“Yo? Well asked question! Who am I? ”

Ling Song clamped Lu Qi’s neck and walked freely in the area covered with banana skin.

At the port, Oymo and Casey had successfully boarded the ship, and on the outside of the ship, there were many guards who had tripped.

The guards were completely shocked by Ling Song’s strength and did not dare to act recklessly, even if they had a gun in their hands, no one thought it was a weapon.

“Ape! Let’s go! We used to be pirates too, and we knew how to sail! Oymo shouted.

Although there are only two people, they are all handy in raising anchor and pulling sails, and they are not rusty because of years of guarding the door, and after a while, the ship can set sail at any time.

“Are you a pirate too? yes… Against the government, only the disgusting pirates! Lu Qi glared at Ling Song, gritting his teeth, without the slightest consciousness of being captured, and his tone was still tough.

The body can yield, but his heart will not!

Big deal, it’s a death!

“Can you still talk nonsense? The punch was really too light! ”

Ling Song’s eyes glanced, and a hook punch burst out from the abdomen, causing Lu Qi’s already uncomfortable lungs to be injured again!

Breathing was not smooth, Lu Qi’s lips were cyanosis, as if he had been drained of the strength of his whole body, and his facial features shrank into a ball because of uncomfortable, and he could no longer stare at Ling Song!

Ling Song brought Lu Qi in front of him, his tone was not angry, even a little friendly, and said with a smile: “Remember!” We are not pirates, but a group of businessmen, entrusted to rescue two giant guards on Justice Island, that’s all, if you also want to do business with us, you can order me, my code name ‘orang’, the price is good, you are satisfied! ”

Even if he added a few brain holes to Lu Qi, he couldn’t have imagined that Ling Song would answer like this!

“You count… Ahem! ”

Lu Qi tried his best to speak, and as soon as he said a few words, the air flow grinded his lungs and pained, and he couldn’t help but cough violently and cough up bloody phlegm!

What businessman? Isn’t that what the underground forces say on the surface?

And at such a time, the other party does not forget to solicit business? Or even want to develop him as a buyer? It makes Luki feel ridiculous!

I have never heard of any underground force that dares to be so blatant, either an idiot organization that will soon die, or a behemoth with deep roots and masters!

After thinking about it, the other party did not kill him, presumably he was not within the scope of the commission, killing people outside the commission meant that there might be one less entrusted transaction, and the underworld would not be redundant!

Or, the incident on Justice Island will definitely be a sensation, and the other party will leave him with his life, in order to make a name for himself through his mouth and obtain a larger trading network and benefits!

Either way, it means that the other person is quite confident!

In an instant, Lu Qi had a lot of thoughts in his mind, forced himself to endure the discomfort, opened his mouth again, and said word by word: “Give… , contact… Manner! ”

Since you want to trade, you always need to contact the means!

And Lu Qi vowed that once he got the contact information, he would definitely follow the vine and find out all the forces hidden in the darkness!

This! Exactly his job!

“Hee chirp! I knew you would be impressed! ”

Ling Song seemed to believe that Lu Qi wanted to do business with him, and in order to show friendliness, he put Lu Qi’s feet down, “Then I look forward to your deal!” Contact information is very simple, go to the headquarters of the Navy Marin Fandor, where we have arranged an official spokesperson, through him, you can pass on the commission to us! If you can’t find it, you can ask the Sengoku General! ”

“What… What the! You, ahem! ”

Luqi’s eyes widened in surprise, puzzlement and shock intertwined, making him want to ask more questions, in a hurry, the air flow was not smooth, the lungs were more uncomfortable, and the convulsive pain made him cough constantly!

Ling Song pretended to be intimate and helped Lu Qi pat his back gently, as if the injury on Lu Qi’s body was not caused by him, Lao Cheng said: “Young man, it’s easy to get excited, we don’t want to eat black and white!” Can help pirates, naturally can also help the navy, after all, the resources of the government are much richer than those scattered pirates, such a broad market, where are we willing to give! ”

Hearing this, the horror in Lu Qi’s eyes was even worse!

The other party said “black and white all” so easily, as if saying that doing business should be exchanged at an equivalent price, as if it were a matter of course!


If what the other party said was correct, why would the dignified naval headquarters let a spokesman of an underground force stay there safely!

The Navy will also ask for something?

If the navy has a commission, presumably there must only be the four emperors of the new world, can it be said that this group of people can deal with the four emperors?

Lu Qi thought about it, and felt that it was extremely exaggerated!

Ling Song clearly captured every expression of Lu Qi, and did not need the other party to fully believe at the moment, such a weak Lu Qi could not affect their sailing, and then did not prepare to explain more.

“Oh yes! We are not picky, everything of value can be used to pay for the commission! Welcome! Hee chirp! ”

Ling Songlong smiled with his teeth, his wanton appearance made Lu Qi burst into flames, and then his cough became more violent, he couldn’t even stand steadily, his knees were weak, and he supported the ground with one hand, so he luckily didn’t get embarrassed like the guards.

Ling Song did not continue to pipe Luqi, ran directly to the ship, pure steps, but like a sharp arrow off the string, in a flash, it had arrived!

“Let’s set sail!”

Ling Song jumped onto the boat and waved at the guards of Justice Island!

The sky is beautiful, the wind is good, the clouds are blowing, the seagulls are chirping, and the ship, under the operation of Oimo and Casey, is moving accurately in the direction of the capital of seven waters, and on the deck, Spandyne is tied to the main mast, and the six gods are in a daze.

“How come, even … Even Luki loses, where will I be taken? Spandyne had no intention of resisting.

And Ling Song didn’t know much about driving a boat, so he gave it all over to Oymo and Casey, on the deck, staring at Spandyne, looking left and right, and making the latter hairy!

In the original plan, he didn’t expect to meet Spandyne, but Ling Song thought that this power-hungry guy still had residual heat to play!

“Chief CP9, Spandyne?” Ling Song raised his eyebrows.

“Yes… It’s me! Spandyne cried.

“Well, in this way, I ask, you answer, if you don’t say, the consequences are at your own risk, my purpose is very simple, that is, to ask you some information, and then see if anyone is willing to redeem you!”

Ling Song said as if on a whim, but gave Spandyne the illusion that his life did not matter at all!

Sure enough, the other party caught him early in the morning, but did not use it to threaten anyone, just want the intelligence in his mouth?

He is the real target of the other party!

But if he says it, the government will not spare him!

Feeling that he was certain to die, Spandyne could only make a last-ditch effort, “Don’t force me to ask me for information, let me contact the world government, so that I can be redeemed, and you will definitely get a lot of money!” ”

When Ling Song heard this, he showed an expression of sudden realization, as if he was moved by Spandyne, and said, “It makes sense!” You’re smart! But just call the world government, I know the call of the headquarters of the Navy, let’s ask, Sengoku General! ”

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