The Supreme Being

Chapter 869 Gong Ziyu

His name was "Li Dan", and he carried the "Tao Te Ching" written by the Tao Te Tian Zun himself. Meng Qi subconsciously thought about the direction of preaching to Tai Shang.

The Supreme Being escaped from the world of gods and could not show up again. After realizing that he was involved with Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuxu Palace, he casually gave him the "Tao Te Ching" to guide him to preach in this world?

Now, having been involved in a chess game and experiencing a lot, Meng Qi is no longer as ignorant as before. He is always a little wary of coincidences, but now it cannot be described as coincidence, it is almost "intentional"!

If the Supreme Leader wants to incarnate himself as Li Dan and preach for him, he must be aware of the matter of the earth's body and have it all figured out, otherwise the current situation would not exist. Therefore, he is at least considered a neutral party, although he has not provided assistance or help. , but at least it was not revealed.

If you regard the Moral Heavenly Lord as the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation or as a group of powerful people behind you, then even your last trump card has been exposed, and you no longer see any hope of getting rid of your "fish" identity. You can only pray day and night for other powerful people to join in. Together, life and death no longer have anything to do with hard work.

This is the situation that Meng Qi least wants to see. Destiny controls people's hands and he has no control over it. It doesn't matter whether he works hard or gives up. It is tantamount to denying himself. If this is the case, he would rather choose to have a glimmer of hope to grasp, even if he fights to the death and disappears. , dying violently is better than this!

Therefore, Meng Qi subconsciously separated the Tao De Tian Zun and the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. At least so far, except for the fact that the "Tao De Jing" has been known to the Six Paths, there is no sign that they are colluding.

Taking a breath, Meng Qi's thoughts fluctuated, thinking about what to do.

Things have already come to your door. It is not wise to escape or refuse. If this offends the Supreme Being, or if this is his good intention to help you get out of trouble, it will be too late to regret it.

But preaching for him is a "technical job". If you directly show your "talent", "conquer" Li Rong, become a member of Luoyi's collection room, and then read all the books in the collection, understand etiquette, and understand morality, your reputation will spread far and wide. , attracting people like Confucius to seek advice from his disciples, he will be discovered by the Six Paths within minutes, and all his secret efforts will become a laughing stock!

Therefore, we still have to keep a low profile, delay for a few years, make other preparations, and wait until I reach the critical moment of cutting off the past, and then cooperate to open a world road, so as to use the power of the entire god to help.

The timing must be grasped accurately. If you are too late, you will easily fail. If you are too late, you will be discovered by the Six Paths in advance.

"Thank you Shouzang Shi for the name." Meng Qi cupped his hands and deliberately used Li Rong's official name as an honorific.

Li Rong was stunned for a moment: "Have you read the slips and can you read and write sentences?"

Not like ordinary refugees!

"I was taught by a teacher when I was young." Meng Qi used this to mislead the other party into positioning himself as a fallen nobleman.

Li Rong already felt a sense of accomplishment when Meng Qi listened to his teachings and stopped begging. At this time, he became more interested in talents. He stroked his beard and said, "Yes, from now on you will call me Shouzang Shi." , There is no need to call the master, but when you first enter the Li Mansion, you still have to start as a lowly servant, and you will be responsible for cleaning the courtyard in front. "

"Yes, Shou Zang Shi." Meng Qi most wished he could keep such a low profile.

Seeing him being taken away by other servants, Li Jianjia pouted: "You can't tell he has read a book with his appearance."

"People should not be judged by their appearance." Li Rong shook his head and sighed, "This shows the impact of chaos and frequent wars in the world. The descendants of a doctor have ended up in this situation. If you don't learn martial arts well, when the chaos spreads to this point, I'm afraid you will be worse than him. Still miserable.”

As for guarding Luoyi, Li Rong had already seen through the weakness of the Zhou royal family and no longer had any illusions.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Because of being named "Li Dan", Meng Qi did not dare to neglect. With the help of magic, he slightly adjusted the time and separated the day and night. When the deity is in the day, the earth's body is night, and vice versa. In this way, he You can barely take care of both ends, and be conscious of where you are during the day, so as to avoid mistakes.

And this is one of the reasons why Meng Qi doesn't dare to directly exchange for longer time cultivation. In a few years, who knows what will happen to the earth's body.

Rustling, Meng Qi swept the courtyard, attentively and meticulously, as if this was not a lowly handyman, but the most sacred thing worthy of attention.

Through the window of the study room, Li Rong and Li Jianjia watched Meng Qi cleaning, and they were infected with a sense of peace and relaxed physically and mentally.

"Be a lowly servant without slacking off, and be in difficult situations without falling. Jianjia, just with this mentality, this will, this concentration, he is a hundred times stronger than you. You must learn this well." Li Rong sighed. One sentence.

Li Jianjia's eyes flashed and she snorted: "So what? I'm not cleaning the courtyard."

She actually admired Meng Qi's concentration and meticulousness, and felt that she would definitely not be able to do it. However, her father taught her so much that she couldn't help but say something back.

Li Rong chuckled: "Being a father is a test for him. Now that he has passed the test, he will become a long-term follower later, responsible for cleaning and organizing the study and storage room. If he has leisure, he can read the books and practice martial arts."

"It's a pity that he has wasted his best time. It is difficult to achieve success in practicing martial arts, and I am afraid he will not be able to become a teacher in studying." Li Jianjia said something harsh again, but he also said what he believed to be the truth.

Li Rong didn't say much and agreed with Li Jianjia's judgment, but this was to train servants such as long followers, not generals or sages, so it was enough.

He turned around and walked behind the desk, sat down on his knees, and looked through the various messages collected by his servants and copied by the court.

Suddenly, Li Rong suddenly took a picture and cut the hard case into two parts. He was breathing rapidly, blowing his beard, and his anger was beyond words.

"Father, what's wrong?" Li Jianjia stared blankly with a pair of wonderful eyes.

"In the name of being cumbersome and useless, the Mohists of Qi abolished many etiquettes. They not only restricted burials but also downplayed the principle of superiority and inferiority." Li Rong said angrily, "Etiquette is ruined and music is ruined! Seriously, etiquette is ruined and music is ruined! Su Mozhen is the first person in history. A treacherous one!”

"People's hearts are not as old as they used to be. I only regret that I am not strong enough to kill this thief!"

Sneeze... Meng Qi sneezed, feeling like he had been shot again, and then silently continued sweeping the floor.

Li Rong put his hands on his back and walked back and forth in the study, his anger gradually dissipating. When he saw Meng Qi's every move, which was concentrated and unaffected by external objects, he finally calmed down, shook his head, with a frustrated face, returned to the desk again, and looked through other things. paper.

At the end, he saw a greeting card and opened it in confusion:

"Zhongshan Kingdom Ji Yu?" Li Rong muttered to himself.

Li Jianjia was responsible for helping his father sort out these things. Hearing this, he said, "Gong Ziyu? Does father want to see the greeting card he handed over today?"

"What's his origin?" Li Rong asked.

Li Jianjia recalled the words of the servant who was responsible for this matter: "He is the son of the Zhongshan Kingdom. It is said that he is rich in knowledge and knows the general trend of the world. After the fall of Zhongshan, he has been in exile in other countries, and he did not expect to come to Luoyi."

"A rich scholar? That's good to see." Li Rong nodded.


A carriage drove slowly towards Shouzang Shifu, neither fast nor slow, like an outing.

There was a man wearing a crown in the car, with black hair, a wide robe and big sleeves. His facial features were considered to be of high quality, and he was a bit noble, but there was always a bit of frivolity and impetuousness between his brows.

He closed his eyes, relaxed his mood, and calmed his expression. At this moment, a servant with extraordinary skills got in through the car window and handed over a few pieces of paper: "Master, what you want."

This person was Gong Ziyu. He reached out to take the paper, motioned the servant to step back, and then slowly read it:

"...There is no Li Lao Li seems that there really is no Taishang Xianshi, enlightenment path in the Cangzang Room..."

A smile appeared on Gong Ziyu's face. I am afraid that no one in this world knows that there may be an incarnation of the Moral God in the small Luoyi Cangzang room. If he appears, he will become a teacher for all generations. The handwritten moral five thousand The words contain the true meaning of the great road and open up the way to this world!

If he hadn't come from the earth and traveled here by chance, he would never have guessed it.

Now that the Supreme Being has not yet manifested himself, wouldn't this merit and honor be cheap for him?

He has been in Gongziyu for several years, relying on what he learned in his previous life, and gradually gained the reputation of being a rich scholar. When he occasionally preached a few words that had not yet appeared among the scholars, he actually gained moral and meritorious qualities. This was an unexpected encounter with him. The skills complemented each other, making his strength improve by leaps and bounds.

After tasting the sweetness, he set his sights on Luoyi and the storage room. If the Supreme Being didn't show up, it would be his chance!

Nowadays, many scholars have appeared. If the Supreme Being does not appear in the world and preach the Dao, it stands to reason that he will not appear in the world again, because he has noticed that the embryonic form of Confucianism has begun to appear.

When the time comes, he will be the saint who opens the way to this world!

In the beautiful imagination, the carriage arrived at Li's house. Under the guidance of the house servant, Gong Ziyu entered the study and saw two men and one woman inside. The man with a white face and long beard was Li Rong, the woman seemed to be his daughter, and the other one. The man has a vicissitudes of appearance, showing signs of premature aging, as if he is a domestic servant.

After greeting each other, Gongzi Yu made it clear why he came. He said that he saw the collapse of etiquette in this world, and his own knowledge was shallow, so he felt helpless. He heard that Luoyi's keeper Mingxiao etiquette came here to ask for advice, and asked Li Rong to allow him to translate it. Look at the collection of books.

These words just hit Li Rong's itch. He praised Gong Ziyu and agreed immediately.

Gong Ziyu pretended to sigh and said: "There is no morality or morality in this world, people's hearts are not ancient, chaos is frequent, and I am not talented. I hope to read through the collection of books and find out where the truth lies."

This was a foreshadowing to prevent "big news" from making people suspicious in the future, and he couldn't remember the complete "Tao Te Ching", so he needed Li Rong's help to complete it.

"This is a great thing to say!" Li Rong said while stroking his hands, Meng Qi curled his lips, this guy can really pretend, he thinks he is a moral saint.

Gong Ziyu was secretly proud and pretended to be humble: "The history of Shou Zang is overly praised."

Haha, I will open the road!

Before he finished speaking, he heard Li Rong order: "Li Dan, take Gong Ziyu to the storage room first."

Li Dan? Gong Ziyu was stunned.

Li Dan!

His expression suddenly froze on his face, turning white and red, red and black, black and white, as if he had opened a dye shop.

Learning to drive, I came back late and forgot the time. .

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