The Supreme Being

Chapter 1094 The heaviness of the universe

As soon as the words of the creator god and man on all sides were finished, the aura had already occupied every corner of the dream universe, demonstrating the ubiquitous ability of this world, even seeping into the long river, going back to the beginning of the universe, and spreading to different places. future.

In this universe, He is the master of everything. He has the realm of legend and the level of the other side.

He is the projection of Yuanshi Tianzun!

Meng Qi had no expectation of this. He had never thought that because of the mysterious recluse of Yuanshi Tianzun and his whereabouts, his projection incarnations gradually became independent and gained their own spiritual wisdom. What is even more terrifying is that their Spiritual wisdom may not be complete, but the most instinctive vision remains, which is to transcend the limitations of the universe, travel to the heavens, and become the true Yuanshi Tianzun. To achieve this, the unique "cause of all effects" in the heavens and worlds must Indispensable, he is an enemy that will never stop in their eyes.

Ringing the ancient bell in Kunlun and changing the layout of Yuxu Palace temporarily freed me from the lock of the legendary power and Zhao Qian and others, giving me the opportunity to turn light into darkness and calmly search for the Chaos Green Lotus Seeds, but I was sent to Yuanshi Tianzun. Listen to the lecture in front of the projection seat and send the sheep into the tiger's mouth!

Things in the world are indeed always intertwined with blessings and misfortunes, and are full of unknowns.

At this moment, Meng Qi was only lucky that he was an outsider. He only had a short time in this universe, and there was no time when he was weak. He would not be strangled in the cradle by this creator god. He had no resistance and was extremely weak. The power brought by the opponent's level is greatly weakened.

However, it was only weakened. The Four-faced Godman stretched out four hands at the same time, and the shadows of his palms instantly spread across the universe, everywhere, attacking Meng Qi and Han Guang in no particular order.

He is full of confidence. Even if the real legend is here, relying on the fact that this universe will not be greatly affected by the breath of the real world, he has the power to fight!

The palms of these heavy palms turned into whirlpools, and the darkness was deep, swallowing and dissolving everything, sealing all the changes, dodges, and even all future possibilities of Meng Qi and Han Guang!

Faced with this ubiquitous attack and the slaps of countless palms, Meng Qi suddenly felt a subtle feeling, as if he was destined to be hit to death. No matter how hard he struggled or resisted, it would be in vain. Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun said that neither the Wuji Seal, the Void Seal, nor the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques can change the future.

The cause and effect of the reversal, the process only appeared after oneself died?

Even if it is limited to the power on the other side of the illusory river in this universe, it is so contrary to logic and reason. No matter how tyrannical it is, it has no ability to change the future and destiny. It is just a paper man that can be broken at a poke.

This is the difference in essential realm!

The will to die emerged, and the way forward was gone. Meng Qi instinctively felt the desire to give up in despair, but his eyes were calm, the spiritual platform was clear, and the Overlord Blade in his hand suddenly bloomed with brilliant purple lightning, illuminating the dark universe, and the soul The void vibrates, and thunder sounds emit from the mouth:

"My fate is up to me, not to you!"

A light appeared, and the long river of time emerged. The purple electric sword turned into billions of thunders, which came first and struck every palm around it without missing a beat, without asking for the next life or changing the destiny.

One word can make the world a law, and one sword can cut the road to the future!


Overflowing with domineering power, the sword light splashed out, the palm shadow shattered, and a gap appeared in the darkness. Meng Qi jumped out of the attack and appeared above the four-faced god. He looked like the sky and the earth, towering and huge, with three heads and six arms, and swords down.

The sword is the creation of heaven and earth, and the sword is the circle of shrinking yin and yang. The former is sharp and sharp to the extreme, while the latter has faint light and shadow, and chaos appears. But before they get close to the four-faced god, they disappear like a dream, without a trace, without a trace. cause any damage.

"No one can hurt me here!" The God of Creation spoke majestically.

He is the incarnation of this universe. He is the embodiment of the truth and rules here. Without corresponding principles, how can we hurt Him?

There is no way to even get close!

At this moment, Meng Qi, the giant of heaven and earth, raised his other arm, holding a three-foot-six-inch-long wooden whip in his hand. The outer layer fell off, revealing the sacred golden color. On the twenty-first day, The talismans on it appeared together, majestic and majestic, like the majestic will descending from the nine heavens.

Since it is the God of Creation, it most likely belongs to the innate gods.

The whip that beats the gods is the most powerful one!

When the golden light talisman fell, it was about to seal the four-faced god and make him suffer a blow. But when Meng Qi drew out the whip, the face of the god changed subtly, and suddenly disappeared into the lotus petals, and the boundless universe appeared. Elsewhere, this whip was avoided in advance.

Meng Qi was not disappointed, but instead felt happy. It seemed that the real world's peerless magic weapon, the Divine Whip, could restrain the all-powerful Creator God!

As soon as the god-man hid, the other palm shadows disappeared. Meng Qi found that Han Guang's place was empty, as if he had been swallowed up and resolved by the dark whirlpool before.

But suddenly, the waves in the empty place began to float, time and space became chaotic, and the figure of the magician Han Guang with wide robes and long sleeves reappeared, as if he had returned to before being surrounded by the palms of the four-faced gods.

Can he manipulate time and return to the short past to avoid attacks? Meng Qi was quite shocked.

After Han Guang emerged from the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor and was promoted to a Heavenly Immortal, he had always tried his best to make a fool of himself, never showing his true strength. It was as if he couldn't see the deep pool at the bottom, making it impossible for him to judge what abilities he had.

Now it seems that he has obviously made a hair-raising breakthrough on the path of time. Although he has not touched his destiny, he can slightly travel through the long river of time, and also avoid the attack of the four-sided god and man.

Of course, if he hadn't been able to cut off the afterlife, manipulate destiny to a small extent, tamper with cause and effect, and break the blow just now, Han Guang might have been able to hide for a while, but he might not have been able to hide for a long time.

This kind of ability is definitely a life-saving means, it can last for a few moments at most, and the God of Creation can attack like this forever!

At this time, Han Guangdao had fluttering sleeves, a chic posture, and a smile on his face. He seemed confident, but his eyes were a little solemn, and he patted his left hand with his right hand.

Brushing, sparkling light enveloped him, and two figures flew out from it. An imperial crown and robe, majestic but ethereal, holding a long sword condensed by time, like immortals and Buddhas looking down at the vicissitudes of the world and the world of mortals. A body is darker, deep and solemn, with six fingers on his right hand, full of destruction, and Han Guang's own eyebrows highlight a golden swastika, sometimes turning forward, sometimes retrograde, sometimes pure and transcendent, sometimes depraved and evil.

The time knife came out, the sky and the earth lost color, black and white solidified, everything became slow, but the body of the God of Creation, who had just dodged the blow of the divine whip, suddenly became illusory, stepped into the emerging long river of time in his own universe, and passed along the river. It wasn't much affected, but Yan Mo Han Guang followed the sword of time and slapped a palm.

With a bang, the void collapsed, the surroundings disappeared, and even the rules seemed to disappear. Yan Mo Han Guang struck at the Creator God in the posture of the God of Destruction.

Use the destruction of the world to counter the creation of the world, and use the principle of correspondence to restrain the incarnation of the universe!

Where there is a beginning, there is an end, there is the incarnation of the universe, and there is also the enemy of destruction of the universe!

Rumbling, the surroundings were shattered inch by inch, and nothingness spread towards the God of Creation. Coupled with the slaying of years, the long river of illusion was instantly broken, making the God of Creation seem to be enveloped in layers of shackles.

Meng Qi seized the opportunity and drew out the magic whip again, preparing to use the great magical power of "One Qi Transforms Three Purities" and set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation that symbolizes the end of the universe. This is much more "genuine" than Yama!

But at this moment, the God of Creation raised an arm, his eyes suddenly reflected the surrounding universe, and he spoke majestically:

"Carry the weight of the universe!"

With a finger pointing, the world disappeared, and countless images suddenly appeared, rushing toward Meng Qi.

These pictures include the process of creating the universe, the details from the birth to the destruction of every bubble world, the growth to death of every living being, and everything that has happened in the universe over billions or tens of billions of years has been transformed into corresponding information. They gathered here and rushed towards the dharma bodies of Meng Qi and Han Guang.

This huge and terrifying flow of information can no longer be described in numbers. Anyone who carries it, even only 10% of it, will be shocked to the point where their memories are scattered, turned into a walking corpse, or even the true spirit explodes. And this kind of attack is not the Wuji Seal. Can defend with Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills.


In an instant, the chaotic light hanging down from Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun was exploded, and Han Guang had already stopped attacking. He transformed into a strange body with a Buddha on the front and a devil on the back. The swastika on the front of the former's eyebrows stood out. , holding the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, pointing to the sky with one hand, and touching the ground with one hand. The latter held the incarnation of Yama in his mouth, reversed the swastika, covered his body in blood red, spread his hands, and protected his true nature with "I am the only one" and "I am the world" respectively. The spirit remains motionless in the vast and majestic flow of chaotic information, like a rock.


Meng Qi's three heads exploded at the same time, and he could no longer bear the "heavy weight of the universe".

The head exploded, no blood spurted out, but clear light emerged, and a golden lotus grew from the neck. It expanded and shrank, and the head grew again.

If Wuji Seal hadn't blocked it, giving him a chance to change in the wind and escape from his true spirit, he might have died on the spot! Meng Qi's newly grown head opened its eyes, which looked scary.

This four-sided creator god is really terrifying. Every move and every move has the characteristics of a powerful person, a person with great supernatural powers, or even a great person. If the power had not manifested in this universe, and was restrained by its own characteristics on the other side and the causes of various effects, it would not be possible in this universe. In front of him, he had no power to resist at all.

Seeing that Meng Qi had avoided the heaviness of the universe, the God of Creation didn't care about Han Guang. He waved his hand to eliminate the torrent of complicated information, and created bubbles one by one, preparing to condense the terrifying rays equivalent to the collapse of a star. Explosion, with one force, it will destroy the place in front of you and seize the cause of all effects.

Meng Qi was about to take out the divine whip when Han Guang's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Even if you use the divine whip to wipe him out, there is no point, because he can be reborn from the lotus immediately, unless you destroy it The whole universe."

The entire universe? The surrounding darkness is endless, and there is no end in sight. How can it be destroyed? As soon as Meng Qi's idea came to his mind, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of the first words spoken by the God of Creation.

He said that he had won. Even though the huge divine body was sleeping, the universe did not enter destruction.

In this case, why didn't He directly refine the divine body or completely eliminate it, and still be in the lotus growing from the opponent's belly button?

This shows that they are in a relationship of one and the same destruction, and the sleeping divine body is not the incarnation of the universe and cannot be regenerated!

Therefore, we should not attack the almost invincible enemy of the Four-faced God, but should destroy the defenseless divine body!

He drew out the divine whip and suddenly changed its direction.

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