The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1046】 Xuantian Demon Slayer (3 updates, supplement)

The art of Nine-turn Sword Pill is indeed the most powerful offensive sword art, and it is worthy of being a murderous sword. Although it is not as fancy as the attack of the sword formation, the attack power is concentrated at one point, and the effect is very good. If you kill the one-star emperor, Equally leisurely.

Gong Gusheng screamed for his life, not to mention that he himself died with his eyes open and couldn't believe it. Even the strong men of the Demon Sect who were watching the battle were dumbfounded and looked in disbelief.

O Emperor!

The Millennium Emperor, a legendary existence, was killed by Xuantian in the blink of an eye?

This is almost more surprising than when Balasa was injured at the hands of Yibao Boy. Yibao Boy appeared suddenly, which is both mysterious and miraculous.

As for Xuantian, the strong men of the Demon Sect know his strength. When he attacked the Demon Sect headquarters more than three months ago, Xuantian's combat power was still at the quasi-emperor limit. Compared with the Star Emperor, he would definitely be inferior, but Now, he can actually kill a one-star emperor in an instant. This leap in strength is too fast.

Even Long Ziyan and the strong men of the Zhengdao Monster Clan had long heard from Xuantian that his Six-turn Sword Pill technique was enough to kill the emperor, but they also showed surprise. Killing and instant killing, Those are two completely different concepts.

The strong man from the Demon Sect was only shocked for a moment when Gong Gusheng was killed instantly, because Xuantian's sword array attack also broke through Tu Wancheng's Heavenly Demon Phaseless Skill in an instant, and the dense sword array and lightsaber hooded Tu Wancheng. .

As a one-star emperor, Tu Wancheng's protective shield was so powerful that it was difficult for the quasi-emperor to break through it with a full blow.

However, under the attack of the sword array lightsaber, it was useless and was pierced easily.

Tu Wancheng was immediately horrified.

Gong Gusheng was killed instantly. He didn't even have time to scream, but as an emperor, Tu Wancheng, even when faced with countless sword formations and lightsaber attacks. He also paid a little attention to Gong Gusheng.

As soon as Gong Gusheng died, he was already frightened. Now that the sword formation and the lightsaber had struck down on his head, stabbing him like rain, this frightened him even more.

Teleport, with the Holy Cauldron imprisoning the void, he cannot teleport.

Flight to escape. His speed is far inferior to the speed of the sword array lightsaber.

The only thing that can be done is to resist with strength.

However, even the Heavenly Demon's Wuxiang Kung Fu was defeated by the sword array lightsaber. How can Tu Wancheng have any method that is better than the Heavenly Demon Phaseless Kung Fu? All the resistance was in vain, it was broken instantly, and he was stabbed by countless sword formations and lightsabers in an instant.

After the sword light passed, Tu Wancheng had turned into a bloody man. There was no intact skin or flesh on the whole body. There were wounds everywhere, and in some places, even the bones were broken.

Fortunately, he was not instantly split into pieces, and he still managed to breathe.

With this breath retained, Tu Wancheng did not feel the beauty of life, but instead felt the severe pain radiating from all parts of his body.


Tu Wancheng screamed miserably.

In an instant, another lightsaber dozens of miles long struck. Tu Wancheng was immediately cut in half, and the screams suddenly stopped. Following in the footsteps of Shang Gonggu Sheng, he died in hell.

After all, Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng had just become emperors, and their combat power was still far from that of the truly powerful one-star emperors. Otherwise, Xuantian would not have killed the two of them so easily.

The strong men of the Demon Sect were completely dumbfounded. The two newly promoted emperors of the Demon Sect were all killed by Xuantian.

As for Mingzi Balasa, under the attack of Yibao Boy, he could only parry and had no power to fight back. The situation was dangerous.

At this moment, Boluosuo was also shocked. He never expected that such a result would occur.

He searched hard for Xuantian, and now Xuantian finally took the initiative to appear in front of him, but he had no hope of killing Xuantian, and instead found himself in danger.

The swordsmanship of this precious boy was so amazing that Balasa could not withstand it at all. If he had not had many emperor-level treasures for defense, he would have fallen to the attack of the precious boy.

As soon as Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng died, Balasa knew that he had no chance of killing Xuantian. The only thing he could do now was to save his own life.

Balasa wanted to retreat, but Yibao boy pressed forward step by step. His exquisite sword skills were endless, and it was difficult for him to escape for a while.

The only possibility was to escape by teleportation. However, Balasa discovered bitterly that the void was as solid as iron and had been imprisoned. He could not teleport at all.

There are not only Tianluo Jedi Umbrellas in the world that can imprison the void, but the Nine Sacred Cauldrons can also do it.

Since Xuantian counterattacked the Demon Sect, how could he let Boluo Sao, the underworld child, escape and cause trouble in Yunzhou? Therefore, he had already placed a holy cauldron on Yibao Boyzi. Boluosuo wanted to escape from Yibao Boyzhi, but it was difficult to board it. sky.

Seeing that there was no hope of teleportation, Boluo Sa screamed in his heart, but the thought of escaping could not be eliminated. While resisting the attack of Yibao Boy, he retreated quickly.

Yibao boy's speed was like a sword's light, just faster than Boluo Sa's. He kept up with him closely.

Xuantian doesn't have to worry about Balasa's precious boy.

His eyes fell on the powerful people of the Demon Sect in the distance, especially the five quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect.

Last time, Xuantian led the strong men of the righteous demon clan to attack the Demon Sect headquarters, with the purpose of destroying the Demon Sect.

As a result, at the last moment, Balasa suddenly appeared and ruined Xuantian's plan. This time he broke into the Demon Sect again, but no one could stop him from destroying the Demon Sect.

Xuantian stepped into the void, and the door of space teleported, appearing ten miles in front of the strong man from the Demon Sect in an instant.

Seeing Xuantian suddenly appearing in front, the strong men of the Demon Sect still didn't understand Xuantian's thoughts, and they were all frightened. Although the place where they stood was within the formation's air barrier, they couldn't help but My heart was pounding, and I turned around and ran away.

call out--!

call out--!

Xuantian used the Six-turn Sword Pill technique with one hand and controlled the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with the other hand to attack the powerful Demon Sect in front.

The blue sword was faster than lightning, and it struck dozens of miles in an instant, striking the formation's aura. The terrifying attack power immediately split the formation's aura.

The attack power of a sword that can kill a one-star emperor can certainly break through the magic shield.

The blue sword gang broke through the formation, and a sword formation of lightsaber slashed down from the sky. It was dozens of miles long, and it struck directly at the powerful demon sect in the formation's aura.

It's too late, but it's soon. The two swords struck out, one in front and the other in an instant.

The strong men from the Demon Sect inside did not have such a fast reaction speed, and most of them just turned around.

The sword formation's lightsaber slashed down, seemingly attacking a group of powerful demon sects. In fact, Xuantian's target was a quasi-emperor of the demon sect.

The higher the cultivation level of these powerful men from the Demon Sect, the greater the harm they will cause. If one escapes, it will be a great harm to Yunzhou in the future.

Xuantian wants to completely destroy the Demon Sect today, but he doesn't want the Demon Sect to resurgence in the future.

A quasi-emperor. He has the qualifications to rebuild the Demon Sect.

Xuantian must of course eliminate these threats as much as possible.

The quasi-emperor who was attacked by the sword array's lightsaber was Fan Yunshuang, the quasi-emperor of the Ironwood Demon Sect. Xuantian and the Ironwood Demon Sect seemed to be at odds with each other.

The first time I went to Yunzhou, I killed the first key figure of the Demon Sect. It was Fan Shaoxiao, the son of the eldest son of the Iron Wood Demon Sect. The seventh young master of the Demon Sect.

During the last attack on the Demon Sect, Xuantian killed the leader of the Iron Wood Demon Sect.

This time, Fan Yunshuang was the closest to Xuantian among the five quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect, and he was also the slowest to react when Xuantian came over. Xuantian naturally regarded him as his first target.

Fan Yunshuang obviously did not expect Xuantian to be so decisive after killing Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng. In an instant, he charged towards the powerful man from the Demon Sect, and even the formation's light shield could not stop Xuantian. Without paying attention to it in thought, his actions were naturally half a step slower than the other four quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect.

Not surprisingly, Fan Yunshuang's back felt cold. When he looked back, the sword formation and lightsaber had already struck him.

Even a one-star emperor can be killed. Fan Yunshuang is only a quasi-emperor, so he will naturally die under the sword array lightsaber.

This sword formation and lightsaber slashed for dozens of miles. When Fan Yunshuang was killed, dozens of demon sect emperors also died under the lightsaber.

Once one's combat power reaches the level of an emperor, it is as easy as killing a chicken to kill the former high-ranking emperor.

The strong men of the Demon Sect were horrified. It was as if the end was coming. The identity they were proud of in the past could no longer make them feel superior. Instead, it brought them a fatal disaster.

Behind Xuantian, Long Ziyan, the strong men from the Zhengdao and the Demon Clan also quickly followed up. Destroying the Demon Sect was not a matter for Xuantian alone.

For more than three months, Xuantian and others have been practicing in seclusion and did not know the situation of the Demon Sect. After coming out of the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, they learned that the Demon Sect had destroyed dozens of major forces of the righteous and demon clans. Tens of thousands of warriors and millions of kings were killed, and a large number of kings were captured by the Demon Sect.

As the top leaders of the righteous demon clan, how could these ninth-level emperors and quasi-emperors not have strong resentment against the Demon Sect.

Now that Xuantian has killed the two emperors of the Demon Sect and defeated the Demon Sect, everyone must naturally work together to kill the strong men of the Demon Sect and destroy the Demon Sect as completely as possible so that the other party's top officials can escape. Some.

Xuantian rushed forward to kill him. He was not a murderous person, but what the Demon Sect did made him angry. At this moment, he had no idea of ​​mercy.

He waved with his left hand to control the sword formation lightsaber, specializing in killing emperors above the seventh level. He held the Tianxuan Emperor Sword in his right hand, and the blue sword gang struck straight forward, breaking the formation aura.

Now that Xuantian breaks the formation, he doesn't care about the formation base or not. The Six-turn Sword Pill's attack power is so strong that it can kill a one-star emperor with equal ease. It is easy to break through a formation's aura shield.

Therefore, the magic castle's formation was nothing to Xuantian. He moved forward quickly, the blue sword slash struck down, and the formation's air shield in front burst like a bubble.

The art of sword elixir breaks the formation, and the sword formation kills people with lightsaber.

With the Holy Cauldron imprisoning the void, it was impossible to teleport within a radius of dozens of miles. The quasi-emperor's escape speed could not match Xuantian's pursuit speed.

Soon, one after another, the formation shields were broken by Xuantian, and five Demon Sect quasi-emperors also died under Xuantian's sword formation. At the same time, a large number of Demon Sect emperors also suffered disaster.

After killing five quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect, Xuantian then set his sights on those emperors above level seven. The higher the level of cultivation, the faster they would die under the attack of Xuantian's sword array.

As for the other strong men from the Demon Sect, they were surrounded and killed by the strong men from the Righteous Demon Clan.

After this battle, the upper echelons of the Demon Sect were wiped out, and the emperor suffered numerous casualties. The powerful Yunzhou Demon Sect was torn to pieces and destroyed. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update is to supplement the first update on September 26.

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