The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1015】 The destruction of the Huangfu family

In the land of Central Continent, it takes thousands of years for a sword emperor to appear. Most of the time, the quasi-emperor represents the highest level of martial arts in Central Continent.

Every quasi-emperor, whether human or demon, stands at the pinnacle of existence.

According to the historical records of Central Continent, unless it was the era of the Sword Emperor, there has never been a situation where a quasi-emperor was killed.

Huangfu Liuchan was the first quasi-emperor to die under a non-Sword Emperor in the ten thousand years of history of Central Continent after the ancient times.

The person who killed Huangfu Liuchan was Xuantian. [

Xuantian killed the clone of the Immortal Emperor in the Holy Cauldron, and no one saw it, but he killed Huangfu Liu Chan, but he saw it with his own eyes.

Although the immortal emperor's clone is more powerful, the shock of seeing it with your own eyes is still greater.

Huangfu Liuchan was killed, and all the powerful men of the Huangfu family were shocked in their hearts, and their expressions instantly turned to horror.

Amid the screams, the powerful men from the Huangfu family immediately fled in all directions.

The quasi-emperor is dead, who dares to stay any longer?

Xuantian said well that for the Huangfu family, he would only kill Huangfu Liuchan, Huangfu Hongjun, Huangfu Yiyi, and those who participated in the murder of Li Yifeng. He could let the rest go.

But the strong men of the Huangfu family fled in all directions, and Huangfu Hongjun and Huangfu Yiliang also took advantage of the chaos to escape, so that was another matter.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xuantian to give up the pursuit of Huangfu Hongjun, Huangfu Yiyi and others because he was afraid of accidentally injuring the warriors of the Huangfu family.

At this moment, the Holy Cauldron of Chaos hangs upside down, imprisoning the void, and no one can teleport.

Not only that, even the moving talisman was so imprisoned that it lost the effect of traveling through the void.

The strong men of the Huangfu family could only escape by flying.

Now Xuantian is stepping on a sword formation lightsaber. The speed of controlling the power of the sword formation is as fast as the attack speed of the lightsaber in the sword formation. It can cover more than twenty miles in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian's Huang Daotian opened his eyes, his gaze was so sharp. No one could escape his pursuit. In the blink of an eye, the figures of Huangfu Hongjun and Huangfu Yiyi fell into Xuantian's eyes.

At this moment, most of Huangfu City's formations had been destroyed. Within a radius of dozens of miles, the void was imprisoned by the Holy Cauldron of Chaos.

Just now, because the clone of the Undead Emperor came out of seclusion, the Huangfu family was sure of victory, and they all moved forward. Even Huangfu Hongjun came out from the depths of Huangfu City. After being prepared, when the Immortal Emperor kills Xuantian, he will launch a counterattack against the strong men who attacked the Huangfu family.

Therefore, all the strong men of the Huangfu family were in the sky above the first half of Huangfu City, which had its base destroyed, not far from Xuantian.

As soon as Xuantian's eyes locked on Huangfu Yiyiyi and Huangfu Hongjun, his figures were like swords in an instant, and he chased after them.


Xuantian waved his arm. Huangfu Yiyi and Huangfu Hongjun pointed forward at the same time. [

In an instant, two sword array lightsabers that were more than a thousand feet long flew out from the sword array. They were as fast as lightning, traveling more than twenty miles in the blink of an eye, and slashed towards the two people.

Xuantian walked on the lightsaber, and his speed was not slow at all. He followed one of the lightsabers in the sword array, and his target was Huangfu Yiyi.

Huangfu Yiyi is now a fifth-level emperor, and his combat power is far inferior to Huangfu Hongjun. But he had cultivated immortality, and Xuan Tian knew that his vitality was much stronger than Huangfu Hongjun.

Huangfu Hongjun was attacked by the sword formation and the lightsaber, and was either killed or injured, while Huangfu Hongjun might not be fine even if he was cut in half.

Huangfu Yiyi still has a lot of room for growth in the future. Xuantian will never let him go, leaving behind a powerful hidden enemy.

What's more, Li Yifeng was captured by Huangfu Yiyi and brought into the Huangfu family. Xuantian must kill Huangfu Yiyi.

How could Huangfu's first-class strength be able to block the sword array's lightsaber attack? All his defenses were in vain.

The lightsaber flashed and split the fast-flying Huangfu Yiyi into two pieces.

Huangfu, who was split into two pieces, did not shed any blood for a while, and soon the two pieces of his body were connected again, intact, as if being split just now was just an illusion.

The fourth level of the immortal body is the rebirth of broken corpses. Even if it is chopped into several pieces, let alone being chopped into two pieces, Huangfu Yiyi can still survive.

In terms of survivability, Huangfu Yiyi is stronger than the quasi-imperial capital.

However, Huangfu Yiyi's heart was still full of fear at this moment, because Xuantian was catching up.

It is indeed difficult to kill the immortal body, but if you have not cultivated to the highest level, you are not truly immortal. The power of immortality has its limits. If it is really chopped into pieces, it will consume the power of immortality when you recover. The more times it is broken into pieces, the immortal power is slowly exhausted, then Huangfu Yiyi will really die.

Xuantian naturally understands this truth.

"Huangfu is the best, you can't escape!" Xuan Tian shouted and stretched out his palm.

The golden arm suddenly stretched out, but Gang Yuan turned into a golden hand and grabbed it out. At this time, a sword formation and lightsaber struck, and Huangfu Yiyi was cut into two halves. The golden ’ Gang Yuan waved his big hand and immediately grabbed the two halves of Huangfu’s body.

Huangfu Yiyi struggled desperately and attacked the golden Gangyuan hand desperately, but the difference in strength between the two was too far, and he was caught directly by Xuantian.

Xuantian flipped his other hand, and the Holy Cauldron of Thunder suddenly appeared, directly covering Huangfu Yiyiyi inside.

A thunder villain rushed out from the center of Xuantian's eyebrows. He was the Thunder Soul, and rushed into the Holy Cauldron of Thunder.

The Thunder Soul is originally formed by the Holy Cauldron of Thunder. Controlling the Holy Cauldron of Thunder can exert great power.

As soon as Huangfu Yiliu entered the Holy Cauldron of Thunder, there was a violent thunder inside, and thunder and lightning snakes danced. The Thunder Soul entered it and controlled the thunder dragons and electric snakes like shackles, suppressing Huangfu Yiliu inside.

Xuantian did not rush to eliminate Huangfu Yiyi, but collected the Holy Cauldron of Thunder and continued to chase Huangfu Hongjun. [

Huangfu Hongjun was already seriously injured. He was attacked by the sword formation and lightsaber just now. Although he was far away from him, he was not completely split open. He passed by and had another terrifying wound on his body.

Xuantian stepped on the sword array and walked with the lightsaber. Like a flash of lightning, it streaked across the void. Wherever he passed, the strong men from the Huangfu family beside him were cut into pieces by the sword array lightsaber.

"Huangfu Hongjun, when you led people to attack Sunset Tower in the past, did you ever think that one day, your Huangfu family would also be destroyed!" Xuantian shouted.

Now, Huangfu Hongjun's intestines are filled with regret.

However, it is too late, and there is no regret in the world. The Huangfu family's attempt to seize Xuantian's Holy Cauldron has only two results. One is success, killing Xuantian and seizing the Holy Cauldron, the other is failure. The Huangfu family Destroyed by Xuantian.

The Huangfu family was unlucky and encountered the second result.

"Xuan Tian, ​​do you think that there is only one Son of God, Sikong Xiang? Even if you destroy my Huangfu family, you will not be able to defeat all the Sons of God. The God Kings of the God Realm are also paying attention to the whereabouts of the Holy Cauldron. No matter how powerful you are, you can win. After passing the Son of God, you can take the Holy Cauldron to ascend to the God Realm in the future. You will only have one way to die. All the gods and kings are waiting for you in the God Realm. No matter how evil you are, you will eventually die. The only difference is that you will die in the mortal world. Or die in the God Realm, Xuantian, you are dead!"

Huangfu Hongjun shouted loudly, he knew that when things got to this point, it was useless to beg Xuantian for mercy. The only thing he could do was to become hysterical before dying.

Xuantian chased after him, but Huangfu Hongjun was seriously injured, so he was no match for Xuantian.


In an instant, several sword formations and lightsabers struck, directly cutting Huangfu Hongjun into pieces while he was shouting.

Huangfu Liuchan, Huangfu Hongjun, and Huangfu Yiyi, the first two were directly killed by Xuantian, and the latter was also suppressed by Xuantian and could be executed at any time. These three important figures were all finished.

However, the Huangfu family was definitely not the only one who participated in the murder of Li Yifeng. Since the Huangfu family did not hand over these people, Xuantian did not show courtesy to them and chased and killed the emperor of the Huangfu family who was fleeing in the distance. .

Xuantian used the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with overlapping Nine Sword Formations to kill the quasi-emperor with ease. Killing other emperors was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

The light sword of the sword array swept across, and no emperor could withstand it. Even the imperial treasures were destroyed instantly under the light sword of the sword array. As soon as Xuantian took action, two emperors from the Huangfu family suddenly appeared. Loss of life.

Xuantian is taking action, and the powerful masters such as Master Jinlong and Ancestor Langjing are also taking action.

They came here with the purpose of destroying the Huangfu family. Now that the situation was finally one-sided, how could they let go of this opportunity.

Because the Holy Cauldron of Chaos imprisoned the void and could not even move the talismans through the void, the Huangfu family suffered heavy losses this time, and the entire upper echelon was wiped out.

The Supreme Protector Huangfu Hongji, as well as the hidden ninth-level emperor, died in the hands of the two quasi-emperors, Master Jinlong and Ancestor Langjing respectively.

Moreover, Long Ziyan and Xiao Ke both have the ultimate combat power of a ninth-level emperor. Young Master Hualong also has the combat power of a ninth-level emperor. Although Long Ziyan is more lenient, Xiao, Young Master Hualong, and other demon clans The strong will not show mercy.

After the battle, almost no emperor from the Huangfu family was able to escape. Tens of thousands of kings were also harvested by many emperors, and at least 30% died.

The entire Huangfu City was filled with blood!

The kings who were killed in the Huangfu family were all the elites among the kings. Most of them were kings with Dacheng or above, and many of them were top kings or even quasi-emperors.

The death of these people would end the possibility of the warriors from the Huangfu family becoming emperor.

From now on, there will be no emperor in the Huangfu family, and no one will become emperor for a long time. This former Sword Emperor family has been completely destroyed.

When the Huangfu family was strong, they must have oppressed many forces. Now that the Huangfu family has suffered such a catastrophe, no one dares to bear the name of the Huangfu family, otherwise they will be liquidated by their former enemies.

Just as Xuantian said, from now on, the land of Zhongzhou will no longer belong to the Huangfu family.

From the beginning of the attack to the destruction of the Huangfu family, which took less than half an hour, the messenger team sent by the Huangfu family did not even have time to spread the news to other Sword Emperor families.

I'm afraid no one could have imagined that the Huangfu family, the Sword Emperor family that had been inherited for thousands of years in the land of Central Continent, would be completely destroyed in less than half an hour. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Mobile users please go to read

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