The Supreme Being

Chapter 1033 Top Dharmakaya (please vote for recommendation on Monday)

The originally condensed interior scene of Tanzhong Acupoint was a deep night sky dotted with stars. It was illusory in itself, but had a real side due to the fusion of refined heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

At this time, in the boundless starry sky, the void cracked open, and a bright and pure sword light slashed out.


The sky and the earth opened up, explosions took place, and endless energy storms burst out with the light of the sword, sweeping through the entire aperture and expanding outwards. Blazing white light and burning flames filled the interior scene, shattering the previous stars, and with them Fusion, the birth of matter at a speed that exceeds normal evolution, formed rounds of small stars, appearing as bright stars. At the same time, planets also appeared one after another. Due to the influence of the interior scene itself, dozens of stars were formed in an instant. After tens of billions of years of interpretation, mountains and seas have appeared, and in the deep blue sea, life is gestating.

Perhaps when Meng Qi is promoted to an immortal and evolves the nine natural orifices and internal organs into the heavens, truly intelligent life will be born in this universe, forming civilizations, or pursuing a strong self, traveling in the starry sky alone, or experiencing slaves, In the feudal and other stages, the "vast" universe was explored in the form of spaceships.

The energy storm impacted the outer reaches of the acupoints, and the universe was still expanding. Meng Qi's body was pale gold and clear, and the Supreme Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun above his head hung down the dim light, absorbing the terrifying impact.

After a long time, the expansion of the universe began to slow down, and the impact was insignificant to Meng Qi. His first subsidiary universe was born. Even though the combined power was far inferior to that of a real star, as Meng Qi's realm improved, With further evolution, it will surely become a real universe containing countless stars. Of course, this may have to be at the stage of creation or even the other side.

After one burst of energy, it weakened again and exhausted again and again. The clouds above Meng Qi's head did not move, his eyes were half open and half closed. There were illusory explosions all over his body. Eight acupoints, including Dantian, Laogong, and Yongquan, were opened one after another. In a round place, continents are floating in the void. Some are like golden crows as the sun, jade rabbits as the moon, and innate gods controlling wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Some are just deep seas, getting darker as you go to the bottom, and the terrifying aura they breed becomes more powerful. Some are on fire. Feng Shui forms a boundary and communicates with the main plane. The stars all around are the kingdom of gods.


With the opening of the ninth aperture, Meng Qi suddenly opened his eyes. Inside, the sun rose and the moon set, and the stars moved. Every move was accompanied by majestic and vast power, and an almost illusory universe shrouded the drum surrounding him. swing.

Meng Qi raised his sword and slashed forward. The dark light flashed and fell on the time barrier that separated the inside and outside.

In the darkness and haze, the time barrier suddenly became chaotic, and whirlpools appeared one after another, faster or slower, pulling and pulling each other, and finally the time barrier made an illusory cracking sound.


The sky and the earth were dark at first, like a deep sea, and then restored, the entrance was clearly visible, and the flow of time inside and outside returned to the same speed.

In the past few years, he has deeply practiced the "Zhu Xian Sword Sutra" and "The Immortal Sword Sutra", and used them to push the "Wuji Seal" and "Open Heaven Seal" to a higher level. He can vaguely touch time and feel the high-level and low-level The level of heaven and earth, this palm sword is the combination of Wuji Seal and Zhuxian sword technique, and the time barrier is shattered with one sword!

This kind of recovery was too intense, and a glazed lamp appeared in Meng Qi's eyes, surrounding an illusory river, resisting the shock and erosion in an instant.

The nine acupoints opened up into caves or attached universes. His immortal Yuanshi body officially entered the realm of earthly immortals. After that, he continued to open up until all the acupoints around his body became a heaven and earth. The combined power is equivalent to the power of a star. It is the pinnacle of the earthly immortal. If it can then feed back the nine natural apertures and internal organs, allowing them to initially transform into one of the "heavens", it will be regarded as being promoted to the heavenly immortal.

This is the special thing that the immortal Yuanshi body that combines the "Eight-nine Mysterious Skills" and the "Yuanshi Golden Chapter" has combined with its own multiverse worldview. Before the legend of self-proven, there was a prototype of the real world, which is not comparable to the other shore and creation, but since It's a bit magical, and the earthly immortal stage is equivalent to the heavenly immortal level. The first time is equal to the first time, and the peak is equal to the peak.

Worthy of being one of the top dharma bodies!

Meng Qi did not go out immediately, but closed his eyes again, experiencing the realm of earthly immortals after the blessings of heaven and earth, and experiencing the legendary characteristics and characteristics of the other side under this power.

"The ability to control has improved slightly, and the sense of the 'Seal of Himself' has become much stronger. However, it is still unable to return with the help of it for the time being..." Meng Qi assessed his own condition, and then "Daoyi Glazed Lamp" bloomed in black and white. The light of cause and effect looks at the illusory time and destiny around you.

With a false bang, this vague and unreal long river became a little clearer in Meng Qi's eyes. It covered every corner of the world, flowing mightily, and at a certain node, it continued to divide into tributaries, and the tributaries regenerated into tributaries, indicating that uncertain futures.

But I am not high in the sky, not at the bottom of the river, not in front of me, not behind me. I am at an inexplicable height, "looking down" on this long river of time and destiny, looking at the vicissitudes of the sea, looking at the eternal mortal world, and looking at different possibilities...

"Is this the perspective of the big shot on the other side?" Meng Qi was mesmerized by this scene and was filled with shock. Then he discovered a detail that he had not noticed before.

The long river of time flows endlessly, rolling forward, not slowed down by Yao, not slowed down by Zhou, and will not flow backwards. It will never stop. However, when the main "river" keeps moving forward, it is devouring the tributaries, leaving only one remaining part of the future. In other words, starting from a certain node, the mainstream divides into tributaries, and this node is constantly moving forward.

"Is this node a symbol of the present? The node was in the past before. Even if you jump back upstream, there are not many possibilities for the relative future. If you want to change it, it will directly affect the 'main river', causing the sudden disappearance of certain things. Memories cannot be retained. If the change is too big, it will even cause the "main river" to collapse. The corresponding river resistance is the power of consolidation and correction, and after the node is the real future, with many tributaries, it is difficult to determine until something happens. With certain development, the node moves forward, the main trunk swallows up these branches, and all rivers return..."

"When this node gets closer and closer, and all the tributaries are completely swallowed up, leaving only the main trunk, does it mean that this era has come to an end, and only destruction is left as a possibility and a future?"

Meng Qiruo thought about it and roughly understood what the big shots on the other side meant by possessing the future.

Relative to the node where the tributaries branch out from the main trunk of the long river of time, relative to the "present node"!

If he hadn't possessed the characteristics of the other side and had the perspective of a big shot from the other side, he would definitely have remained ignorant... Meng Qi sighed with emotion, dusted off his clothes, wiped away the dust of time, stood up slowly, and walked towards the exit of the ruins of the Heavenly Palace. .

A "long" night has passed, and he has been promoted to Earth Immortal. I wonder if Han Guang has left, and whether Bi Jingxuan is waiting to seek revenge on Yuxu's lineage.

With chaotic clouds overhead, Meng Qi appeared on the top of Jade Emperor Mountain, dotted with stars, hazy clouds, refreshing breeze, and no one around.

"The magician's absence is expected, and Bi Jingxuan is not here either... Maybe she feels that the hatred from more than ten or two hundred thousand years ago does not need to be extended to innocent people..." Meng Qi nodded lightly and praised Bi Jing. Xuan said, no longer staying, and went straight to the nearby city, intending to continue his previous plan, first find the treasure obtained by the Zhenwu Sect, leave a mark, and then go to the Chunyangzi Mausoleum to establish contact with the Zhenwu Secret Treasures in Xijian Pavilion. Then return to Luocheng and meet up with Mr. Lu Da and others to discuss how to resist the erosion of time and return to the "future".


The purple sword light suddenly flashed, and "he" appeared one after another behind the Overlord. Each one of them was swinging the sword, adding layers of purple sword light.


Guldo's Heavenly Punishment Ax had just used the power of the hole when he was hit by this terrifying knife, which directly knocked him out of the hall of the ship. The sound of explosions continued until he steadied his feet on the bow of the ship.

Su Daji was also affected by the purple sword light, and she had no choice but to reveal her true form as a nine-tailed fox. Her fluffy tails were entangled, and she barely blocked the sword light, but she was also pushed out of the hall.

"Why do you want to negotiate terms with me?" The Overlord looked down at them with arrogant eyes.

Guldo's right hand trembled slightly, and his heart was filled with emotions. He immediately suppressed it and said with a forced smile: "I will do whatever you say, Overlord."

He is worthy of being the most legendary strong man in the Middle Ages. His strength and character are rare in the world!


The sword was returned to its sheath, and the Overlord released his hold on Wudai Xuannv, and stood up slowly, with a gentle smile on his face: "Just wait, I'll be right back."

"Husband, leave early and come back early." Xuannv of the Fifth Dynasty replied with a smile.

Please vote for a recommendation. I would like to recommend a book by the way. "Housewife, You've Been Tricked Again" by female channel Su Qian. It's cheerful and funny. It's worth owning. ISBN: 3662537. This is the third time I recommend her book. The quality is guaranteed.

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