The Supreme Being

Chapter 136 Heavenly Punishment

The hall was completely silent. Most people didn't know Meng Qi at all. They couldn't believe that someone so reckless and arrogant could appear. Who are you going to challenge? He is a nine-aperture master who is ranked high in the entire Hanhai!

Where did this idiot come from?

Wang Hong is even more incredible. He has fought against Meng Qi. Judging from his movements, strength, agility and swordsmanship, he has at least four orifices. At this age, he can be regarded as a direct descendant of the big sect. After all, there are always exceptions. Everyone may have adventures, but why do they have the confidence to challenge Boss Yuanmeng?

He used Yuan Mengzhi to taunt Meng Qi before, purely to inspire him to challenge other famous horse bandits. Then he would offend everyone and be killed on the spot. In any case, he never thought that this boy named Xiao Meng would dare to directly Challenge Boss Yuanmeng!

For a moment, he thought he was dreaming.

However, he soon came to his senses. Looking at Meng Qi was like looking at a madman. There must be a limit to arrogance!

In the past, there were so many new horse bandits who did not follow the rules, and none of them would do anything beyond their abilities, especially when their abilities were intuitively reflected on the spot instead of being chased and killed afterwards.

Therefore, they dared to attack and kill their opponents in places where fighting was prohibited, they dared to kill the horse bandit leader who was protected by other masters, and they dared to draw their swords and kill at will, without considering the consequences.

However, when the gap in strength between the two sides manifests into a chasm, they may be unruly, they may work hard to grow, they may be poisoned and killed, but they will never dare to challenge him face to face!

What's the point of being famous after someone dies?

But today, Wang Hong has seen a "new horse bandit" whom he has never seen before. In order to become famous, he actually dares to challenge Boss Yuan Meng? Could it be that he thought that Boss Yuan Meng was a good man and a woman who wanted to fight until the point was reached?

Stupid and arrogant people always die quickly... Wang Hong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Having been targeted by such people before, he always felt a little uneasy, like a poisonous snake secretly spitting out its core and kept silent. Staring at himself, waiting for the opportunity.

But now, everything will be over.

Zhong Yashe's expression was even richer, he was surprised, confused and scared. This boy actually stood up to challenge Yuan Mengzhi? Boss Yuanmeng, can I say that I don’t know him?

He regretted it so much now that his heart ached with regret. How could he be blinded by lard and recruit this wolf-like guy into his team?

No, when the wild wolf faces an invincible opponent, he will always choose to retreat and take a roundabout way, but he has no brains to force himself on!

"How should I explain it..." Zhong Yashe thought about this problem very distressedly. If it weren't for the public's attention and the confusion, he would have wanted to run away!

Well, should I stand up to stop him and try to save the situation, or should I pretend not to know him?

His mind was in a mess, thinking that Gong Shayue was the same, Xiao Meng was so handsome and good-looking, how could he be such a fool? Could it be that there is only one skin?

Just when Zhong Yashe made up his mind and planned to stand up and pull Xiao Meng back, apologize with a smile, and interrupt the situation that was slipping into danger, Du Mo, who had his head wrapped in white cloth, stood up and said coldly: "As for you, you also want to challenge brother, go ahead first. Let me pass this level."

If you want to challenge Boss Yuan Meng, just challenge him casually. What do these subordinates of yours do?

However, he was not careless. This kid dared to come out to challenge. No matter how much real skill he had, it would be better to come out and end it on his own, and not let other ordinary enlightened brothers take risks. This kind of face-to-face challenge, if no one on Yuan Mengzhi's side accepted it. , would be very embarrassing.

Of course, unless it's in the public eye and it's a matter of face, the usual approach to such challengers is: swarm them forward and cut them into pieces!

Yuan Mengzhi's expression remained unchanged, playing with the golden wine glass in his hand, but he was extremely angry in his heart. This was a kind of anger that his own power and majesty were offended.

Moreover, I was a very daring person back then. I dared to forcibly attack and kill my opponents on the streets of Yuhai. I dared to risk being chased for thousands of miles and did what I was told. I slapped to death the person with a strong background opposite me. But no matter what, I never He didn't challenge the leaders who were far more powerful than him. He didn't dare to come to him until he had almost grown to this point.

Why would he dare?

Of course, as a rare figure in the vast sea, Yuan Mengzhi took care of his dignity and resisted his impulse. He did not get involved personally and gave Du Mo a look full of approval and majesty.

Seeing Meng Qi come out, Zhenhui's expression changed, and she immediately suppressed it, with a calm and determined look on her face.

Meng Qi had no expression on his face and said sternly: "Are you worthy?"

Wow, everyone was in an uproar. There are very few horse bandits in the vast sea who can open up their seven orifices at the age of thirty, unless they have a person with a strong inheritance like An Guoxie, and Du Mo is one of the very few. He His martial arts comes from the tribe, and his strength comes from the bloody sword!

How dare you look down on such a person?

This bastard with no more than four orifices! madman! Do you think a little adventure is great?

Having gone through many things in the world, Meng Qi's temperament appears mature. He looks to be seventeen or eighteen years old. At this age, he can be regarded as an outstanding disciple if he has opened the fourth orifice in a big sect. Among the horse bandits with weak inheritance, it is almost like he has received an adventure. synonymous with!

Du Mo suppressed the anger in his heart and walked down the steps slowly. Just when he was about to say a few words and then start to kill the kid opposite, Meng Qi suddenly moved, as fast as the wind and like a ghost, directly from Du Mo's side. He dodged, pulled out the dark red sword, and ran towards Yuan Mengzhi.

Although he was unexpected and his reaction was a moment slower, as a person with all his apertures opened and his ears and eyesight clear, he was still not caught off guard and swung his sword horizontally, not only to defend himself from a sneak attack, but also to stop Meng Qi.

The blade struck Meng Qi, but it shattered like a bubble and disappeared without a trace.

Du Mo was shocked and angry. Under normal circumstances, he would not be affected by this kind of hallucination, but this time he was in such a hurry that he had no time to distinguish, so he could only act based on his feelings, and he got caught!

He retracted his sword and protected his whole body. He felt vaguely bad in his heart. He could create hallucinations. Could this kid be a half-step outside scene? But at his age, it’s simply impossible!

"Brother, be careful!" he blurted out.

Meng Qi's figure appeared in mid-air, and all his energy and spirit were integrated into the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Sword.

When he used the illusion to deceive Du Mo, Yuan Mengzhi was slightly surprised, but was not affected. He was conceited, but he always maintained his peak condition, so he was not deceived by the illusion.

Is this right? If there is no trick, how can An Guoxie be killed?

He clearly understood Meng Qi's identity, felt confident in his heart, stretched out his hands, and prepared to hold the Jie Dao. In addition to hallucinations, judging from this kid's movements and momentum, it seemed that the top of the sky was the four orifices!

Yuan Mengzhi's hands are strong and broad, without the roughness and scars common to ordinary horse bandits. They are like carved sapphire, with floating fluorescence.

Yuan Mengzhi was very satisfied with these hands. He was once a well-known leader of the horse team in charge of chariots and plows. He was used to being oblivious to anyone else. He was exquisite in the thirty-six styles of water-dividing swords and dominated the surrounding oasis, but his neck was broken by these hands. " "Leng Yue Sword" Cheng Guang, a master of the Nine Apertures, a man of great renown in the vast sea, pursued him for nearly a thousand miles when he had just the Eight Apertures, but in the end his neck was still crushed by these hands; Wu Chenzi, the direct descendant of the Nanshan Sect, a great sect of the Northern Zhou Dynasty , jealous of evil, and in order to seek justice for others, he came to challenge with the strength of Qiqiao. Even though the technique was exquisite and made him breathless, his neck was still crushed by his own hands.

And today, the neck of the direct descendant of the world's great martial arts master will be pinched!

Although he carries a machete with him, what is really powerful is these "sapphire hands"!

The light of the sword lights up, neither bright nor dim, neither bright nor strange, just like the red sword in the streets and alleys.

Looking at the light of the sword, Zhong Yashe thought of his wife and children who were killed in the firefight between horse bandits. He felt angry and decadent. He wanted to take revenge and break away from the "business" of horse bandits; Gongsha Monthly Chronicles I remembered my old self, loving to laugh and make fun, hoping to marry a happy man one day. However, the gangster passed away and my happy life was shattered...

Everyone has his or her own sorrows and knots that cannot be forgotten or resolved!

When the dark red sword light lit up, no one in the entire hall spoke, and everyone seemed to be in a daze.

Yuan Mengzhi was stunned for a moment, and Zeluoju wearing a black eyepatch seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

He stood proudly with his hands behind his back, making himself look extremely small while lying on the ground.

"I know you are a wolf. If you are not well-raised, you will bite your owner, but I am not afraid. You will never catch up with me. In front of me, you will always be a dog." Zeluoju said coldly, "Now let's see if you have any Ability to get dog food.”

Raising his head, from this angle, Luo Ju looked unusually tall, making himself ashamed, as if he were a god or a demon, unable to resist, powerless to resist, and could only surrender!

This fear spread from the bottom of his heart, so real, like thunder exploding in his ears, that he couldn't help but tremble all over and his hands trembled.

The thunder mark on Meng Qi's left hand protruded and was dripping purple. Everyone in the hall felt the pressure of the gods coming to the world and the heavenly thunder slaying evil spirits. They were unable to resist and trembled. They forgot what they had just been struggling with, and their minds went blank. .

The raindrops were falling, causing a burst of pain on the body surface. Gu Changqing hurriedly left the Lao Cao Hotel and returned to the courtyard to avoid alerting Wu Yong.

Suddenly, light burst out, and the entire sea of ​​​​fish was as bright as day. Gu Changqing subconsciously raised his head, only to see the electric snakes dancing in the sky entangled together, forming a barrel-thick silver-white thunder light, with the most upright and strong aura, Hit the city lord's palace directly!


After the thunder, there was a deafening roar, which made Gu Changqing shiver and freed himself from the power of heaven's punishment.

"It's raining, it's thundering..." He muttered to himself what Meng Qi had hummed before.

In Lao Cao's hotel, Xie Jiugui and Ren looked at the sky through the window, looking at the frightening silver-white electric snake.

No one said anything because this was completely unexpected and full of shock!


The sword energy pierced his body. Yuan Mengzhi woke up from the hallucination caused by "Duan Qingjing", roared angrily, and with one move of his palms, he was about to resist the sword that was about to hit his body.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he saw an unimaginably thick silver-white lightning blasting through the roof, falling on the sword, wrapping around it, and chopped off all of them!

His vision was bright and white, and he could only see countless electric snakes dancing, and he pressed his hands directly on them.


The thunder filled his ears and shocked his mind. Yuan Mengzhi felt deep regret in his heart, but how could human beings be able to stop the power of heaven and earth at such a close distance?

Location? !

This was his last thought.

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