The Supreme Being

Chapter 1093 Thirty-Six Ancient Wells


The mottled ancient bronze bell swayed, emitting a clear and sweet sound, which spread throughout the heavens and shook the world, trying to recruit the immortals from the Yuxu Sect to regain the peak of Kunlun.

But no matter Han Guang, Bi Jingxuan, or Zhao Qian, they were all quite surprised at this time. It was said that the powerful breath could reach the shooting distance, but Su Meng did not think about setting up the formation, did not try to activate the forbidden method of Yuxu Palace, and did not hurry up Time entered the back of the main hall, taking advantage of the geographical location, while dealing with the legendary power, while looking for clues that Chaos invited Lotus Seeds, but instead it struck this Kunlun ancient bell?

If in ancient times, the immortals under Yuxu's sect were tyrannical, and when the bell rang, there would indeed be people with legendary powers and even great powers of creation coming to help. This was indeed a good way to fight against the enemy, but nowadays, there is no mention of clear transformation. Or the fallen ones, even if the remaining Immortal Yuxu is still alive, they must rely on various methods to sleep or seal themselves, waiting for the opportunity to return, and may not be able to hear the bell.

In this case, why did you do this in vain and waste your opportunity?

In surprise, Zhao Qian's eyes suddenly flickered as Maitreya came into the world, as if he thought of something. At this moment, as the Kunlun Ancient Bell shook the heavens and the world, the entire Yuxu Palace suddenly shook violently. It seemed that it suddenly lost its physical form and became dim, dark, and deep, like the purest and most real chaos!

In an instant, the vast and terrifying legendary atmosphere was completely isolated from itself.

Meng Qi's act of ringing the bell was not planned in advance. His original plan was just as Han Guang, Zhao Qian and Bi Jingxuan expected. If he encountered the legendary power sent by Wusheng Old Mother, he would immediately enter the main hall and the vast fairy garden behind it. As half the owner of Yuxu Palace, he relied on the powerful power of geographical legends and the divine whip to make him scruple, creating opportunities to find and get the chaos invitation lotus seeds that Gu Xiaosang might have left behind.

But after seeing this ancient bell, and recalling his previous feelings that the layout of the palace was different the last two times he entered, as well as the worries of the three people around him not knowing whether they were friends or enemies, Meng Qi made a bold plan again.

The Yuxu Palace itself is a high-level thing. In the heavens, legends and even creation-level powerhouses can hardly get a glimpse of its whole picture. They can only see a certain aspect of its collapse and manifestation due to people and events. Therefore, in Yang Jian Except for situations where there is no secret manipulation or little change, every time you enter, your own level of strength and situation are different, so the layout you see will naturally be different.

On the other hand, if a huge change occurs, can the Yuxu Palace collapse again and another layout appear?

For example, if you ring the Kunlun Bell that has been silent for eternity, you do not ask for the help of the Yuxu Immortal. You only want the bell to ring, and the Yuxu Palace will change and collapse again, transforming into a layout that welcomes all the immortals to come and listen!

As for what the final layout will be, Meng Qi doesn't care at all. What he wants is the moment of "re-collapse", so that he can get rid of the qi lock of the legendary power, get rid of the Han and Guang trio whose enemies and friends are unclear, and then rely on the fruits of the Because, the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, Chaos Wuji and other supreme techniques can completely hide oneself, turn light into darkness, and turn passivity into initiative!

At this moment, the chaos dispersed, isolating everything from each other. Meng Qi felt happy, knowing that his prediction was correct, and the plan was mostly successful. The mud pill above his head opened, and the Yuanshi Qingyun flew out. It did not cover it, but turned into A layer of chaotic light adhered to Meng Qi's body like a water film, while the Daoyi glass lamp flickered, flickering on and off, hiding the thread of cause and effect, and running naturally, shielding the secrets and prying eyes.

At this moment, Meng Qi seemed to disappear from the world, making it difficult for him to be perceived or felt, in every sense.

Suddenly, the dispersed chaos became thinner and no longer pure. The thirty-six ancient wells surrounded by jade railings appeared strangely in an unknown place, up or down. It was dark, deep, and black, like ancient and terrifying whirlpools. , leading to a place of indescribable horror.

Is this collapsing into a new layout? As soon as Meng Qi's thoughts came up, he discovered that the thirty-six ancient well whirlpools were rapidly growing in size. The crazy whirlpools suddenly expanded, swallowing up everything in the world, including himself!

Enter the ancient well first, and then enter Yuxu? This layout is really weird!

Meng Qi's thoughts suddenly became blurry, and he had a subtle feeling of being washed away by time and space at the same time. When his consciousness recovered, he realized that he was in a strange world.

It is pitch black all around, and it is vast as far as the eye can see, as if there are countless rivers and galaxies in the universe. If we can't find a time channel or other methods, just relying on flying to escape, even if the Somersault Cloud escapes at an extremely fast speed, it will only be a drop in the ocean. It is so small that it may not take a lifetime. Can find other living beings.

Different from the universe with the structure of galaxies and rivers, the darkness of the world here has a strange tranquility, like the beauty of sleeping, and there are floating shimmering things, they are like bubbles, colorful, dreamy and beautiful, But it may break at any time.

Such bubbles burst occasionally, disappearing into the quiet darkness, and then popping up again, forming a delicate balance.

Looking as far as the eye could see, Meng Qi saw different scenes inside these bubbles. Some were patches of land, and others were vast starry skies. All were alive, and different civilizations had developed. As the bubbles burst, they entered the doomsday, collapsed and disappeared.

Such a world... Meng Qi frowned slightly. Is this a dreamy view of the universe?

Uncle Xiaobai once told himself that the world that the thirty-six ancient wells lead to changes from time to time. It may be the Nine Nether Heavens, or other universes, or the remnants of ancient times, or various mysterious places, or deep in the long river of time. There are wild beasts in various legends. Once they fall into the well, even if they are not killed, they will be lost in the heavens and the world, and they don't know where they are... Could it be that the ancient well that I entered leads to a certain Buddhist power this time? Dream universe?

But how could the layout of Yuxu Palace, which welcomes immortals to come and listen to lectures, allow thirty-six ancient wells to become passages?

Is there something fishy about Gujing at this time?

Meng Qi flew close to a bubble and found that it was only the size of his palm, but the five pieces of land and seven oceans inside were clearly visible. He could even see farmers working hard, soldiers riding horses fighting, priests worshiping gods, etc.

Not in the real world, I wonder if I can use the breath of the real world to change the rules here and find the way to Yuxu Palace? This strange change occurred beyond Meng Qi's expectation, so he thought about a way to pass it.

He circulated the causes of all effects and sensed the existence of the real world, but found that it was vague and difficult to use the causal connection to directly return to the real world, just like he was still in Yuxu Palace.

The breath of the real world can be borrowed to a small extent, but it is not capable of changing this world. It can only be slightly manipulated, just like what Meng Qi did in the Southern Wilderness, which is slightly better.

Can this place resist the influence of the aura of the real world? Is it part of the real world?

Or another reality? Different realities evolved within the bodies of the great men on the other side? Or an intercepted world of gods?

Meng Qi took a breath, a little afraid that he would be sent into Amitabha's dream universe by the ancient well. However, if the ancient well outside Yuxu Palace can easily lead to the "real world" in other powerful bodies on the other side, then Yuanshi Tianzun is simply too tyrannical. If you have no friends, no one will believe you even if you say it’s not Daoguo.

Or is this the reality within Yuanshi Tianzun’s own body?

Wuji embraces all things and has diverse derivation. It is normal for his reality to encompass the dream universe...

Does this mean that he is about to meet Yuanshi Tianzun, the oldest being from the other side?

Meng Qi was thinking a lot. Suddenly, the light and shadow in front of his eyes changed, highlighting fourteen levels of the heavens, like a clumsy blend of the immortal world and the Nine Netherworld. And above them, there floated a huge god that filled the universe. His eyes Closed tightly and falling into a deep sleep, there is a lotus flower growing on the navel. The lotus flower is in full bloom, surrounded by a majestic god-man with four hands. Silence of tranquil darkness spreads around him, becoming part of the universe!

Is He the Creator God of this world? Meng Qi was shocked.

This is very similar to the Hindu creation legend of Brahma that I know, but it is fundamentally different: the huge god is sleeping, the universe should be destroyed, and the lotus should also retract, waiting for the next reincarnation.

The man with four arms and sides who looked like the creator god Brahma looked at Meng Qi, and his voice was low and magnetic: "He has slept forever, but destruction has not come. I have won the final victory and will be immortal forever."

"Are you Brahma?" Meng Qi asked in a deep voice.

"You can call me that. My name has nothing to do with my essence. I am the beginning of everything, the God of Creation." The man of God with four arms said slowly.

At this moment, Meng Qi's familiar voice sounded from the other side: "Actually, you should call him the 'incarnation' of Yuanshi Tianzun."

Magician? Meng Qi looked over and saw Han Guang, who had a leisurely expression but a slightly serious look in his eyes.

The "incarnation" of Yuanshi Tianzun?

The gods on all sides smiled slightly, looked at Meng Qi and said, "He is right."

As soon as these words came out, Meng Qi had no doubts anymore and had a suspicion in his mind.

Is it that the gods of creation in other universes and different myths are "projections" or "incarnations" of Yuanshi Tianzun, and they continue to fight with the corresponding projections of Amitabha and other big figures on the other side that I don't understand yet? This universe is The "projection" of Yuanshi Tianzun won the final victory, and thus had a closer connection with the original deity, so his essence improved, close to the real world, surpassing the ordinary universe?

Although the realms that the thirty-six ancient wells lead to have changed, they all lead to similar universes. Jiang Ziya didn't know why and only described it superficially, missing the essence?

What other universes are there? The "old universe" projected by the original evil thoughts?

Zhao Qian, Bi Jingxuan and the legendary powerful man should have entered a similar universe. The reason why Yuxu Palace did this was because Yuanshi Tianzun escaped from the world and almost disappeared completely, so he changed the layout and let himself and others go to Yuanshi separately. Are you listening to the lecture in front of the incarnation of Tianzun?

What is the realm of similar projected incarnations? A single entity that does not contain the real world or a false legend within a nested multiverse?

Just as Meng Qi's thoughts were spinning rapidly, the gods who looked like Brahma cast their eyes on Meng Qi and Han Guang respectively, and said with a peaceful smile: "The disappearance of Yuanshi Tianzun is a disappearance in the true sense, and it will no longer have any influence on me. After eternity passed, I gradually developed spiritual wisdom and my own thoughts, no longer a projection."

Such a disappearance... Meng Qi frowned, saying that Yuanshi Tianzun died, but the projection is not dead, saying that he was hiding and waiting for an opportunity, and even cut off contact with his own projection, what kind of state is he in?

At this time, the man of God solemnly said:

"I can feel the cause of your effects. This is the perfection I lack."

"Merge with me, and we will return to the other side and become Yuanshi again!"

His breath suddenly dissipated, filling every corner of this universe, looking back to the past and spreading to the future!

Does he want to become the real "Yuanshi Tianzun"? Meng Qi was horrified and had already drawn out the gorgeous purple sword and the magic whip.

In this universe, not only do I have no past or future lives, I’m afraid I don’t even have the past or the future!

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