The Supreme Being

Chapter 1092 Testing the purpose of coming

The nine ancient wells are so deep that the bottom cannot be seen. Chaos seems to be rolling at the end of the darkness, and it is unknown where they lead. They add a bit of majesty and mystery to the ancient and noble Xuanhuang Palace.

As for the palace itself, streams of chaos like real dragons hang down from the eaves. Three hundred and sixty-five golden nails are embedded in the vermilion door. The aura of vicissitudes of time permeates every corner. The closer Meng Qi gets, the more he feels this. It reflects the antiquity and transcendence of the original owner of this palace.

He opened his eyes and looked past the former Prince Zhao Qian of the Jin Dynasty and the Fairy Hunyuan Bi Jingxuan, who were suspected to be Maitreya. He regarded them as nothing, walked up step by step, came to the gate, and slowly raised his right hand.

In the depths of Meng Qi's eyes, the colorless Daoyi glazed lamp stood out, blooming with a faint and illusory black and white brilliance, revealing his identity as the cause of all the effects. His right hand slowly wriggled, blooming like petals, reflecting the inversion of yin and yang one after another. The whirlpool, chaotic and chaotic, seems to be able to contain and dissolve all things.

The right hand fell, the brilliance shone down, and it touched the cold and solid vermilion door, and the golden nails shone slowly, like the oldest stars before antiquity.

As the light and shadow changed, the forbidden law that people could not even notice seemed to be lifted. The vermilion door made a heavy friction sound and slowly opened back, revealing the scene in Yuxu Palace:

The white jade square is vast and majestic. Statues of mythical beasts and birds guard both sides of the road. There are many palaces on the left and right, which are considered to be the residences of disciples who learn Taoism and immortality. If you go straight ahead, you can see the palace where Meng Qi obtained the Nine Seals of Yuanshi. Pass through them. There are white clouds curling around, a clear light turning into a blue sky, and a majestic and towering main hall, full of unearthly and ancient meanings. What is behind the main hall is difficult to see given Meng Qi's current state.

This time, the situation inside was completely different from Meng Qi's previous visits. The Yuxu Palace seemed to take the initiative to adjust the layout according to the realm and strength of the person who opened the door. In other words, it originally had no physical form and could not see its true face except from the other side. Because people Due to the collapse of things, it appears in the present.

It deserves to be called the Yuxu Palace that is above the heavens.

Meng Qi lowered his hands, his palms were slender and powerful. He did not hold any of the Lixian Sword, the Divine Whip or the Overlord's Absolute Sword, and he stepped through the vermilion gate in one step.

As soon as his body passed, a subtle feeling suddenly occurred. Meng Qi found that he felt strangely relaxed. It seemed that the change caused by Yuxu Palace's isolation from prying eyes.

The "Magic Master" Han Guang, who was admiring the ancient well, turned around, clasped his hands behind his back, and followed leisurely, walking beside Meng Qi. It was better than strolling in the garden, as if he were visiting the spring fields. Zhao Qian, with a kind and sincere smile, put his feet on the flower. Duo Bailian and "Hunyuan Fairy" Bi Jingxuan were separated by a clear distance, and they were both walking behind.

There was no intrigue or fierce confrontation between the four people. The harmonious and harmonious atmosphere was full of weirdness and weirdness.

It seems that Han Guang and others will not make their position clear until something really happens, because this will expose the will of the person behind the scenes, and if there is no so-called Gu Xiaosang's backup this time, it will be equivalent to If you show your cards early, you may not be able to trick Wu Sheng Lao Mu or Meng Qi next time.

Meng Qi walked casually, his expression as usual, showing no trace of anxiety or worry. He smiled slightly and suddenly said: "Has the magician ever escaped from reincarnation?"

This statement was unexpected and almost earth-shattering. Even Zhao Qian looked at him with some side-eyes.

While speaking, Meng Qi's eyes lit up with "Cause of All Effects", reflecting the dotted lines of cause and effect around Han Guang's body.

Han Guang's expression was as usual, and he chatted as usual after tea and dinner: "I haven't escaped yet, but the control imposed on me by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation has been removed one by one."

He was not worried about being obliterated by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation because of these words.

The results that Meng Qi saw also confirmed this. The magician had no connection with the God List and the Divine Whip, and there was no cause and effect from other powerful powers. The most eye-catching ones were the three bright star lines, one of which was ethereal and majestic. High and far away, as elusive as time, one is deep and dark, filled with the meaning of destruction, one seems ordinary, but it is disguised in layers, and even the causes of the effects at one's current level cannot be seen as they really are.

"It seems that the magician still wants to use the convenience of reincarnation to find him and me, and lay a solid foundation for the legendary realm." Meng Qi stepped back, and his tone was like chatting, "Is it driven by a mission to come here this time?"

He tested Han Guang's intention to see if he would reveal anything.

Han Guang glanced at Meng Qi with a smile: "Do you think I will tell you directly, second brother?"

Second brother? Zhao Qian cast his gaze over, looked around, and cautiously took a step behind. Bi Jingxuan was already used to it, and her expression remained unchanged.

Second brother... Meng Qi was almost speechless. He did not know whether his eldest brother was really crazy or extremely clever, which caused him a lot of embarrassment.

When he was about to refute this matter, Han Guang moved his eyes forward and said casually: "Due to the impact of the Universal Knowledge Ball and your efforts to expose reincarnation, Liu Dao planned to push back the form of the exchange jade pillar in the fairy tale myth. And wide."

"What does this mean to them?" Meng Qi frowned slightly.

"Then you have to ask them yourself." Han Guang smiled casually, as if he was indifferent to this.

While talking, the four of them had already passed through the disciples' residence and arrived at the nine Dharma transmission halls that Meng Qi was familiar with.

At this time, Zhao Qian took the initiative to interject: "Donor Su, you have the master plan of the Tathagata Palm and have also practiced the first move. If you get the remaining palms, you can completely cut out a real incarnation of the Buddha and break through the obstacles." , the uses are endless.”

He didn't mention the matter of transforming three pure beings into one thing, but Meng Qi believed that he must know about it. He even knew about the matter when he asked the wise saint monk to capture him with a human seed bag.

But to what extent has Maitreya descended? Does Zhao Qian still have self-awareness? Has he completely returned to his true self?

"The Divine Palm is a precious treasure of Buddhism, how can it be so easy to obtain?" Meng Qi replied with a smile, testing whether Zhao Qian's trip was done with good intentions or bad intentions.

He would not take it for granted that because Maitreya tried to capture him last time to prevent Qingdi from taking a crucial step, he would take it for granted that the other party would always be his enemy. Different things were different behind the scenes, and Buddhism's attitude would naturally be different.

Zhao Qian smiled brightly, and he was exactly the same as the fat monk in a trance: "Donor Su, you have the root of wisdom in your body and the Buddha's intention in your heart. As long as you can often go to this 'Buddha's Kingdom on Earth' or the White Lotus Pure Land to comprehend the Buddha's Dharma, the remaining eight forms of Tathagata will be achieved." God’s palm can be passed on.”

Is it another attempt to win over? Like the time when the gambling monk brought the "six-character mantra"? Meng Qi thought for a while, but still didn't take the issue. He didn't want to waver, so he smiled and said: "I heard that Maitreya Bodhisattva has long been buried in the hands of the demon Buddha. Where did the Buddhist kingdom on earth, the White Lotus Pure Land, come from?"

Zhao Qian said with a smile: "People in Buddhism often have Dharmakaya and Sambhogakaya, but their majors and minors are different. It is really cost-effective to sacrifice one body to resolve the calamity of death."

Can you die on your behalf just by using the Sambhogakaya or the Dharmakaya? Meng Qi was quite puzzled, but did not ask any more questions. He cast his eyes on Bi Jingxuan: "Bi Fairy, we haven't seen each other for many years since we parted ways in the Middle Ages. Your style is even better than before. I just don't quite understand why you want to get involved in this." something?"

He knew something about Bi Jingxuan's temperament and chose to ask directly.

Lingbao Tianzun has been missing for a long time, and Empress Sanxiao has passed away long ago. Which big shot does Bi Jingxuan represent?

Bi Jingxuan said calmly: "Our sect is in charge of the Hunyuan Golden Dou. There is no legend in eternity, but no one has ever coveted the peerless magic weapon. Do you think it's normal?"

"Sanxiao Island is not a place free from worldly affairs. I have been forced to be the 'White Emperor' of Jin'ao Island under pressure."

"White Emperor"? It turns out that she is the "White Emperor" of Jin'ao Island! Meng Qi was quite surprised.

Bi Jingxuan now confesses frankly that it seems that she broke away from this shackles because she returned to the Middle Ages or saw Yuan Hong encountering the Qing Emperor and hiding somewhere.

Then who helped her break free? Is it the one who asked her to come now?

At this time, the four of them had walked through the nine Dharma transmission halls and arrived at the majestic main hall, surrounded by white clouds and an endless blue sky.

There is a bell tower in front of the hall, hanging an ancient bronze bell, full of mottled traces of time.

"The ancient bell that Guangchengzi rang in the past to attract immortals..." Meng Qi nodded slightly and looked at the main hall. He saw that the door was open and the bluestone was the ground. It was so deep that he couldn't even see the bottom at a glance.

Han Guang looked at it and suddenly sighed:

"Being the Emperor of Heaven for one lifetime, the Three Pure Ones will be the Emperor of Heaven..."

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted in the distance. The city of remote sensing made people tremble, as if a vast galaxy flew into the palace, trying to fill every corner.

"Legendary power?"

Meng Qi had never experienced what the legend was like in its heyday, but this aura completely transcended the realm of immortals.

An essential transcendence!

My mother actually sent a legendary power?

Desperate to let him wake up early?

In Yuxu Palace, even the other side cannot be everywhere, and the aura can only approach quickly. Zhao Qian, Bi Jingxuan and Han Guang all looked back, their own momentum rising, but they didn't know who they would take action against.

At this moment, Meng Qi flicked his finger and unleashed a sharp sword energy, which had the potential to create something new in the world.

This sword energy did not attack anyone, but hit the ancient bell!


The ancient bell shook, and the sound shook the heavens!

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