The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1062】 Soul Forbidden Peak, Soul Forbidden Palace (2 updates)


There was a loud explosion, and the seal that had begun to crack was hit by the attacks of hundreds of emperors. It exploded and shattered into pieces.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as the seal was broken, four figures suddenly appeared. As fast as a stream of light, they cut through the sky in an instant and landed on the top of the mountain where nine mountain ranges meet.

That's where Chiyang Emperor's Mansion is located.

These four people were none other than Duanmuying, Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin, four powerful men sent by the imperial family.

"The seal is broken, haha... There must be a lot of treasures in the demigod's imperial palace...!"

"Hurry... don't fall behind, otherwise the treasure will be robbed by others."

"In the demigod's imperial palace, even if you can't get the piece of Ji Yang Red Jade that the Red Sun Sword Emperor has spent his whole life cultivating, as long as you get a powerful emperor-level weapon, it will be a big gain."

"Chiyang Sword Emperor has been involved in a wide range of things in his life. He knows everything from alchemy to weapon refining to soul refining. The treasures inside must be of all kinds and should be advanced. Although there are many competitors, as long as you have a little luck, you will definitely gain something. .”

From the four directions, emperors one after another exclaimed and flew to the top of the mountain in a hurry.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan looked at each other. They were not in a hurry. Generally speaking, in a place like the Demigod Emperor's Mansion, a little time would have little impact on the harvest.

On the contrary, those who run at the front may even trigger the restrictions in the imperial palace and encounter danger.

However, compared to the temptation of treasures in the imperial palace, this danger was obviously not taken seriously by these emperors.

Although demigods are scary, dead demigods cannot scare the emperor. Even in Jianzhou, any warrior who can become an emperor has good qualifications, opportunities, and many means.

"Let's go -!" Xuan Tian and Long Ziyan did not deliberately delay the time and flew towards the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion.

However, the two did not fight and were obviously lagging behind all the emperors.

When the two of them flew to the top of the mountain and landed in front of the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion, there was no emperor in front, only the last few figures rushed into the Emperor's Mansion.

The gate of the Emperor's Mansion had been turned into fragments and scattered nearby. It was obviously directly blown to pieces by the four people who arrived first.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan flew up to the top of the mountain. The time was very short, but more than 600 emperors had already rushed into the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion. Their speed was indeed not slow.

The two of them followed the last few figures and rushed into the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion.

In an instant, the space changed, and Xuantian and Long Ziyan appeared in a chaotic space, surrounded by gray.

Xuantian was surprised. The Chiyang Emperor's Mansion didn't look big on the outside, but there was a hidden space inside.

Fortunately, when they came in, Xuantian and Long Ziyan were holding hands together. Although they had changed spaces, they were still together.

This chaotic space was very quiet. The two of them did not feel any danger, but they discovered unexpectedly that they were grounded but unable to fly.

It seems that the space restriction in the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion is more powerful than outside, making it difficult to even fly.

The two held hands and walked forward in this chaotic space. They walked for about ten minutes before walking out of this gray space.

The view ahead suddenly became brighter. More than a hundred meters away, there were mountains.

On the top of a mountain in the distance, Xuantian vaguely saw that there seemed to be a palace behind the woods.

More than a hundred meters ahead, there were several figures of emperors. They quickly rushed into the mountains. No one could fly. Xuantian tried it. It was not impossible to fly, but the loss of Gang Yuan was very serious. Compared with life and death, The loss during the war was even faster. With his strong Gang Yuan, I am afraid that it would be completely consumed in just half a moment.

In such a situation, it is obvious that the Gang Yuan cannot be consumed by flying.

Seeing those emperors disappearing in the direction of the mountain, which was exactly where the palace on the mountaintop was in the distance, Xuantian and Long Ziyan also quickly chased after them.

In the space of this imperial palace, there is a palace. Anyone can guess that it must be extraordinary.

The space here is extremely restricted. If they were in the outside space, Xuantian and Long Ziyan would be able to run a thousand meters in the blink of an eye, but here they could only run thirty or forty meters in one breath.

With the strength of him and Long Ziyan, they are even better than the three-star emperors. This is the case. Presumably the other emperors are more severely restricted.

One breath took thirty or forty meters, which was quite fast. In three breaths, Xuantian and Long Ziyan arrived at the foot of the mountain and climbed towards the top of this short mountain.

Although the speed up the mountain was slower, it didn't take much time for the two of them to reach the top of the mountain.

When Xuantian reached the top of the mountain, he realized that the mountains were very vast, covering hundreds of miles in radius. Most of the peaks were very short, ranging from more than a hundred meters to two or three hundred meters.

But there are five relatively tall peaks, each more than a thousand meters high.

The peak with a vague palace in the woods that Xuantian saw just coming out of the chaotic space was one of the five taller peaks.

There is also a palace on the top of the other four tall peaks.

Xuantian stood at a high place and had a good view. The emperors in his field of vision were divided into five parts and rushed towards these five peaks.

"Xuan Tian, ​​go to the first peak on the left. I can feel the spiritual fluctuations there. It seems that there are a lot of soul thoughts there."

When Xuantian was deciding which peak with a palace on the top of the mountain should be the first target, Jian Chi's voice had already sounded in Xuantian's mind, "My soul-swallowing thoughts can restore my vitality. As long as my injuries recover, by then When my mind sweeps away, it’s not clear what treasures there are in the entire imperial palace.”

Although demigods are very close to gods, they are not yet true gods. However, Jian Chi follows the God King of Swords in the God Realm. He must be extremely powerful himself. He is definitely not comparable to Chiyang Sword Emperor. As long as he The sword idiot can use his spiritual thoughts to scan, so the restrictions in the imperial palace are really in vain.

Xuantian has no way of knowing what is inside these five mountain peaks. He only cares about one thing and misses the other. If Jian Chi sweeps his mind and tells Xuantian what is inside, then Xuantian can go there as needed to avoid what he needs. Got it by someone else.

"Zi Yan, come with me." Xuantian said to Long Ziyan immediately, and then took her to the first peak on the left.

After climbing more than ten small peaks, half an hour later, the two of them arrived at the foot of the first peak.

This mountain is very steep and there is only one road that can go up the mountain.

Xuantian looked forward and saw a piece of bluestone standing on the roadside in front of him, with three words engraved on it - Soul Forbidden Peak.

There is a word for "soul". It seems that Jian Chi's senses are not bad. Maybe there is something like soul thought and will on the mountain. This is a great tonic for Jian Chi.

Xuantian's face showed joy, and he and Long Ziyan immediately ran towards the mountain peak.

When the two of them were about to reach the top of the mountain, several emperors ran down from the top of the mountain, with depressed expressions on their faces.

"Damn it, if I had known that this was the place where Chiyang Sword Emperor sealed the martial soul and sword soul, we wouldn't have run up so hard...!"

"It seems that the name of the peak at the foot of the mountain corresponds to the things in the palace on the mountain. Forbidden Soul Peak is the place where martial souls and sword souls are sealed. The other peaks should be Lingdan Peak and Emperor Weapon Peak... …These are places where elixirs and treasures are placed.”

"Let's go quickly, don't let others snatch up all those good things...!"

Several emperors just glanced at Xuantian and Long Ziyan, and then ran down the mountain as if they didn't see anything.

Although Long Ziyan is said to be the most beautiful woman in the world, for these emperors at this moment, no matter how beautiful a woman is, there are no treasures to attract them.

Xuantian heard the complaints of these emperors, but a smile appeared on his face. The Forbidden Soul Peak is the place where the Chiyang Sword Emperor sealed the sword soul and martial soul. This is not a simple soul thought, but a This soul has been swallowed up by Jian Chi. It is really a panacea.

Since they are sword souls and martial souls sealed by the Chiyang Sword Emperor, these souls should be of a high level. If they are emperor-level souls of level seven or above, they will be of great use to sword-crazy souls.

"Hey hey hey...!" Jian Chi obviously heard the voices of those emperors, and the cheerful laughter rang in Xuantian's mind.

Soon, Xuantian and Long Ziyan arrived at the top of the Soul Forbidden Peak. Among the woods, there was a large palace called the Soul Forbidden Palace.

The door of the Soul Forbidden Palace has been opened, and several more emperors ran out of the Soul Forbidden Palace and ran down the mountain amidst complaints.

For the vast majority of emperors, what is the role of sealed souls? They also had to worry about being overtaken by those sword souls and martial souls. Naturally, they all ran away after knowing what was in the Soul Forbidden Palace.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan entered the hall. It was an empty hall with a radius of ten feet. There was a stone tablet in the hall, with some seals engraved on it: Soul Forbidden Hall, the place where souls are sealed. On the left, seventh-level souls are sealed; on the right, Seal the eighth-level soul; before, seal the ninth-level soul.

Looking at the inscriptions on the stone tablet, Xuan Tian's eyes twitched slightly.

Good guy, the seventh-level soul corresponds to the soul of one-star, two-star, and three-star emperors, the eighth-level soul corresponds to the soul of four-star, five-star, and six-star emperors, and the ninth-level soul corresponds to the soul of seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star emperors. The Emperor's soul, all those sealed in the Soul Forbidden Palace are actually the Emperor's soul.

No wonder all the emperors who broke into the Soul Forbidden Palace earlier ran away. The souls inside were too powerful to threaten them.

For example, a seventh-level extreme soul, a three-star emperor, can take over a one-star emperor, and even a two-star emperor is in danger.

Xuantian sent a message and asked: "Jian Chi, the souls in this Soul Forbidden Palace are very powerful. Can you do it in your current state?"

Xuantian had to be careful, even he felt severe.

Jian Chi sent a message: "Start with the seventh-level souls first, and see how many there are. If there are too many, it will be difficult to control for a while. You ask your wife to go somewhere else. With her strength, the souls in the Imperial Palace space No one can threaten the Emperor, you and I are here to collect these souls."

For the sake of safety, Xuantian can only let Long Ziyan go elsewhere. He has the protection of the Holy Cauldron, and the Chaos Soul, Thunder Soul, Wind Soul, and Fire Soul have all reached the early stage of the eighth level. Even if it is It would be difficult for an eighth-level soul to seize his body. (To be continued.)

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