The Supreme Being

Chapter 1015 A Man Who Loves to Show Off (First Update)

If the name "Bai Xiaosheng" is not supported by his extraordinary strength, he will be hacked to death sooner or later because of "knowing too much" and "ranking controversy". Meng Qi looked at Zhuo Chaosheng, the "Sword Shaking the Star Sea" in front of him, and then glanced at his hands. He suddenly felt that his body was a little small and he seemed unable to carry it.

Fortunately, he included "Eternal Ice Sword" and "Eight Desolations Infinite Sword" in the seven majors, and the "Two Swords of Heaven and Earth" were very satisfied. The Snow Mountain Sword Sect and the Heaven and Earth Sword Sect did not mix. The other five major sword sects were strong and profound, but after all, there was no immortal sitting in the house. They couldn't come out in full force for their own casual rankings, right?

Rankings are things that are not taken seriously, and the less they are true. If you show that you take them seriously, others will think that the rankings may make sense and spread them widely.

I am a new Dharmakaya. If it weren't for the great event in Luocheng, where many Dharmakayas were seeking the Supreme Heavenly Demon, my "pointing out the world" in the restaurant would at most become a topic of conversation nearby, and would never have been heard by the masters. Now that several major sword sects have jointly invited me to "comment", it seems that this ranking is confirmed.

"The competition for victory in martial arts is not about comparison, but about defeating oneself, overcoming hardships, and breaking through limits." Meng Qi sighed and made a serious expression, as if he was sneering at the behavior of several major sword sects who were obsessed with the ranking of swordsmanship.

Zhuo Chaosheng nodded when he heard this: "I really can't stand such a big fight for false reputation, so I came to remind you, but you don't have to worry for the time being. They won't miss their business for this and let the Supreme Heavenly Demon take advantage of it."

False reputation... If I didn't include the "Eight Desolations Infinite Sword" in the top seven, you wouldn't come to remind me today, but to ask for "comments"... Meng Qi complained in his heart and said with a smile: "Thank you for the reminder, senior."

"I still have some face. If they are too difficult, you can tell me my name." Zhuo Chaosheng reminded him with a respectable attitude, and then left with satisfaction.

Meng Qi watched his back disappear, and couldn't help but laugh at himself:

"I am really a man who is in the limelight wherever I go..."


The waning moon set in the west, the sun rose in the east, and the dawn of the morning dispelled the darkness and illuminated Luocheng.

Meng Qi did not go directly to the Heart Sacred Seat to listen to the lecture, but strolled slowly to Yaoguang Building. He had already inquired about it. This restaurant is not very good, but if the morning tea dim sum is ranked second in Luocheng, no one dares to claim to be the first.

Although he had long passed the stage of being full of food, he could appreciate the food more purely. Now that he came to Zhonggu, he had no doubt to taste the authentic ancient food, and he could show off to the foodies when he returned.

Since he was here, he would make the best of it. Since he was here, he would try it well and make it worth being a "time traveler"!

"Crab roe buns", "steamed chicken feet with fermented black beans", "horse hoof cake", "fresh meat dumplings"... Plates of breakfast were placed in front of Meng Qi, and different aromas merged into one and drilled into his nostrils, and then separated under the filtration of his nostrils, interpreting their unique smells. Even if he closed his eyes and did not disperse his mind, Meng Qi could see the corresponding pictures in his mind just by smell.

Picking up the wooden chopsticks and reaching for the dumplings, Meng Qi enjoyed his breakfast leisurely.

But at this moment, a man in a green Confucian robe stepped into the restaurant and walked straight to Meng Qi. He smiled but looked deep in his eyes and said:

"Please comment on our sect's 'Falling Stars and Rainstorm Sword'!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already offered a white veil in his left hand, covering Meng Qi and himself. The surroundings were hazy, and people could vaguely see coming and going in the restaurant, but no voices could be heard, and the specific appearance could not be seen clearly. It seemed that he had moved to another world.

At the same time, the green-robed Confucian scholar had already swung the long sword in his right hand. The bright sword light rushed into the sky, exploded like fireworks, and fell one by one.

And these sword lights carried a magnificent and vast power, shining with thousands of feet of light. As they fell, they continued to condense, and finally turned into real meteorites, as if the energy was directly converted into matter.

The meteorites were all huge, burning with flames all over their bodies. They dragged light tails and smashed towards Meng Qi from all directions, almost like a state of destroying the world.

It came really fast, faster than Zhuo Chaosheng said... Meng Qi sighed at his speed of getting into trouble, and in his hand there was already a five-colored immortal sword, which he chopped out in a plain and ordinary way.

The sword light was mighty, washing around, destroying the structure of matter, and turning them into energy again. In an instant, the range covered by the white gauze was filled with blazing white.

The light converged, and the white gauze fell, just hanging on the shoulder of the green-robed scholar. He was dazed and his mouth was tightly closed. He originally wanted to say that Meng Qi relied on the immortal-level magic weapon to win, but when he carefully recalled the brief confrontation just now, he was surprised to find that the opponent's sword was just the reverse of his "Falling Star Rain Sword", which was exactly offset, without any difference!

To achieve this level, either the swordsmanship has reached an appalling realm, or the swordsmanship learned is the cornerstone of the great way, and can interpret the rest!

When the green-robed scholar was in a state of turmoil, Meng Qi put down his bamboo chopsticks and smiled slightly, saying, "The Falling Star Storm Sword uses the collapse of a bit of its own sword light to attract the power of ten or dozens of times that of the heaven and earth. Four ounces can move a thousand pounds, thus condensing meteorites and interpreting the mystery of the birth of all things. It is really extraordinary. Unfortunately, there are too many turnovers, and many of them are wasteful. It can hardly be called top-notch."

What he said was the core essence of the "Falling Star Storm Sword"... He could actually see through it at a glance... The green-robed scholar suddenly felt discouraged and sighed, "Thank you for your advice, Excellency."

He turned around, holding the sword, and walked out of Yaoguang Tower.

Meng Qi shook his head and was about to continue enjoying his breakfast when he suddenly noticed a familiar scent approaching.

Looking up, He Qi walked over with a unique heroic attitude!

"What a coincidence." Meng Qi smiled in a relaxed mood.

I also planned to find him through Xinsheng's lectures, but I didn't expect that I would meet him so easily!

He Qi smiled and sat opposite Meng Qi: "Unfortunately, not coincidentally, I knew last night that there was a madman named Su Meng who commented on the world's swordsmanship and listed the top seven. He became famous all over the city overnight. I want to find him. It’s hard to get there.”

Meng Qi laughed dryly, imitated Chu Xiangshuai and touched his nose, pretending to sigh and said: "Hey, this junior has a physique of unconsciously being in the limelight, like fireflies in the night, no matter what, you can't hide it."

It seems that there is no need for me to make a special trip to find Mr. Lu Da and others. If I maintain this ability to be in the limelight, they will find them on their own...

Having said this, he operated the "Daoyi Glazed Lamp" and the Yuanxin Seal, and secretly transmitted the message: "Senior, you should understand the current situation, right?"

"Understood, we have returned to the Middle Ages." He Qi looked serious, "I couldn't believe it at first, but after wandering around for a few days and listening to Xinsheng's lectures, I no longer have any doubts."

After wandering around for a few days... Meng Qi nodded slightly and confirmed his previous guess. He had the characteristics of the other side and had a certain resistance to the erosion of time, so there was a time difference with others.

"But this can be regarded as an opportunity. I listened to Xin Sheng's lectures and communicated with other sword sect masters several times. I was quite touched and gained." He Qi sighed with emotion, and then his expression became solemn, "But I am worried about Gur Duo, Han Guang and other evil villains are trying to change history. The inheritance of the Zhenwu Sect, the inheritance of the Xijian Pavilion, the remains of the Heavenly Palace under the Jade Emperor Mountain, and the technique of transforming three pure states into one qi in the Chunyangzi Mausoleum have not yet appeared. If If they take it away in advance, there will be no Zhenwu sect, no Su Wuming, and no conflict."

"And without them, we would have suffered a disastrous defeat in the last great battle between good and evil, and our own existence would have been corrected by time and directly erased."

Meng Qi frowned: "To change history so much, they will withstand the unimaginable force of restraint and correction. Regardless of whether they can complete it, they will not be able to survive the aftermath. Could it be that they plan to perish together?"

At this point, his face gradually became solemn: "But Gurdo carries the Heavenly Punishment Axe, and with its protection, he may dare to try, and there is a certain hope of saving his life."

"So, we must find them as soon as possible and return to the future as soon as possible." He Qi breathed out.

Meng Qi nodded and asked casually: "Senior and Master Yunhe are in the hands of this junior. Will we meet each other after coming to the Middle Ages?"

"I was originally with Yun He, but he was mysterious and asked me to come to Luocheng alone first." He Qi was quite confused.

It seems that Master Yunhe does know about Luocheng's besieging the Supreme Demon... Meng Qi suddenly understood.

After being confused, He Qi frowned: "Yunhe has always been greedy for money. I am a little worried that he will unearth the treasures and inheritance and cause historical changes."

Meng Qi twitched his lips when he heard this. Has Yun He's image of being greedy for money already deeply rooted in people's hearts?

"Senior, don't worry, Master Yunhe still has the overall situation in mind." Meng Qi said with relief.

He Qi suddenly let out a sigh: "Yunhe asked me to pay more attention to Aunt Wang's tofu shop when I arrive in Luocheng."

Aunt Wang’s tofu shop? For some reason, Meng Qi suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

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