The Supreme Being

Chapter 1031 “A helping hand”

The waves in the ruins of the Heavenly Palace were swaying lightly, and the dream was blurred. When Meng Qi called "Third Brother" his scalp went numb, he asked in a deep voice: "Help me?"

Bi Jingxuan was worried that she would be attacked by a joint attack, so she had already distanced herself. However, she was short-sighted, and it was not Han Guang who could completely sow discord with just one name. She did not escape recklessly or attack Meng Qi. After all, she was simple-minded and stupid. Not a similar description.

The breeze blew, Han Guangdao's sleeves fluttered, and he said calmly and calmly: "Do you know why I want to play the role of possessing the Emperor of Heaven for Ananda to watch?"

He didn't answer the question, his terrifying immortal aura subsided, and he looked ordinary. But the more he looked like this, the more Meng Qi felt the danger from the magician.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to pry into Ananda's secret? You should know very well that Ananda is just a mark at the moment and will respond differently according to the historical process. No matter how you act, he will only tell the original historical answer." Meng Qi His guard was still on his guard and he didn't try to hide it. He told Bi Jingxuan that Ananda was just a brand.

brand? Bi Jingxuan's eyes flickered, her brows furrowed slightly, and she was confused. She didn't quite understand why Ananda was just a brand.

Han Guang chuckled: "Third brother, you know it, but you don't know why. Ananda is indeed a brand now, but where does the brand come from? It was generated based on past experiences and has become a part of the real world to maintain normal operation. As long as you can't fight against the reality The strongest correction in the world, even if 'Ananda' was killed on the spot, he would be reborn on the same spot and destroyed forever. "

"Since it is generated based on past experiences, he is not a completely rigid clay puppet. On the premise of maintaining the approximate historical process, he can extract responses to different situations encountered from past experiences."

Extract responses from past experiences? No wonder Ananda didn't recognize me from the future, but Han Guang believed that he might be able to give answers to "questions about the past"... Although Meng Qi has a lot of inheritance, he has never been taught systematically, and his knowledge in this area is not as good as Han Guang's. Gu Xiaosang before Guanghe.

The magician smiled, put his hands behind his hands and said, "So I want to try and see if I can find out the real reason why he betrayed the Emperor of Heaven in the past."

Ananda betrayed the Emperor of Heaven? The more Bi Jingxuan listened, the more confused she became. When did the disciples of Buddha become subordinates of the Emperor of Heaven?

Han Guang's voice was full of magnetism: "When he was the God of Thunder, he secretly colluded with the Demon Lord, and betrayed the Emperor of Heaven in a crucial battle. After turning into Ananda, he betrayed the Lingshan Mountain, which directly led to the death of ten thousand Buddhas and the prosperity of Heaven and Buddhism in the mythical age. From then on, the two major forces may fall apart, with only a few remaining, or their vitality may be severely damaged, and they will no longer be at their peak. Moreover, the Demon Saint has a deep love for him, but he still betrays him coldly and ruins almost all the great saints of the Demon Clan. Even if he pulls out today How many of the golden hoops can still survive today after all eternity?"

These are all facts that Meng Qi knows, and they are not surprised by Han Guang's description. But when Bi Jingxuan heard about this, she was frightened, as if she was being hit one after another by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Ananda turned out to be the God of Thunder in heaven!

Moreover, he betrayed Heaven, betrayed Lingshan, and betrayed the demon clan!

"He is the leading figure in heaven, one of the two most outstanding disciples of the Buddha, the future leader of the Saha Pure Land, and the lover of the demon saint. Each of his identities can bring him great benefits, but he betrayed them all. It is simply shocking. People suspect that he is obsessed with madness, but a madman cannot reach the other side. What does he want, what is his real purpose, and what is the reason for his betrayal? " Han Guang talked freely.

Given my relationship with Demon Buddha Ananda, wouldn’t I be curious? It’s just that I can’t trace it because there are no clues! Meng Qi slandered Han Guang and nodded calmly: "Curious."

With the Demon Buddha on top of his head, the Demon Buddha will escape sooner or later. If he cannot have the strength to deal with it before then, he can only rely on other people on the other side to be afraid of the Demon Buddha in the future. This is not what he wants, but he must contend with the Demon Buddha and improve himself. He is one thing, and figuring out his secret is another. It would be a great benefit if he could get a glimpse of it from Han Guang's mouth.

Reach the other side? Ananda finally reached the other shore? Who suppressed him and only left a mark? Bi Jingxuan's eyes shrank, full of shock.

"I am also curious. Unfortunately, I didn't cheat just now. I can only confirm from the reaction that his betrayal was not unintentional." Han Guang sighed, his temperament still free and easy.

Meng Qi pondered: "His betrayal caused the destruction and decline of the three major forces of Tianting, Lingshan, and Monster Clan. Judging from who benefited and who was suspicious, only Daomen and Jiuyou are left. Could it be that he is one of the three pure powers of Daomen? The chess piece of Tianzun, or the great power born in the darkness of Jiuyou?"

At least Ananda betrayed the devil and made him say the words "You are late."

"The whereabouts of the three Qing Dynasties are unknown. This is really difficult to prove, and I suspect it is not that simple." Han Guang said thoughtfully.

"But what does this have to do with you wanting to 'help me'?" Meng Qi returned to the topic.

Han Guang chuckled: "If you have no ambition, you can't stand. I have come step by step to where I am today. How can I not think about the position of the Emperor of Heaven and rule all the heavens and the world?"

"Aren't you the world-destroying demon?" Meng Qi mocked.

"Time is the most ruthless, and the era will eventually end. Isn't this the destruction of the world?" Han Guang said with a calm smile, "If I have this ambition, I have to make more plans for it. The most important thing is the attitude of the people on the other side. Only Only by accurately grasping their attitudes can we dodge, move around, unite vertically and horizontally, and truly become the emperor of heaven. Otherwise, let alone reaching the other shore, I am afraid that I will be slapped to death as soon as I enter the world. Just like mosquitoes and flies, only those on the other shore can control the other shore. By."

"To understand the attitude of the people on the other side, the most important thing is to restore the story of the battle between Fengshen and Lingshan, and to get a glimpse of the relationship between them. Ananda is a crucial figure in this complicated and confusing history, and can even It is said that it is a thread, and understanding his secret is equivalent to grasping the thread, and you can initially understand the corresponding story. "

People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. Han Guang perfectly reflected this in front of Meng Qi, which made him sigh deeply. He is not a hero by nature. He has always been leisurely and leisurely. He only treats the scenery as interesting and does not take too much initiative. Sex, without the oppression of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, it would not be so easy for me to improve, without the threat of the Demon Buddha, without the spur of Xiao Sang's death, I am afraid I would not be able to wield the two swords to cut off the past, not ask for the afterlife, and without resurrecting Xiao Sang and help. The motivation of his companions did not cope with the pressure of the devil and the Buddha to escape from trouble. After achieving the Dharma, he would not stop. Even leaving the "mark of others and me" was because the banquet of Jin Ao was coming.

I will have to learn more about being a magician in the future...

"But this still has nothing to do with you 'helping me'." Meng Qi expressed doubts again.

The magician has done many evil things, and many acquaintances have died because of him. I have no idea of ​​accepting his help at all, but this matter is strange, and it will be difficult to feel at ease if I don't understand the whole story.

Han Guang laughed: "Third brother, don't you understand? If I want to ascend to the position of Emperor of Heaven, there are countless enemies. For example, Yuan Hong of Jin'ao Island and more powerful people have similar ideas. If they appear suddenly, It will definitely become the target of public criticism, and no matter how hard it is concealed, it cannot be concealed. Just like the brightness of the bright moon at night, dark clouds can cover it for a while, but they cannot cover it forever. People will eventually see it. "

"Fortunately, you still exist in the world. You were very lucky before, and now you are an important chess piece to contain Ananda. You may even become the new Yuanshi Tianzun. Your light is like the sun, attracting everyone's attention. Some may be scrupulous, wary, cultivated, or Control, all kinds of thoughts are intertwined, so that the powerful ones no longer have time to pay attention to me. The brilliance of the bright moon cannot be covered up, but it can be suppressed by the sun, because of the contrast, it becomes hidden. "

"Think about it, before you debuted, I was so famous and famous all over the world. By the time you emerge, my reputation will still be great, but it will no longer be what it used to be."

"So, I want to give you a helping hand to make you shine even more dazzlingly!"

The new Yuanshi Tianzun? Bi Jingxuan suddenly turned her head and looked at Meng Qi, widening the distance again.

At this time, Han Guang smiled slightly and said to Bi Jingxuan: "This third brother of mine is the direct descendant of Yuxu. He possesses the nine seals of Yuanshi. If the nine seals are combined and Yuanshi comes out, wouldn't it be possible to become the new Yuanshi Tianzun?"

Bi Jingxuan's expression changed, and she became even more wary of Meng Qi, but she still didn't fully believe Han Guang's words.

The magician uses his tricks to sow discord without leaving any trace... Meng Qi said in a deep voice, "It's a pity that I don't want to be helped by you."

Han Guang shook his head and smiled: "Whether you are willing or not is one thing, whether I can help is another."

As soon as he finished speaking, a long shining sword floated behind him, and the ruins of the heaven suddenly became as dark as the deep sea.

No, it was only like this around Meng Qi. Bi Jingxuan had widened the distance between him and him, and was not trapped.

Han Guang deliberately called him Third Brother just to increase the distance between me and Bi Jingxuan, so as not to join forces to break the isolation? Meng Qi had a clear understanding in his heart and wanted to take action, but the surrounding area was sticky and had no destructive power. However, everything began to become faster, and the outside world was no longer consistent. Han Guang and Bi Jingxuan were isolated from him, and only a voice echoed in his ears. :

"For five years in one night, my second brother will help you become an Earth Immortal!"

Five years in one night? It turns out that this is how Han Guang’s ten years came to be! Meng Qi suddenly realized.

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