren Qiu Shui, who was dressed in men's clothing, turned his head suddenly and stared at Meng Qi with a pair of eyes, as if his eyes were real. After the shock, what emerged was more vigilance and wariness.

Someone who knows the swordsmanship of Zhuxian unexpectedly talks to me who knows the swordsmanship of Zhuxian. Just such a description can make people think about it and weave countless conspiracies. How can we not be vigilant and alert?

What is his purpose?

Meng Qi looked content and content, but his heart was by no means calm. He just suppressed his emotional ups and downs and made his inner lake look like a bright mirror, so that no trace of it was revealed.

He was boldly testing Ren Qiushui, testing the power behind her, and testing the origin of "The Immortal Sword Sutra".

Previously, Meng Qi felt that it was not enough to talk about the depth of his friendship, so he was cautious and did not say much. But at this moment, facing the "Devil Sword King", he had to give full play to what he had learned, and only use the most useful techniques. If you dare to hide anything, Ren Qiu Shui will sooner or later realize that that sword contains the sword intention of Killing Immortals, so it is better to take this opportunity to speak frankly and throw stones to ask for directions!

How will she react? Or how will the forces behind her react?

Thinking of this section, Meng Qi felt a little uneasy. There was probably a legendary power behind Ren Qiu Shui. If "his" reaction was excessive, he would not be able to bear it and even avoid it would be almost impossible. At that time, he could only do An adventure without any certainty.

Of course, I boldly tried it out, but I was still somewhat certain. Currently, I was pretending to be a Dharmakaya with a mysterious origin. I knew the two supreme magical skills of Jie Tian Seven Swords and Zhu Xian Sword Technique. It was very likely that there was a legend or even someone standing behind me. A stronger power is enough for the other party to weigh carefully and avoid going too far.

As for whether the legendary master behind Ren Qiushui would be able to see through the secrets of heaven, see through his own lies, and know that he was just bluffing, Meng Qi was also quite sure.

The Eight-Nine Xuan Gong is good at concealing heavenly secrets. The "Wuji Seal" interprets the beginning without heavenly secrets, and he is the "cause of all effects" that has already started. When the three of them are added together, even if they are only human immortals, under normal circumstances, immortals cannot deduce them. He could not figure out his specific situation, but now that he has traveled back to the Middle Ages, he does not belong to the "karma" of this era. The corresponding destiny is chaotic and fuzzy, making it impossible for him to accurately calculate the whereabouts of Mr. Lu Da and others, let alone others?

Therefore, Meng Qi believes that even the legendary power cannot predict him!

Their eyes met, and Meng Qi noticed that Ren Qiushui's eyes fluctuated a few times and became dark. His emotions were restrained, his thoughts were subdued, and he treated it with caution, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

"I see." Ren Qiushui said calmly, and then said, "Fellow Daoist Su, I have something important to do, so I'll say goodbye and see you tomorrow."

She didn't mention the swordsmanship of Zhu Xian at all, nor did she question Meng Qi's real purpose in talking to him at the restaurant.

"See you tomorrow." Meng Qi watched Ren Qiushui escape in another direction with a smile.

This matter involves the "Zhu Xian Sword Classic" and is of great importance. It seems that Ren Qiushui dare not make any independent opinions and has to report it to the "teacher".

I wonder what the reaction will be? No matter how confident Meng Qi was, he couldn't help but beat his heart when he thought that he was going to bluff the mighty power who might be in an awakened state.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, flew back to Luocheng, and settled near the place where Xinsheng lectured.

With the presence of several saints, even the legendary mighty ones would not dare to act rashly, right? After all, they have lived for who knows how many years. In order to extend their lives and wait for opportunities, they have long hidden behind the scenes. They rarely interfere directly with matters in the real world, especially in front of the saints. Moreover, they have to consider other powerful people who are paying attention to this matter. Reaction, weighing the situation... Meng Qi sat in the corner, leaning against the green wall, his mind empty, admiring the bright moon like a hook in the sky.

Who by the river saw the moon for the first time? When did Jiang Yue shine on people?

The bright moon remains the same, but everything has changed.

I don't know how long it took, but the waning moon had flowed westward, and suddenly there was a person beside Meng Qi.

He is short in stature and can almost be described as five short, and his face is ugly, which makes people unbearable to see, but he has a pair of bright eyes, which are so bright that they seem to carry a Milky Way, deep and bright, as if they may fly out of the stars at any time. Show off your edge.

Everyone who sees him will only notice his eyes and ignore other imperfections.

With this one place, everything is perfect!

As soon as he saw these eyes, Meng Qi knew who it was.

It is not the force behind Ren Qiushui, but the "Qianjian" in the "Two Swords of the Universe and the Twin Walls of the Sun and the Moon", and Zhuo Chaosheng, the "Sword Regrets the Sea of ​​Stars".

He is the leader of the "Heaven and Earth Sword Sect" and a famous swordsman in medieval times. "Qianjian" is not his nickname, just a nickname.

The so-called "Two Swords of Qian and Kun" is because the two great sword immortals happen to be one male and one female, one Qian and one Kun. It has nothing to do with their nicknames. The "Kun Sword" is the practice of Linbo, the Supreme Elder of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect, "Guang Han Eternal".

"Senior Zhuo came to visit late at night, and I was disappointed to see him from afar." Meng Qi lived on the street, leaning against the wall and admiring the moon, but he still had a sense of peace and harmony in his family.

What is he doing to himself?

Zhuo Chaosheng laughed loudly: "In the evening, my friend was commenting on the world's swordsmanship at Yaoguang Tower. He praised our sect's 'Bahuang Wuji Sword' very much and ranked it as one of the seven top ones. How can I not come and meet my friends for a while? ?”

He was in a rather happy mood and seemed very satisfied with Meng Qi's eyes.

The corner of Meng Qi's mouth twitched, but fortunately he didn't say anything bad about the "Bahuang Wuji Sword".

When he mentioned the Absolute Immortal Sword and the Seven Heaven-Jietian Swords, he was prepared to eavesdrop because they were closely related to each other. However, when he listed the seven top swordsmanship, he didn't care and did not cover it up. He never thought that it had already spread to "Swordsman". "Regretful sea of ​​stars" Zhuo Chao heard in his ears.

"Juniors have always admired the Bahuang Wuji Sword." Meng Qi responded with a smile.

The Zhuochao Growth Sword was casually inserted into his waist, and he held a brass wine pot in his left hand, but Meng Qi sensed that the pot seemed to be filled with clean water.

As if he could sense Meng Qi's reaction, Zhuo Chaosheng raised the flask and said with a smile: "When I was young, I was discriminated against because of my appearance and figure. I could only get drunk every night to relieve my sorrows. I had a serious problem. I was addicted to alcohol. When I started learning swordsmanship, I was told by my teacher that I could no longer drink alcohol. Drinking would make my hands tremble, and my trembling hands would make the sword unstable. If the sword was unstable, it would be better to go home. Then I decided to quit drinking. I bought a hip flask like this. Every time you feel like drinking, take a sip of water to calm down and ask yourself which one is more important, the wine or the sword.”

"Nowadays, times have changed. Even if I drink ten jars of wine every day, it will not have any impact. However, I no longer like it as I did before, and I am still used to drinking water from a jug."

When he talks about his figure and appearance, he is calm and composed, without any inferiority complex. When a person has things or achievements that make him proud and proud, appearance no longer matters.

Practicing martial arts inevitably develops the physical body. If Zhuo Chaosheng had a grudge, he would have adjusted his body again and again as he was promoted, and combined with the use of elixirs, he would have been reborn long ago and no longer look like this. It seems that he has really let go.

Meng Qi listened quietly and said humorously: "Senior, what you drink is not water, but the source of victory over yourself."

"I like what you say." Zhuo Chaosheng smiled and said, "The seven top swordsmanships you rated also coincide with my thoughts, the Nine Swords of the Saint, the Kanxu Swordsmanship, the Divine Sword of All Things, and the Four Ultimate Swords They all use swords to inherit the Tao. The more they can practice their own Tao, the more they can bring out the essence. Combined with sources such as 'Haoran's Qi' or 'Suan Jing', they become stronger depending on the person. There is no limit, which makes people sincerely admire them."

"The Eternal Ice Silence Sword, Taishi Demonic Sword and the Eight Desolations Wuji Sword of our sect use swords to approach the path, follow the natural method, and replace the heaven and earth. They may describe the way of ice and cold, or explain the mysteries of reality and reality, or explain how the Eight Desolations and Six Combinations return to Wuji. Zhitu belongs to another type of swordsmanship."

Having said this, he looked up at Ming Canyue: "Actually, there is another top swordsmanship, the Human Emperor's Legacy Sword. The sword technique controlled by the Human Emperor's legacy in Longtai originated from the "Golden Book of the Human Emperor" and the The Human Emperor Sword, but they rarely go out and only guard the Dragon Platform, so this sword technique is not well-known."

He was bequeathed by the Human Emperor in the Middle Ages. When he mentioned him, Zhuo Chaosheng's tone was filled with reverence unconsciously, and he was also full of respect for the Human Emperor's family.

"This junior has indeed never heard of it." Meng Qi nodded slightly and said, I have only learned a little bit of the "Human Emperor's Golden Book" and used the Human Emperor's Sword once.

How could Zhuo Chaosheng know his inner thoughts? He was very talkative and pointed out many sword techniques in the world. He seemed to be discussing heroes over wine. It seemed that Meng Qi's list of seven top sword techniques just scratched his itch. No wonder he came to visit at night.

Meng Qi would chime in a few words from time to time, and in just one hour he could gain a general understanding of the famous sword techniques in the Middle Ages. Most of them have been lost, and even their names have not been passed down to future generations.

After he finished commenting enthusiastically, Zhuo Chaosheng's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Meng Qi with a half-smile but not a smile: "Little friend Su, you are in big trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Meng Qi was a little confused. Could it be the Demon Sword King who glanced at him before leaving?

Zhuo Chaosheng smiled and said: "Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second. At that time, Dharmakaya gathered in Luocheng. The seven top swordsmanship skills you ranked in the evening have already aroused the dissatisfaction of many swordsmanship experts. For example, why is your own swordsmanship not so good?" What's wrong with joining the top ranks? Many people want to talk to you."

Meng Qi was stunned. Just making a ranking would cause such a big thing. He had been promoted to the Six Gates of Heaven and Earth for many years, and he was still living well?

No, the Heaven, Earth and Human Ranking was originally designed to provoke fights. Moreover, when it was first created, Dajin was strong, suppressed by Dharma Body, and could withstand the "Tao". Besides, the ranking of strength is not more controversial than the ranking of skills. If you are not convinced by the ranking, then challenge it. The strong ones in front will naturally be able to go up if they win, but things like skills can only be recognized by comparing generations. After all, if you fail in the competition, it is difficult to say whether it is because of poor skills or lack of strength.

More importantly, the exercises all involve the ancestors and ancestors, and are the face of the sect family.

No wonder there has never been a ranking of martial arts in the Middle Ages... The corner of Meng Qi's mouth twitched.

He is a Dharmakaya, has enough weight and ranking, and is now the target of public criticism.

But it can't be said that it was just a joke and ranked casually. What would Ren Qiushui and the forces behind her think?

Zhuo Chaosheng continued: "Among the seven major sword sects in the world, in addition to our own sect and the Snow Mountain Sect, the Yue Sword Sect, Yaoguang Sword Sect, Luo Xing Sword Sect, etc. are interested in jointly inviting you to 'comment' on their swordsmanship. ”

Meng Qi's eyelids twitched. Are you going to call me "Bai Xiaosheng" Xiao Meng from now on?

The third update is here to add a chapter, there are still two more to go, I will continue tomorrow.

By the way, I recommend the new book "The World of Zhenwu" by my friend Niu in the Cocoon. He is the kind of real master who can be creative and write common plots well. The original incarnation of the thief was very creative, and the subsequent novels are also smooth and refreshing. And the description of the fight is much better than mine. Highly recommended. ISBN: 3621897

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