The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1045】 Xuantian rebels and kills the emperor (2 updates)

All the strong men from the Demon Sect were immediately dumbfounded...

Mingzi Balasa was actually injured? is this possible?

Isn't this common sense?

Especially Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng were the most shocked. Both of them were now one-star emperors, and their combat power was no longer what it used to be. Only after experiencing it personally did they know how terrifying the emperor's power was.

However, although Mingzi Porosa is a quasi-emperor, Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng, the two one-star emperors, know very well that their combat power is far from Master Mingzi.

Even if the two one-star emperors join forces, it will be difficult for them to last for more than a few rounds under Master Mingzi.

But! it turns out!

The powerful Lord Mingzi was injured in just one round?

Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng both looked at the young man in black in front of Xuantian, with disbelief in their eyes.

An eleven or twelve-year-old boy was actually able to injure Ming Zi Po Luo Sa? How can this be?

Xuantian is already a monster. Now he is thirty years old and is only a seventh-level emperor. This is an unprecedented record, but Xuantian's combat power is still far behind Mingzi Balasa.

But an eleven or twelve-year-old boy was able to injure Mingzi Boluosu in one round. Even if they saw it with their own eyes, Tu Wancheng, Gong Gusheng and many powerful demon sects couldn't help but rub their eyes wildly to see if it was him. It's not that your eyes are dazzled, this is simply a ghost.

Hundreds of bloody giant hands retracted in an instant, retracting into the body, and Boluo Sa's body turned into its original shape.

Balasa frowned tightly and looked at Yibao boy, although his eyes were surprised. But he wasn't too horrified, and didn't have the look of a strong man from the Demon Sect who had seen a ghost.

As a Mingzi, Boluosao's vision. How can powerful men like the Demon Sect be compared to each other?

"A puppet?" Balasa spoke slowly, his eyes turned to Xuantian, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Xuantian, where did you find the emperor-level puppet?"

At this time, the strong man from the Demon Sect suddenly realized that this eleven or twelve-year-old boy in black was not a human being. He was actually a puppet, and an emperor-level puppet at that. That means having emperor-level combat power.

No wonder Mingzi Boluo Sao was injured at the hands of this young man in black, and he didn’t know how powerful this young man in black was compared to a star emperor.

Of course, I get it though. But the strong man from the Demon Sect was still shocked. Although the young man in black looked a little dull, he was no different from a human being. Such puppets. Unheard, unseen.

Yibao Boy is an emperor-level puppet that Danyuan Sword Emperor asked the Puppet Master to refine 18,000 years ago. It was still the ancient era. Now let alone Yunzhou, even Jianzhou, how to make emperor-level puppets All may have been lost, and the powerful people of the Demon Sect certainly don’t know.

Balasa looked angry. However, Xuantian looked cheerful and said with a smile: "Borosa. I told you, today I am here to collect your body. Yibao, kill this bullshit Mingzi who came from the devil world."

"Yes, Master." Yibao Boy nodded seriously.

After saying that, Yibao Boy's figure was like a sword, and he rushed forward in an instant. The void in front of him automatically split open, as if there was an invisible sharp blade clearing the way for him, making his speed reach an alarming level.

call out--

The Yibao boy slashed with his fingers together, and a sword beam shot out from his fingertips, stretching for dozens of miles, and slashed down like it split the sky and split the earth.

Balasa snorted coldly. Although his face was stern, he was not afraid. As a Mingzi, Balasa naturally had various means. Although Yibao Boy's combat power made him feel heavy pressure, he may not be unable to cope with it.

"Tu Wancheng, Gong Gusheng, I will deal with this puppet, you go and kill Xuantian." Boluo Suo's figure also flashed, and instantly shot towards Yibao boy. At the same time, a voice came to Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng. mind.

In the blink of an eye, Balasa's body grew larger, and hundreds of giant hands appeared behind him. However, all of them were intact. It seemed that they were healed after being taken back into the body.

These hundreds of giant hands did not wave up to fight Jian Gang head-on. After suffering a loss, Boluo Suo knew how powerful Yibao Boy was.

I saw the hundred giant hands forming seals one after another, and they were shot out at the same time.

Each seal formed a void barrier. Hundreds of void barriers formed together, almost blocking the entire sky in front of them. It seemed like there was a sky wall blocking the two places.

This is a purely defensive martial art that looks somewhat similar to the Heavenly Demon Barrier, but is obviously much better than the Heavenly Demon Barrier.


Yibao Boy's finger sword slashed down on the huge void barrier. There was an explosion and the void barrier immediately burst open.

However, the defensive power of this void barrier was indeed powerful, and it only cracked halfway before blocking the finger sword.

The finger gang dissipated and the void barrier returned to its original state.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Yibao boy immediately flew up, moved both hands, displayed unparalleled swordsmanship, and attacked Balasa.

On the other side, Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng were instructed by Mingzi Porosa, and they also took action at the same time to kill Xuantian.

Both of them are now one-star emperors. In front of Balasa just now, their auras were deliberately suppressed. Now they burst out. Their auras swept in all directions like a tornado, and the powerful imperial power swept across the nine heavens and ten places.

The superimposed imperial power of the two emperors made many emperors of the demon sect unable to stand and couldn't help but bow down.

However, Xuantian's aura was like a divine sword unsheathed, extremely sharp. Although it was not as sharp as Yibao Boy, it was a bit stronger than Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng's imperial power.

All the pressure that came in front of Xuantian was broken by the invisible sharp blade and chopped into pieces, without affecting Xuantian at all.

As for Long Ziyan and the strong men of the Zhengdao Monster Clan, they retreated dozens of miles away behind Xuantian. The imperial power in this direction was broken by Xuantian's sharp aura, and they could not feel it.

Yibao Boy used both hands, and his combat power suddenly increased a lot. He quickly broke through the void barrier of Balasa. However, Bolo Sa had a new defense method. He used the Tianluo Jedi Umbrella to control Yibao Boy's speed. , and used other emperor-level treasures to temporarily fend off Yibao Boy.

Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng knew that Boluo Sao could not resist for long. They had to kill Xuantian in the shortest possible time and then take away the Holy Cauldron. In this way, Boluo Sao would not have to tangle with the emperor-level puppet after obtaining the Holy Cauldron.

As Mingzi, Balasa wanted to escape. Even if the emperor-level puppet was stronger than Balasa, he might not be able to stay.

Demonic Wuxiang Kung!

Corpse Emperor’s Sky-Breaking Fist!

Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng took action instantly. Both of them used emperor-level martial arts, and in conjunction with the emperor's power, their power was overwhelming.

As soon as the Heavenly Demon's Phaseless Technique was used, Tu Wancheng's figure became ethereal and ethereal, sometimes big and sometimes small, sometimes far and sometimes close. Even Xuantian's Emperor's Heavenly Eye could not see all the reality and reality.

As soon as Tu Wancheng took action, fist seals, palm axes, sword lights, sword shadows... dense attacks came overwhelmingly. Although Xuantian saw most of the false attacks, there were still hundreds of attacks, and it was impossible to tell whether they were true or false.

The Emperor's use of Emperor-level martial arts cannot be completely seen by the Emperor's Heavenly Eye.

With Tu Wancheng's strength, even if Xuantian had cultivated the immortal golden body, it would be unbearable to be frightened by the opponent. If the attack landed in an area not covered by the golden body, it would be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening.

The devil is cunning, and the devil's phaseless power is all about the false and the false, the true and the false, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Gong Gusheng's Corpse Emperor Breaking Heaven Fist is completely the opposite. There is nothing false at all, but pure power.

With one punch, the sky shattered and the earth collapsed.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a corpse emperor thousands of feet high punching Xuantian. The fist was bigger than the mountain. The corpse emperor's body itself was extremely strong. This fist was comparable to an emperor-level magic weapon. The power of one punch. , is really appalling and difficult to measure with numbers.

As soon as Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng took action, they displayed their peak strength and wanted to deal a fatal blow to Xuantian, so that they could kill Xuantian and seize the Holy Cauldron in the shortest possible time.

As for the other strong men from the Demon Sect, they did not come up. Two emperors took action, but the others coming up were of no use and were in the way.

Facing the attacks from the two emperors Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng, Xuantian looked as usual, but with a smile on his face.

His eyes fell on Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng, as if they were looking at two dead people, and he said: "It's just a good time to try it with you, and see whether it is faster to kill the one-star emperor with the sword formation, or the one-star emperor with the six-turn sword elixir." .”

As he spoke, Xuantian's body suddenly burst into light, emitting a bright blue light that illuminated thousands of feet away, reflecting his entire body into a dark blue.

At the same time, countless sword lights rose into the sky, and a total of 3,600 emperor-level spiritual swords flew into the sky, turning into stars to form a complete Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

With a thought in Xuantian's mind, he waved his left hand, and countless rays of starlight fell, turning into a series of light swords. They were so densely packed that there could be as many as thousands of swords. With Xuantian's gesture, all the sword formations and lightsabers were attacking. Massacre Wancheng.

Tu Wancheng's Heavenly Demon Phaseless Kung Fu was false, real and false, and there were always hundreds of Emperor Dao Celestial Eyes that were attacking Xuantian that couldn't be seen clearly, so they attacked in groups with sword arrays and lightsabers.

Thousands of sword formations and lightsabers struck at the hundreds of invisible rays of light, many of which directly passed through the illusory shadow and killed Tuwan City.

Xuantian's right hand held the Tianxuan Emperor Sword, and in an instant, a bright blue sword light struck out.

The power of the Six-turn Sword Pill was brought into full play, and it struck Gong Gusheng's Corpse Emperor Breaking Heaven Fist.

In an instant, there were repeated explosions.

The blue sword gang slashed at the Corpse Emperor's Sky-breaking Fist, and the sword array and lightsabers also hit those invisible attacks, most of which were actual attacks.

The strength of both sides instantly differentiated.

Although the corpse emperor's sky-shattering fist was frighteningly powerful, with one punch it could shatter the sky and the earth, but the attack power of the Six-turn Sword Pill was even more terrifying, splitting the corpse emperor's sky-shattering fist in the blink of an eye.

The blue sword's long body went straight in and struck dozens of miles in an instant, directly cutting Gong Gusheng into two halves.

Gong Gusheng gasped for his life, and was instantly killed by the power of the Six-turn Sword Pill. His eyes widened until he died, and he refused to rest in peace.

It was obviously unbelievable that he had just become the emperor and had five or six hundred years left to live in a thousand years of life, yet he died under the Xuantian Sword so quickly. (To be continued...)

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