The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 276】 Into the Qianlong (Part 2)

In order to conceal the truth about the killing of the four people, Xuan Tian also worked hard.

The disappearance of Ao Wushuang's four people can be blamed on the blood refining cult. They said that they went to Qianlong Mountain first, but they were murdered. As long as all the blood refining cult monsters in Qianlong Mountain are wiped out, there will be no proof in the future, let alone Xuantian. body.

After discovering the stronghold of the blood-refining cult, report it to the Star Messenger and ask him to send someone to destroy it. This will make Xuantian and others safer, but it also means that they will lose the opportunity to kill the cult members and earn credit points.

No one wants to be inferior to others, every special disciple of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' wants to earn more credit points, so that after entering the 'Tianxing Pavilion', the starting point can be higher.

The stronghold of the blood refining cult in Qianlong Mountain was discovered by Xuantian. Only Xuantian can get credit points. If Ao Xuanxuan and Heng Fengyun want to earn credit points, they must enter Qianlong Mountain and kill the blood refining cult. believers.

Xuantian can be sure that Aoxuanxuan and Hengfengyun will agree to go directly to Qianlong Mountain. The rewards and dangers coexist. If you want to do nothing and get the credit points, that is impossible.

As Xuantian expected, Ao Xuanxuan and Heng Fengyun agreed, and the two elders, Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan, also supported their decision.

Xuantian, Aoxuanxuan, and Hengfengyun represented the 'Tianxing Pavilion', and jointly wrote a book, which was divided into three parts, one was given to Yunmenggu, and the other two were sent by Aoqinghong and Feng Yulan respectively. Go to Lian Yuezong and Giant Spirit Gate.

As a disciple of the 'Tianxing Pavilion', he issued an edict to the three sects. All the ground-level experts from the three sects were dispatched, and at dusk, Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan rushed to Yunmeng Valley with all the ground-level experts from Yuezong and Giant Spirit Sect.

There are a total of three Earth-level strongmen in Yunmeng Valley, one person at the second level of the Earth level, and two people at the first level of the Earth level.

The Earth-level powerhouse of the Giant Spirit Sect. There were originally three people, but now only Hu Yanbo is left, with a cultivation base of the second level of the earth-level realm.

Lian Yuezong has the largest number of Earth-level powerhouses, with a total of eight people, two at the third level of the Earth-level, three at the Second-level of the Earth-level, and three at the First-level of the Earth-level. As an authentic sixth-rank sect, Lian Yuezong has the number of earth-level strongmen. It must greatly exceed the two quasi-sixth-rank sects of Yunmeng Valley and Giant Spirit Sect.

Three sects. Two people from the third level of the Earth-level realm, five people from the second-level level of the Earth-level realm, five people from the first-level level of the Earth-level realm, there are twelve people in total, plus Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan, two people from the third-level world The strong man, as well as Xuan Tian, ​​Ao Xuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun, the three junior geniuses who can super kill the first-level powerhouses of the earth level.

Their strength, even in the face of the entire Qianlong Mountain cult demon. They all have the upper hand, let alone. They attacked Qianlong Mountain by surprise. It will be even more advantageous.

Moreover, beside Xuantian, there is Xiaohu, a terrifying monster that can kill the third-level powerhouse of the earth level, which is enough for Xuantian to win a complete victory.

Everyone gathered together, and after a comparison, they all felt that their strength was much better than that of Qianlongshan's cult monsters, so they unified their opinions and prepared to attack Qianlongshan at night.

The meeting of the strong men of the ground level of the three sects was held in secret, without letting the disciples know. Although some things happened in the Giant Spirit Sect, everyone was forbidden to travel. Although Hu Yanbo came to Yunmeng Valley, he also Confess to your cronies, keep patrolling at all times, and the news cannot be spread.

In this way, the evil cult monsters in Qianlong Mountain will not get any news about the plan to attack Qianlong Mountain at night. Only in this way, Xuantian and others can achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

Tianse Ganghei, fourteen Earth-level powerhouses, Xuantian, Aoxuanxuan, and Hengfengyun, three disciples of the "Tianxing Pavilion", plus Xiaohu and Jin Yanying, a group of people are in the middle of nowhere without anyone noticing. Under such circumstances, he sneaked out of Yunmeng Valley and headed for Qianlong Mountain.

Xuantian didn't know the exact location of Qianlong Mountain, but even the elders of the three sects of the Yue Dynasty knew it. After more than two hours, everyone finally rushed to the vicinity of Qianlong Mountain at midnight.

The people landed on a nearby mountain peak, drove the road in the middle of the night, and consumed a lot of internal energy. They all took pills, adjusted their breath, prepared to refresh their minds, adjusted their cultivation to the peak state, and went to Qianlong Mountain in the middle of the night. The evil cult monsters of the group launched a surprise attack.

The full moon in the sky is slowly falling to the west, and there are more and more shadows under the moonlight.

The time is in the middle of the ugly hour, when people are sleeping soundly, but Xuantian and the others have fully recovered their spirits. The fourteen earth-level powerhouses, as well as Xuantian, Aoxuanxuan, Hengfengyun, Xiaohu, and Jin Yanying , Like a divine soldier descending from the sky, it landed on Qianlong Mountain.

Deep in the dense forest of Qianlong Mountain, there are many hidden buildings, which are difficult to find in the sky, but when they are close, they cannot escape the sharp eyes of the powerful.

As soon as they entered Qianlong Mountain, the strong men went straight to those hidden buildings. For a while, the ear-piercing roar of monsters in the forest rang out continuously. The blood refining cult had raised some monsters in captivity. But these monsters have keen senses.

However, the strength of this raid team is really too strong, even if some monsters find their whereabouts, it will be too late.

In an instant, the True Essence Giant Palm, the True Essence Giant Sword, the True Essence Giant Knife...the fourteen earth-level powerhouses condensed their True Essence into various weapons or fists, and blasted towards the buildings in front at the same time.

The bright light in the night sky shone in all directions, whether it was the sword light or the sword light or the palm light, they all exploded thousands of steps and hit the buildings in front of them.

In a series of explosions, these buildings were all destroyed and turned into ruins, and many people were directly injured, but most of the cult monsters had profound skills, and because the distance was too far, they did not follow the strong people of the lower level. Although the heavy attack was buried by the ruins, he was not injured.

All of a sudden, the ruins exploded one after another, and dozens of cult monsters rushed out of the ruins.

Xuantian, Aoxuanxuan, and Hengfengyun rushed forward as fast as lightning, and soon came to the ruins. They each performed the most powerful swordsmanship moves, which were astonishingly powerful. , all died.

The cult monsters here are all warriors in the middle or late stage of the Xiantian Realm, and there are no Earth-level strongmen, and Xuantian, Ao Xuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun are all super-killing Earth-level fighters. The descendant of a strong man in the first level of the realm is a monstrous genius.

The three of them entered among these cult monsters, it was like a tiger entering a herd of sheep!

Moreover, Xiaohu, Jinyanying, Aoqinghong, and Feng Yulan each followed Xuantian and the other three, giving them the rear, allowing them to concentrate on attacking forward without worrying about danger in the rear. Even more terrifying.

The "Evil Gathering Orb" on Xuantian, Aoxuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun's three people fused with their spirits. Every time a cult member is killed, the "Evil Gathering Orb" will increase the corresponding credit points.

What they killed were all cult members in the middle and late stages of the Xiantian Realm, and they only had two or three credit points. However, their swords were extremely fast, and with one move, the sword light flashed. Several members of the Blood Cult will die. Although the credit points on the "Evil Gathering Orb" only increase by 2.3 points, the jump is very fast, and the increase is very gratifying.

"Blood Refining God Sect, the power of the gods is mighty; the unification of China will last forever!"

Suddenly, a burst of shouting sounded from somewhere on the mountain, and in an instant, dozens of black shadows soared into the sky, their black wings spreading, covering the sky and the moon.

They are the strong men of the Earth-level realm, a total of sixteen.

'Mr. Wu' said that Qianlongshan has a total of three strong people of the third level of the earth level, six strong men of the second level of the earth level, and seven strong men of the first level of the earth level, a total of sixteen people, it seems that these sixteen people , is the highest power of Qianlongshan Blood Refining Cult.

Sixteen strong men of the earth level descended from the sky at the same time, and one of them shouted loudly: "Whoever dares to hurt people in my god religion, you are looking for your own death."

"The Lianyue Dynasty was ordered by the 'Tianxing Pavilion' to wipe out the Qianlongshan cult monsters, monsters, and all monsters will be killed!"

Hu Yanbo shouted loudly, and took the lead in attacking the strong man of the blood refinement cult.

The other eleven earth-level powerhouses from the three major sects made their move immediately. Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan saw that Ao Xuanxuan and Heng Fengyun were not in any danger against these innate-level cult monsters, and at the same time, they also challenged the sixteen earth-level masters. The strong will attack.

The true energy blasted from both sides fused together to form two huge true energy energy balls. When they collided together, there was a shocking explosion, and the bright light flew in all directions, illuminating the thousands of meters around like daylight.

This is not a fight alone, but a fight of team strength.

They are all strong men in the earth-level realm, fourteen against sixteen.

In terms of the number of people, although the blood-refining cult accounts for the majority, the Lianyue Dynasty has Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan to help them. Compared with the blood-refinement cult, there is one more strong person at the third level of the earth-level realm, and the second-level of the earth-level realm The number of powerhouses is the same, except that there are two powerhouses at the first level of the ground level.

A strong man at the third level of the Earth-level realm possessed 100 times the power of a strong man at the first level of the Earth-level level. Therefore, the combined strength, the Lianyue Dynasty, had the upper hand.

After the violent explosion, the powerhouses on the Lianyue Dynasty's side retreated a few steps, while the powerhouses on the side of the Blood Refining Cult retreated more than ten steps.

"Magic body protection, immortality, black wood body, saints live forever!"

The powerhouses of the blood-refining cult shouted again, "Saints" are the disciples of the blood-refining cult. In the mouth of Shenzhou warriors, they are evil cultists, but in their own mouth, they are "saints".

As the crowd yelled loudly, thick black air suddenly gushed out from their bodies and spread to the surroundings, forming a thick black fog in an instant, covering all sixteen strong men in it.

"Immortal Art, Black Wood Sealing Technique, kill—kill all these heretics." In the dark fog, a loud shout sounded, it was the voice of the person who spoke earlier.

There was a series of piercing sounds, and each of the sixteen strong men made a palm print. The palm prints rushed out of the thick fog, and they were extremely black and different.

The sixteen palm prints were slapped together in an instant, the palms overlapped, and the palms pointed in all directions, forming a huge grinding disc surrounded by pitch-black fingers, and the black streamer flickered on it, and slapped it on the strong man of the Lianyue Dynasty. . (to be continued)rq

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