Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

There were three documents on the desk of the Warring States, which were Ling Song’s action records, consumption records, and contact records since he joined the army.

“In addition to going to the ability test base, it is to visit warships in various ports? The consumption record only bought a lot of phone bugs, and the contact records show that he only made a few calls with Peach Rabbit? ”

The Warring States went through the three documents and did not analyze any characteristics.

“It shouldn’t be…” Sengoku frowned, “The behavior is really weird, buy all the allowances I gave him a phone worm?” The contact records are very clean, is there any contact method that we don’t know? Or rather, there is a mistake in the inventory! ”

In this way, the Warring States were even more of a headache, not only did not find out a single clue, but made him feel that his subordinates were not good at doing things!

In addition to Sengoku, there were two other people in the office, who had already been told by him what had happened.

One of them had curly black hair, wore a suit with yellow and white stripes, a beard on his face, and a pair of sunglasses, and was tall and thin.

This person is Vice Admiral Borusalino of the Navy headquarters, that is, the future general Yellow Ape, the one with the ability of the Shining Fruit, and the Flash Man.

“It’s terrible… There will also be undercover agents in the headquarters of the Navy, and if the list of underground intelligence personnel is all leaked, I really don’t know where to look for the whereabouts of the pirates! ”

Borusalino pouted, although the words were terrible, his eyelids were still drawn, obviously not paying attention.

The other was tall, wearing a white suit vest and dark blue shirt, standing in front of Sengoku still with his hands in his pockets, not knowing what he was thinking, and occasionally yawning.

Vice Admiral Kuzan of the Navy Headquarters, Frozen Fruit Ability, Frozen Man.

Warring States looked at the two squarely, both of them had a photo of Ling Song in front of them, and said, “This matter is very serious!” I thought about it later, the possibility of the Navy headquarters being monitored was extremely low, but their intelligence network should not be underestimated, at least, I personally heard him describe to me the movements of an undercover Navy agent, accurately! You often sail, but have you ever heard of dark merchants or underworld forces developing to this point? ”

“Haven’t heard of it!” Kuzan immediately responded, and after speaking, he yawned again.

“Me too!” Borusalino also shook his head, although he was not sleepy, but he looked interested.

Sengoku took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and asked again: “The other party dares to take the initiative to expose his identity, presumably he came prepared, do you think I should deal with him?” ”

Kuzan slowed down for a while this time, as if thinking about something, and finally replied: “I don’t know!” ”

“What about troublesome opponents!” Borusalino scratched his hair and seemed to have an idea, but the Sengoku waited for a long time, but there was no follow-up!

The two were suddenly called over, and they did not accurately grasp the situation, they were all unaware of the return of the golden oil!

Hearing this, Sengoku was very upset, slammed the table, and was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, saying: “You can’t control him, and you can’t let him run rampant in the navy headquarters!” You are free, but what about those people? ”

The Warring States were angry, Borusalino and Kuzan were silent, they were already old fritters.

However, at this moment, the office door was knocked open, and Karp came in with a smile in his mouth and two plates of dim sum.

“Yo! Warring states! As soon as I came back, I heard about Zefa, and your breakfast was all lost by him? Don’t be discouraged, I’m bringing you a snack! ”

Saying that, Karp glanced at the office, the sofa and coffee table were moved, there were several punches on the wall, and he saw that Sengoku’s hair was messy and his face was very bad.

“Hahahaha! And fighting? Sengoku, did you lose or win? Karp held his stomach with a smile and pointed at the Warring States, “I said it earlier and let you tell him directly, hahaha, he knows!” Get beaten! ”

The already bad mood of the Warring States was added to the fire by Karp, and he was even more annoyed, and his forehead was bruised.

“Karp, you bastard! Stop laughing! I’m being annoyed by that kid from Ling Song! Very bad mood! Sengoku roared.

“Oh… Isn’t it Zefa? Could it be that Ling Song didn’t pass the exam, making you lose the bet? This is also normal, after all, it is a general graduation exam, you are too demanding of young people! Karp comforted kindly, not impressed, and while speaking, he did not forget to hand the two of Kuzan, who were beating soy sauce, snacks.

“He passed! But it’s not about that…” Sengoku does not know how to explain.

“Wouldn’t that be better? Not to mention the addition of a fourteen-year-old brigadier general, Zefa also lost to you in a bet, and must personally lead the team to solve a pirate supernova, you are really cunning, and dispatched this general again! Come, celebrate your victory! Karp handed a cup of tea to Sengoku.

The Warring States wanted to say and stop, and in the end, sighed!


Whenever he was worried, he envied Karp’s unhurried mentality, always happy, like a naïve old boy.

After receiving the tea from Karp, Sengoku calmed down and recounted to Karp what happened during the day from beginning to end.

At the beginning, Karp should still listen to the story, the rattling of the senbei bite, followed by a little square, and at the end, it was even more wonderful to listen to, and even applauded when it was relished!

“It’s really the age of young people! Fourteen years old, brigadier general strength, undercover navy, openly provocative, negotiate with the general, and finally retreat with the whole body! Terrible! Hahaha! Karp didn’t have a sense of crisis at all, but praised Ling Song.

“Are you still not the Navy…” Warring States panicked in his heart, “In short, no matter what kind of force Ling Song belongs to, but he has the information of all the underground personnel of the navy, it is difficult to threaten me with this!” ”

“But he said it wouldn’t be public, did he? Since the forces he represents are trading with you, why don’t you try it? Since I found you directly, the intelligence should be very useful! You are in too much of a hurry, Sengoku! Karp said casually.

Sengoku just wanted to refute, but Karp’s words calmed him down.

From beginning to end, he thought with the justice of the navy, thinking about how to control Ling Song, or eradicate the threat of this underground force, but because of some jealousy, he fell into a dead end of thinking!

The government can even accept pirates as Nanabukai, why can’t the navy headquarters accept an intelligence provider of underground forces?

He had to admit that the pressure that Ling Song brought him made him a little extreme!

“What you said makes sense, but if it is really valuable information, it is not impossible to cooperate… He seemed to hint at something to me before! ”

Because of Karp’s words, Sengoku is trying to think about things from a different angle, and his mind recalls Ling Song and Vergao playing dumb puzzles.

At this moment, the contact phone worm “poof” sounded!

Warring States casually picked up the phone, but heard the other side of the phone, the commander of the liaison tower roared: “Warring States General, it’s not good!” Something happened to Justice Island! ”

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