The Supreme Being

Chapter 189 The night has arrived (Third update)

"There's an assassin!"

After the two guards screamed, they drew the swords from their waists and attacked Meng Qi from different directions. As personal guards, the emperor was stabbed. They had to show off no matter what, so as to avoid death afterwards.

Meng Qi's meridians were almost stretched to the extreme. If it weren't for the Golden Bell Cover and the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, which have a solid foundation and strengthen the physical body, and expanded his meridians to be extremely wide and strong, he would have exploded and died. After all, he was stronger than It's not as good as the evil king's nine orifices and three hidden treasures opening up at the same time. It's also not like when the old emperor was unconscious for the first time, the right minister, the great master, helped to suppress and isolate him, all by himself.

There were signs of bulging in his skin, and he could vaguely see the dark gold inside and the infuriating energy running like a little mouse. He was breathing heavily and hot, trying to get rid of all the bulging in his body.

Meng Qi's Bingque Sword slashed out slowly, not very fast, but with a whistling sound. Because he had too much zhenqi now and couldn't control it, his every move and every move had the palm wind and sword wind that was no less than that of a master with seven or eight apertures, and even There is some sign of the real energy being released.

The long sword was not fast, like a heavy iron rod. After it was slashed out, the sword wind swept away a guard before it reached him, and he hit a beam with such force that he was shaken by the fight between Tian Lei and Meng Qixiejun. The room shook again.

However, Meng Qi's moves were too slow. After sweeping away the guard in front of him, he was unable to change his moves. He watched as another guard raised his sword and struck at him.

He turned his head with difficulty and let the long knife hit his shoulder and the side of his neck. The dark gold burst out and violently knocked the guard away, hitting the wall and causing his head to bleed.

Under the consumption, the swelling in Meng Qi's body eased a little, and he even wanted the two guards to continue attacking him!

This makes people want to shout, hit me, hit me, hit me... Meng Qi thought happily in pain, his mood has calmed down, and he has remained calm and calm, without thinking too much about the guards outside. After seeing the consequences of the influx, the two guards in front of them got up in disgrace and shouted to each other:

"He has strong body-protecting skills, attack his vital points!"

Meng Qi stretched his sword across his body, waiting for the two guards to attack again while speeding up the absorption of essence.

The two guards were also experienced in actual combat. They noticed that Meng Qi seemed to have trouble moving, so they deployed their body skills and stepped forward to attack.


At this moment, a piano sound sounded like the roar of swords, and a sharp gust of wind shot in, breaking a guard's sword and penetrating his chest.

Ruan Yushu held the seven-stringed guqin in his left hand, and his white clothes fluttered down. He touched it with his right hand, and one string jumped up, making a harsh and chaotic sound. This inspired a strong wind and slit the throat of the remaining guard.

She comes from a wealthy family and has seen some methods of triggering outdoor attacks during the enlightenment period. She understands that whether it is Fu Zhuan Bao Bing or other methods, they all consume a lot of energy. After one attack, she may not be able to fight again, so when she saw Meng Qi triggered the thunder from the sky and came directly to meet her. No one guarding the empty roof could intercept her.

"Pull me away!" Meng Qi was overjoyed when he saw Ruan Yushu descending from the sky like a fairy.

Ruan Yushu saw that Meng Qi's situation seemed a bit special, so he didn't ask any questions. He grabbed his shirt by his left shoulder, touched the ground and beams with his toes, jumped into the air, flew up to the roof, and jumped to the wall on the other side.

She saw many guards pouring into Tai Chi Hall, so she didn't waste time to carry Meng Qi on her back and escaped from here first.

As soon as he crossed the wall and landed on the other side, Meng Qi saw several masters gathered around him. They were all top-notch masters between the sixth and seventh apertures, and Ruan Yushu's lyre only had five strings left unbroken.

Ruan Yushu loosened his grip on Meng Qi's right hand and touched it to the strings.


One of the masters broke his back, flew straight out, hit the wall, and made no sound again.

Luo Shengyi came out from the garden next to him, punching out his fists like dragons, using the Seven Injury Fist, the Great Demon-Conquering Fist, the Hundred-Step Divine Fist, the Stone-Splitting Divine Fist, and the Iron Fist. Some of them were already completed, and some were close to perfection. Some had made a small initial success and were so proud of their artistic conception that in just a few moves they beat the remaining masters until their skins were broken, their skins were broken, and they were either dead or injured.

After dealing with these masters, he walked quickly to Meng Qi, grabbed his shoulder with his left hand, and hid in the garden with Ruan Yushu.

While absorbing the essence, Meng Qi asked doubtfully: "Brother Luo, you didn't leave?"

According to the previous plan, Luo Shengyi attracted the attention of the guards and then went around to the Qinzheng Palace. With the help of the two great masters, he got rid of the guards who were suppressed by the weaker martial arts. Then he broke through the gate at night and left the palace from the inside out. , who knew he would come back again.

Luo Shengyi smiled half-heartedly and said, "Although I am a bit domineering, I never abandon my companions."

When Meng Qi summoned the thunder, he had already thrown away the pursuing guards with the help of heavy rain and thunder. But with such a big movement, he believed that something must have happened in Tai Chi Hall, so he went back again and again to see if there was anyone he could help. Go to a busy place.

Meng Qi nodded lightly, remembered it in his heart, and wrote to Luo Shengyi and Ruan Yu: "Shout that the prince will kill the king! The left prime minister drugged him! The emperor is dead!"

The traitorous prime minister has taken refuge in the prince. If the prince ascends the throne, he will never reuse Lu Guan. The world is so big that there are still many famous generals who can conquer and fight well!

Therefore, if Meng Qi wants to destroy the prince's wishful thinking, no one will believe him immediately if he shouts like this, and they will even think it is a estrangement plan. But at least it will plant seeds of doubt in the hearts of the neutral faction, and they will hesitate for a while before taking refuge. The right minister will rethink the whole thing and consider alternative candidates.

For the great Confucians, those who kill their fathers and kings are unforgivable sins and will never inherit the throne.

This is one aspect that needs to be done. There are other things to do after leaving the palace. Meng Qi tried his best to complete the main task.

Luo Shengyi understood what Meng Qi meant, opened his voice and shouted loudly:

"The prince committed regicide! The left prime minister drugged him! The emperor died!"

Ruan Yushu did not shout, maintaining his aloof image. Anyway, it was enough if someone shouted.

"The prince committed regicide! The left prime minister drugged him! The emperor died!"

Luo Shengyi kept changing directions, and the sound was rolling in the pouring rain, reaching everywhere.

Soon, the entire imperial city was boiling. Was it the emperor's death, or was it the prince's fault?

While running, Meng Qi frantically absorbed the essence, and the dark gold on his body became brighter and brighter. The sixth joint of the golden bell climbed steadily, advancing rapidly towards the level of perfection.

Meng Qi had some spare energy and began to guide Jingyuan to open the acupoints related to his nose.

"The prince regicide! The left prime minister drugged him! The emperor is dead!" At some point, the same voice sounded from all over the imperial city, and these words echoed everywhere.

Meng Qi guessed that the eunuchs and guards bribed by the third, fourth and seventh princes were fishing in troubled waters to create opportunities for their master.

The three of them deviated further and further away from the direction of Qinzheng Hall, quickly approaching the outskirts of the imperial city, and saw the three to four feet high city wall.

The guards on the city wall were mainly facing the outside, and there were many buildings inside, so the three of them hid and walked, and it didn't take long for them to be not far from the doorway.

There was no place to hide in the remaining distance, and Meng Qi was temporarily unable to use the Transformation Technique. Luo Shengyi took a breath and rushed straight to the door at full speed.

Ruan Yushu followed closely behind, his movements were elegant, like a fairy.

As soon as the three people showed up, they were immediately spotted by the guards on the city wall, but before they could draw their bows and set arrows, Luo Shengyi rushed into the doorway first, swinging out his right fist, which was as big and strong as a mountain or a peak. The strength was almost substantive, and he punched three guards until their chests were dented, making them unable to survive.

Ruan Yushu's right hand hurriedly touched the strings of the piano. With a clang, the strings bounced and shot out with sharp force, cutting the throats of the two guards.

The guards in the doorway were quickly cleared. Luo Shengyi shattered the iron lock, opened the partition, and opened the heavy door.

As soon as the door opened, Ruan Yushu threw a body out, and countless sharp arrows flew in, turning him into a hedgehog.

The two of them each threw another corpse out, and countless sharp arrows were shot at it again.

Luo Shengyi and Ruan Yushu then shot out and went straight to the other side of the square.

Their speed was the strongest in their lives, and they quickly reached the end of the square.

At this time, sharp arrows came after them, but they could no longer hurt them.

Entering the long street, the two of them walked forward for a while, slowly slowing down.

Under the impact of pure essence, Meng Qi's nose and related acupoints were opened one by one, which was almost completed, but the essence was still flowing continuously.

Meng Qi had to use his essence to condense the acupoints according to the law. He was slightly distracted and asked: "Third prince, or fourth prince?"

There is no possibility of a crown prince. The seventh prince has left the capital, leaving only two princes to choose from.

Luo Shengyi pondered for a moment and said: "My main mission only requires assisting a prince to ascend the throne. I haven't specified who it is. What do you think?"

Sure enough, the main mission is different... Meng Qi confirmed his previous guess and whispered: "Fourth Prince."

"Reason?" Luo Shengyi asked.

"First, judging from what Lu Huasheng told us, the fourth prince is the least interested in peace talks; second, the Demon Queen is in a fierce battle with the Right Prime Minister, and they can't be separated for a while, and what we are going to do next requires a great master." Meng Qi spoke his mind.

At this time, he was not sure whether the fourth prince would worship Lu Guan, so he could only take a gamble. Anyway, he had good deeds deducted, and he could still lend some to Ruan Yushu.

Luo Shengyi frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Kill the prince!" Meng Qi said in a deep voice.

The death of the emperor has been exposed, and all parties will take action. This dark night will be turbulent, and blood will flow everywhere. By dawn, things will probably be settled, so even the courtiers and generals do not know me and others have no time. There is no ability to combine vertically and horizontally. The only thing I can do is to make the choice become no choice!

This is the ability of a master to change the situation. It is the simplest, most direct and most effective!

"Okay." Luo Shengyi understood Meng Qi's thoughts and sneered: "I will go back and report later, and kill the third prince by the way!"

If he hadn't invested so much effort in the third prince, he would have been unable to tolerate the third prince's attitude towards him.

He changed direction and returned to Wanghoufang. The essence in Meng Qi's palm was still flowing in, and the acupuncture points related to the nose aperture had been condensed.

If he continues like this, he will be "supported" to death... Meng Qi gritted his teeth, took out the "Tianshiditing Pill", and decided to add fuel to the fire, break through the realm in one fell swoop, and resolve the crisis!

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