The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 238】 Little Tiger Shows His Power (Part 2)

The disciples of Aojian Villa knew that the disciples of the three great dynasties were waiting for them to make a choice.

Ao Wushuang gave an order, and went directly to the front, and the disciples of Aojian Villa followed. After Ao Xuanxuan took a look at Xuantian, she slapped the Golden Flame Eagle. The Golden Flame Eagle had a huge wing, surpassing all People, take the lead in flying to a channel.

The Golden Flame Eagle is thirty to forty meters high, and cannot grow bigger or smaller like the little tiger. It can't enter the ten-meter-high passage, so it can only stay in the hall.

When all the disciples of Aojian Villa entered the passage, the disciples of the three great dynasties looked at each other, and Lin Miaohan gave an order: "All juniors, follow me."

While speaking, he gave Xuantian a look, reminding Xuantian to be with Gu Luomen, Xuantian nodded, followed Gu Luomen's disciples, and went to the right wall.

The people from Xiaoyao Jianzong and Qingfenggu went to the wall on the left. Under each thousand-meter-long wall, there were nineteen passages. There were only seventeen people from Xiaoyao Jianzong and Qingfenggu, and only the passages on the left wall , is enough for them to enter one by one.

Zhang Meng is twenty-three years old this year, and he has cultivated at the tenth level of the Innate Realm. He is regarded as an upper-middle talent in the ancient Luomen, and he is expected to become a strong man in the middle stage of the Earth-level Realm in the future.

Lin Miaohan, who is only one year older than Zhang Meng, has always been Zhang Meng's dream lover. She has confessed to Lin Miaohan several times but was rejected. envy.

Among the disciples of the Gu Luomen who wanted to drive Xuantian out of their team, Zhang Meng was the most fierce, but Xuantian was protected by Lin Miaohan, and he followed the disciples of the Guluomen into the "Spiritual Light Hall". This made Zhang Meng even more jealous.

He made up his mind that when he entered the 'Spiritual Light Palace', he must look for opportunities to get rid of this thorn in his side.

Therefore, Zhang Meng has been following Xuantian not far away. When he saw Xuantian entering the passage, he entered the nearest passage, but he did not enter very far. Instead, he waited for everyone to enter the passage. , walked out again, quickly came to the outside of the passage where Xuantian entered, and chased in.

After chasing into the passage where Xuantian entered, an excited smile appeared on Zhang Meng's face. He clenched his fists and was very emotional, as if he had seen Xuantian die by his sword.

After Zhang Meng chased into the passage that Xuantian entered, a man in white also came out of a passage under the opposite wall.

The man in white was between twenty and three years old, and his appearance was extremely handsome. Except for Xuantian, no one in Aozhou could compare to him. It was Feng Mufan who was known as the most beautiful man in Aozhou.

Feng Mufan quickly passed through a distance of a thousand meters, and came to the entrance of the passage where Xuantian entered, and his figure quickly flashed into it.

After Feng Mufan entered the passageway where Xuantian was, several people from Xiaoyao Sword Sect and Qingfeng Valley watched quietly at the entrance of the passageway, thinking in their hearts: Feng Mufan is a top master with half a step of true energy, and Feng Mufan is here, hehe... ...Whether it's Huang Tian or Zhang Meng, they are all dead.

Xuantian entered the passage, and kept moving forward. After reaching a full kilometer, the passage turned to the right, and after about 300 meters, it turned to the front again, and then, every few hundred meters, the direction would change. Soon Xuantian lost his sense of direction and only knew to move forward along the passage.

Xiaohu has been following Xuantian, and the speed of one person and one tiger is neither fast nor slow.

Not long after, Xuantian suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind. This passage is quiet and deep, and even a little movement can be heard far away, so Xuantian heard it even after a bend.

Xuan Tian stopped, patted Xiao Hu's head, and whispered: "It seems that there are people who don't know how to live or die want to kill me, Xiao Hu, I'll leave it to you."

"Huhu!" Xiaohu responded softly, and nodded excitedly.

Soon, Zhang Meng turned a corner and appeared in Xuantian's line of sight. At the same time, Zhang Meng also saw a man and a tiger waiting for him in front of him.

Zhang Meng is at the tenth level of the Xiantian Realm, Xuantian is at the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm, and Xiaohu is a fourth-level mid-level monster. He doesn't take Xuantian and Xiaohu seriously at all.

"Zhang Meng, it's you!" Xuantian's voice was slightly surprised, he had just talked with the people of Gu Luomen, and he already knew all the disciples of Gu Luomen.

Although Zhang Meng tried his best to drive Xuantian away from Gu Luomen's team, Xuantian did not expect that he would kill himself because of this. Tian, ​​as a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, is an ally of Gu Luomen after all.

Xuantian was a little disappointed and said: "I thought it was someone from Xiaoyao Sword Sect or Qingfenggu, but I didn't expect that the person who came to chase me turned out to be a disciple of Gu Luomen. Is this how Gu Luomen treats his allies?"

There was only jealousy in Zhang Meng's eyes, and he said coldly: "What ally? The Tianjian Sect is a small sixth-rank sect, what qualifications do you have to be an ally of this sect? Hmph, there is also you, but you are only at the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm. Bringing a fourth-level mid-level monster here, and wearing an elephant with green onions in its nose, you think you are great. On the surface, you are helping the sect. In fact, you just want to enter the 'Spiritual Light Palace'. How could I not know you? your heart."

Xuantian said: "No matter what my intentions are, at least I helped Gu Luomen once. This is just a deal. I helped Gu Luomen not be swept out of the 'Dream Palace' by Aojian Villa. Gu Luomen helped me enter' Spiritual Light Palace', we owe each other nothing."

"Hey hey hey...!" Zhang Meng sneered and said, "What are you? If Aojian Villa takes action, you won't be able to help you. It's just bad luck, but you want to use this sect to enter the 'spiritual light' Treasure hall', hmph, only the descendants of Aojian Villa and the three upper dynasties can enter the 'Lingguang Treasure Hall'. You are just a lowly type from the lower dynasties, and you are not eligible to enter. You clean up."

While speaking, Zhang Meng pulled out the Xuan-level superior sword and walked towards Xuantian step by step.

At the turn of the passage, Feng Mufan was peeping, his lightness kung fu was far from comparable to that of Xuantian and Zhang Meng, and neither Zhang Meng nor Xuantian noticed it when he arrived here.

Xuan Tian looked at Zhang Meng with an indifferent expression, as if looking at a dead person, and said: "Heaven does evil, but you can still live, but you can do evil yourself, you can't live, Zhang Meng, you seek death yourself, I will do what you want, Xiaohu, come on— —!”

Xiaohu wanted to pounce on Zhang Meng and slap Zhang Meng to death a long time ago, but seeing Xuantian's order, his figure suddenly rushed towards Zhang like an arrow.

Speed ​​is Xiaohu's forte. In a flash, his whole body almost turned into a phantom, and he was in front of Zhang Meng in a flash.

Zhang Meng was taken aback. The speed of the fourth-level mid-level monster was beyond his expectation. In a hurry, the mysterious high-level treasure in his hand, the sword glowed brightly, and swept forward.

As one of the best fighters in the tenth level of the Xiantian Realm, although Zhang Meng was surprised, he was not flustered. The sword in his hand was a high-class mysterious weapon, and it was extremely sharp. The fourth-level monster beast overlord would have to back away from his sword .

However, Xiaohu didn't dodge or dodge, and slapped out Zhang Meng's sweeping sword light with his sharp claws.

With a loud noise, a beam of sword light flew out of Zhang Meng's hand like a stream of light, and the sword fell out of his hand instantly.

Zhang Meng exclaimed, his eyes were horrified!

Xiaohu's whole body threw itself on Zhang Meng's body, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Zhang Meng's head. With one bite, Zhang Meng's head became a piece of meat, and together with his body, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared. The demon core and spirit grass fell out of him, and two secret books also fell out.


When Xiaohu killed Zhang Meng, he suddenly let out a loud roar, and shot forward at the turning point in front of him.

Feng Mufan was shocked, the strength of this black tiger was beyond his expectation, and it was not weaker than him. Seeing that the black tiger came directly towards him, he obviously knew his whereabouts.

Although Feng Mufan is not afraid of Xiaohu, he also knows that he can't win. He wants to kill Xuantian next to Xiaohu, but it is difficult to reach the sky. He wants to retreat suddenly, his figure retreats like an arrow, and Xiaohu rushes to the turning. Mu Fan has disappeared.

In a hurry, the sound of Feng Mufan's footsteps fell in Xuantian's ears, knowing that someone could escape without a trace in an instant at Xiaohu's speed. Helpless, the opponent backed away, obviously seeing Xiaohu's strength, and did not want to compete with Xuantian again.

Xuan Tian called Xiao Hu to stop, and picked up all the things that Zhang Meng dropped on the ground, which was another big harvest.

Especially the two secret books, one middle-grade Xuan-rank and one high-grade Xuan-rank, both of which are kung fu secret books. In addition to the four martial arts secret books obtained from Heng Jianming, Xuantian got a total of six books.

Recalling that for hundreds of years, the Heavenly Sword Sect did not bring out anything from the "Fantasy Shrine", and the Shendao Sect and the Baquan Sect each only obtained a high-grade martial skill of the Xuan level, and the gains from Xuantian , There are thousands of monster cores, monster claws, and spiritual herbs. Just a few secret books, far surpassing all the gains of the entire four major sects of the Heavenly Sword Dynasty over the past few hundred years.

Recalling the days when he entered the 'Fantasy Shrine', Xuantian gained a lot every day. In the 'Fantasy Shrine', there are indeed treasures everywhere. Now he has the ability to protect himself under the top half-step real yuan masters. Strength, three months and three days later, he walked out of the 'Fantasy Shrine', and the harvest he gained was exciting even thinking about it.

The passage in front was winding, and there was even a slope leading down to the ground. Xuantian walked for about a quarter of an hour, and finally the passage came to an end.

In front of it is a normal-sized door, and there is nothing blocking it. Behind the door is a closed room about three meters long and wide.

In the center of the room is a circular altar about half a meter high and one meter in diameter. There is a blue light on the altar, and the closer to the center, the more intense the light.

In the blue light, a book was floating at a height of one and a half meters from the ground. There seemed to be an invisible force in the blue light, supporting the book.

Xuan Tian's eyes lit up, no matter what kind of secret book this book is, just looking at the formation, one can tell that the level is definitely not low, if it is a kung fu method or a martial skill, it must be the top grade of Xuan level.

Overjoyed, Xuan Tian stepped through the door.

call--! The surrounding scene suddenly changed.

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