The strong men of the Demon Sect were still shocked by Xuantian's cultivation.

However, what was shocking was Xuantian's training speed, not Xuantian's strength.

No matter how fast Xuantian cultivates, he is only a sixth-level emperor now. No matter how strong his combat power is, for the entire Demon Sect, a sixth-level emperor is as insignificant as an ant.

Therefore, the strong man from the Demon Sect looked at Xuan Tian with a look that meant he was here to die.

"It's really hard to find a place through iron boots. It doesn't take any effort to get there. You all should stay away. I will go and destroy Xuantian alone."[

A ninth-level emperor shouted loudly. He was the leader of the Iron Wood Demon Sect. His son was Fan Shaoxiao, one of the Seven Young Masters of the Demon Sect, who died at the hands of Xuantian.

With a wave of his hand, Master Tiemu made all the powerful demon sects stop. The remaining ninth-level emperors knew that Master Tiemu hated Xuantian and wanted to end it with their own hands, so they naturally gave Sect Master Tiemu this opportunity.

"Xuan Tian, ​​you killed my beloved son, and I will let you pay with blood today."

Lord Tiemu shouted loudly, and his figure shot out like a sharp arrow, rushing towards Xuantian.


Master Tiemu struck out with his palm, and a palm print flew out in an instant, faster than the speed he rushed over, and instantly turned into a giant of thousands of feet, and hit Xuantian.

As a ninth-level emperor, the leader of the Iron Wood Sect didn't pay much attention to Xuantian's strength. He didn't even use the Iron Wood Demon Sect's most powerful Iron Wood-True Demon Skill, but used pure Gangyuan power to attack. Xuantian.

This is to suppress Xuantian based on the difference in cultivation level.

Xuan Tian sneered, he took a step forward, put his two fingers together like a sword, and slashed forward.

In an instant, several rays of starlight fell and condensed on the fingertips. With a stroke of the finger sword, a lightsaber more than a thousand feet long suddenly shot out and slashed down vertically.


The palm prints of each Zhang Zhang were instantly cut in half.

The leader of the Iron Wood Sect looked shocked, as did the strong men from the Demon Sect who were watching the battle. He also took a breath of air.

They never expected that Xuantian's combat power would be so terrifying.

Although we know that sword formation masters are powerful in combat, emperor-level sword formation masters are very rare. Moreover, due to the lack of emperor-level spiritual swords, the combat power of emperor-level sword formation masters is not too abnormal. How could these powerful demon sects know how powerful Xuantian's sword array was, which was composed entirely of emperor-level sword arrays.

With Xuantian's strength, he could have killed the Tiemu Sect Master in an instant, but he did not do so.

An instant kill of the Ironwood Sect Master can only kill one. Show your weakness first, and compete with the Ironwood Sect Master on a par. If other ninth-level emperors stab him up, and then use all your fighting power to kill a few more, this will be the best result.

This time when attacking the Demon Sect headquarters, the warriors on Xuantian's side were at least as powerful as a ninth-level emperor. Xuantian didn't pay much attention to the opponent's warriors whose combat power was lower than that of the ninth-level emperor, but the ninth-level emperor still had a certain influence on the battle situation.

Before the war breaks out, kill as many as possible. [

"True magic look—!"

The leader of the Iron Wood Sect did not dare to despise Xuantian anymore, and immediately developed the Iron Wood - True Demon - Kung Fu, and also displayed the most powerful True Magic Aspect.

Suddenly, a shadow of the Iron Wood Demon Emperor appeared. It was almost condensed into reality, reaching a height of thousands of feet, and enveloped the Ironwood Sect Master.

The phantom palm of the Iron Wood Demon Emperor formed a seal, and pressed towards Xuantian with terrifying power. There was even a trace of imperial power in this power.

As soon as he displays his true magic form, the Ironwood Sect Master's combat power becomes apparent. He has reached the limit of a ninth-level emperor and is about to compete with the quasi-emperor.

However, such strength is still not enough to face Xuantian.

Xuan Tian moves at will. He gestured to draw the sword, pointed the sword again, and another sword formation was struck by the lightsaber.


This time, the power of the sword array lightsaber was much greater than before. With a flash of sword light, it not only broke the seal of the true magic form, but also cut off the arm of the true magic form.

The strong man from the Demon Sect, who was watching the battle with such terrifying combat power, stared, and his eyeballs almost burst out.

Master Tiemu is the most powerful among the ninth-level emperors who came here. Xuantian can easily defeat his attack. Is it possible that Xuantian has the cultivation level of a sixth-level emperor and his combat strength reaches Can't you reach the quasi-emperor level?

"Xuan Tian's fighting power is ridiculous. Let's all come together. Don't underestimate the enemy. We must not only defeat him, but also kill him. If he breaks into my Demon Sect Holy Land, if he escapes, it will be ridiculous." At this time, Tu Shaoyuan, the eldest son of the Demon Sect, shouted loudly.


"Don't let him get away...!"

As soon as Tu Shaoyuan opened his mouth, the other strong men from the Demon Sect immediately shouted, and with a wave of Tu Shaoyuan's arm, all the emperors above the seventh level, a dozen of them, rushed forward and launched their killing moves to attack Xuantian. Come.

Among the powerful men of the Demon Sect, Master Tiemu has the highest seniority and is a ninth-level emperor. He is the leader on the surface, but in fact, the strongest one is Tu Shaoyuan, who only has the cultivation level of a seventh-level emperor. , but the combat power is stronger than that of the Ironwood Sect Master, and it is already the combat power of an ordinary quasi-emperor.

Tu Shaoyuan was the real leader of this group. As soon as he spoke, the other strong men from the Demon Sect naturally agreed.

Seeing a dozen emperors of level seven or above rushing forward, including Tu Shaoyuan among them, Xuantian suddenly felt happy in his heart.

He played two rounds with the leader of the Iron Wood Sect, just to lure the powerful demon sect in front of him, so that they could have a good time. The current situation was exactly what Xuantian thought.

As for those powerful demon sects below the seventh-level emperor, Xuantian didn't take them seriously at all. It didn't matter whether they were promoted or not.

Xuantian drew his sword with his hand and swept forward. Suddenly, thousands of sword formations and lightsabers flew out and swept across in front of him, blocking all the emperor's attacks. [

At the same time, his body exploded and retreated ten miles away in an instant.

The thousands of sword formations and lightsabers quickly turned into nothingness, but the power of the opponent's attack was greatly reduced, and they could no longer pose a threat to Xuantian ten miles away.

Seeing that Xuantian was weak, all the emperors chased Xuantian and launched a terrifying offensive again.

A dozen emperors joined forces to attack, all of them were emperors of level seven or above, including four emperors of level nine, and Tu Shaoyuan, whose combat power was comparable to that of the quasi-emperor. Even if the opponent was a powerful quasi-emperor like Su Ruohong, facing such He couldn't resist the attack.

However, Xuantian's combat power is far from comparable to that of Su Ruohong.

Seeing the emperors chasing after him, Xuan Tian's panicked expression suddenly turned into a smile, and his momentum suddenly increased, almost tenfold.

In an instant, tangible sword energy rushed in all directions. There was a billow of steam in the air, and everyone who attacked Xuantian felt a chilling feeling.

At that moment, another ball of sword light rushed into the sky. Previously, Xuantian did not use the overlapping sword formation of nine sword formations, but only the overlapping eight sword formations. Can bring out the power of a quasi-emperor.

But now, it is an overlapping sword formation of nine swords. It is so powerful that it can kill the quasi-emperor with equal ease.


Xuantian shouted loudly.

He pointed with both hands and spread his fingers. Sweeping forward, in an instant, there was sword light in front of him.

Suddenly there were ten sword formations of more than a thousand feet, and lightsabers burst out, like Xuantian's ten fingers, sweeping forward for ten miles in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian increased his combat power to the limit, forming a ten-sword array with lightsabers. Four of them slashed at the four ninth-level emperors respectively, five of them all slashed at Tu Shaoyuan alone, and the other one swept towards the remaining seventh- and eighth-level emperors.

Half of the attacks were directed at Tu Shaoyuan. Xuantian's meaning was obvious, killing Tu Shaoyuan was the top priority. He concluded that the Holy Cauldron was on Tu Shaoyuan's body, and he had to get the Holy Cauldron into his hands first.

However, Xuantian failed to do so.

The demonic barrier sent out by Tu Shaoyuan was instantly cut off by the five sword array lightsabers. At random, three more fire dragons rushed out of Tu Shaoyuan's body to protect his body, but were cut off again by the five sword array lightsabers.

When the sword array lightsaber struck Tu Shaoyuan's body. Only two of the five paths are left, but they are still terrifyingly powerful. The attack power of each path is a fatal threat to the ninth-level emperor.

Tu Shaoyuan's clothes. It was instantly shattered into pieces under the light sword of the sword array.

clang! clang!

The sound of two metal collisions suddenly sounded, and Tu Shaoyuan's body instantly turned into a golden light and shot thousands of meters backward.

Xuantian's eyes were so sharp, he saw clearly that Tu Shaoyuan's arms, legs, and front body were all pure gold, exactly like him.

Tu Shaoyuan cultivated the Immortal Golden Body and reached the fourth level like Xuantian.

The defensive power of the immortal golden body is too strong. If all Xuantian's attacks are concentrated at one point, there is still a little hope of breaking through Tu Shaoyuan's immortal golden body. However, only two sword formations and lightsabers can't. It's not possible anymore.

But the powerful attack power was still very terrifying. Tu Shaoyuan lost all his defenses and was naturally blown thousands of meters away. His internal organs began to break due to the shock.

Others, without Tu Shaoyuan's immortal golden body, could not stop the sword formation's lightsaber attack.

The moment Tu Shaoyuan was slashed away, screams sounded almost at the same time.

There were a total of eight seventh-level and eighth-level emperors. Five of them were instantly split into pieces by the sword formation and lightsaber and died. Three others narrowly escaped being dismembered, but they were also seriously injured.

As for the four ninth-level emperors, only the weakest one was killed by the sword array lightsaber. The other three were also injured to varying degrees and retreated quickly.

It was a pity that Xuantian could not kill Tu Shaoyuan, as he could not let other emperors escape.

Boo hoo hoo hoo

Xuantian's hand led the sword formation, and in an instant, ten more sword formations of more than a thousand feet were struck with lightsabers.

Tu Shaoyuan was instantly knocked several thousand meters away, but it was a blessing in disguise. His body almost rushed into the depths of the magic castle like a ray of golden light, escaping Xuantian's second wave of attacks.

As for the other emperors, whether they were seventh-level, eighth-level, or ninth-level emperors, they were all killed by sword formations and lightsabers while escaping.

The battle ended quickly. Only Tu Shaoyuan escaped. Xuantian killed twelve emperors, including four ninth-level emperors.

Xuantian's fighting power was so strong that the strong men of the Demon Sect who were watching the battle were frightened, and they retreated deep into the Demon Castle one by one.


At this time, several deep voices came from the depths of the magic castle.

In an instant, several terrifying forces rushed out from the depths of the magic castle, condensing into a giant palm with a radius of dozens of miles, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and pressed towards Xuantian. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read it.)

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