The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 417】 The Big Harvest (Part 1)

Xuantian retreated quickly, distanced himself from the earth spirit.

At the same time, a dazzling sword light shot out from between the eyebrows, and another 'earth-level spirit sword' flew out, slashing at the earth spirit in front.

When this 'Earth Level Spirit Sword' was slashed out, Xuantian sensed the existence of the first 'Earth Level Spirit Sword'. , standing a man taller than all the earth spirits, wearing a khaki-colored robe, with a khaki-yellow light emitting from his body, the 'earth-level spirit sword' that was tested earlier was being grasped by this man.

This person almost blended with the khaki background, if Xuantian hadn't sensed the location of the spirit sword, he would have been hard to find the existence of this person if he took a closer look.

The 'Earth-Level Spirit Sword' is unstoppable, and it is easy to kill an Earth-level strongman. Even a strong man who has just entered the heavenly rank does not dare to fight with his bare hands. However, this man in yellow is holding the 'Earth-Level Spirit Sword' Grasping it casually in the hand, no matter how Xuantian's thoughts destroy the "Earth Level Spirit Sword", it is really appalling.

The strength of this yellow-robed man is far beyond the comparison of ordinary heaven-ranked powerhouses, it is very terrifying.

These hundreds of earth spirits are already difficult enough to deal with, but there is even a very frightening yellow-robed man with inestimable strength. It is indeed extremely dangerous to be in this place.

The man in the yellow robe didn't move, he just looked at Xuantian from a distance, but it still made Xuantian feel the pressure of being speechless.

Xuantian stabilized his mind and didn't panic. He also had an 'earth-level spirit sword'. Although his true essence was imprisoned, he could still control the 'earth-level spirit sword' with his thoughts to attack from a distance. Although the power of the earth spirit was stronger than that of the Xuantian, but the speed is not enough, and he can't attack from a long distance. In the battle between Xuantian and the earth spirit, he has actually stood in an invincible position.

What made Xuantian pay the most attention was the man in yellow robe in the distance.

The body of the earth spirit is very strong, and it is difficult for the strong of the earth level to damage it. However, Xuantian has the "Earth Level Spirit Sword", which is indestructible, and the earth level earth spirit is no exception.


Where the sword light passed, an earth spirit was cut in half by the 'Earth Level Spirit Sword', and turned into a khaki powder, scattered on the ground, absorbed by the khaki ground, and turned into a part of the khaki light.

The earth spirit is not a living body, but a condensed essence of the earth attribute. If it is dispersed, dust will return to dust, and earth will return to earth, and it will turn into the essence of the earth attribute and blend into the earth.

Although there are many earth spirits, the 'Earth Level Spirit Sword' is extremely strong and sharp. One sword can cut the earth spirits in half and pulverize them, and the removal speed is very fast.

However, when Xuantian attacked from a long distance, the infinite strength of the earth spirits could not attack him at all. Except for the first punch and a fight with an earth spirit, Xuantian was not attacked at all until all the earth spirits were defeated by the "earth-level spirits." The sword was chopped into powder and re-integrated into the earth, Xuantian was not damaged at all.

Possessing the 'Earth Level Spirit Sword' with long-distance attacks, these earth spirits are not difficult for Xuantian to deal with.

Hundreds of thousands of earth spirits were wiped out by Xuantian. This is a very proud achievement, because if there is no 'Earth Level Spirit Sword', even if dozens or hundreds of powerhouses at the tenth level of the Earth Level come in at the same time, It may not be so many earth spirit opponents.

However, there was no slack on Xuantian's face at all. He knew that the real danger would come when the earth spirit was eliminated.

Sure enough, when Xuantian killed the last earth spirit, the yellow-robed man who had been calm all the time, as if a statue had suddenly come to life, raised his head, looked at Xuantian again, and shot two terrifying gazes.


The man in yellow raised his footsteps and walked towards Xuantian. His speed was not fast, but every time he landed, Xuantian felt heavy pressure, as if he was stepping on Xuanzai's body.

As the yellow-robed man approached, Xuantian finally saw the yellow-robed man's appearance clearly, it was no longer just a cloud of earthy yellow light.

This is an old man. He doesn't know his age. He seems very old, but there is no trace of his age. It is impossible to judge his age with common sense.

Even if he got closer, Xuantian could still see that the yellow-robed old man was emitting a khaki-yellow light.

If it is a real person, the body should not have this kind of light. Xuantian suddenly thought of a possibility. This is a projection. He had encountered his own projection and Projection of 'King of Wanhua'.

A person cannot live forever, but the projection can be maintained forever, as long as it is not destroyed by others.

"Could this be - the projection of the 'Earth Spirit King'?" Xuantian said to himself.

Although the tone was suspicious, in fact, Xuan Tian already thought so.

Xuantian once saw the projection of 'King of Wanhua', it was only 'King of Wanhua' when he was young, so he could tell his age, but the projection in front of him was an old man who couldn't tell his age. The projection of King Ling' in his later years.

The Supreme King can extend the lifespan of two hundred years, this is what Xuantian knows after being exposed to the legend of the Supreme King. Although it is very strange, he can live for such a long time, which is almost two or three times that of a normal person More than enough, Xuantian who had memories of the earth in his previous life was very surprised, but the journey of martial arts is very magical. Xuantian also heard the legends of demons and ghosts in his previous life, so it is not difficult to accept.

The "Earth Spirit King" was nearly two hundred years old in his old age. If you look at his appearance, he looks like he is in his fifties, sixties, or seventies. Judging the specific age, if the yellow-robed old man is the projection of the 'Earth Spirit King', it is normal for Xuantian to be unable to judge his age.

If the old man in yellow robe is the projection of the 'Earth Spirit King' in his later years, then the strength of the old man in yellow robe is much more terrifying than what Xuantian had just expected.

How powerful is a supreme king in his later years, even if it is a projection, it is not comparable to the powerhouse of the sky rank. This is the projection of a supreme king. Peak strength.

The pinnacle of the heavenly realm... In the era when the supreme king did not come out, this is the supreme powerhouse in the land of China. How many people there are can be counted with a single slap.

Xuantian is still far away from the Heavenly Stage Realm, and the peak of the Heavenly Stage Realm is even farther away. He is absolutely no match for the old man in yellow robe.

If the old man in yellow robe is the real body of the 'Earth Spirit King', Xuantian can still intercede, but the real 'Earth Spirit King' has been dead for three thousand years, this is just a projection of the 'Earth Spirit King', not life The body is just a shadow, possessing part of the power of the real body, as well as all the martial arts and martial arts comprehension, and cannot hear Xuantian's voice at all.

The old man in yellow robe walked towards Xuantian step by step, getting closer and closer, his eyes fixed on Xuantian...

"Anyone whose earth attribute is below the perfect level is not qualified to receive this king's inheritance!" After a long while, the old man in yellow robe seemed to have seen through Xuan Tian, ​​and suddenly said this.

Xuantian's earth attribute is only at the good level, not even the excellent level, and the perfect level is even worse by two levels, of course it does not meet the inheritance requirements of the 'Earth Spirit King'.

As soon as the old man in yellow robe finished speaking, a ray of light suddenly appeared between his brows, and his skin split along the ray of light to both sides, revealing a vertical eye.

Eye pupils!

The king-level magical skill of the "Earth Spirit King" can be cultivated successfully, and the third eye can be cultivated. It is the ground eye pupil, which can see through all illusions, and has a strong attack power.

The combat power of the 'Earth Spirit King' is not the first among the supreme kings. It does not mean that the combat power of the 'Earth Spirit King' is weak, but compared to other supreme kings who are mainly attacking. Hitomi' also has very powerful and weird attack methods.

The moment the yellow-robed old man's 'earth eye pupil' opened, the previous ray of light suddenly became thick and dazzling, and condensed into a lightsaber in an instant.

call out--! The sword light flashed!

Not even half a blink of an eye was enough, the lightsaber shot right in front of Xuantian's eyebrows, the speed was so fast that even Xuantian didn't react.

This lightsaber is more than ten feet long, the tip of the sword is between Xuantian's eyebrows, but the tail of the sword is between the eyebrows of the yellow-robed old eyebrow. Inside the sword, there seem to be green dragons soaring, red birds fluttering their wings, and unicorns leaping... A holy beast appeared.

Xuantian's body turned cold in an instant, before the tip of the sword pierced his body, there was already a terrifying feeling of being exterminated and turned into a dead thing, which made Xuantian unable to have the strength and will to fight back.

This was a very terrifying blow, not only because of the numerous visions and the terrifying attack power, but also because of the suppression of mental power, which made Xuantian feel that he was dead, and even raised the slightest thought of resisting. Can't get up.

This is a kind of power similar to sword intent, which is formed by the condensation of powerful spiritual power, but it is more mysterious than sword intent, and can kill people invisible.

This strike, not to mention Xuantian, even a powerful man with a high level of cultivation, will definitely die. If you don't resist, who can survive the strike of the old man in yellow robe's "Earth Eye Eye"?

The light handle pierced between the eyebrows, enough to smash the entire head into pieces.

This is an irresistible force!

"Is this the method of the supreme king? Taking people's lives can't be resisted!" At this moment, Xuantian felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

However, at this moment, Xuantian's brows suddenly trembled. The 'Excalibur Sword Spirit', who hadn't made any movement for a long time, seemed to feel the provocation, like a divine dragon suddenly waking up from a deep sleep.

A huge force suddenly gushed out from the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit', Xuantian's thoughts of being unable to resist disappeared without a trace, and the feeling of powerlessness disappeared. In an instant, Xuantian felt full of power, and punched Enough to knock down the stars from the sky.


A terrifying devouring force suddenly surged out from the center of Xuantian's eyebrows, and the light saber pierced by the yellow-robed old man's "earth eye pupil" pierced into the center of Xuantian's eyebrows in an instant.

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