The Supreme Being

Chapter 1032 A Long

The waves dissipated, the deep sea-like scene faded, and everything in the ruins of the Heavenly Palace returned to normal. However, the illusory long river around Meng Qi loomed, and the sound of the water stirred up, and he felt that the speed of time was inconsistent with before.

With a solemn expression on his face, he pushed up the cloud crown above his head, and a faint and dark Qingyun rushed out of the Niwan Palace. Roads of chaotic light hung down, covering him like a water curtain in front of the eaves.

Taking steps forward, Meng Qi walked towards the exit of the ruins. The closer he got, the more he felt his own slowness and the viscosity around him, as if he was trapped in a swamp. The chaotic light hanging down from the Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun kept shaking and solidifying inch by inch.

This is a barrier created by time, a barrier created by the extreme contrast of speed and slowness. Although Meng Qi, Han Guang and Bi Jingxuan are in the same world, they are only "separated by a wall", but they are already in different worlds. Even if their figures overlap, they will not Have any feelings.

The chaotic light swallowed and dissolved the viscosity, and it became more and more solidified. Meng Qi relied on the characteristics of the other side to perceive the destiny and the long river of time, and he could barely move forward.

One step, two steps, it became more and more difficult to go. Suddenly, Meng Qi felt that everything in all directions stopped, and darkness remained in front of his eyes.

Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun has reached his limit!

It's a pity that the Infinite Seal has not yet been completed, and there is no way to simulate the real chaos where the void is gone and time does not exist. The same is true for the Open Heaven Seal, which cannot break the constraints of time for the time being... Meng Qi stretched out his hand to reach for his waist and sighed in his heart, At the same time, he silently recited the name of Jue Dao, and then as expected, he touched the hard and powerful hilt. However, Jue Dao was still competing with the Demon Buddha Mark for dominance. I wonder if it was because of "going back" to the Middle Ages that the Demon Buddha Mark was suppressed by heaven and earth, so as not to be Overlord discovered that Jue Dao's level had returned to the level of a heavenly immortal, but it was only a heavenly immortal and was of little use in the current situation.

Meng Qi patted the handle of the knife, signaling the sword to hide, so as not to attract the Overlord's attention. He turned around and walked back to the center of the ruins, sitting cross-legged under the vermilion door.

Han Guang's own abilities should not be able to reach such a terrifying situation. He probably relied on the magic of the ruins of Heaven. After all, the Emperor of Heaven travels through time and controls fate and time. Naturally, the Heaven that fell with him may have some traces of this ability left. Influence, maybe he also got help from the Time Knife.

However, the world line has not been closed or corrected, which means that Han Guang has not been recognized by the Time Sword and failed to take it away, causing Xuantian Sect to disappear out of thin air - not only the disappearance of material existence, but also the related memories and records. will disappear.

What is the intention of the Time Knife? Meng Qi scratched his chin.

Since you can't force your way out, these five years can't be wasted. You have to do something. Open up the inner scenes in the acupoints around your body into a real world, and be promoted to an Earth Immortal to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

Meng Qifei is a pedantic person. Even if he is unwilling to accept Han Guang's "help", he will not be stubborn in this situation, waste time, wait until he goes out, and then argue with Han Guang.

Five years and one night?

Let's see how early I can get out!


The morning light shines on the mountain, and the breeze is intoxicating. "Magician" Han Guang and "Hunyuan Fairy" Bi Jingxuan appear on the top of the mountain at the same time.

"Is he really the direct descendant of Yuxu, who has collected all the nine seals of Yuanshi?" Bi Jingxuan asked subconsciously.

Han Guang wears a high crown and ancient robe, with his hands behind his back. His hair is still black, but it has a little more vicissitudes accumulated over the years. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "If you don't believe it, wait until he comes out and ask him face to face. He will not lie in this situation. But I have a piece of advice.”

Bi Jingxuan frowned slightly but said nothing, seeming to be thinking about the Nine Seals of Yuanshi and Yuxu's direct inheritance.

Han Guang thought to himself and said: "The grudges between the Sanxiao Empress and the Yuxu Palace and the Tushita Palace have been nearly 200,000 years apart from you. One of them is incarnation and the other is in seclusion. The past has long since dissipated with the wind, and your actions have separated it. I don’t know how many generations of descendants, if they succeed in the future, they can directly seek revenge from Yuanshi Tianzun and Daode Tianzun, so why bother Su Meng, who is also helpless? "

After saying that, leaving Bi Jingxuan deep in thought, Han Guang left without waiting for an answer and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

"Who is he?" A pleasant male voice suddenly sounded in Bi Jingxuan's ears.

She came back from her thoughts and sensed the "Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang walking out from the other end of the mountain. His white clothes were fluttering and he was full of love for the scenery and beauty.

"What are you doing here?" Bi Jingxuan asked directly.

Ye Di smiled brightly and said: "Since returning to my hometown, I feel comfortable physically and mentally, and finally no longer have to worry about separation. My mother also promised me that when the time comes, she will protect me and return to the future. This time, I followed my mother's wishes and came here. Intervene in the Jade Emperor Mountain Incident, but this matter is a bit strange. Before I could intervene, it was all over. The one who just seemed to have gained the most, I don’t know what to call him?”

He is good at the art of change, and his strength is also very powerful, so it is inevitable that he will be a little concerned.

"I heard Su Meng call him a magician." Bi Jingxuan was not moved by "Return to the Future" and answered calmly.

"Magician?" Ye Di nodded gently and wrote down the nickname.

At this moment, Bi Jingxuan added: "I met Su Daji before, and during the stalemate, she tried to seduce me into joining forces, saying that there was some 'Eternal Life' Guldo, 'Magician' Han Guang, he wanted to come Han Guang.”

"Han Guang!" Ye Di glanced at the end of the sea of ​​clouds, feeling like there was thunder in his heart.

Is he Han Guang?

As expected, he is good at change, and his strength is strong enough!

No wonder Jin'aodao looked at me with a half-smile but not a smile when we met!

Although there is a very small possibility that Su Meng is an imposter, you still have to test him!

Thinking of the tragic experience, Ye Di remained calm, and the smile on his face became more sincere and eager. He secretly pinched the thing that Wusheng Mother had lowered, and yawned invisibly: "Now that the matter here is over, I'll go ahead. Go back to your hometown of Vacuum to report, fairy, and see you tomorrow.”

He escaped from Jade Emperor Mountain, circled around, identified the direction, looked for any remaining traces, and secretly tracked Han Guang.

Bi Jingxuan stood quietly on the top of the peak, watching the sunrise over the sea of ​​clouds, and suddenly sighed:

"What the magician said makes sense, but I can't get too close to him. The Yuxu lineage and the Sanxiao lineage should be distinct."

After saying this, she set up the auspicious clouds and planned to walk away, but when she looked around, she felt that the world was vast and unfamiliar, and she didn't know where to go. She came to the ruins of the Heavenly Palace of Yuhuang Mountain to find a way to return, how could she not explore it yet? Just leave?

After thinking about it, Bi Jingxuan fled to a nearby city, planning to enter Yuhuang Mountain again tomorrow to avoid Meng Qi.


Somewhere in a secret place of magic.

The Demon Sword King hurriedly returned, intending to report Bai Mao's fake Su Meng incident to the "Supreme Demon" Wu Daoming. He is the descendant of the Demon King's Claw and knows many secrets, and may be able to get a glimpse of Su Meng's origin.

After passing through many forbidden spells, the Demon Sword King seemed to have penetrated deep into the Nine Netherworld, and then stood in front of a gray stone door: "Master, I have something to report."

A clear and slightly melancholy voice came out: "Come in."

The stone door retreated without any wind, making a rustling sound, and layers of forbidden laws were opened. The Demon Sword King's eyes lit up, and he asked doubtfully: "You are the master of the door?"

In front of him, the Supreme Heavenly Demon was sitting high on the stone bed, and his waist was wrapped in wriggling flesh and blood. The flesh and blood seemed to be alive and was rapidly extending upwards, trying to completely devour Wu Daoming and give birth to a demon fetus.

Wu Daoming smiled lightly and said: "The demon fetus is complete. One day, I will be able to complete the transformation, step into the heavenly realm, and further control the demon emperor's claws."

"The devil's fetus is ready, doesn't it take seven or forty-nine days?" the Devil Sword King asked doubtfully.

The Supreme Demon said with a smile but not a smile: "The transformation happened before, but it does not mean that it will happen this time. This transformation only requires the number of forty-nine, and now it will be completed in just one day."

It turned out that he was still hiding this trick and deceiving the whole world. In Luo Cheng a few days ago, his strength was probably almost restored to the peak of the Earth Immortal, but he never showed it! Of course, if the Overlord hadn't taken action, the sect leader's situation at that time would have made him unable to hide it, uncovering the means to suppress the situation, and fighting for life and death... The Demon Sword suddenly realized that the Supreme Demon had guarded against everyone!

"What do you have to report?" Flesh and blood spread, and Wu Daoming no longer worried about his safety. The demon fetus was completed and could not be destroyed unless Legend took action.

The Demon Sword King hurriedly described the key points of the fake Su Meng Nai Bai Mao.

After listening, Wu Daoming nodded slightly: "We will discuss this matter after I leave the country."

"Congratulations to the sect master for being promoted to Heavenly Immortal, and will soon sweep the world." The Demon Sword King raised his hands in congratulations.

The Supreme Heavenly Demon's eyes turned cold and full of extremes: "When I leave seclusion this time, I will kill the Heavenly Immortal to sacrifice the two Heavenly Kings!"

He said it with full confidence.


The mist lingers, and the fairy world of Su Nu is projected onto the earth, forming a building boat isolated from the world on the river.

In the building's ship hall, the overlord with deep outlines and rigid lines occupies the main seat. He holds the fifth-generation Xuannv in one hand and rubs the sheath of the sword beside him with the other. Even though he has not used any mysterious skills, he is filled with domineering energy.

There were two guests sitting below, one was Su Daji, a charming and radiant vixen, and the other was Gurdo, who had a bronze complexion and was surrounded by a little bit of willpower. He held the Heavenly Punishment Ax next to him to resist. With terrifying domineering power.

"As Overlord, you sweep across the world, will you feel invincible loneliness?" Su Daji introduced the topic with a smile.

The Overlord looked at her arrogantly, with no lust in his eyes: "There are still immortals and gods who have not been destroyed, Buddhas have not been swept away, and demons have not been eliminated. How can we be invincible?"

He was full of scorn, but there was still some seriousness in his tone. His real enemies were the powerful ones who refused to die completely.

Guldo learned about the Overlord from Han Guang. Hearing this, he smiled boldly and said: "As expected of the Overlord, he has great ambitions. Since the enemy is so strong, I guess you don't mind learning more magical powers and skills to improve yourself?"

"My Overlord's Six Cuts are not inferior to any inheritance." Overlord replied arrogantly.

Su Daji smiled charmingly and said: "The King's Six Slashes are indeed invincible in the world, but multiple great magical powers can always be the icing on the cake."

"Great magical power?" The Fifth Generation Xuannv interjected and asked, but the Overlord did not show any impatience.

"Yes, the great magical power of transforming three pure things into one breath." Guldo replied seriously.

"One Qi transforms the three pure beings?" The Overlord rarely pondered, and then nodded slightly, "Where is this great magical power? If I can get it, it will be indispensable for your benefit."

Guldo smiled and said: "As long as you help me get rid of a few enemies, Overlord, we will tell you where this great magical power is hidden."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Overlord's eyes turning cold, and heard the sound of a knife in his ears. He subconsciously picked up the Tianchu Ax and held it in front of him.

The purple sword light broke out of the shackles like a real dragon, completely covering Gurdo and Su Daji. The overlord's arrogant voice echoed in their hearts:

"Why do you want to negotiate terms with me?"


Heaven and Earth Sword Sect.

As soon as Zhuo Chaosheng returned to the sect, he received news from Luocheng.

"Suppress the five factions with one sword...control to the smallest detail, form a formation with one sword..." The letter in Zhuo Chaosheng's hand recorded a more detailed situation than the outside world.

"One sword forms an array, one sword forms an array..." He stood up, paced with his hands behind his hands, murmuring to himself, full of excitement at seeing the hunter.

He has only just glimpsed the path of forming a sword formation, and is still far away from actual combat, but he can actually do it!

If I had known that Su Meng's swordsmanship was so powerful, I should have discussed it with him!

It’s not too late now!

Zhuo Chaosheng called his disciples and ordered them to find Meng Qi's whereabouts.


During the long night, Meng Qi searched all the ruins of Heaven, but found no Time Knife or other useful things.

Now, he has been practicing hard for more than three years, and has a profound foundation and accumulated enough knowledge. He has reached a critical moment.


The illusory sword light lit up, and a clear shattering sound came from the Tanzhong point on Meng Qi's chest. A terrifying explosion reverberated inside, stirring up waves of light gold.

He used the "Creating Heaven and Earth" knife intention mixed with the Seal of Opening Heaven in his own acupoint, trying to forcibly interpret the inner scene of the acupoint here as a cave or an auxiliary universe!

Finally on time, please recommend monthly tickets~

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