The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1016】 Xuantian destroys the Skeleton Valley

This time he attacked the Huangfu family, and Xiao gained a lot.

The quasi-emperor Huangfu Liuchan was eaten by it. Huangfu Hongjun, Huangfu Hongji, and all the ninth-level emperors hidden in the Huangfu family were eaten by it.

This allowed Xiao's cultivation to break through again and become a seventh-level demon emperor. His combat power was already comparable to that of a quasi-emperor.

Originally, when they returned from the Eastern Sea, among the two of them and one tiger, Long Ziyan was the most powerful. Now, as Xuantian and Xiao have both achieved breakthroughs in cultivation, Long Ziyan has become the weakest.

The emperors of the Huangfu family were all wiped out, and nine out of ten of the elite kings were dead. The remaining people fled in all directions. [

Huangfu City was in chaos.

Most of the warriors have escaped from Huangfu City, but there are also some brave people who fish in troubled waters, such as some warriors who used to be attached to the Huangfu family. Seeing that the Huangfu family is in trouble, all the strong ones flee, and Huangfu opens the door. The aristocratic family went from treasure house to treasure house to plunder the contents.

Someone was lucky enough to grab some treasures and then successfully escaped.

Of course, not everyone is like this. About half of them died in the fight for the treasure, and 40% to 50% were killed by the powerful monsters who came.

The Huangfu family is a family of sword emperors that has been passed down for thousands of years. Huangfu City stretches for one or two hundred miles. Now Xuantian has destroyed all the formations in Huangfu City. Now that Huangfu City has been captured, how can anyone not collect the treasures collected by the Huangfu family? The principle of searching.

Although Xuantian's side won the victory with an overwhelming advantage, the strong demon clan was at a disadvantage before, and some people still died. If there is a loss, it will naturally be compensated from the Huangfu family.

Xuantian gave two quarters of an hour for everyone to search for the Huangfu family's treasures. After two quarters of an hour, everyone had to leave.

The Huangfu family was destroyed. Other human forces will definitely come to search for treasures, and Xuantian doesn't want to have another fight between these powerful monsters and the coming human forces.

It was one thing for him to bring the strong men of the demon clan to destroy the Huangfu family, but it was another thing to cause the strong men of the demon clan to fight against the warriors of the Guren clan.

This time, it was all thanks to Xuantian to destroy the Huangfu family. Even the two quasi-emperors, Master Jinlong and Ancestor Langjing, knew that their strength was now far inferior to that of Xuantian. Naturally, no one from the demon tribe dared to disrespect Xuantian's opinion.

Two quarters of an hour later, everyone left Huangfu City and gathered with Xuantian outside the city.

"Everyone, please go back. Soon the powerful people from the human race will get the news and come here. It won't be long before people from other major sword emperor families will come too. It's best not to meet, otherwise. It caused a war between the human race and the demon race. As a member of the human race, Xuan will firmly stand on the side of the human race." Xuantian said to everyone.

The ancestor of Langjing, the inheritor of Shenlong bloodline, and the demon clan forces on Dongliu Island, all bid farewell to Xuantian.

"What are your plans?" Master Jin Long looked at Xuantian and Long Ziyan and asked.

Xuan Tian said: "This time I return to the land of Central Continent. I still have some small grievances that I want to resolve."

Skull Valley assassinated Xuantian twice in a row. Xuantian must eradicate this killer organization and uproot it.

Long Ziyan took Xuantian's arm and said: "Wherever Brother Tian goes, I will go."

Master Jinlong nodded, "You have absorbed enough of the dragon's blood. It will only take time to accumulate and become an emperor. In the future, when you reach a wider sky, you must take more care of the inheritors of the dragon's bloodline."

Long Ziyan nodded and said: "I will, Master."[

Xuantian grabbed Long Ziyan's jade hand and smiled, saying: "Master, please take care of yourself. When you are free in the future, Ziyan and I will go to Hailong Palace to visit the Master."

"Okay, I'll wait for you...haha!" Master Jin Long laughed happily, flew into the sky and disappeared quickly.

After watching Master Jin Long disappear, Long Ziyan looked at Xuan Tian: "Brother Tian, ​​where do you want to go to resolve your grievances?"

"Skull Valley!"

The collapse of the Huangfu family was so sudden that even those who heard the news first did not believe it.

When the first batch of human forces rushed to Huangfu City, Xuantian and Long Ziyan had already arrived at Skull Valley with Xiao.

Skull Valley is located in the northeastern part of Zhongzhou, a little far from the Huangfu family and a little closer to the Wei family.

The Huangfu family sent a messenger team to inform the four great sword emperor families that the Huangfu family had been invaded, but no one was sent to the Skull Valley.

Skull Valley is a killer organization, and the location of its base camp is a top secret. Xuantian only knew the location of Skull Valley after searching the soul of a fifth-level emperor killer.

Deep in the Skull Valley, the clouds were gathering. In a cloud-shrouded attic, a skinny old man in a black robe was in retreat.

Suddenly, the corner of the black-robed old man's eyes twitched, and he opened his eyes immediately, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Why did I suddenly have a bad omen in my heart?" The old man in black robe quickly calmed down and said to himself.

Immediately, the old man in black robe raised his palm, a fortune telling appeared in his hand, and threw it to the ground.


Bad luck!

The old man in black robe was frightened again, the hexagram was very ominous and he was in danger of death.

Skull Valley is heavily defended. Even if the quasi-emperor arrives, it will be able to block it for a certain period of time. The killers of Skull Valley will have enough time to escape.

If the quasi-emperors of the five great sword emperor families join forces and lead many emperors to invade, it will definitely be a massive invasion, and there is no way there will be no news at all in Skull Valley.

The old man in black robe didn't know why there was such a bad omen, but he was extremely proficient in the art of fortune-telling and rarely made miscalculations.

In an instant, the old man in black robe left the attic and came to a palace made of skulls in the center of Skull Valley.

"Valley Master, something bad has happened!" The old man in black robe rushed into the Skeleton Palace and shouted loudly. [

The voice was very anxious.

It was very dark in the Skeleton Palace. On the throne in the depths, two points of light suddenly emitted, like a person's eyes, and a voice came from the throne: "Gui Di, why are you so panicked?"

"I just had a bad omen in my heart, and I did a fortune telling for myself. The result was a very bad fortune, and I am in danger of death!" The voice of the ghost divination was obviously very excited: "I am in Skull Valley, but I am in danger of death. It can be seen that Skull Valley There are also dangers.”


The Skeleton Valley Master let out a cry of surprise. He believed in the arithmetic of ghost divination very much. After only half a breath, the Skeleton Valley Master made a decision: "Withdraw!"

"It's too late to withdraw. Today Xuan is going to bloodbath the Skull Valley and leave no one behind!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, as if coming from the sky.

The ghosts and divination spirits were horrified. The body trembled, and the two dim lights on the Skeleton Throne also trembled. It was obvious that the Skeleton Valley Master was also very shocked.

Someone actually came into Skull Valley, and they didn't know it

Xuantian knows the layout of Skull Valley clearly, and he has the Imperial Eye. The formation defense of Skull Valley was ineffective against him.

"Who!" A loud shout came from the Skeleton Throne.

In an instant, pairs of gloomy eyes appeared in the darkness around the Skeleton Hall.

The killers in Skull Valley were all alarmed.

The killer who can appear in the Skeleton Hall is at least an emperor. It's the elder killer.

Judging from the number of eyes, there are at least twenty people.

There are more than twenty emperor killers, and several of them have died at the hands of Xuantian before. This shows how powerful the Skull Valley is, and the number of emperors is almost comparable to that of the Sword Emperor family.


As soon as the Skeleton Valley Master finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion in the Skeleton Palace. A bright lightsaber struck from outside and immediately cut the Skeleton Palace into two halves.

Although Skull Valley is also shrouded in clouds, it is still brighter than Skeleton Palace.

Now the Skeleton Palace was opened, and the assassin elders hidden in the Skeleton Palace appeared one by one.

They are all black shadows.

Of course, in front of Xuantian's Huang Daotian, all the killers are clearly known.

A three-legged ancient tripod hangs upside down in the sky, surrounded by a starry sky. Under the starry sky stands a handsome young man, who is Xuantian.

"Xuan Tian" The Skeleton Valley Master saw Xuantian. Then he recognized it.

Xuantian sneered: "The Huangfu family has been destroyed, now it is Skull Valley's turn."

As soon as these words came out, all the assassin elders were shocked. How is it possible that the Huangfu family has been destroyed? Who has the strength? Destroy a family of sword emperors

"No one can destroy the Skull Valley, not even the quasi-emperor!" The voice of the Lord of the Skull Valley came from the throne.

call out

Suddenly, a black light shot out from the Skeleton Throne, traveling through the void in an instant and heading towards Xuantian.

This black light blended into the dark sky, making it difficult to detect. By the time the person reacted, it had already hit the body.

With the attack power of this black light, even the quasi-emperor can be injured.

It's a pity that Xuantian sees everything clearly with the Emperor's Eye.

As soon as the black light appeared, Xuantian waved his arm, and a sword array of lightsabers shot out from the starry sky.

In an instant, the sword array lightsaber and black light collided together.


Wu Guang was instantly cut in half by the sword array lightsaber. The sword array lightsaber "shot" across the sky like a ray of light and struck directly on the Skeleton Throne.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the Skeleton Throne and let out a miserable groan.

In an instant, the Skeleton Throne was chopped into pieces by the sword array lightsaber, and a stream of blood shot out in the sky. Although the Skeleton Valley Master was fast, he was injured by the sword array lightsaber.

call out

Suddenly, the sky lit up, and another sword array of lightsabers descended from the sky, cutting a fast-moving black shadow in the sky into two halves.

After a scream, the two halves of the corpse fell from the sky, and the Skeleton Valley Master died.

The killers of Skull Valley are trembling in their hearts at this moment. Lord of Skull Valley, this is a ninth-level emperor, and he is the one with the ultimate combat power among the ninth-level emperors. Even the quasi-emperor can compete with him, but he was defeated by Xuantian like this. beheaded

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

The assassin elders of Skull Valley were still in shock, and lightsabers filled the sky to assassinate them.

Although they were all hiding in the shadows, the locations where the sword formations and lightsabers attacked were accurate, and everyone faced the attack.

Xuantian's current combat power is the limit among quasi-emperors, and is already close to the one-star sword emperor.

Even quasi-emperors can be killed, let alone killers like Skull Valley.

With the Holy Cauldron of Chaos imprisoning the void, under Xuantian's attack, none of the killers in Skull Valley could escape. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Mobile users please go to read

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