The Supreme Being

Chapter 737 Breaking into the Altar

"Take a certain knife!"

When Wen Jing heard the word "sword", he saw purple lightning in the sky, sword light crisscrossing and crackling sounds. The huge figure standing tall and tall was faster than the sound. He had already attacked with sword, light and energy. In front of you.


The purple electric sword light fell one after another. Meng Qi's power was unparalleled and he crashed directly into Wen Jing's sword circle.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

A series of crisp collision sounds were connected together. The two knives attacked and blocked at a speed that was almost invisible to those who were new to the location. Meng Qi relied on the momentum of Mount Tai and the North Sea to suppress Wen Jing and retreated step by step. The powerful thunder dissipated, defeating and evaporating the skull-shaped green demon soul.

Wen Jing felt as if he had returned to his childhood, encountering the tide on the beach, one wave after another, one wave after another, endless and endless, so heavy that he could hardly breathe!

In the midst of the thunder and smoke, Meng Qi, who was in control of the sky and the earth, raised his right hand, and the "Heaven's Wound" fell slowly, as if it was dragging the entire world, so heavy that Meng Qi's body trembled a little.

The sky became dark, the river stopped shaking, and all the wind and thunder condensed on the tip of the knife, transforming into a pitch black the size of a pinhead!

Meng Qi's fighting spirit was high, his soul shook the void, and made a thunderous sound:

"Take another knife!"

As soon as the last note sounded, the long sword suddenly accelerated and fell. The void seemed to be distorted, and the weight seemed to be like the sky collapsing.

Suddenly, a huge green sword condensed with brilliance blocked the front of Meng Qi's Heavenly Wound. The two swords collided without any sound, and the heavy power disappeared instantly!

Wen Jing's body swelled to about ten feet, and he used the method of pressing down on the bottom of the box. A substantial and ferocious demonic figure appeared behind him, with two horns on his head, and evil energy soaring to the sky. The dark green knife turned over, crushing the weight like the sky. The power reappeared, but it was a reflection!


Meng Qi was thrown away, his right hand was half numb, and with a movement in his heart, he recognized Wen Jing's technique:

Heavenly Demon Slaying God Technique!

At this moment, the ninth floor of the altar was nearly completed, and Jiang Zhiwei was surrounded by several top leaders from the imperial court. Although they were killed with rivers of blood and almost defeated, they were unable to join forces with Meng Qi for the moment. Elsewhere, Ruan Yushu's piano music offset the hidden force. The Taoist master in the dark rushed down from the exterior of the altars on the upper floors, intending to surround the two!

Don't give him a chance to use his skills, otherwise he will be easily held back! While in mid-air, with the situation reflected in his mind, Meng Qi had already made a decision.

Turning around in mid-air, with a graceful posture, Meng Qi stabbed out the flowing fire with the force of the counter-shock. Still everything returned to nothingness, and the tip of the sword broke through the air!

Such a reaction speed gave Wen Jing no time to change his moves. The green sword blocked the long sword again, absorbing the heavy weight, reflecting it backwards, and then bounced Meng Qi high.

His energy and blood were boiling, and his left hand was numb. Meng Qi did not waver at all. He turned around again, grew two arms, and struck out with another "All Things Return to Void"!

"Take another knife!"

Tintintin! Tintintin!

Although a certain form of the Heavenly Demon Slaying God Technique is good at absorbing the opponent's strength and reflecting the attack, making the collision of weapons almost silent, but time and time again, with one sword after another, the void was still shaken, making a sound like chopping down a big tree.

Continuously bouncing up and down, Meng Qi was like a rolling eagle, but getting heavier and heavier.

"Take another knife!"

Amidst the violent shouts, Meng Qi turned upside down again, and slashed down the "Heaven's Wound". The void seemed to be torn, and dark gaps appeared at the tip of the knife!

Wen Jing lost the initiative and could only passively parry. He was secretly annoyed. If he could use the secret treasure in this mission, he would have captured you long ago!

Of course, similar thoughts also appeared in Meng Qi's mind.


The sound of gold and iron clashing spread far away, and many people who were fighting fiercely trembled and were knocked unconscious!

Wen Jing felt that there was a real mountain on the opposite side pressing down on him. Finally he could not absorb all the weight and took a few steps back.

Meng Qi forced a series of attacks, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Taking advantage of the counterattack and Wen Jing's retreat, he bent his body and rushed to the altars on the upper floors. He ignored Wen Jing because he saw Jiang Zhiwei killing everyone and besieging him. Exterior scene, a sword stabbed over.

He had no time to join forces with Jiang Zhiwei in order to kill Wen Jing quickly. Now he had to race against time because the altar was almost completed!

Wen Jingtian demon pretended to be tall, and the demon energy rushed out, causing chaos in the world. Jiang Zhiwei's six senses were disturbed, and the long sword went awry. Although she quickly corrected it with the Sky Sword Heart, Wen Jing had already moved away, and with a wave of the long sword, the rolling demon The spirit of Qi turned into a cyclone, whistling and rushing behind Meng Qi, entangling and trapping him. The effect was somewhat similar to that of a fairy rope!

At this moment, Meng Qi's wind changed, and the cyclone lost its target and disappeared.

Without stopping, Meng Qi strode upwards and rushed to the upper level of the altar.

Jiang Zhiwei faced Wen Jing, who showed the appearance of a heavenly demon and swelled her body. The gap in realms widened again, as did her strength. However, she was unafraid, her eyes showed the appearance of a supreme swordsman, and she thoroughly demonstrated her swordsmanship. Completely displayed.

Meng Qi's heart moved as he was running wildly, and he seemed to sense the changes below.

The sword energy rose there, and there seemed to be a bright Jiang Zhiwei, a generous Jiang Zhiwei, a cheerful Jiang Zhiwei, a smiling Jiang Zhiwei, a sad Jiang Zhiwei, a lost Jiang Zhiwei, and a depressed Jiang Zhiwei. They seemed to be performing the Sword of Love. At the same time, There is also Jiang Zhiwei who has cut off all kinds of emotions, Jiang Zhiwei who is devoted to the sword, Jiang Zhiwei who studies diligently, Jiang Zhiwei whose heart is like a mirror and whose mind is like a sword, Jiang Zhiwei who is firm in goal, Jiang Zhiwei who does not depend on anyone or anything, but only does her own thing, this is Jiang Zhiwei. The ruthless sword.

However, all of Jiang Zhiwei is unified in a pair of deep eyes. The great road is ruthless, all things are like stupid dogs, the heaven and the earth are sentient, all living beings are one, the Supreme Sword Lord seems to be sentient but ruthless, all things are the same, every thought and image of himself has no High, low, strong and weak!

It seemed that Jiang Zhiwei was wielding her sword one by one, as if the sword moves she had mastered were being swung out one by one with some indescribable mystery. With his back to her, without looking closely or sensing, Meng Qi could understand the true artistic conception. .

This is her way, her way!

This is Jiang Zhiwei, who does not live for love, is not afraid of death, does not exist because she is someone else's friend, someone else's disciple, someone else's senior sister, or someone else's favorite object. She is who she is, she is Jiang Zhiwei, the unique Jiang Zhiwei!

At this moment, Wen Jing felt that his changes in the legal principles of this world were cut off with a sword. The demonic ghosts and ghosts continued to be destroyed, and the suppression of the enemy's realm dropped to the lowest point. Sword lights came from all directions, emotions and ruthlessness were mixed, and there were many changes. If they are connected, they can only cheer up and use the nine methods of slaying the demon and the god one by one to slowly restore the situation.

Although he was confident of winning in the end, in this tense and urgent situation, being briefly suppressed meant that he lost control of the battle situation!

He furiously cursed the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation in his heart. The enemy was unexpectedly tyrannical and could not use the secret treasure. How could this be an ordinary camp confrontation mission? It was clearly a death-level mission!

If he goes back like this, he is afraid that he will have to sell the pot to ensure that he is not obliterated!

As the thought came to his mind, he activated the secret technique, and his aura rose again. The demonic aura filled the air, covering the sky, and demonic images were shot at Jiang Zhiwei with sharp arrows.

However, Jiang Zhiwei didn't take a step back, and also used Xi Jian Pavilion's desperate method and the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique to compete with him, but still had the upper hand for the time being.

With a kick and a glare, Meng Qi strode forward. Two of his clones who had killed him on the outside rushed over to intercept him.

Suddenly, Meng Qi's body felt heavy, as if bound by the earth. At this time, the sound of the piano swayed far away, and his body became light and agile.

With a step of step and a flash of sword light, Meng Qi rushed past. He was knocked away from an outside scene by Fa Tian Xiang Earth and fainted!

As for the other one, his right hand was broken at the shoulder level, his treasured weapon fell to the ground, and he felt withdrawn in his heart.

Without looking back, Meng Qi continued to charge forward, the sound of the piano and the Taoist skills fighting and canceling each other out.

A Jue Ding appeared in front, holding a strange weapon, attacking from a distance.

Meng Qi dodged the attack with one side of his body. At the same time, he kept walking. After taking two steps forward, the sword flashed.

With a pop, the body of this top man was severed at the waist, and he fell to the ground in pain, screaming in agony, but his strong vitality prevented him from dying for a while.

Several strong men blocked the way again. Meng Qi lowered his head and charged forward, with the sword flashing again.

Their limbs fell to the ground and blood spurted out. These people in the exterior scene seemed to be stunned.


Above the Nu River, Ruan Yushu was sweating on his forehead. He kept playing various zither music with the skill of thousands of miles of murderous music, competing with the master of Taoism. Although his realm was one level lower, he was better because of the outstanding music score and the innate heart of the qin. He managed to offset it.

Sometimes phoenixes circle around her, sometimes birds chirp, sometimes immortals soar, and sometimes ancient bells vibrate, creating a dreamlike scene.

The remaining warships of the imperial court that were disrupted by the strike of the magic weapon discovered the anomaly here, and drove their ships over one after another to attack instead of defend.

Zhao Heng took a step forward, his body seemed to turn into a strong wind, and came out with the sword. A hurricane suddenly formed on the river, raising water waves to the sky, and overturned a broken warship. Hu Zhigao, Hou Yue and other strong men of the rebel army and Ships join the battle group and prevent enemy interference.

Du Huaishang had more than enough to protect himself but not enough to attack, so he simply threw out the driftwood, retreated to a safer place, and concentrated on communicating with the "Bearing Sky Sword"!


One knife, another knife. At this time, Meng Qi was particularly grateful to Jiang Zhiwei for suggesting that he exchange the "Jade Slashing Sword" for the "Creation of the World". It was a miraculous effect. No one from the exterior scene who came to block the road could block the sword!

The ninth floor was far away, and Meng Qi's Magic Heaven and Earth was coming to an end, and his figure began to move forward in a large and irregular zigzag pattern to avoid being locked by the magic weapon or overwhelmed by range attacks.

The resulting waste of time can only be tolerated!

Suddenly, he heard a crisp sound in his ears, and his pupils contracted violently:

The altar is finished!

Several members of the Blood Sea Sect left the ninth floor, and Prince Shen Yunqing began to sacrifice treasures and the powerful masters who had died before.

"There is still a chance. There is still a chance to destroy it before it is fully activated!" Meng Qi never shed tears without seeing the coffin. He clenched his teeth, narrowed the zigzag, and quickly approached the ninth floor.

Once you enter the attack range that is reduced by the interference of the gods and demons, use "Cause and Effect" immediately!

I didn't use this last "karma" on Wen Jing before, just to use it on Shen Yunqing, who was in charge of the magic weapon!

Suddenly, Meng Qi felt extremely dangerous in his heart, and subconsciously swung the long sword to the side with his right hand. The sword light burst out from his left hand, splitting into two, and then split into four, layer by layer, in an attempt to eliminate the attack.

It was only then that he caught the shadow. A golden spear came backwards with its tail, almost breaking the void!

The weapon in Dugu Shi's hand has been replaced by a horse-killing sword. He opened and closed it widely, but suppressed the stubborn master and Qi Zhengyan.

Worthy of the reputation of being unparalleled in swords, guns, fists and kicks!

Qi Zhengyan's experience, knowledge and skills were far superior to his, but he was still suppressed for a while.

The golden spear hit with terrifying force, and it was so fast that Meng Qi could only deal with it in a hurry, while the sound of Wen Jing's shaking air rang in his ears:

"The altar is finished, you are dead!"

"Save Qin Nu, waste time, you can't stop it!"

"If I don't save Qin Nu, Taoist interference will still not stop her!"

"In short, you are dead!"

In the confrontation with Jiang Zhiwei, he slowly regained control of the situation, shouting like a curse and pronouncing a sentence!

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