The Supreme Being

Chapter 738: The rabbit rises and the falcon falls (please vote for me)

The spear was eight feet long, like a golden dragon. Mixed with the sound of breaking the void, it hit Meng Qi's body hard. The speed and power were so fast that it was as if Dugu Shi himself had shot with all his strength, rather than being restrained by barely freeing his hand in a fierce battle.

At this time, Meng Qi's right hand was the "Jade Sword", and he subconsciously slashed it out heavily, side-swiping the spear, trying to draw it away a little to avoid the sharp edge, and the flowing fire in his left hand burst out with sparks of sword light, splitting it into two. , divided into four parts, layer upon layer, forming a net softly to eliminate the remaining power.

The long knife was heavy, causing distortions in the void. It seemed that all the power in the world was blessing it, and it accurately and appropriately hit an inch below the tip of the spear. However, Meng Qi did not feel the actual collision. The golden spear suddenly accelerated and the fish jumped over the dragon gate. , wiping the blade and rushing over, but was not really hit!

Oops! It was only then that Meng Qi realized that the golden gun contained a spiral-like explosive force. Through the rotation of the gun body, it was hidden from his own senses. Once it was suppressed by external forces, it was immediately activated, pushing the golden gun to accelerate, making it difficult for people to guard against it!

boom! The sound of the sonic boom was much slower than that of the golden gun. With the help of acceleration, the tip of the gun caught the moment when the flowing fire and sword light completely formed a network, and penetrated through it, only being slightly weakened.

The tip of the spear glowed with golden light, and Meng Qi felt a heartfelt chill, as if the Kunlun Taoist robe would be pierced by the cardinal changes caused by its power. The power of the martial arts master at the peak of the true outdoor scene was evident!

Compared with the masters who are promoted by blood, the exchange of six paths, and the secret method, everyone has reached the same state of reaching the second level of the ladder, and their grasp of the laws of heaven and earth is similar, but in the details, in control, in the understanding of the relationship between heaven and earth. In terms of legal principles and the use of the essence of power, the gap between the two sides is more than just a few miles?

Just throwing a spear from a distance put him in crisis. Although this was related to his hard work and approaching exhaustion, Dugu Shi was indeed worthy of the name "Martial Emperor"!

It was sharp and bone-piercing, Meng Qi could no longer care about anything else, and two more arms grew from his back, one holding the Heaven's Wound, and the other holding the Black Turtle Sword. One was so heavy that it could crush the void, and a mouthful of light shone brightly, covering every corner. a place.

The swords had just been slashed out, and they did not collide with each other halfway like before. Instead, they were right in front of Meng Qi, and they were fighting from left to right right when they were about to take off.

This is very dangerous. Meng Qi will not be able to control the power of "Burial Galaxy" from affecting him, but he can only do this, otherwise the golden spear will stab the Taoist robe before the sword strikes together. It is difficult to predict how much power it can offset and defend!


First a little incandescence appeared, and then it expanded rapidly, rolling into flames. The terrifying impact turned into a substantial wind wave, rushing towards the golden gun with an aura that enveloped the surrounding area.

The third level of power hidden in the golden gun exploded, the tip of the gun shook, and it stabbed towards the cardinal along with the power fluctuations. However, the "Galaxy Burial" was an indiscriminate move across the board, with boiling high temperatures and waves of air that shattered everything like mountains. The sea instantly submerged the golden gun.

It struggled to move forward, but its speed began to slow down and its strength weakened. Meng Qi also tasted the "taste" of "Burial Galaxy" being used in front of him. The heat wave rolled, almost melting his body, and the impact seemed to be able to tear the void apart. The force hit him hard, causing untold pain.

The pale gold shimmered, Kunlun Taoist Robe urged it to fire, but Meng Qi calmly took advantage of it and jumped back, truly avoiding the golden spear!


The golden spear pierced the altar, leaving a faint white mark on the indestructible surface. When it fell, Meng Qi's energy and blood boiled, and he barely managed to steady his steps. Although his own defense was super strong, he was not seriously injured, but it was extremely consumed and he was already in this situation. When the Dharma, Heaven, Earth, and Dharma cease, the two heads and four arms cannot be maintained.

And the real danger has just begun!

On the ninth floor, Shen Yunqing finished sacrificing the treasures he had prepared, and the flesh and blood of the previously dead exterior experts and enlightened masters were completely integrated into the altar. This was also the reason why Meng Qi rushed up, trying to cut off limbs as much as possible, allowing the enemy to wait for a while. The reason for not dying.

The altar was trembling, and streaks of bloody golden light emerged, quickly gathering upwards. The yellow tables with blood characters around the ninth floor were so bright that they ignited. As long as they are all burned, the ceremony will be completed and the road to heaven will be established!

Shen Yunqing freed up his hand, looked at Meng Qi not far away, and showed a hint of a smile. Previously, the enemy was wandering erratically, and the range was so large that he could not lock it. He was cautious and did not activate the magic weapon, but now, he just The change was broken by "Martial Emperor", and he took a few steps back before his body stabilized. It was a great opportunity to lock in the kill!

It was all because of his presence that things reached this point, and the powerful men of the imperial court suffered heavy casualties!

When he thought about it, he raised the "Emperor Sword", and all the strength of his body and the power to move the world came in. The blade of the sword shone brightly, and the dark sky on the entire river became translucent, and there were streaks of light. The seemingly invisible five-clawed golden dragon was circling, and its majestic and terrifying aura made Zhu Shou and others slow to take action.

As soon as Meng Qi stabilized his body, an omen of extreme danger surged in his mind. Shen Yunqing was nowhere to be seen, only a sword filled with the aura of humanity, and its vast and seemingly boundless aura.

Divine weapon!

Locked by the magic weapon!

There was no cold liquid on his forehead or sweat on his back, because Meng Qi's entire soul and body seemed to be frozen, he was trembling unconsciously, and it was difficult to think or move!

no! The golden Buddha appeared, pointing to the sky and touching the ground, and he was the only one who was supreme. Meng Qi tried to fight for a glimmer of clarity, and circulated the immortal primeval phase. He planned to use the "Heaven's Heart, My Mind" to try to break out a glimmer of life in a situation of death and no life.

It's a pity that the tree of avenue has no interest in magic weapons!

At this moment, just when Shen Yunqing was about to swing his sword, a figure that was both sacred and monstrous suddenly appeared behind him. It had the head of a human and the body of a dragon, and its body was blood red. It had six arms. It could destroy or kill with its palms. It's another Qi Zhengyan.

His physical appearance and physical body seem to be strangely separated, each doing his own thing. This was the case at Nantianmen, and it is the same now!

I cooperated with Master Nian Shi to implicate Dugu Shi, while Fa Xiang sneaked to the top of the altar without knowing it, waiting for the opportunity. Now, Shen Yunqing's magic weapon has been activated, and there is nothing that can threaten him!

Qi Zhengyan's face was expressionless, and he swung out the arm holding the blood beads, hitting Shen Yunqing on the back at the moment when the magic weapon was activated.

Suddenly, Shen Yunqing flew up, the flesh and blood on his back melted, his breath became weak, and the magic weapon lost its lock and slashed high into the sky!

The five-clawed golden dragons gathered together and entangled themselves into a golden blade of light, which moved upwards with mighty force, cutting through the clouds, revealing the blazing sun in the sky, shining golden spots on the river surface, the sky was clear and the air was clear!

Boom, boom, boom, Meng Qi's heartbeat only recovered at this time, and it was extremely violent. He was really on the verge of life and death just now. Fortunately, Senior Brother Qi's tricks were cunning and endless, and he finally got the upper hand.

The inheritance of the Demon Lord is really amazing!

Only nine of the sixteen yellow tables with blood letters around the altar on the ninth floor have been burned at this time, and there is still plenty of time to destroy them!

Suddenly, Meng Qi heard a dragon roar, which was vast and vast, but different from Ruan Yushu's piano sound. It was full of nobility, majesty, and sacredness, like the emperor of heaven and earth, the master of all living beings.

Oops! Meng Qi suddenly had bad thoughts in his heart. He saw an emperor's sword flying up from the altar on the ninth floor. The aura of humanity filled the air. The smoke of the battle and the murderous aura of blood were wiped out, and the fighting Miao Hu and Liu retreated. The others retreated.

The divine weapon automatically protects the Lord, no, protects the altar!

Qi Zhengyan's expression remained unchanged, and the six arms were smashed out like wheels. Blood beads, red fire, ice cold, filth, destruction and killing all hit the ninth floor altar with an abstract feeling, trying to get the chance before the divine weapon could completely become autonomous. destroy!


The sound of illusory rupture sounded, and the forbidden law on the ninth-floor altar was strangely shattered, and the yellow tables with blood letters were clearly displayed, with six of them left unburned.

The emperor's sword seemed to be angry, and it suddenly slashed horizontally. The light of the sword cut through the void, which was extremely terrifying. Qi Zhengyan's appearance disappeared strangely, leaving only blood in the air.

Behind Qi Zhengyan, who fought against Dugushi, the Dharma regrouped and merged into his body.

His face turned green and white, and he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood.

Although he dodged the front, he was still affected by the magic weapon and was seriously injured.

At the same time, Qi Zhengyan looked back calmly, his eyes looking deeply at Du Huaishang.


The sword roared like a dragon, and a long sword suddenly flew out, slashing towards the altar, and the Emperor's Sword had to meet it.

"Bearing Heaven Sword" takes the initiative!

It sensed the Emperor's sword energy and was on the verge of activating it on its own. It had to communicate with Du Huaishang before, but now it was surprised by Qi Zhengyan's secret method and finally took on its own mission!

The two magic weapons fought fiercely in mid-air. The swords and swords fell like rain, and countless lives were affected and died. If Du Huaishang had not returned to the warship and the Bearing Sky Sword blocked the aftermath, Ruan Yushu, Zhao Heng and others would not have been able to survive. Even if he doesn't die, he will be in an extremely miserable state.

Seeing that there were only four left on the yellow table with blood characters unburned, Meng Qi emerged bravely and swallowed the Dongji Longevity Pill. His condition quickly returned to its peak. He did not use the sky and earth, but rushed towards the ninth floor altar like a swimming fish, avoiding The light of the sword fell.

He stepped on the steps recorded in the Yuanshi Golden Seal, pushing eighty-nine premonitions of danger to the peak, so as to avoid the impact.

With a body like a ghost and a shape like a swimming dragon, Meng Qi dodged the light of the sword again and again in a sudden move, and arrived in front of the altar on the ninth floor. The Emperor's Sword tried to stop him, but he was stopped by the burst of the Bearing Sky Sword!

At this time, the penultimate card on the Yellow Table with Blood Letters had just been burned clean. Meng Qi had no time to use the Jade Sword to open up heaven and earth!

The sword's light was brilliant, breaking through the darkness, cutting off everything, and headed straight for the last yellow watch with blood on it.

Finally caught up! After swiping the sword, Meng Qi felt happy, but the sword in his left hand thrust out without any delay.

Seeing that the light of the sword was about to fall on Huang Biao, the altar suddenly shook, and streaks of blood instantly poured out, surrounding the altar, highlighting the huge words:

"The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is primitive!"


The sword light was revealed, breaking through most of the bloody words. However, just as they blocked Meng Qi's left sword again, the last yellow table with blood words burned and quickly penetrated into the altar!

There were figures in the blood-light text, and the familiar voice of Blood Sea Rakshasa came from an infinite distance, full of joy and sarcasm:

"You're dead."

The light from the altar merged into one, suddenly rushed into the sky, and pierced into the ground!

Meng Qi's heart suddenly felt cold.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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