The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1063】 A large number of seventh-level souls (1 update)

Long Ziyan left the Soul Forbidden Palace, while Xuan Tian walked towards the side hall on the left side of the Soul Forbidden Palace.

Leading to the side hall is an empty door three meters wide and five meters high. It is shrouded in a faint light curtain, making it impossible to see into the side hall.

This faint light curtain is obviously a layer of seals. It is impossible for the space in the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion to have no forbidden seals at all. The more important the place, the more forbidden seals should be there and the more powerful.

If you want to enter the side hall, you must break this seal.


Xuantian's aura surged, and his whole body suddenly burst into thunder and lightning, roaring like a thunder god. His aura was so tyrannical that it was even better than the Three Star Emperors.

There was also a faint light of chaos in the shining thunder light. Using the power of the Holy Cauldron of Thunder and the Holy Cauldron of Chaos at the same time, Xuantian's strength at this moment was not much weaker than using the sword array.


Facing the light barrier seal in front, Xuan Tian punched out.

In an instant, thunder gathered at Xuantian's fist, forming a bright thunder ball. There was a lot of chaotic light in the thunder ball.

Thunder God Fist is the supreme martial arts that Xuantian learned from the Holy Cauldron of Thunder and the Holy Cauldron of Chaos.

For this kind of martial arts, it is impossible to measure what level it belongs to. Is it emperor level, emperor level, or god level? None of it is appropriate and can only be regarded as immature supreme martial arts.

The Holy Cauldron contains the power of the origin of the world, which is supreme, and the martial arts learned from it are also supreme. However, Xuantian's understanding of the Holy Cauldron of Chaos and the Holy Cauldron of Thunder is only a drop in the bucket. Therefore, this Thunder God Fist is immature and incomplete.

But its power. But it is already more terrifying than ordinary emperor-level martial arts.


The bright thunder ball turned into a fist and hit the light curtain seal hard, making a loud explosion that shook the earth.

The thunder ball exploded and lightning flashed. The power of this punch was enough to destroy a mountain in an instant. It is enough to blast a thousand-foot peak into pieces in an instant.

However, this punch failed to break the light curtain seal blocking the door frame.

The light curtain seal showed ripples in circles, like waves. Although it was not broken, it still proved that Xuantian's punch was incredibly powerful and had a great impact on the light curtain seal.


Xuantian's punch failed to break the seal. The momentum changed in an instant. From the fury of thunder to the violence of fire.

The whole body burned with hot flames several feet high, and the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​fire. Xuantian was like a god in the fire.

At the same time, a hurricane suddenly blew up around him, and the sea of ​​​​fire rotated rapidly, and the wind whined, cutting the void into cracks one after another.

Another kind of supreme martial arts, learned from the Holy Cauldron of Wind and the Holy Cauldron of Fire.

Xuantian's palms faced each other. Rotating forward and backward, he waved violently towards the light curtain seal in front of him.

A rapidly rotating fire roared out from Xuantian's palm. In an instant, it turned into a huge fire wheel, and the rotation speed reached the extreme, cutting the surrounding void into a black hole.

The void in the Imperial Palace space is very solid, with powerful air restrictions, but it is still broken by the wind and fire wheel, which shows that this kind of power is really shocking.

Compared to the fierce power of the Thunder God Fist, the destructive power of the Wind and Fire Wheel seems to be even better.

In an instant, the rapidly rotating wheel of wind and fire was like a gear, slamming hard on the light curtain seal. Not only was the force of the impact astonishing, it caused ripples in the light curtain seal, and the rotating fire wheel The power of cutting was even greater, causing the light curtain seal to dent immediately, and there was a sign that it was about to be broken.

When Xuantian saw this, his eyes widened and he shouted: "Open...!"

At this moment, Xuantian reached the peak of his strength, and streaks of red flames and wind energy flew into the Wind and Fire Wheel as he struck out with both hands, causing the power of the Wind and Fire Wheel to suddenly increase.


In an instant, the light curtain seal crackled and a crack appeared.

As soon as the seal was broken, the defense power decreased rapidly. It could not withstand the rapid cutting of the Wind Flame Wheel, and it was shattered into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian retracted his hands, and the wheel of wind and fire shot back instantly, turning into red flames and wind power and taking it back into his body.

The seal leading to the side hall was finally broken, and a smile appeared on Xuantian's face when he thought that there were a large number of emperor-level souls inside for Jian Chi to absorb.

With a movement of his feet, Xuan Tian immediately stepped into the middle.

A seal was broken so quickly. This speed could only be compared to the genius emperors from the four royal families.

Entering the door, there is a corridor about twenty meters long, followed by a closed wooden door.

It seems that, leading to the side hall that seals seventh-level souls, just breaking the light curtain seal is not enough.

"I'm afraid there are some mechanisms in this corridor. If you use the Holy Cauldron to protect your body, no mechanism can hurt you." Jian Chi's voice rang in Xuantian's mind.

Xuantian nodded secretly, and in an instant a three-legged ancient cauldron enveloped him, it was the Holy Cauldron of Chaos.

Under Xuantian's control, the Chaos Holy Cauldron slowly moved to the other side of the corridor. Although the Holy Cauldron did not fly up, it still moved more than one meter. It did not take much time to pass through this corridor.

After moving about three meters forward, fierce burning flames suddenly burst out from the ground. The flames were very hot and might pose a great threat to the Emperor.

However, to Xuantian, this flame was not dangerous at all. In an instant, Xuantian used the Holy Cauldron of Fire to contain the endless flames.

He moved forward about three meters, and suddenly three sword gangs flew out from each of the left, right, and upper directions. Each sword gang had the power of a three-star emperor's peak strike. The nine sword gangs flew out without any warning. If it was chopped out, even if Xuantian didn't pay attention, he would suffer a loss.

However, with the Chaos Holy Cauldron's defense, the six swords on the left and right struck the Holy Cauldron, unable to harm Xuantian's division. The three swords above broke the seal at the mouth of the cauldron, but were blasted away by Xuantian's three consecutive Thunder God fists. became shattered.

Xuantian slowly moved forward in the Chaos Holy Cauldron. Every three meters, he faced a wave of terrifying attacks, but he was able to resolve them safely.

A few moments. Xuantian passed through the corridor and used Thunder God Fist and Wind Fire Wheel to blast the wooden door into pieces. As expected, an empty hall appeared in front of him.

This is the side hall on the left side of the Soul Forbidden Hall. It is slightly smaller than the main hall, about five feet wide and eight feet long.

Xuantian walked into the hall and saw many grooves dug out on the left, right and front walls. There were hundreds on each side, and a jade jar was placed in each groove. Sealed by a faint light curtain.

Presumably, the jade jars in these grooves contain sword souls and martial souls of level seven or above.

Jade jars on three walls. There were thousands of them all in total, which made Xuantian couldn't help but take a breath of air. There were so many seventh-level souls, but they were only one of the three side halls in the Soul Forbidden Palace. How many emperors has this Chiyang Sword Emperor killed in his life?

This is just what he left behind after his death. It is completely unknown how many emperor-level souls he destroyed while he was still alive.

All in all, in Xuantian's opinion, this Chiyang Sword Emperor must be a fierce person.

Xuantian was a little surprised, but Jian Chi was extremely happy and laughed directly: "Haha..., thousands of seventh-level souls. It is equivalent to thousands of miraculous pills, a great tonic. A great tonic, haha..., this is good for me The recovery of injuries plays a big role. After devouring these seventh-level souls, the great sword madman can not only use his divine will, but also regain his strength, reaching the strength of a three-star sword emperor or even a four-star sword emperor."

Originally, no matter how powerful Jian Chi's spiritual thoughts were, they could only deal with thoughts and souls, and were of no use to living people. This was because he was too weak and suffered serious injuries.

Devouring these emperor-level souls can have a great recovery effect on Jian Chi's injuries, so that his strength will also be restored. If Jian Chi also has huge strength, then Xuantian will have another lurking person around him. Master.

Xuan Tian said: "Jian Chi, I am going to break the restrictions of these seventh-level souls, are you ready?"

A dark vortex stretched out from behind Xuantian, and then flew into the sky above the palace. The air restrictions here mainly targeted the physical body and had little effect on the mental body.

"Come on, I've been ready...!" Jian Chi's voice came out from the dark whirlpool.

When Xuantian heard this, he pointed his finger at one of the grooves.

call out--

A sword finger shot out quickly and pierced the grooved light screen seal.

Xuantian just tried the power of this light screen seal, but he did not expect that this light screen seal was very strong for internally restraining seventh-level souls, but its external defense was very weak. The sword pointed at the light screen in an instant. The seal was split open, and the jade jar inside was instantly shattered into pieces.

"Ah, Chiyang Sword Emperor, if you dare to refine my soul, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost...!" The jade pot shattered, and a scream came out from the groove. The two handles were more than an inch long. The small sword flew out from inside.

One handle of the small sword is red and the other is cyan, and they are closely nestled together. They seem to be the two sword souls of one emperor, just like Xuantian, who condensed three souls when he became king, and later obtained the Holy Cauldron. There is even one more spirit of wind.

The Chiyang Sword Emperor imprisoned these souls, and apparently used some strange means to prevent these souls from being annihilated with the passage of time.

Even kings, like the King of Yin Pluto and the King of Immortality, can use some weird secret techniques to preserve their souls for a long time. Compared to the demigod Chiyang Sword Emperor, this is not something difficult to accomplish.

These two sword souls obviously did not expect that he would come out of the seal. More than three thousand years had passed and the Chi Yang Sword Emperor was already dead.

These were two early seventh-level souls. As soon as they made a sound, they were affected by a huge force of attraction and flew into a dark vortex in the palace.

"What the hell is this?" the voice screamed, and the speed of the two small swords suddenly slowed down, as if they were struggling hard to get rid of the devouring force.

Jian Chi's spiritual thoughts are weak. These two small swords are seventh-level souls, not scattered soul thoughts. They are still very powerful. Jian Chi can't swallow them as easily as before.

"Come in--!"

However, how could Jian Chi have no means at all? There was a sudden loud shout in the dark whirlpool, and the devouring power suddenly intensified.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two small swords suddenly flew into the whirlpool uncontrollably and disappeared in an instant.

"It feels so comfortable...!" Jian Chi's comfortable voice came out from the dark whirlpool. (To be continued...)

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