The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 277】 Ghost Walker (Part 1)

The twelve earth-level powerhouses of the Lianyue Dynasty, together with Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan, shot at the huge black millstone at the same time.

The true essence of the fourteen earth-level powerhouses gathered together to form an energy light ball the size of a basket, shining brightly like a shrunken sun, illuminating the ten directions, covering a radius of several thousand meters like daylight.

In an instant, the dazzling energy light ball collided with the huge black grinding disc.

The forces of light and darkness clash.

The frenzied energy splashed in all directions.

In an instant, the sky turned half black and half white, as if it had been dyed with color.

The energy light ball on the side of the Lianyue Dynasty continued to collapse in the huge explosion, and the light illuminated the land thousands of meters behind, but could not illuminate the darkness ahead.

The pitch-black grinding disc on the side of the blood-refining cult rotates rapidly, exuding infinite black air, covering the sky thousands of meters away, neither the light of the energy light ball nor the moonlight in the sky can dispel the darkness there.

The energy light ball collapsed in a short period of time, but the pitch-black grinding disc remained intact, and if there was a break, it would immediately be repaired by dark energy.

The power of the energy light ball is constantly weakening, but the power of the pitch-black grinding disc remains the same.

Finally, after the two sides fought hard for more than ten breaths, there was another huge explosion sound, and the energy light ball finally burst out in an instant overwhelmed.

Even the twelve earth-level powerhouses of the Yue Dynasty, Ao Qinghong, and Feng Yulan were all shocked by the huge counter-shock force and flew backwards and retreated a full thirty to forty meters. fell to the ground.

This time the strength of the two sides competed against the blood-refining cult's low-ranking powerhouse to reverse the disadvantages and win a big victory. The ground-level powerhouse of the Yue Dynasty and Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan, the two powerhouses of the third-level ground level, were all sent flying by the shock.

The overall power balance of the two blood refining cults has increased by almost 40 to 50%.

The strength of the sixteen earth-level powerhouses increased by 40 to 50% at the same time, and they did not form a formation to arouse the general trend of the world. ( ) is indeed somewhat miraculous and even weird.

The fact that the blood-refining cult can attract so many cult followers shows that it does have another path in martial arts. It can absorb a large number of warriors who are dedicated to the pursuit of strength growth and ignore everything else.

The black grinding disc formed by the sixteen palm prints in the sky still exists. In the dark fog, the voice of the previous person came out again: "Heretics, all die!"

With his voice roaring, the black light surrounded by the black grinding disc in the sky lit up at the same time, forming a grimace pattern with blood dripping from his mouth, and the black air surged violently. The pitch-black grinding disc immediately slammed down on the strong men of the Lianyue Dynasty.

It was sent flying by the shock just now. Although the body protectors of the powerhouses of all levels were not injured. However, it also caused a riot of true energy in the body, and the whole body was sore. The strong second-level and third-level strongmen regained control of their bodies as soon as they landed. The weaker first-level strongmen still rolled out on the ground. Yu Mi still hasn't stood up yet.

If one is unprepared to be hit by that pitch-black palm, even a strong person at the earth level may be killed.

There is a powerful dark force in the black palm millstone.


With a roar that shook the sky, a giant tiger more than six meters long fell from the sky and landed in front of the powerful people of the Lianyue Dynasty. It was the little tiger.

Xiaohu raised his head to the sky and spit out a dazzling thunderball the size of a washbasin, which shot out from its giant mouth at the same speed as lightning, and hit the black grinding disc in the sky with a 'magnetic' sound.

Even the powerhouses of the Yue Dynasty were taken aback. All of them teamed up and Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan, two powerhouses of the third level, couldn't block the black palm and hit the black tiger. It's just that how can a fourth-level overlord monster alone resist the attack of the palm mill?

But the change after the dazzling thunderball hit the palm mill was beyond their expectations. *

The thunderball didn't dissipate invisibly with one blow as they imagined.

There was only a bang of 'magnetism', and the thunderball collapsed in an instant, but it did not disappear, but turned into a huge electric grid, covering the palm grinding disc, and the electric wire was also along the dark fog, and it hit the depths of the fog in an instant.

Tianlei suppressed all evil, and a series of screams sounded from the depths of the dark fog. The palm grinding disc in the sky instantly shattered into shattered, dark fog, and dissipated in an instant, revealing the bodies of sixteen blood-refining cult cultivators. .

They were retreating in a panic, all of them were horrified, and obviously couldn't believe that Xiaohu's body actually possessed a thunder that was specially designed to suppress evil.

You must know that even if a fighter with the attribute of thunder cultivates the skills of the attribute of thunder, the lightning produced in the body is just ordinary thunder and lightning, not sky thunder.

Only the thunder and lightning cultivated by the thunder attribute fighters above the perfect level have the attribute of sky thunder.

Although ordinary thunder and lightning also have the effect of restraining evil, they are far less powerful than sky thunder.

The perfect sky thunder in Xiaohu's body is even more perfect than the sky thunder produced by Xuantian's perfect-level thunder-attribute physique and the Thunder Heart Method. I am afraid that only a super-perfect-level thunder-attribute physique can produce the perfect sky thunder in Xiaohu's body. thunder.

It is precisely because of this that Xiaohu's thunder ball was able to repel the attacks of the sixteen Earth-level experts.

"How is it possible? How can there be monsters in this world who have the sky thunder that restrains the black wood immortality skill? What kind of monster is this black tiger?" call out.

The ground-level powerhouses of the Lianyue Dynasty, Ao Qinghong, and Feng Yulan looked at Xiaohu with surprise on their face Geniuses are the darlings of the heavens, and only after practicing the Thunder Attribute Art Jue can the body produce heavenly thunder.

The land of Shenzhou has never heard of any kind of monster with the power of thunder.

Those in the Earth-level realm are all well-informed about monsters with the attribute of thunder, they know it, but this is the first time they have seen monsters with thunder, which completely subverts their understanding.

"This black tiger is by no means ordinary." This is the thought that popped up in the hearts of all the strong people at the earth level at the moment.

Xuantian already knew that Xiaohu was extraordinary, and wanted to find out what kind of monster Xiaohu was. Unfortunately, even his father Xuanhong didn't recognize him. If he meets Xuanyuan Chuxue again in the future, he must ask him.

The doubts about Xiaohu's identity in the hearts of the powerhouses of the Lianyue Dynasty were quickly replaced by the joy of the powerhouses who repelled the blood refining cult.

With Xiaohu's Tianlei able to restrain the dark evil skills of the blood-refining cult's top-level powerhouses, they are no longer afraid of the other party's use of the weird martial arts just now.

All of a sudden, they attacked the earth-level powerhouses of the blood refining cult.

Originally, the comprehensive strength of the fourteen earth-level powerhouses on the side of the Lianyue Dynasty, including Ao Qinghong and Feng Yulan, was better than the sixteen earth-level powerhouses on the side of the blood refining cult. Now there are more Xiaohu's help. The gap widened rapidly.

The ground-level strongman of the blood-refining cult was beaten back and forth by Xiaohu, Ao Qinghong, Feng Yulan and others. After only a dozen or so breaths, there was a scream. In the paw slap, he immediately vomited blood and retreated, seriously injured.

The defeat of the earth-level powerhouses of the blood-refining cult caused the confidence of the congenital-level cultists to lose confidence. Under the attacks of Xuantian, Ao Xuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun, they were killed in a hurry.

When the second scream sounded, another Earth-level strongman of the blood-refining cult seriously injured more than thirty mid-to-late Xiantian cult members, and Xuanzai, Ao Xuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun killed all of them.

The believers of the blood refining cult have a characteristic that they are not afraid of death, even if they fight to the end, no one will escape. It may have something to do with their teachings.

All the cult members in the middle and late stages of the innate realm in Qianlong Mountain have executed sixteen strong people in the earth stage, and two of them were seriously injured and several were slightly injured.

Xuan Tian looked at his body's 'Jewel of Gathering Evil' credit points which had already reached 45 points minus the 10 points for killing 'Mr. Wu' this time in Qianlong Mountain and already gained 35 points.

Ao Xuanxuan and Xuantian got about the same credit points, Heng Fengyun a little less but not a few points, and the cult members killed by the three were very average.

The merit points of the cult members in the innate realm, and the cult powerhouses in the low-level realm are the perfect targets to earn credit points.

The reason why the strong men of the blood-refining cult were only seriously injured but not killed was because Xuantian, Ao Xuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun had already confessed that they would leave their lives to them.

The cult members at the innate level had already completely exterminated the three of them, and they were about to kill the strong cultist at the earth level, when suddenly a burst of shouting fell from the sky like a thunderclap.

The earth-shattering voice attracted everyone's attention, and the strong fighters in the fierce battle immediately retreated.

All eyes turned to the sky.

Under the moonlight, a strong man descended from the sky with a pair of black wings nearly 200 meters in length.

The black feather wings that were waiting to land on the back of the ground turned into true essence and retracted into the body.

This person was standing right between the three of Xuantian and all the Earth-level powerhouses, facing Xuantian, Ao Xuanxuan, and Heng Fengyun with their backs facing all the Earth-level powerhouses.

The comer's cultivation is so terrifying that he is actually a strong man at the sixth level of the earth level.

At this moment, such a terrifying strong man suddenly appeared, Xuan Tian and the others suddenly looked serious.

Xuan Tian said in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency?"

The strong man at the sixth level of the earth-level realm didn't say a word, he chuckled, but suddenly there was another person next to him, followed by another one. These people were exactly the same as him, and soon there were more than ten people standing in a whole row.

Looking at this somewhat familiar body style Xuantian was startled.

The ground-level powerhouse of the blood refining cult has already shouted excitedly: "Ghost walker! Ghost walker!" (This site.. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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