The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1030】 See the Holy Cauldron Again

Yunzhou area, Tianmo Continent.

The headquarters of the Demon Sect is located in the center of the Demon Continent. A huge castle is built here, called the Demon Castle. The Demon Castle has a radius of nearly a thousand miles, and is lined with huge palaces and towering towers, which is extremely spectacular.

The teleportation array inside leads to all directions, like a net, connecting the seven sects of the Demon Sect and some major Demon Sect forces.

The magic castle has a radius of nearly a thousand miles. In addition to the palace towers, there are many mountains deep inside the castle.

In the center of the Magic Castle, in the center of a large mountain range, there is a small basin with a radius of about a thousand meters. [

In the center of the basin, there is a huge altar with a diameter of more than a hundred meters.

There were many towers built around the altar. Inside and outside the towers, warriors were tied to pillars one by one. Many warriors in black robes tortured the tied warriors.

Originally, the entire Heavenly Demon Continent, because it was located in the central area of ​​the Demon Sect's territory, had soaring demonic energy. The sky was relatively dark all day long, and the sun could not shine in.

And this Demonic Castle is the place with the strongest demonic energy on the Demonic Continent, and it looks even darker.

These bound warriors screamed repeatedly under the severe torture, obviously having to endure extremely great pain.

However, they had no room for resistance at all, and all they had was full of resentment.

Therefore, the resentment here is soaring, fused with the demonic energy, making it even more dark and chaotic.

The altar in the center of the basin is red, with eight grooves leading to eight directions in all directions. The grooves are filled with bright red blood. The altar seems to have an attraction to blood. The blood in the groove formed a line and flowed towards the altar.

On both sides of the eight grooves, there were many warriors tied up. Some warriors in black robes held sharp blades in their hands. Open their blood vessels and bleed them.

The grooves extended all the way out of the basin, each one hundreds of meters long, with warriors who had been bloodletted tied up on both sides, at least a thousand of them.

On both sides of the eight grooves were tied and bloodletted warriors, more than ten thousand in number.

These warriors are all at least above the king level, with sufficient energy and blood. More than ten thousand kings are bleeding. No wonder there is blood in the eight grooves. It flows continuously to the altar.

On every mountain peak around the basin, there is an emperor of the Demon Sect sitting there, and. Some of the emperors are at a very high level, above level seven.

There are even some particularly powerful auras in some of the towers on the mountain peak.

The Demon Gate has defended this place impenetrably, and it is obviously a particularly important place.

Outside the magic castle. A dark shadow came quietly.

It was Xuantian. He was dressed in black and had great speed. He came to the Demon Continent without anyone noticing, and even arrived outside the Demon Castle where the Demon Sect's headquarters was located.

The sky in Tianmo Continent is already gloomy, and it is even darker here in Demon Castle. Xuantian was dressed in black, fit in with the environment, and was fast. Although there were demon kings patrolling near the magic castle, no one noticed him.

Xuantian's intuition told him that if the Demon Sect had any secrets, it should be in this Demon Castle. He also checked the Tianji Stick before coming. It was calculated that the Demon Sect was indeed planning to attack the Demon Realm, and the location was the Demon Castle. [

It's just a bad luck for this trip. Even if the Tianji stick knows the magic of heaven, he can't calculate it. He only knows that bad luck and good fortune accompany each other, and misfortunes and blessings depend on each other. Whether there is more misfortune or greater blessing is a bit vague.

Exactly, the past is easy to calculate, but the future is unpredictable.

It is difficult to predict the outcome of something that has not happened yet, especially if it is a major event involving some lucky people, it is even more difficult to predict the outcome.

The defense of the Demon Castle is even worse than that of the Huangfu Family.

Although the Huangfu family is a family of sword emperors that has been passed down for thousands of years, the Demon Castle is the headquarters of the entire Demon Sect. It has been inherited for more than ten thousand years and has produced many emperors. There are many formations in it, which are much better than those in the Huangfu family. , are much more profound.

However, for Xuantian who has the Emperor's Heavenly Eye, these formations are not a big problem.

Yunzhou, like Zhongzhou, can only tolerate the existence of a one-star emperor at most. Therefore, even the formations set up by the emperor are only the one-star emperors who have just become emperors. Compared with the formations set up by the emperor-level formation masters , not much stronger.

Xuantian secretly broke through the formations one after another and went deep into the magic castle. On the way, he captured several king sentries alive and entered the holy cauldron. He searched for souls and figured out the general layout of the entire magic castle. He knew in his heart that the center of the mountains in the central area of ​​the Demon Castle was the center of the Demon Sect. There were a large number of emperors guarding it, and even several quasi-emperors were guarding there.

With the target in mind, Xuantian broke the formation and had a direction, heading all the way to the central area of ​​the magic castle.

Woo! Woohoo!

Suddenly, deep in the magic castle, a huge horn sounded.

Suddenly, the entire magic castle was like a nest exploded, and a large number of kings and emperors flew into the sky to investigate in all directions.

The formation was destroyed and the Demon Sect was already aware of the news that someone had invaded the Demon Castle.

Xuantian opened his Imperial Heavenly Eyes and looked through the void of formations. One formation after another was broken by him. The kings and emperors of the Demon Sect who were searching in the sky soon found the places where the formations were destroyed. Xuantian’s location.

Xuan Tian knew that it was simply impossible to sneak into the magic castle. The only way was to attack by force.

Therefore, Xuantian did not hide his body intentionally and continued to break through the formation and move forward.

There was a starry sky above his head, and he used the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. Wherever the sword light passed by, the base of the formation was immediately destroyed, and the formations in front were broken one after another.

"Where did you come from? How dare you come to our Demon Sect headquarters to act wild? You are seeking death!"

A sixth-level emperor shouted loudly and rushed towards Xuantian.

Xuantian is also a sixth-level emperor, and behind the sixth-level emperor of the Demon Sect, there are two fourth-level and fifth-level emperors, as well as many kings. Naturally, Xuantian does not take him seriously. .

Hua Hua Hua

Xuantian waved his hand, and suddenly a series of sword formations and lightsabers flew out. As soon as the sixth-level emperor rushed out, he was cut into pieces by the sword formations and lightsabers, and died. [

The two kings who followed behind, a large number of kings, were unable to dodge and were also struck by the lightsabers of the sword formation. Each of their defenses seemed to be in vain, and they were all killed.

In the blink of an eye, three emperors and dozens of kings died under the sword formation.

Xuantian's forward speed did not slow down, and he continued to break through the formation and headed towards the central area of ​​the magic castle.

The remaining kings and emperors of the Demon Sect looked shocked and did not dare to move forward. They were afraid of Xuantian's strength.

Instead, some emperors flew deeper into the magic castle, shouting that the enemy was coming fiercely.

Xuantian broke through more than a dozen formations and moved forward hundreds of miles. At this time, a large number of strong men from the Demon Sect flew in from the depths of the Demon Castle.

Most of these powerful people are emperors, there are hundreds of them, and there are even many ninth-level emperors among them.

Xuantian's intrusion obviously attracted the Demon Sect's attention, otherwise they would not have dispatched so many ninth-level emperors.

Seeing that there was no quasi-emperor, Xuantian's lips curled up. He had not released the others from the holy cauldron yet, just because he did not want to attract the attention of the quasi-emperor of the Demon Sect, so that the people who came to stop him would be weaker, and he would be better Take advantage of the opportunity to kill some emperors first to weaken the Demon Sect's strength.

If a few more ninth-level emperors can be killed, then even if the quasi-emperor of the Demon Sect can compete with Xuantian's quasi-emperor, the battle between the ninth-level emperors will still be lost.

Xuantian was preparing to go on a killing spree when suddenly, the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, Holy Cauldron of Thunder, and Holy Cauldron of Wind inside his body began to tremble.

"There is a Holy Cauldron approaching...!" Jian Chi's voice suddenly sounded in Xuantian's mind, and he burst into laughter: "Hahaha... Xuantian, you are so lucky. It turns out that there is someone in the Yunzhou Demon Sect. There is a Holy Cauldron. It is difficult for you to capture the Holy Cauldron in the hands of the Son of God and the Goddess, but it is much easier to capture it in the hands of a warrior from the mortal realm."

The corners of Xuantian's mouth also curled up. He did not expect that there was also a holy cauldron in Yunzhou.

His eyes scanned the strong men flying from the depths of the magic castle. Finally, Xuantian's eyes settled on a very young seventh-level emperor.

This is a young man who looks to be in his twenties, wearing a black robe. His expression is stern. Although he has the cultivation level of a seventh-level emperor, he is standing with the ninth-level emperor at the front. Ranking in the same row, it can be seen that the status is extremely high.

The inheritors of the Holy Cauldron are all those with great luck, and those with great luck all practice very quickly. The faster they practice, the younger they are and the younger they look.

Every inheritor of the Holy Cauldron, including the Son of God and the Goddess carrying the Holy Cauldron, doesn't look very young?

Therefore, Xuantian was 90% sure that the holy tripod should be on the young seventh-level emperor.

Xuan Tian looked at the young seventh-level emperor, narrowed his eyes, and already regarded him as the first person to kill.

When Xuantian looked at the young seventh-level emperor, the other person's eyes were also fixed on him.

"He is Xuantian, Xuantian who was hunted down by the Seven Demons three years ago...!" After just two breaths, the young seventh-level emperor pointed at Xuantian and shouted.

Although Xuantian has not appeared in Yunzhou for three years, there are still people in the Yunzhou Demon Sect who still remember him vividly and recognize him immediately.

Three years ago, the Demon Sect issued a hunting order for seven demons to hunt down Xuantian.

Xuantian first killed Fan Shaoxiao, one of the seven young men of the Demon Sect, and then Yin Shaoqi, the fifth young master, causing an uproar in the entire Demon Sect.

This young seventh-level emperor is also one of the Seven Young Masters of the Demon Sect. He is Tu Shaoyuan, the leader of the Seven Young Masters of the Demon Sect. He comes from the Tianmo Sect, so he is naturally particularly impressed by Xuantian.

"It's really him. The young master is right, it's really Xuantian!"

"He has been missing for three years, and he is back again...!"

"Three years ago, he was only a quasi-emperor, and now he is a sixth-level emperor?"

"If he dares to break into our Demon Sect Holy Land, even if he is a quasi-emperor, he will only die. Let alone a sixth-level emperor, he is seeking death!"

"It's true that if you don't take the road to heaven, the gate of hell will come to you...!"

They had all seen the portraits of Xuantian among the other strong men of the Demon Sect, but after three years, they had forgotten about Xuantian. Now that they were reminded by Tu Shaoyuan, they naturally remembered it and said one after another.

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