The Supreme Being

Chapter 137 Go with the sword

In such a thunderstorm, Zhong Yashe and Wang Hong, who were trembling in fear under the pressure of the thunder god, all had their eyes fixed, and their pupils were filled with the huge thunder with spreading branches and claws.

It broke through the roof and poured down, illuminating the entire hall like daylight, with tiny electric snakes leaping!

Looking at the silver-white scenery like a sea of ​​lightning near the steps, Zhong Yashe took a few steps back, and only one thought echoed in his mind:

"Outdoor scene!"

The magic knife on his waist made a mournful cry, as if it was hurt by the power of thunder and lightning!

But this mournful cry could not wake Zhong Yashe up. All that jumped in his eyes were reflections of lightning, and the scene in front of him was like a legend of gods and demons!

Not only him, but also Bai Bazheng, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Fish, was like this. He was only ten feet away from Yuan Mengzhi, and he felt the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder God most clearly. Looking at the "ocean" with jumping lightning, his hands trembled, and he dared not take a step, for fear of angering the "outer scene strongman" and giving him a thunderbolt.

Du Mo was loyal to Yuan Mengzhi, but under the power of thunder and lightning, he was also trembling physically and mentally, and did not dare to rescue him, because in this situation, rushing over would only be courting death!

Yuan Mengzhi's whole body flew into the air, entangled by the silver-white lightning snake, sizzling continuously, and after landing with a snap, people could see his current appearance: his whole body was charred, the saber was broken into pieces, and no items or skin on his body were intact.

His hair was still burning, his clothes were still burning, his eyes were wide open, but the emotions contained in them could no longer be seen. A knife mark passed between his eyes and reached the center of his eyebrows. There was still a flash of lightning snakes, the wound was charred, and not a drop of blood was spilled.

Meng Qi stood in front of Yuan Mengzhi, holding the Red Sun Demon-Suppressing Knife in his right hand, with thunder and lightning surging around him. In the eyes of Zhong Yashe and others, he was indescribably tall and majestic!

"Brother, I knew you would come to save me!" Zhenhui ran towards Meng Qi happily.

The horse bandits escorting him subconsciously wanted to catch him, but when they saw Meng Qi's emotionless black eyes, their legs softened immediately. Dare to block him? The boss Yuan Meng, who had opened all nine orifices, was lying there!

"Let's go." Meng Qi smiled and said to Zhenhui, inserting the Red Sun Demon-Suppressing Knife behind his back, and the Bingque Sword returned to the scabbard at his waist.

He didn't even look at Bai Bazheng, Du Mo, Zhong Yashe and other horse bandits, as if there was no one else in the whole hall, as if they were chickens and dogs, not worth looking at,

"Yeah!" Zhenhui nodded vigorously, looking at the food that was burnt black by lightning with regret.

Meng Qi turned around, pressed the sword with his left hand, and walked leisurely. Zhenhui quickly followed, mumbling about what happened after they parted.

Watching them leave as if no one was around, neither Bai Bazheng, the Nine Apertures master, nor Du Mo, the loyal subordinate, had any reaction. They were relieved. It was good that they left. It was good that they left. Don't implicate them!

Under such a powerful force, being fearless and fearless is just a lip service. Who would fight to the death if they were not forced to?

Zhong Yashe and others were even more miserable. Some took a few steps back, and some sat down limply. No one dared to look directly at Meng Qi, even though they had already made it clear that this was the little monk on the evil knife's killing order. But the problem was that if he didn't come to kill them, it would be the Buddha's blessing. Who would dare to touch his beard? Touch his reverse scale?

The gap between the external scene and the awakening is the gap between mortals and immortals!

Bai Bazheng could tell from the fight just now that Meng Qi was only four-level strong. He had a sword technique with sword intent, which could challenge opponents of higher levels. It was not a sword technique. The lightning that killed Yuan Mengzhi should be the effect of the tools or talismans on his body. However, no one knew whether he had similar items or whether the items could still be used. It was not worth risking his life for Yuan Mengzhi. It was better to notify Ze Luoju and let this master of sword technique handle it himself.

In this way, the room was full of powerful horse bandits, but they watched Meng Qi leave. No one stopped him, no one spoke, and most people did not dare to look directly at his back.

He carried a sword and a knife crosswise on his back, and a sword hung on his waist. He pressed the sword with his left hand. He was leisurely and calm. He stepped out of the door in the eyes of nearly a hundred enemies and disappeared into the darkness outside.

Such a back was deeply engraved in the hearts of horse bandits such as Zhong Yashe and Gong Shayue.

After a long time, someone groaned, "The power of heaven and earth is really terrifying!"

"I didn't expect him to attract thunder!"

For most horse bandits, it doesn't matter whether Meng Qi is an outdoor scene or not. What matters is that he has demonstrated the lethality of the outdoor scene. After all, no one dares to bet whether he can do it again!

"Xiao Meng, Zhending, these two names will indeed be famous in the vast sea and become famous..." Zhong Yashe sighed strangely. Even those at the bottom of the human list may not be able to kill the nine-orifice master Yuan Mengzhi with one move.

Of course, there are also Gu Xiaosang on the human list who made three shots and killed one eight-orifice and two nine-orifice monsters.


Walking out of the city lord's mansion and turning into the shadows outside, Zhenhui was still chattering about his experience in the rivers and lakes.

Suddenly, he saw the body of the senior brother next to him sway, and the whole person became weak and almost fell to the ground.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with you?" Zhenhui asked with concern.

Meng Qi smiled bitterly: "I'm just a little exhausted."

The damn Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation only said that Lei Hen could attract thunder three times in thunderstorms, but he never mentioned that it consumes so much energy!

After using all his strength to "cut off the purity", he still had the energy to fight normally, but now, except for walking, he really has no extra energy.

In the situation just now, when the wolves looked around, if they showed any weakness or wrongness, they would be immediately cut into pieces with random blades and looted for items.

So Meng Qi forcibly supported them, using his experience of pretending to be a master many times, treating the others as if they were nothing, and left in a graceful and elegant manner. Combined with the remaining power of the thunder, he really suppressed them.

If he still had the strength to fight again, with Meng Qi's lively temperament, he would definitely not have pretended like this before. Instead, he would have pointed a long knife at the horse bandits and said, "I will avenge my hatred on the spot!" Wait for the chickens and dogs to be killed!" "Who dares to come forward and fight?"

But now that he has lost his strength, he can no longer provoke him. If any stupid young man rushes out, the joke will be big!

Zhenhui hurriedly supported her senior brother. Under his command, she quickly found the Wounded Soul Replenishing Pill, fed one to Meng Qi, then supported him, used the Qinggong that came with the flower finger, and ran towards Lao Cao's Hotel. go.

Just after taking the elixir, Meng Qi seemed to hear cries and screams echoing in his ears. He calmed down, used his meditation skills, and turned a deaf ear to it. Gradually, he felt something turn into wisps of heat, supplementing Enter the body and replenish the soul.

At this time, there was heavy rain, thunder echoed, and there were not many pedestrians on the street. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Lao Cao Hotel. Thanks to the power of the medicine, Meng Qi regained some strength and pressed the sword with his left hand again, elegant and elegant. He stepped into the door and walked towards Xie Jiugui.

You can't show that you only have a little strength, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that Xie Jiugui can't bear any evil intentions.

After seeing the thick thunder striking the city lord's palace, Gu Changqing turned around and walked back to Lao Cao Hotel. Whether it was Meng Qi's secret or the help of location experts, Zhenhui could definitely save him.

He waited so confidently for a while, and then saw Meng Qi walking leisurely with his sword in hand, and secretly praised him in his heart, Xiao Meng is so charming! Very attractive!

"Let's go out of the city." Meng Qi didn't want to delay, lest anyone come to their senses.

Xie Jiugui burped and stood up unsteadily: "Follow me to the back to change clothes."

After changing into the clothes of a local tribe and covering his sword, Xie Jiugui led the three of them towards the nearest city gate.

When they arrived at the edge of the city, Meng Qi held the hilt of his sword warily. He had already recovered a little of his fighting strength.

The soldier guarding the gate quietly opened the city gate without asking a word and watched the four people go out - Yuhai City was small, so opening the door didn't have to be that troublesome.

After leaving the city, Meng Qi became more confident in Xie Jiugui's abilities and followed him to the lake, where a small boat was parked.

"Don't ask after you get on the boat. I will take you to the other side. It's only a day's journey from Tanhan. When you get to Tanhan, the terrain is complicated and no one can find you." Xie Jiugui said in a deep voice, with a rare seriousness.

When he said no one was found, he meant no one could find him under tight time constraints. After all, Shaolin reinforcements would be coming in six to seven days at most. Who would dare to take the risk of hunting down the direct descendant of Shaolin?

"Should we give the remaining money now?" Meng Qi asked calmly.

Xie Jiugui shook his head: "I'll give it to the boatman on the other side. I'm not afraid of you defaulting on your debt. Anyone who dared to default on his debt before now lives at the bottom of the sea of ​​fish."

After secretly guessing how strong the power behind him was, Meng Qi boarded the boat with Gu Changqing and Zhenhui without saying another word.

The boatman was wearing a bamboo hat, as if he had come from the Central Plains. He was dark-skinned and taciturn, and he was rocking the oars behind the boat honestly.

Meng Qi closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, trying to regain his strength. Gu Changqing and Zhenhui wisely remained silent and also adjusted their own conditions.

At this time, a mist suddenly rose, and Meng Qi immediately pulled out his long sword, assumed a postive posture, and looked ahead warily.

"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm." An erratic voice seemed to come from a dream, and a figure in feathers and a high crown appeared in front of Meng Qi's eyes. His face was blurred and his appearance could not be clearly seen.

"What do you want to do?" Meng Qi asked in a low voice. Zhenhui and Gu Changqing beside him seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The man with a high crown in feathers smiled and said, "We think you have potential and want to recruit you as a preparer for our organization."

"Preparers? What is your organization?" Meng Qi asked with a frown.

"I can't tell you until you agree and take the oath of soul." The man in feathers and high crown said leisurely.

"Haha, do you think I will agree to this?" Meng Qi gave a sarcastic smile.

The man with the high crown in Yuyi chuckled and said: "Our organization has huge power and resources that can support you to grow into a strong person in the field. Why don't you think about it?"

That’s not what MLM does! Meng Qi cursed but did not answer.

The man in feathers and high crown sighed: "Okay, I know you will be undecided for a while, so I will leave a talisman. If you figure it out in the future, just light it, and someone will look for you by then."

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