"Young Master?" Li Jianjia, who was watching, was shocked and shouted.

After carefully testing the characters, Gong Ziyu suddenly knelt down. It was simply inexplicable!

Gong Ziyu shivered at the cry. His brain, which had gone blank due to surprise, shock, nervousness and fear, recovered a little, and some thoughts came to his mind.

Oh my god, he is really the incarnation of a moral god, the Supreme Laojun has a mortal body, has vast supernatural powers, and is omnipotent. Even his biggest secret and biggest "capital" are known to him!

Someone would actually find out about traveling through time!

Of course, it is understandable that this kind of existence ranks at the forefront of all mythological characters...

Gong Ziyu had conflicting thoughts, confused thoughts, and a flustered mood. He was not only afraid of his previous petty thoughts and greed, but also felt embarrassed and worried that his secrets had been exposed, as if he had no clothes on.

"Young Master may have suffered an internal injury just now and didn't notice it. Now he suddenly suffered a sudden attack and couldn't stand still for a while." While thinking, he heard the slightly hoarse voice of "Li Dan", as calm as ever.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty didn’t mention that you are an earth traveler? Nor did he punish his greed for trying to "replace" it? Gong Ziyu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his spirit was shaken. He couldn't help but look up at Meng Qi, and saw that the face that was aging early in the future was old and clumsy, neither happy nor angry, with a sense of Taoist charm flowing naturally.

Tianzun is Tianzun, his mind is really broad!

The fear and fear in Gong Ziyu's heart soon subsided a lot, and soon he became a little more eager to take action. The Supreme Incarnation is here. If he still thinks about preaching the Five Thousand Words of Morality, he will definitely be looking for death. But being unable to preach does not necessarily mean that he will not be able to gain something. The greater benefit is that as long as you sincerely serve the Supreme Being and get some guidance from such old gods and important people, it can be said to be better than the gain of opening this world's great road!

If you can't be too good, you can still be Yin Xi!

The golden thigh is right in front of you. If you don’t hold it now, when will you wait?

His mind was like bubbles in boiling water, bubbling endlessly, popping up and popping up, popping up and popping up again and again. He just wanted to find an opportunity to bow his head, but as a time traveler who has read so many novels, he naturally understood that this Zhongzhenxian Tianzun pays attention to immortality. It is useless to force it. You must find the right time and must not be impatient.

Thinking of this, he quickly stood up and smiled at Li Jianjia who came to help him: "I thought the injury was fine and I didn't need to meditate for treatment. Who knows, there are still some minor problems. I have to sit still for a while after arriving in the Tibetan Guarding Room."

Li Jianjia was full of apologies and hurriedly helped her.

Gong Ziyu shook his head: "It's just a minor injury. I was just careless just now. Now that I'm prepared, it's okay to walk."

He walked back and forth a few steps, indicating that he had no problem, always looking at Meng Qi, with a "how did you do" look to please him.

Li Jianjia breathed a sigh of relief and was very lively. Looking around, he saw that the Taoist priest and the wooden box had disappeared. He couldn't help but joked: "Sir, you scared that Taoist priest."

"Didn't he say he could predict good or bad luck and know the future? Why didn't he expect that I would be injured?" Gong Ziyu laughed dryly, and then motioned to continue moving forward. He followed Meng Qi's side, and he couldn't help but feel a bit respectful. Li Jianjia was confused and confused. Why did Gong Ziyu treat his servant Li Dan like this? Is this Corporal Li Xian?

Deep in the alley, in a no-man's land, the Taoist priest carrying the wooden box chuckled, revealing Meng Qi's face. The body and the wooden box dissipated together, turning into two hairs, which were broken by the wind, and disappeared into powder.

Along the way, Gong Ziyu's mood gradually recovered, and his thinking ability became a little better. When he entered the storage room, doubts arose in his heart again.

The Li Dan in front of him may not be really too great, because there is another possible explanation, that is, he is also an earth traveler!

So he also knew that the original "Li Dan" was the incarnation of the Supreme Being, and he also knew part of the "Tao Te Ching". With the same purpose as his own, he mixed into Luoyi and became a saint who opened a way to the world!

That's why he was able to see through his intentions and tell him that his real name was Lao Dan, and he read the little poem "For the sake of freedom". It was not difficult for him to recognize him as a "fellow fellow from the earth"!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Meng Qi's back, trying to find traces of the earth from his every move, word and deed. However, he only felt that the other party behaved in a natural way, like a world or a real dragon in the clouds, with its head but not its tail. The flavor is long.

The storage room contains ancient bamboo slips and brocades, contemporary books, and various utensils with inscriptions. As soon as you enter, even a person like Gong Ziyu will inevitably feel a sense of awe. This is the weight and accumulation of a civilization!

"Miss Jianjia, please find a place to sit quietly." Gong Ziyu said deliberately.

With the previous events foreshadowing, Li Jianjia had no doubts and asked Meng Qi to lead Gong Ziyu to a quiet room for reading.

The quiet room had a window, was bright and clean, and only had a desk on it. Gong Ziyu knelt down and sat behind it, and couldn't help but test it: "Brother Li, what does the word 'earth' you just tested mean?"

While speaking, he looked at Meng Qi, and saw that the other man's eyes were deep, as if hiding a bright starry sky, vast and boundless, with no boundaries and no end, like gods, Buddhas, immortals and saints in the sky, looking indifferently and meaningfully. The vast sea of ​​mulberry fields, the vast sea of ​​mulberry fields, remain unchanged for a moment, and are everlasting.

With a bang, Gong Ziyu returned to the earth and returned to his small rental house. The bed and table occupied the entire room. There was no wardrobe or stool. All the clothes were stuffed into suitcases and woven bags and placed under the bed.

When he first entered the workplace, his salary was not high, and he was in a big city, so he could only live like this. The work was hard, he had to smile and bow down, and he was exhausted and depressed... Gongziyu was busy, he didn't know what the future would be like, and he couldn't see any hope of breaking out. .

All the experiences in his past life were repeated, and Gong Ziyu once again tasted the ups and downs.

With another bang, he saw the clanging iron hoofs, but he was a small soldier. In a battlefield with tens of thousands of people, his life was insignificant. Even if he died, he would not attract anyone's attention. Although he and those generals and those stubborn Just like Zai, he has a father, a mother, a wife and children to support.

Click, click, click, there were many spears, and the horse formation rushed towards them. People fell on their backs, and blood splattered everywhere.

After a charge, Gong Ziyu fell to the ground, his body was pierced like a piece of paper, his pupils were dilated, vaguely reflecting his wife who was sewing every night, and his child who was babbling.


He has gone through hundreds of reincarnations, tasted glory and wealth, suffered enough suffering and sorrow, betrayal and sincere feelings, and has seen them all one by one. The vicissitudes of the world are nothing like this.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew by, refreshing and pleasant, and the light shone in front of my eyes, neither piercing nor dimming, and indescribably beautiful. In front of me was a man with a vicissitudes of life, sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes were calm and his expression was natural.

Is this true?

Is this your current life?

Gong Ziyu's tears suddenly fell from his eyes. He has been reincarnated for hundreds of lives, seen separations and reunions, experienced joys and sorrows, but how can he not feel the emotions in his heart and understand the vicissitudes of life?

There was peace in his heart, and he seemed to have matured a lot in an instant. Gong Ziyu changed his posture and knelt down in salute:

"Thank you Tianzun for your guidance."

At this point, he had no doubt that Li Dan in front of him was the incarnation of the Supreme Being!

Meng Qi looked at him and said calmly: "You stay in the storage room and read ancient books. If you can achieve something, I will teach you five thousand words of morality."

Gong Ziyu's eyes widened with surprise, and he knelt down again:

"Thank you, Heavenly Lord!"

"After today, I will leave the Li Mansion and hide in the city. I will only contact you. If someone comes to ask for advice on Zhou Rites and how to govern the world, you can answer Zhou Rites and follow my instructions for the rest." Meng Qi said, here are the ancient books There are many, you can study them carefully.

Gong Ziyu's heart moved, that universal mentor?

He hastily agreed.

Meng Qi nodded slightly, said no more, turned and left the quiet room, muttering in his heart, it turned out that the result of that game was like that, I guessed wrong again!

That night, Li Jianjia handed Meng Qi's letter to Li Rong and said bitterly: "I left as soon as I said it, without any thought of inferiority! And he even talked about traveling around the world and understanding the great truth!"

Li Rong read the letter, sighed and said, "This guy is very human."


The ship was facing the wind and the blue waves were rippling. When Meng Qi returned from the sea, his temperament had a bit of the breadth and depth of the vast ocean.

The reincarnation mission will start in a month or two, and there is something that needs to be done.

Ten days later, Jiang Zhiwei received a secret letter in Xijian Pavilion. After opening it and reading it, she smiled slightly and raised her sword.

A few days later, somewhere in Jiangdong, a weak scholar stepped into Wanbao Pavilion and found the shopkeeper.

"Hey, something bad happened to my family, so I had to pawn the clan's belongings." The scholar sighed.

He was dressed in a green shirt, had ordinary facial features, and a slender build. He had never started martial arts at first sight.

The shopkeeper stroked his beard: "What is it?"

The scholar took out a hand bone, and it was white in the darkness, making people unable to take their eyes away!

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