The Supreme Being

Chapter 845 Seven Kills Monument (please vote for me)

When the corpse opened its eyes, it was red, like a sea of ​​blood, and the surrounding area was suddenly hazy, twisted, and chaotic.

Meng Qi's vision blurred, his soul felt slightly dizzy, and then he saw connecting lines extending from the outside world, penetrating through the chaos, and sticking tightly to the eyebrows of the huge corpse.

The thoughts or souls descended along the connection line and entered the entrance. A drop of blood from the corpse merged with them to form a physical body and landed on the mountains and rivers.

Just when Meng Qi wanted to see more clearly, the scene changed one after another. Sometimes the tyrannical spirit flew out from the center of his eyebrows and followed the connection. Sometimes the corpse was stimulated and became transparent. Sometimes it showed a pair of huge bright red eyes without any life. …

Meng Qi frowned slightly and thought to himself: "Because the corpse opened its eyes, the time around it was chaotic. What happened in the past, if it was deeply imprinted, was reflected?"

So, the essence of the fragment is a corpse, a tyrannical corpse that completely transforms the inner world into a universe?

So, the bodies that Nangong Chong and the others descended from were not real "creations of the void", but came from the blood of huge corpses?

So, Wu Youming and others indirectly used this power to reorganize their bodies?

With enlightenment in his heart, Meng Qi rose into the air and flew towards the terrifying corpse, flying towards his eyebrows.

The distance between the two was very close. As soon as Meng Qi made a move, he was already above and could see those red eyes clearly!

There are no pupils inside, and there are boundless blood-colored waves rippling, full of murderous intent. And in the center of the red sea, there stands a hazy stone tablet that does not belong to this world. Above the stone tablet, there are four figures that Meng Qi is familiar with. The Empress, the Foolish Monk, the Heavenly Master and the Black Mountain Demon!

They were actually in the corpse's eyes?

The opening of the corpse's eyes is not the resurrection of the dead, but the stimulation of changes?


Things were so strange that even the master was not immune. After the Heavenly Master questioned Qin Shuanglian and others in detail, he did not delay, and went hand in hand with the foolish monk to arrive at the ghost village.

This place is not too far from the Tianshi Mansion, but it is close to the mountains where wild beasts roam, and it has always been the most remote and least noticed place.

In the village, the houses are old and dilapidated. Every household is hung with white cloth, and the trees are full of strings of paper money. Other than that, there is no human habitation. It is eerily quiet. The wind passes through the village from time to time, blowing the wind. The vortex blows up the paper money and "stores it" inside, making people's hair stand on end.

However, people like the Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk have seen more ghosts than ordinary people have encountered dogs. They have strong minds and are unmoved. After observing the changes in the qi of heaven and earth, combined with the information from Qin Shuanglian and others, they quickly deduced The source of the strange emission was determined.

There is an ancient tomb on the back of the mountain. It was discovered due to the earthquake. It was excavated by the villagers and the treasures inside were taken away. Since then, they died tragically one after another. Even the Taoist monks who came to catch the ghosts were not spared, so they got " Ghost Village" title.

The ancient tomb was explored by Qin Shuanglian and others. No coffin was found where the owner was buried. Only a crack that seemed to go deep into the ground was seen. The master of the Tianshi Mansion once entered to explore and then died violently. Only then did he know that the cave was probably also entered. Pass inside.

"Amitabha." The foolish monk whispered the Buddha's name and held the "Ksitigarbha Soul-Transmitting Sutra" in his hand.

As he flipped through the scriptures, the foolish monk recited them quickly, and the characters flew out one by one, blooming with a golden glaze, reflecting the surroundings like a Buddhist country, and the Yin energy and the will of death were gone.

The ground cracked, seeds sprouted, and lotuses bloomed.

The foolish monk stepped on the lotus, surrounded the glazed scriptures, and stepped into the gap.

The Heavenly Master is holding a long sword, with an ancient Taoist crown, and the dragon and tiger are quarreling behind him. He is following behind the Foolish Monk, as if he is radiating Tai Chi or transforming Yin and Yang.

He is not afraid of evil ghosts, he just believes in the power of "Ksitigarbha's Soul-Saving Sutra". You must know that his first battle after becoming a great master was to go deep into the "Ghost City", subdue the ten ghost kings, and pacify millions of ghosts. , completely closed a gap leading to the Nine Netherworld, and restored peace to the world.

The two great masters have experienced hundreds of battles, and their minds have spontaneous reactions. They have never underestimated this place, and they follow every step and are cautious and alert.

The gap is long and dark in the depths. The spirit is like a mud cow entering the sea. The further you go, the colder it becomes.

Suddenly, the eyes of the Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk suddenly lit up. They were in an unusually wide underground cave, a cave that could build a royal palace.

There are several gloomy springs flowing in the corners, raising the chill and filling the cave with a thin mist, which swallows the spirit.

The Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk carefully monitored the cave and found nothing unusual.

The foolish monk's hidden eyes suddenly opened. They were light gold, moist and crystal clear. They included all directions in the celestial eye. However, he still didn't find it.

At this time, the Heavenly Master snorted coldly and slapped the back of his right hand with his left hand. The Taoist robe suddenly bulged, clear light flowed, and a large "kill" word gradually penetrated into the void on his back. The color was extremely light and had not yet been formed.

"There is indeed something strange." His upper body swayed slightly, and the roar of dragons and tigers behind him coiled into a ball, wrapping up the word "kill" and dissolving it.

The foolish monk thought for a while, sat down cross-legged, took out a withered yellow wooden fish, and placed it and the "Ksitigarbha's Soul-Transmitting Sutra" in front of him. through":

"Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mahasattva..."

"...It has been saved, it should be saved, it has not been saved... It has not been long, it should be achieved, but it has not been achieved..."

"After today, for hundreds of thousands of billions of eons, there will be a world, all hells, and the three evil realms. All sentient beings are suffering from sins. I vow to save them from the hells and evil realms, as beasts and hungry ghosts. The retribution for these sins and others will be fulfilled." Buddha, then I will achieve enlightenment."

The Buddha's voice is getting louder and louder, grand and solemn, pure and liberating. The glazed golden light comes out of the void, illuminating the cave and driving away the mist. The golden Brahma petals fall down, and clear springs gush out from the ground, accompanied by gold, agate, crystal, etc. .


The ground suddenly shook, and the cave shook violently, as if it was being pulled by the scriptures.

The foolish monk suddenly raised his head, his eyes radiated Buddha light, and behind him appeared the compassionate and golden image of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The "Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra" flew up and turned to the last page.

He opened his mouth and spat out word after word. There was a Buddha preaching, and his voice was like thunder:

"Until hell is empty, I vow not to become a Buddha; only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi."


Amidst the thunder, the earth cracked rapidly, as if a giant opened his eyes!

Within the "eye" is an endless sea of ​​blood, and in the middle of the sea is a hazy stone tablet that seems untouchable.

There is a line of text written on the front of the stele:

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

Each word of killing is more bloody than the last, more ferocious than the last, and more full of death meaning than the last.

"Seven Killing Monument!" The Heavenly Master thought of the reminder from the Cangtian Sect leader.

Is this stone tablet here?

As their thoughts turned, the Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk flew into the sea of ​​blood at the same time, going all out.

Although I don’t know what the purpose of this stone tablet is, the old monsters from Montenegro are trying their best to pursue it, which shows that it is very unusual and must not fall into the hands of the enemy!

At this moment, a white and slender hand fell from the sky, with four fingers together, and the thumb pressed into the index finger, like a bird's beak. Together with the figure in the black robe behind it, it was like a proud phoenix rushing towards it, burning the sky with flames. , directly evaporated a layer of blood sea.

"Empress..." The Heavenly Master was prepared for the unexpected. He slashed his long sword upwards at an angle. The dragon and tiger figures behind him were connected end to end and rotated rapidly. The true energy around him and the connected power of heaven and earth changed seven times in an instant. Yin and yang, yin and yang, yang and yin, the surrounding void is sometimes cold and frozen, the yin energy enters the bones, and sometimes the yang is upright, eliminating the filth.

This is his favorite work that combines the martial arts of Tianshifu: "Seven Turns of Dragon and Tiger", which releases seven waves of power in an instant, either yin or yang, superimposed layer by layer, like ocean waves, and the order of yin and yang is different, each time the dragon Tiger Seventh Turn is completely different. If the enemy wants to neutralize it, he must guess the yin and yang correctly at every wave and respond correctly in order to completely block Dragon Tiger Seventh Turn. Otherwise, the power will be completely detonated and a chain reaction will occur, which is equivalent to being hit by several Simultaneous attacks from the Heavenly Masters!

In the blink of an eye, unless the power of deduction is so powerful that it is close to the dharma body, or the habits of the heavenly master are known in advance, who can distinguish it so quickly and make a perfect response so quickly?

Therefore, in the face of this attack, the best choice is to avoid its sharp edge. This is also the plan of the Heavenly Master, to force the empress back and get the "Seven Kills Monument" first.

The empress's eyes were blank, and the five fingers of her right hand suddenly relaxed. She actually did not dodge, but chose to take it hard.

Yang fire and yin fire change one after another, eliminating the dragon and tiger seven turns, yang, yin, yang, yin, yin and yang, and they are exactly the same!

The seven turns of dragon and tiger dissipated into nothingness, and the Empress' five fingers brushed against the Heavenly Master's sword. The surging power turned into flames and burned towards the Heavenly Master along the long sword.


"She guessed it right?" The Heavenly Master's heart was shaken, and he swung it hard to isolate the flames.

His sword trembled, his energy and blood boiled, and he almost fell into the sea of ​​blood.

In one move, he was already injured.

The Empress was unyielding when she gained the upper hand, and spread out her body skills to firmly suppress the Heavenly Master at a disadvantage.

The more the Heavenly Master fights, the more frightened he becomes. He seems to be transparent in front of the Empress. She can always be dealt with in advance or find the hidden loopholes in his moves. He fights very passively - Dayan fifty is still one of the hidden ones. Before transcending, he can no longer Strong skills always have weaknesses!

On the other side, the foolish monk looked calm. He encountered the old demon from Montenegro wrapped in a long robe. He punched out with an ordinary punch. The golden words "Ksitigarbha Soul Saving Sutra" protruded in mid-air and became one piece, blooming with glazed luster. He sat down on Mount Sumeru with his dharma. , evolve the "Endurance and Immovable Barrier", and become invincible first.

Faced with this punch, the old demon from Montenegro suddenly opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of dark light.

As soon as this path landed on the golden colored glaze, it suddenly made a strange sound of laughter, full of depraved joy. Suddenly, the golden Buddhist inscriptions were defiled, the barrier cracked, and it was wrapped in strange black shadows.

"The fallen eminent monk's relic!" The foolish monk was finally moved.

The old monster from Montenegro laughed: "Specially prepared for you!"

The game "Black Mountain Old Demon" has been running for ten years. Although no one has yet entered the realm of Grand Master, there are always challenges to Foolish Monks, Heavenly Masters and others. All kinds of challenges, honest, despicable, etc. The data is fed back again and again, and under the continuous calculation and simulation of the optical brain, it gradually becomes more realistic.

Therefore, the Empress and the Black Mountain Old Demon have simulated battles with the Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk dozens or hundreds of times respectively. They all know their habits, their moves, and their secrets very clearly. They know that when the dragon and snake turn seven turns, What kind of yin and yang changes the Heavenly Master will subconsciously choose, knowing that the "fallen eminent monk's relic" restrains the "endurance and immovable barrier".

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle. As soon as they fought, the Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk were at an absolute disadvantage!

This is the power of the combination of high technology and martial arts! The more the empress fought, the more confident she became. After trapping the foolish monk, the Black Mountain old demon did not hesitate to pounce on the Seven Kills Monument!

What Meng Qi saw from the eyes of the huge corpse was such a scene. His heart trembled. His body came into contact with the electric current, and his soul was directly thrown into it. The physical body in the Tianshi Mansion sensed the qi machine and flew to the sea of ​​blood!

The two met above the sea of ​​blood, and the soul returned to the body, nourished by the strong blood. Meng Qi once again felt his strong and familiar power, a real and real power.

However, there is a process of return after all. At this time, Meng Qi saw the old Black Mountain demon grabbing the "Seven Kills Monument."

"You're a step late." The old demon from Montenegro was in a very happy mood, his robes were flowing, and his red eyes were filled with mockery.

Meng Qi narrowed his eyes, stepped across the void, and without saying a word, he just attacked!

The old demon soul of Black Mountain shook the void and laughed: "It's useless. Do you know how mysterious the Seven Kills Monument is? Apart from the chaotic time, exploring the past and present life, killing people invisible, can also allow the holder to briefly return to the past. !”

"I know that your 'Huang Tiandang Li' realm is very strange and powerful. You can actually replace the sky. You are not affected by the passage of time and are not isolated by two realms. It is easy to win you, but very difficult to kill you."

"But now that I have the Seven Kills Monument in hand, I can go back to the past and kill you when you were weak!"

The "Seven Kills Monument" in his hand suddenly shone brightly and completely enveloped him. Time and space suddenly shook and became chaotic. Meng Qi could only watch the old Black Mountain demon disappear.

The light dissipated, and the old Black Mountain demon appeared on the cliff, seeing a calm young man sensing the sky.

"Liang Wuji!" He shouted.

The young man opened his eyes and looked at the demon-like monster in front of him. He was startled: "You are..."

Before he finished speaking, the Black Mountain Old Demon slapped his palm down, and Liang Wuji immediately turned into blood and mud, leaving only his obsession echoing around:

"Who did I provoke whom..."

The old demon of Montenegro was satisfied with his hand, once again inspired the Seven Kills Monument, and returned to the "future".

Liang Wuji died, and the leader of the Cangtian Sect was replaced. Sun Junlin was vigorously cultivated, but in the end he did not have the talent and failed to cultivate to the highest level under "Huang Tiandang Li", so he did not dare to challenge the old demon of Black Mountain and was still alive and kicking. .

Meng Qi came and became a senior retreat elder of the Cangtian Sect. He and Sun Junlin explored Lanruo Temple. After that, there were not many changes. Only the identities of Yan Chixia, Yu Seng and others changed in their memories.

But in Nangong Chongshijie, the video of the leader of Cangtian Sect is still the leader of Cangtian Sect!

"...I really went back to the past...The changes to the timeline are limited to this part of the universe..." Meng Qi clearly noticed these changes, but he did not change his memory.

And he finally understood why he didn't change his memory, because of "Daoyi Seal"!

The cause of all effects, the source of all things, the beginning of all changes!

Meng Qi savored the changes, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, looked at the empty area in front of him, and said to himself:

"It's none of my business if you kill him..."

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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