The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 237】 Little Tiger Shows His Power (Part 1)

Among the junior elites of the 'Fantasy Shrine', Aojian Villa is the most powerful. There are a total of five top masters with half a step of real energy, and their status is detached.

Only in the process of fighting for treasures would the younger elites of other sects fight against the disciples of Aojian Villa. In normal times, even if the disciples of Aojian Villa were left alone, no matter how weak they were, no one would dare to kill them.

The elites of the younger generation of the three major dynasties are also in the front line of strength. Together, they can even surpass Aojian Villa. However, the elites of the younger generations of the three major dynasties belong to different sects, so it is impossible to To the same spirit.

When there is no competition for treasures, the junior elites of the middle and lower dynasties dare not take the initiative to kill the elite disciples of the upper dynasties. The reason is the same as killing the disciples of Aojian Villa, which will cause sect hatred.

Even among the three upper-class dynasties, they dare not attack each other. If they want to kill and steal money, they only dare to kill the disciples of the middle and lower sects.

The only one who dares to attack the three major dynasties is Aojian Villa. As long as there is a chance, he will kill and rob the younger elites of the three major dynasties, and he will leave the "Fantasy Shrine" However, even if the three great dynasties are dissatisfied with Aojian Villa, there are only dumb people who eat yellow lotus, and they can't tell the pain.

At this moment, Qingfenggu and Xiaoyao Jianzong joined forces, and their strength is not weaker than the disciples of Aojian Villa, but Gu Luomen has only one disciple who has half a step of true energy, and the disciples of Aojian Villa suddenly became murderous.

The three upper dynasties are competing with each other. Qingfenggu and Xiaoyao Jianzong have joined forces, and they can protect themselves in the hands of the disciples of Aojian Villa. They are also happy to see the disciples of Gu Luomen being swept away by Aojian Villa. Treasures in the palace', they also lost a competitor.

If the disciples of Aojian Villa are allowed to sweep out the disciples of Gu Luomen, then the 'Lingguang Palace' will be monopolized by Aojian Villa, Qingfenggu, and Xiaoyao Jianzong, and it will be difficult for Xuantian to enter it , they certainly won't let anyone else in.

Therefore, Xuantian wanted to keep Gu Luomen on their side and form a three-party balance. At this moment, Gu Luomen's strength was weak and it was time for help. Xuantian made a move and just broke into their camp and obtained the qualification to enter the 'Spiritual Light Hall' .

Xuantian suddenly landed next to the disciples of the Gu Luomen, and the disciples of the Gu Luomen immediately looked happy, but after looking at Xuantian and Xiaohu, they showed disappointment again.

Xuantian is only at the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm, and Xiaohu is only a fourth-level mid-level monster. No wonder Gu Luomen's disciples were disappointed. This kind of strength really has no effect on the battle situation between the two sides.

Among the disciples of Gu Luomen, only Lin Miaohan had a sharper vision. He glanced at Xiaohu and seemed to know that Xiaohu's strength was different from other monsters. There was no slightest contempt in Xuantian's eyes, and said: "Thank you Sword friend, I thank you on behalf of Gu Luomen."

Ao Wushuang snorted coldly, looked at Xuantian with a very unfriendly expression: "How dare you go against Aojian Villa, you are looking for death!"

"Heaven has a way, if you don't go, hell has no way to come...!"

"In heaven we have nothing to do with you, but on earth, if we want you to live, we will live, if we want you to die, we will die!"

... Several disciples of Aojian Villa expressed their indignation towards Xuantian's behavior.

Only Ao Xuanxuan looked at Xuantian with a look of surprise, she obviously didn't expect that he would come down from the sky and join forces with Gu Luomen to deal with Aojian Villa.

As for Xiaohu, Ao Xuanxuan knew how powerful it was, even the overlord of the fourth-level monster, Golden Flame Eagle, was afraid of it.

What's more, looking at Xuantian, she didn't have the idea of ​​doing anything, and said: "Wu Shuang, his monster is very powerful, even the Golden Flame Eagle is no match, but the black tiger is enough to block you, let's forget it. Treasures are born, and everyone snatches them by means. It is only right and proper, and I am not used to it, and I don’t want to compete with Lin Meiren."

Without Ao Xuanxuan's help, Ao Wushuang would not be able to do anything to Gu Luomen's top half-step real yuan master. Ao Xuanxuan's status in Aojian Villa is not weaker than him, and Ao Wushuang can't order her.

Seeing that Ao Xuanxuan had already said not to do anything, Ao Wushuang could only give up, looked at Xuantian angrily, and said: "Forget it, wait until you enter the 'Spiritual Light Palace', and then have a showdown."

Ao Xuanxuan glanced at Xuantian, and then sat high on the golden flame eagle's broad back. Xuantian saw a smile from that glance, and it could be seen that the delicate lips behind the light gauze were drawing a seductive line. The arc of a person.

Lin Miaohan looked at Xuantian carefully, seeing that Xuantian is so handsome, compared to Feng Mufan, the most beautiful man in Aozhou, he is just a little more immature, and when he grows two years older, he may surpass Feng Mufan in appearance , the woman's intuitive judgment, Ao Xuanxuan's withdrawal seems to have something to do with Xuantian.

At this time, Heng Fengyun of Xiaoyao Sword Sect and a beautiful woman about ten years old in Qingfeng Valley were all looking at Xuantian, and occasionally glanced at Feng Mufan, obviously comparing the two.

Although Feng Mufan is the most beautiful man in Aozhou, but after seeing him for a long time, he is used to it. The two women are obviously more interested in looking at Xuantian than Feng Mufan.

As for the men present, looking at Xuantian, they were full of jealousy. Even the Gu Luomen, seeing the beauties of the four groups all looked at Xuantian with soft eyes, they were a little annoyed, and asked the man to admit that he was not as good as others. Almost impossible.

Not long after, new junior elites rushed to the square in front of the "Spiritual Light Palace". The disciples of Aojian Villa and the three upper dynasties walked directly to their group positions. As for the disciples of the middle and lower dynasties Disciple, seeing that Aojian Mountain Villa and the junior elites of the three major dynasties are all in front of them, and they are still a thousand meters away, so they dare not move forward.

More and more junior elites rushed over. After more than an hour, the disciples of the three major dynasties each had 18 disciples, and there were thirteen disciples from the Aojian Villa. Thirty junior elites from middle and lower dynasties.

During the chat with Lin Miaohan, Xuantian knew that the 'Spiritual Light Palace' is a treasure in the 'Dream Palace'. Every time the 'Dream Palace' is opened, the 'Spiritual Light Palace' will appear once. Ways, refining tools, formations... and other secrets.

And there are many mysterious treasures, including the 'Pharmaceutical Garden', in which various rare and precious spiritual herbs are planted. However, the 'Pharmaceutical Garden' is usually guarded by powerful fourth-level overlord monsters.

I also know from Lin Miaohan that the gate of the 'Lingguang Palace' will only be opened once two hours after it appears, and the opening time will be a quarter of an hour, and then it will be closed. Because every time the "Spiritual Light Palace" is opened, only the descendants of the Aojian Villa and the three upper dynasties enter. Therefore, the junior elites of the middle and lower dynasties are completely unfamiliar with the "Spiritual Light Palace".

It took Xuantian some time to come to the 'Spiritual Light Palace', and now more than an hour later, the gate of the 'Spiritual Light Palace' finally ushered in the moment of opening.

With a bang, the gate of the palace, which was 100 meters high and wide, moved to the side, and a sacred light shot out from the palace, making it impossible to see the scene in the palace due to the pure whiteness.

As soon as the palace door opened, everyone's spirits were shaken.

The people from Aojian Villa were the first to enter it, followed by people from the three upper-class dynasties. Xuantian also followed among the disciples of Gu Luomen. Although several male disciples looked unfriendly towards Xuantian, they Lin Miaohan attached great importance to Xuantian, Gu Luomen only had two top masters with half a step of real energy enter the 'Fantasy Shrine', and the other suzerain's son, Gu Dong, did not come to the 'Spiritual Light Palace'.

Now the disciples of Gu Luomen are obviously led by Lin Miaohan, with Lin Miaohan as Xuantian's backing, there are several disciples who want to drive Xuantian out of the team of Gu Luomen's disciples, but there is no way.

After the elites from the Aojian Villa and the three upper dynasties entered, the elites from the middle and lower dynasties who were a thousand meters away also quickly came to the front of the palace gate, and there were already more than forty people.

These people were considering whether to follow into the 'Spiritual Light Palace', because they were afraid of being killed by the elites of the descendants of Aojian Villa and the three upper dynasties, and they would not be reconciled if they did not enter.

Before I finished thinking about it, I heard several screams in succession, but there was a group of five or six people, taking advantage of the time when everyone was in a daze, they quickly shot and attacked others, and several junior elites died instantly. , was picked up by them.

The screams made everyone wake up, and many people immediately joined the battle group, and a small number of them gritted their teeth and rushed into the 'Spiritual Light Palace'.

Xuantian could no longer see the battle outside, but the junior elites who rushed into the 'Spiritual Light Palace' later all died just after entering the hall, and were killed by the junior elites of Aojian Villa and the other three upper-class dynasties. Spike.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour passed that the door of the 'Spiritual Light Hall' was closed, and it was impossible for anyone to come in. Only then did the elites of the descendants of Aojian Villa and the three upper dynasties shift the focus from the door to the inside of the hall.

This is a large hall with a radius of one thousand meters and a height of hundreds of meters. Except for the wall where the gate is located, there are passages ten meters high and wide on the other three walls every fifty meters. There are fifty-seven passages in total. aisle.

There should be treasures in each of the fifty-seven passages.

Among the junior elites who entered the "Spiritual Light Palace", there were thirteen from Aojian Villa, nine from Guluomen, nine from Qingfenggu, eight from Xiaoyao Jianzong, plus Xuantian, a total of forty people.

Fifty-seven passages, forty junior elites, each person can enter a passage, there is more than enough, and there will be no situation where two people compete for a passage.

The disciples of the three major dynasties did not move, they looked at the disciples of Aojian Villa quietly.

To avoid the fight with Aojian Villa, the three upper-class dynasties try to avoid it as much as possible. If they enter the passage first, the disciples of Aojian Villa may leave the empty passage and refuse to enter, but instead enter the passage that has already entered the people , Deliberately killing and seizing property.

Therefore, the disciples of the three major dynasties did not move, and let the disciples of Aojian Villa make their choice first.

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