The Supreme Being

Chapter 870 Testing


There was a thunder in Gong Ziyu's heart, and only two words echoed in his mind:

Li Dan! Li Dan! Li Dan!

In the age when scholars emerged, in Luoyi, Zhou Dynasty, in the house of Shou Zangshi, I met a man named Li Dan. How could Gong Ziyu not think too much!

This, is this the incarnation of the Supreme Being?

Is this Lao Tzu who spreads the Five Thousand Words of Morality?

The world of the gods is no better than the earth. Taishang Laojun, the moral deity, is a veritable power. He was active in the world hundreds of years ago, participated in the great war, and almost destroyed this world. He has vast supernatural powers and is omnipotent. He wants to Squeezing yourself to death is no more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

He just wanted to replace the Supreme Being, open this world avenue and enjoy huge rewards, but instead he met Li Dan directly. It was comparable to Li Gui meeting Li Kui, especially when he was facing a big man who destroyed the world in myths and legends. Gong Ziyu really felt guilty. Incomparably, I was frightened and frightened, I broke out in a cold sweat, my legs couldn't help but feel weak. If I hadn't had good martial arts skills, experienced a lot of things, and had barely any self-control, I might have wet my pants.

His face was like a tack shop, changing constantly and wonderfully, which was so shocking that Li Rong and Li Jianjia looked at each other and communicated via voicemail:

"Father, what happened to Gongziyu?"

"Is he possessed by evil spirits? Otherwise, why would he be so rude?"

Gong Ziyu's reaction and emotion were too exaggerated, and could not be concealed from Meng Qi, who was the first palmist of the Heart Seal. He remained calm on the surface, but he muttered in his heart: "Why are you so scared when you hear my name? Li Dan, Li Dan, does he know who Li Dan is? "

"No one in today's world of gods knows who Li Dan is, unless someone can see the future. But how can a person who can see the future look like a bear? In other words, he occasionally has a magic weapon that can see the future. ?”

"Reincarnation? The "Tao Te Ching" of the main world has been inherited from ancient times. It has experienced many tribulations and has been passed down to this day. It has nothing to do with Li Dan. If it is a reincarnation, it must not be from the main world. He comes from a world with a history similar to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period on Earth. ?”

Meeting a reincarnator is the last thing Meng Qi wants to encounter, but now that he has met a suspect, he can't just sit idly by and have to test things out.

While Meng Qi was looking up and down, Li Rong said loudly: "Master, are you feeling unwell?"

When the sound hit his ears, Gong Ziyu shuddered suddenly, as if he had woken up from a nightmare, and shook his head in confusion: "No, no."

He subconsciously looked at the man named Li Dan, and saw that his face was full of weather, but he was prematurely aging, which was not consistent with the legendary old man's appearance, white hair and white eyebrows, just like a normal ordinary person.

Is it just a coincidence? Not the supreme incarnation?

The world is so big, there may be more than one named Li Dan!

Gong Ziyu had doubts while comforting himself, but his emotions gradually calmed down, leaving only surprises.

This matter cannot be just a coincidence, it must be confirmed, but how to confirm it? Take action directly. If it is really Li Dan, won't he be wiped out in ashes and die in peace?

Well, you can't test and confirm with malicious intent, you have to take advantage of the situation, and you must not offend the other party. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst!

"But Master, what were you doing just now?" While he was thinking, Li Rong asked worriedly.

Gong Ziyu quickly realized his wisdom and sighed: "I just thought about the chaos in the world, the collapse of rituals and the destruction of music, and the old people's hearts. I feel deeply powerless and extremely sad. I lost my composure for a moment. Please don't be offended by Shouzang Shi."

"Oh, it's true. I always feel like this." Li Rong felt the same and once again asked Meng Qi to take Gong Ziyu to the storage room to take a look.

Gong Ziyu followed Meng Qi cautiously, walking on the stone path of Li Mansion. The breeze was caressing, and the fragrance of flowers on both sides was extremely intoxicating. Suddenly, he had an idea and remembered something.

Most domestic servants will change their names after entering the house. Li Dan may not be the real name of the person in front of him!

If this is the case, the possibility that he is the incarnation of the Supreme Being is very low. After all, there is no need to change his name to become a Supreme Being. He has to be someone else's servant...

With a roll of his eyes, Gong Ziyu walked a few steps quickly, stood side by side with Meng Qi, and said with a hearty smile: "Brother Li, please take care of me."

"Don't dare to neglect Shou Zangshi's orders." Meng Qi glanced at him.

Gong Ziyu smiled and said, "Looking at your appearance, manner, and accent, it seems that you are not from Luoyi?"

"I was originally a refugee, but fortunately I was taken in by Shouzang Shi." Meng Qi answered "honestly".

Gong Ziyu was overjoyed and asked: "Li Dan's name was changed only after he entered the government?"

"Yes." Meng Qi said meaningfully, this guy really knows about Li Dan!

Haha, as I expected! This young man has always been witty! Gong Ziyu couldn't hide his smile, his steps became brisk, and he said casually: "I wonder what brother Li Dan's name was before he entered the house?"

"The surname is Lao and the given name is Dan." Meng Qi said calmly.

"Lao Dan? What a good name... Lao Dan? Lao Dan!" Young Master Yu's legs went weak and he almost fell to his knees, and his teeth almost bit his tongue.

After going around in a circle, it’s still the incarnation of the Supreme Being!

He stabilized his body, his heart was ups and downs, and he was uncertain. He felt that he had been frightened too much today, but he still did not believe that a servant could be the incarnation of the Supreme Being, so he left the Li Mansion in silence and walked towards the two streets with Meng Qi. The storage room outside the alley is very close, so there is no need to drive.

"Brother Li is the guardian of Tibetan history. He must have read a lot of books and is rich in knowledge." Gong Ziyu flattered and tested.

Meng Qi looked dull and said: "Read a few books."

Just skimming a few books? Not even like the Supreme Avatar? Gong Ziyu's thoughts changed and he began to read ancient books such as Three Tombs and Five Canons.

He had traveled through time and had been a young master of the Zhongshan Kingdom for some time, and had read many classics. Meng Qi was not very familiar with such classics, so he did not need to pretend to be "semi-literate". Therefore, after a conversation, Gong Ziyu felt that the Li Dan next to him was probably not me, and his mood gradually relaxed.

At this moment, his ears twitched slightly and he heard the sound of horse hooves, as if someone was chasing after him on horseback.

With a thought in his heart, Gong Ziyu took a few steps forward to get in front of Meng Qi. This was a corner, and the pursuer could easily be careless. If his strength was not high enough and his horse was not strong, he would probably hit the two of him directly.

It's time to test "Li Dan's" skills!

The sound of horse hoofbeats came from far and near. Li Dan seemed to have not heard it yet. Gong Ziyu became more and more relaxed and felt that his suspicion was correct.

"Master, please don't go the wrong way." Suddenly, he heard Li Dan remind him, quickened his pace, and jumped in front of him. It seemed like nothing, but he couldn't react at all.


A huge force came from his back, and Gong Ziyu flew forward, with a horse neighing in his ears, and stone ground in front of his eyes. There was a thud, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Master, Master, are you okay?" Li Jianjia's guilty and frightened voice came.

Gong Ziyu shook his head, wiped the nosebleed, and said with a forced smile: "It's okay, why are you chasing me?"

Li Dan actually dodged, but he didn't. This...his surprise became a little more serious, and he was shaken by his previous judgment.

Li Jianjia dismounted and said: "Young Master has traveled to various countries and has seen a lot. I envy and admire you very much. I want to hear what you have learned."

The little girl is always full of curiosity and expectations outside her home and in other countries, and she wants to run away from home.

Li Jianjia has a beautiful appearance and a childish voice that is a bit charming. When she said this, Gongziyu's blood suddenly surged. He forgot about the "big things" and smiled: "The world is vast and colorful, which cannot be described in a moment. "

"Speaking of which, the subjugation of the country is both a disaster and a blessing for me. If I had not been subjugated and trapped in Zhongshan, I might always be a frog at the bottom of the well, unable to see the beauty outside the wellhead, and unable to travel freely..."

"The frog at the bottom of the well... the young master's description is really apt." Li Jianjia looked admiring and somewhat sympathetic.

Gong Ziyu stood up, straightened his back involuntarily, and said with a smile: "This is the beauty of freedom. I have a little poem for Miss Jianjia. Life is precious, and love is more valuable. If it is for freedom, you can throw away both." "

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of retching. He turned his head blankly and saw "Li Dan" who wanted to vomit but could not.

"Brother Li?" He suddenly came back to his senses, focusing on this person.

I almost vomited because of the dog blood. This style of painting was so shocking... Meng Qi cursed, guessing Gong Ziyu's identity, and casually said: "A little cold cough."

Fellow Earthling?

If you are a fellow Earthling, it is not a test by the powerful powers such as Six Paths, because it is too coincidental, it means that you have already discovered it, and there is no need to test it.

Is this here to block the gun for me, or is it really a coincidence?

Li Jianjia frowned, not knowing how to evaluate this poem. If he told the truth, he would definitely offend Gong Ziyu and waste his good intentions.

The girl hesitated and had no choice but to remind him: "Sir, the world is in chaos now. We only talk about governing the world and the countries, not poetry and songs."

Gongziyu put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, what a shameless woman."

After the excitement, he already regretted his choice of poem and changed the topic.

Meng Qi led the way, Li Jianjia led the bay-red horse, and Gong Ziyu accompanied him. The three of them walked out of the alley and were about to step into the street leading directly to the storage room.

"Test the characters! Test the characters!" Suddenly, someone came over from the street next to him, dressed as a Taoist priest and carrying a wooden box.

Li Jianjia looked at the girl's temperament and asked enthusiastically: "How to test it?"

The Taoist smiled and said: "Pick any two characters from the wooden box to form a word. By using this, you can determine good or bad luck, know the future, and find out the fate of marriage."

Gong Ziyu once again thought, he had the skills of a goalkeeper, so he could take this opportunity to "test" Li Dan!

So, before Li Jianjia spoke, he laughed loudly and said: "It's very interesting, Miss Jianjia, Brother Li, why don't we give it a try?"

Li Jianjia would definitely agree, and then Li Dan would not dare not agree.

"Okay!" As expected, Li Jianjia agreed without hesitation, and then Gong Ziyu nodded when he saw Li Dan being insignificant.

He laughed and said, "I also have a way to measure good or bad fortune by picking out words. Why don't you try it first and compare it with the Taoist priest's comments later?"

"Yes, yes." The Taoist priest had no objection.

Gong Ziyu took the wooden box and walked to Meng Qi: "Brother Li will try first."

Meng Qi glanced at him without wavering, then reached into the wooden box, pulled out a word and handed it to Gong Ziyu.

Gong Ziyu took it and saw that it was the character "地". He moved his lowered fingers lightly and began to deduce.

Meng Qi drew another word, and instead of giving it to Gong Ziyu, he opened it in the palm of his hand.

"Qiu, the combined word is..." Gong Ziyu's voice stopped suddenly, and the movements of his five fingers completely froze. He looked up at Meng Qi and saw a pair of deep eyes.

The combined word is "Earth"!

Does he even know his most secret origin?

He must be the incarnation of the Supreme Being!

Panic surged up, his legs went weak, and Gong Ziyu fell to his knees.

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