The Supreme Being

Chapter 188 Emperor Tu Hegemony talks and laughs (Second update, please vote for me)

At this time, the lightning and thunder were not intense yet. Meng Qi was afraid that the power would be insufficient, so he did not dare to activate the Thunder God's Mark immediately. Instead, he shouted loudly:


His tongue burst out with spring thunder, which made everything in the room clang and shake, causing the beams and pillars to shake slightly. If it weren't for the thunder rolling outside at this time, I'm afraid the roof and the guards guarding outside would have discovered something was wrong inside.

But the evil king's aura reached the extreme, and the whole person seemed to be in a state of existence and non-being, not here, not on the other side, not in the middle of the stream. He was not affected by Meng Qilei's words. His energy enveloped him and his spirit locked him.

Then, he covered up the reality with nothingness, and his energy and spirit became empty at the same time. Meng Qi, who was trying his best to mobilize his energy and spirit to compete with him, was torn and felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood.

Knowing that he could not defend passively, Meng Qi released his spirit and guarded his mind inward, and slashed out with one strike.

This sword is the "falling red dust" activated by the essence of the Heavenly Sword. The sword's light is ethereal and jumps erratically, like a fish in the water, but also like a sneaky mind. It changes according to the situation and the heart. It is difficult to grasp and does not want to defend!

"Okay!" Evil Lord moved slightly and praised with a half-smile. In the midst of his wandering, he stretched out his right hand and pointed his middle finger at the center of Meng Qi's eyebrows.

His gestures are constantly changing, and each change brings about an illusion that is difficult to distinguish. He moves in time and responds to the situation, making it impossible for people to see through the truth and the false, and see through the reality.

At this moment, even though Meng Qi had made further progress with Dugu Nine Swords and initially understood the Qi-Breaking Style, he still felt that Evil Lord's finger was a blend of true and false, with flaws and dangers everywhere.

This shows that his realm and strength are much higher than mine!

Faced with this finger, Meng Qi was unable to break the attack and could only use the "Luo Hongchen" activated by the Heavenly Sword Essence to block it.

The sword light jumps, and every moment it seems to be changing in response to the changes in the evil king's gestures. This is the pulling of the soul, and it evolves on its own.


The seemingly mortal middle finger touched the tip of the knife. Meng Qi was shocked, as if struck by lightning, his right arm went numb, and he lost consciousness for a short time. His energy and blood boiled, and the dark gold bloomed, and he almost spurted out a mouthful of blood. Fortunately, the gold The sixth level of The Bell Jar has begun.

Meng Qi gritted his teeth and drew the sword, and thrust out the ice tower of his left hand. The sword's light was pure and deadly, it was the "Yam Luo Tie".

The sword light was condensed, opening up the layers of dense energy in the air, and piercing the evil king's eyebrows, making progress but not retreating!

Xie Jun let out a light sigh, retracted his right hand, and slapped Xuxu flutteringly.

This palm seemed to be completely powerless, but in Meng Qi's sight it grew bigger and bigger, almost as if it enveloped the world.

The tip of the sword was about to hit the palm of his hand, and the evil king's palm force suddenly changed, from virtual to real, and strong and powerful force suddenly emerged, like a stormy sea, one after another, just like the substance.

Meng Qi took three steps back. Even with the golden bell protecting his body, the tiger's mouth of his left hand was slightly cracked and a trace of blood flowed out.

The evil king's aura was still at its peak, and the sword energy he had just condensed was quietly melted away by him. His expression was cold, his hands were raised, and his whole person seemed to become unusually tall, almost like a god or demon.


Thunder shook the sky, lightning illuminated the sky like daylight, and the battle in the Qinzheng Palace in the distance had reached a fever pitch.

Meng Qi no longer hesitated, his right arm had regained consciousness, his mind was running, and he used his heart to drive the knife, and the purple thunder marks on the back of his left hand were bright and vivid.

After the previous fight, Meng Qi clearly knew that with his current strength of the Golden Bell and his sword and sword skills, even if he recklessly resorted to Luo Hongchen, Yama Luo Tie, Sacrifice, and the Pure Round, it would be difficult to really hurt such a person. The Evil Lord, even trying to save his life and escape is only a 50-50 number. After all, the phantom body and body are as illusory as an illusion, and it is difficult to get rid of it!

He was immersed in emotions, his mind was like a flat lake, and everything around him was reflected. Although he could not truly grasp the flow and distribution of Xie Jun's energy, he seemed to hear the thumping heartbeat, a heartbeat full of countless meanings.

A flash of light from the knife illuminates the world of mortals, but this sword is still "falling into the world of mortals"!

Meng Qi was not sure whether the evil king had the obsession to resent society and love separation, but he was certain that he had great ambitions and could not get what he asked for for the time being. Therefore, how could a man in the world of mortals not fall into the world of mortals?

Compared with the sword that struck the evil king in the middle of the Pei River, this sword showed more of the essence of the sword and showed more changes in the sword technique. It was the harvest of Meng Qi's hard work during this period of fighting.

The dark clouds were dense, and silver snakes were dancing wildly. Suddenly, they formed a barrel-thick thunder light, and the light fell from the sky.

Except for the two great masters who were hard to distract from the fight in the Qinzheng Hall, everyone in the imperial city was pulled by the energy and looked to the sky, just in time to see the divine thunder falling from the sky, magnificent and terrifying!


Amidst the frightened and shocked expressions of the guards around Tai Chi Hall, the thunder light penetrated the roof, scorched the people nearby, and blasted directly in!

"Punishment by thunder?" The guards and eunuchs somehow thought of the defeat in the northwest and the fight for the throne.

"Crazy Monk of the Thunder Sword..." Ruan Yushu, who was in the yard next to the Taiji Hall, whispered at the same time as he led his guards in a circle around the Qinzheng Hall to get rid of Luo Shengyi.

Absorb the essence, break through the bottleneck, and step into the realm of the Grand Master, where heaven and man are almost one, and everything you do has great power;

The rebel army swept the world, using the Seventh Prince as a puppet and the Holy Sect as orthodoxy, suppressing Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and fulfilling the long-cherished wish of all generations;

Waiting for the throne, abandoning the throne, my mind is gone, there is no obstacle anymore, heaven and man are one, destroying the void!

Just when the evil king was satisfied with his ambition, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, as if he had been attacked by an external object. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the long sword flashing with electric light had cut through the body's protective aura, and it was very close at hand!

The Immortal Seal was about to turn death into life, and the strength of the sword disappeared. There was a loud bang, and a thick thunder light fell down like the master of heaven and earth. The silvery white light shone in the room, and even Meng Qi could not open his eyes.

All the lightning wrapped around the "evil calamity" and struck the evil king with the feeling of destroying everything.

The evil king is spinning around, using the Qi wall spread out by the Gang Qi outside his body, and using his body's meridians to contain the power of the thunder and light sword, desperately trying to eliminate them and turn death into life!

As he spun rapidly, bolts of lightning were thrown out, bursts of force overflowing, and he directly used the force to knock Meng Qi away.

Meng Qi fell with a plop, the dark gold all over his body was about to crack, blood spurted from his mouth, and his meridians seemed to be severed, the tyranny of the Immortal Seal was fully displayed.

The electric light disappeared and the room became quiet. Due to the sixth level of the Golden Bell Cover, Meng Qi was no longer able to walk just like the last time he killed Yuan Mengzhi. He reluctantly got up and looked at Xie Jun.

Seeing this, Meng Qi was so frightened that he quickly picked up the sword and made a starting gesture.

Evil Lord stood there with his back straight. Except for his slightly darker complexion, he still had a cold expression. He looked directly at Meng Qi, showing nothing unusual.

No way, even a thunder strike can't kill him? Meng Qi was shocked and was about to activate the Sacrifice Technique and strike again.

With the backlash suppressed and his mind calm, Meng Qi suddenly realized that something was wrong because he could no longer feel the heartbeat of Evil Lord!

His heart moved and he was about to kick out the pebbles when he suddenly heard Evil Lord speak!

His voice was low, his eyes were empty, and he was not breathing, as if an obsession was driving him to speak:

"While talking and laughing about the emperor's hegemony, he couldn't bear the drunkenness of life..."

Bang, he fell to the ground on his back, black smoke came out from all his orifices, his body twitched uncontrollably, and then quickly subsided, and the sound echoed in Ziji Pavilion and lingered for a long time.

"The Evil Lord Guan should be conferred, and the spread of the Immortal Seal is cut off. The third side task is completed, and three hundred good deeds are rewarded. The "Immortal Seal" was taken from the Evil Lord's arms. It cannot be exchanged for good deeds, nor can it be taught to others."

The voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation rang in Meng Qi's heart, making him breathe a sigh of relief and finally died!

Only participants in this side task are rewarded with good deeds, so only Meng Qi received it.

Meng Qi composed himself, walked to Evil Lord, sighed, and bowed down as a sign of respect to his tyrannical enemy.

He returned the sword to its sheath, squatted down, and groped for the object in Evil Lord's arms. Since Evil Lord used the Immortal Seal, all the power of the lightning sword was incorporated into the Qi wall and meridians for dissolution and transformation, so the appearance was intact, unlike Yuan Mengzhi, who was It was reduced to a piece of coke, and everything about him was no longer intact.

However, Meng Qi also believed that if the evil king's belongings were indeed damaged by lightning, the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation would also condense a "Seal of Immortality" for him.

He first took out a piece of fabric that looked like fur but not fur. He felt the breath of the Demon Lord's crystal just now, and he immediately understood in his heart that this was the thing that wrapped the crystal.

The movement of the thunder must have alerted the guards on the roof and around. They had to send someone in to see if there was any fire. So Meng Qi did not check the piece of cloth, but directly stuffed it into his arms, continued to fumble, and found out a piece of cloth. This thick gray secret book has four big characters on it: "The Seal of Immortality".

After putting the secret book away, Meng Qi groped again and found that there was nothing else on the evil king, so he concentrated on touching the demon king crystal. It was relatively small, so it was normal for it to slip through the touch.

Soon, Meng Qi touched the cold stone and felt very strange. It seemed that it was not a lifeless stone, but a dead creature with flesh and blood.

The palm of his hand came into contact with the Demon Lord's Crystal, and the heat and coldness mixed together. Meng Qi smiled and stopped.

At this moment, a strange change occurred, and Meng Qi felt a surge of pure essence pouring out of the Demon Lord Crystal and pouring into his body, as if he was filled with domineering force regardless of his own wishes!

The essence poured into the meridians, stretching Meng Qi's body as if it was going to explode. There was no way to shake the crystal away. He could only run the golden bell with all his strength, absorbing the pure essence into his body, without a trace of impurities, as if it had grown naturally. Jingyuan!

The dark gold was restrained, and Meng Qi devoted all his energy to digesting and absorbing the essence. He could only barely stand up, as if he was carrying a heavy burden!

At this moment, Meng Qi understood why the evil king wanted to absorb essence and improve his strength in the Taiji Palace, the dragon's pond and tiger's den, but in the end he had to talk nonsense with himself, stall for time, and was struck to death by a thunderbolt. He also understood why the old emperor was killed by a thunderbolt. When absorbing it once, he would pass out because he was too hasty.

They don't want it either! It’s like I don’t even want to now!

In Meng Qi's mind, ten thousand grass and mud horses roared past, but he had to restrain his mind and work hard to digest and absorb the essence.

With the crazy absorption of essence, the sixth level of the Golden Bell Barrage was rapidly improved, but Meng Qi was not happy at all, because the guards who were still alive on the roof jumped in to check whether the sky thunder had hurt the emperor, destroyed the building, and caused a fire.

They had just landed and were stunned on the spot. In the Ziji Pavilion, the tables, screens, desks, etc. were all damaged. The emperor was lying on the dragon bed, but he was bleeding from all his orifices and was lifeless. In front of the dragon bed, two people stood and fell. The fallen man's face turned black and he was breathless. He was standing with his left hand behind his back and his right hand holding the hilt of the sword. His hair was messy, but he still looked like a powerful and proud master.

Meng Qi looked at the hole in the roof and said with a hint of guilt in his indifference: "A certain secret guard was a step too late and allowed the evil king to kill the emperor. I can only kill him to thank Long En."

If I say this, would you believe it?

The two guards looked at me, and I looked at you, and shook my head firmly. If there were secret guards, there was no way I and the others would not guess it. After all, they had to eat and drink!

Meng Qi pursed his lips and sighed: "Then do you want to know who the new emperor is? Do you want to know which prince killed his father?"

The expressions of the two guards changed, and they suddenly raised their voices:

"There's an assassin!"

do not do that! I can tell you a story about a mountain and a temple in the past. There was an old monk in the temple... Meng Qi cried helplessly in his heart, unsheathing his sword with his right hand like a heavy weight, while speeding up the operation of the golden bell, absorbing the essence crazily. Yuan.

The second update is here, please vote for me~ I am so far away, please support me! The third update is at half past eleven.

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