The Supreme Being

Chapter 846 Huang Tian is established

"But now that I have the Seven Kills Monument in hand, I can go back to the past and kill you when you were weak!"

The words of the Old Demon Soul of Black Mountain that shook the void were also heard by the Heavenly Master, the Foolish Monk and the Empress. Whether they were attacking, defending, or trying their best to resist corruption, they couldn't help but distract their attention here, and found that the Seven Kills Monument was indeed shining brightly. , confusing the nearby time, wrapping up the old Black Mountain demon, and disappearing, as if swimming upstream in an illusory river.

"The Seven Kills Monument can allow people to go back to the past?" Seeing Duo Shiguang again, the Heavenly Master, the Empress and the Foolish Monk were also shocked and inexplicable at this time. This completely exceeded their knowledge and imagination. At least this kind of power only exists for missionary purposes. According to records in Taoist books and Buddhist scriptures, they have never heard of anyone really reaching this point!

If it's true? That was simply irresistible!

Except for those who are born strong, no one has grown up from a weak step by step. When he was at his weakest, he could not even stop an adult's finger. He would die at the slightest sign of trouble. If he was attacked by a great master like the Black Mountain Old Demon back in the past, where would he be? The only way to resist is to die!

This is completely incomprehensible!

They had a lot of thoughts and were filled with shock and shock. They asked themselves, if they were themselves, if the Seven Kills Monument were real, how could they compete with it.

It seems that all we can do is wait for death!

Unless, unless you also have a Seven Kills Monument.

This has exceeded the gods and demons they imagined!

Subconsciously, they all looked at Meng Qi and secretly speculated:

"Will this Supreme Elder of Cangtian Sect disappear out of thin air?"

If it disappears, it means that the Seven Kills Monument can indeed allow people to go back to the past!

Meng Qi stood with his hands behind his back, getting ready and taking a posture.

A flash of light suddenly appeared in mid-air, then expanded and filled the surrounding area. The laughter of the old Black Mountain demon came from it:

"I have gone back to the past and killed you when you were weak, Liang Wuji, no matter how mysterious and unpredictable your realm of 'Heaven is dead and Huang Tian is standing' is, what's the use?"

The light dissipated, and the figure of the old Black Mountain demon appeared, holding the Seven Kills Monument. His voice suddenly stopped, and he stared dumbfoundedly at Meng Qi, whose green shirt was flowing soothingly in front of him, and blurted out:

"You, are you still there?"

He had obviously killed Liang Wuji when he was young, how could he still exist in the present?

This is impossible!

I have no doubt about the ability of the Seven Kills Monument. Changing the past will consume all the power it has accumulated, will change the memories of relevant people, and will redouble part of the world process... I know all these, but why is he still alive?

Uh, who is Liang Wuji... The Heavenly Master and the Empress even stopped fighting and looked at each other with a little confusion in their eyes.

Is the old demon from Montenegro talking about cross talk under the overpass? This is clearly the Supreme Elder of Cangtian Sect, "Ji Wuliang". Why did he kill Liang Wuji?

Looking at the old Montenegro demon who was agitated and unable to maintain his mood, Meng Qi smiled slightly, with a calm posture and a soothing tone:

"Thank you for your help. I have helped someone cut off the past. Everything in the past has disappeared, and there is no longer any involvement in the sky. Starting from today, the yellow sky has been established, and the universe has expanded into a world of its own. I have finally got rid of the shackles of the heaven's great law. Make a breakthrough.”

The old Black Mountain demon's eyes were dull after hearing this. He tried his best to use the power accumulated from the Seven Kills Monument to go back to the past and kill the weak Liang Wuji. Not only was it useless, it actually helped him break through from the realm of "Huang Tiandang Li" To the ultimate level of "The Yellow Sky has been established"?

The words were mysterious and full of wit. The Foolish Monk, the Heavenly Master and others were stunned for a moment after listening to them. This realm is really mysterious and mysterious. If you savor it carefully, it seems to contain a profound truth.

At this moment, Meng Qi looked directly at the old Black Mountain demon, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"By the way, your Excellency seems to have recognized the wrong person. I am not Liang Wuji, but the supreme elder of Cangtian Sect, Ji Wuliang."

He recognized the wrong person... He was extremely unfaithful... The old demon from Montenegro opened his eyes wide, and his mood was complicated and unspeakable. He was annoyed, angry, depressed, and incredible. His energy and blood boiled, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

No matter how deep the city is, his majestic appearance, and his spiritual cultivation are tyrannical, it is inevitable that his mind will be lost at this moment, as if he is in a dream!

Ji Wuliang...isn't it Liang Wuji who reads it the other way around? Is he kidding me? Suddenly, the old demon from Montenegro felt something in his heart. He looked at the other party and saw Meng Qi looking calm, half-smiling but not smiling. He immediately understood something and became extremely angry from embarrassment.

At this moment, Meng Qi's eyes became solemn, his Yuan Xin Seal circulated, turned into thunder words, and suddenly shouted:

"Fellow Taoist, I'm going to capture you if I don't show my strength!"

The realm of the Grand Master is better than his own, and his mind is mellow and tyrannical. If he wants to defeat the Black Mountain Old Demon, it will be very difficult for him to use all means. However, now, he is shocked by the ineffectiveness of the Seven Kills Monument and being teased by himself, and his mind is no longer calm. Completely lost and unable to regain its momentum, this is the opportunity!

When the strength is almost the same, when masters compete, the first priority is mind and momentum. Once there are major loopholes in the two, they are often defeated quickly. However, I have the Yuanxin Seal, I am the only one, and I have the Ananda Breaking Ring Sword Technique, and I am the best at grasping the mind. Loophole!

"Fellow Taoist, I'm going to capture you if I don't show my strength!"

One word roared, and bursts of thunder shook the void.

Boom, boom, boom, the old demon from Montenegro felt the "heartbeat" of his physical body and soul speed up, his brain was congested, his eyes were swollen, and all kinds of emotions were fermenting to the extreme, fighting and entangled with each other in his mind, making it difficult for him to think, as if he was lost.

Chance! Meng Qi already had a wound from the sky in his hand, and the sky above the sea of ​​blood suddenly became dark. Matter collapsed, energy collapsed, and the boundless sea of ​​blood collapsed toward the Black Mountain Old Demon and himself. The energy solidified and formed a bond, as if even time and space were bound. Be limited.

The laws disintegrated, the rules collapsed, and apart from chaos, there was almost nothing else... The Heavenly Master took action to block the empress, and this thought suddenly came to his mind.

Is this the expression of "Heaven is Dead"?

As soon as he came up with the idea, he saw an indistinguishable Taoist sitting behind Meng Qi. The light of the sword suddenly lit up, breaking the restraints. The energy spurted out crazily, spreading towards the Black Mountain Old Demon. Time and space seemed to be born from this, and matter condensed from it. out.

The big explosion that created the world!

Incandescent, the sword light and energy swallowed up the Black Mountain Old Demon and most of the blood sea. The Empress, the Foolish Monk and the Heavenly Master tried their best to resist the aftermath, and a realization emerged subconsciously:

"There is great vitality in the great destruction, everything is new from the beginning of one yuan, and the yellow sky has been established!"


The sea of ​​​​blood split into pieces and spread to the outside world. The ground collapsed and the mountains collapsed. The ghost village was completely submerged, and hundreds of miles around were reduced to ruins.

The old Black Mountain demon was in a state of despair. He didn't react until the sword light came close. He had no time to react and could only resist with his body.


The light tore through the protective blood light, the flames swallowed up the stress secret treasure, and the energy storm ripped him apart.

Everything gradually calmed down, and the figure of the old Black Mountain demon was blurred and crumbling, leaving only the incomplete spirit.

He raised his head with difficulty and saw Meng Qi, who was wearing a green shirt. After murmuring a few times, he asked with reluctance:

"Who are you anyway?"

"Wuji Liang..." Meng Qi replied calmly, raising the knife in his hand.

Wuji beam? ah! The old demon from Black Mountain let out a cry of grief and anger, and his soul collapsed.

Meng Qi transformed into a clone and let it capture the Seven Kills Monument!

In the world where Nangong Chong lives, battleships have surrounded the dilapidated Annan Prison. The prisoners who were trying to escape from the prison were so frightened that they all squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Suddenly, there was a bright light in Cell No. 8, and the huge corpse in the debris sat up suddenly!

His eyes opened completely and blood burst out.

The surrounding life was gone, and the phase warship covered with anti-matter cannons fell silently, its surface dim, as if it had lost its own ability to maintain itself.

A bit of light flew out and fell into the giant corpse's eyebrows. He suddenly stood up, his body blurred, and disappeared into the void.

The surroundings were quiet, with no living beings present.


As soon as the Seven Kills Monument was grabbed by Meng Qi's clone, boundless light burst out in front of his eyes. He could only defend it with all his strength and hold on with difficulty.

what's going on? Meng Qi was full of doubts and waited patiently.

The changes quickly subsided, but the scene in front of Meng Qi had already changed. The surroundings were chaotic, without the Heavenly Master, the Empress and the Foolish Monk. In front of him was a young man wearing a black robe. He felt deeply tired, seemed to be tired of himself and the world, and full of indescribable strange charm.

Meng Qi's heart moved and he blurted out: "You are the real old monster from Montenegro!"

The young man in black robes smiled faintly: "The Dharma body falls asleep, sheds distractions, undergoes reincarnation, and waits for the catastrophe. This is a good way to extend life. But he actually wants to see the past life and eliminate the past. He really overestimates his ability."

"All his plots and plans are in my sight. There is no secret at all. This ending is destined, do you think so?"

Meng Qi's eyes narrowed slightly. Was he talking about the old Black Mountain demon from before? Was he also talking about himself?

The chapter at night is in the early morning~

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