The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 418】 The Big Harvest (Part 2)

The lightsaber was more than ten feet long, and its attack power was appalling.

But piercing between Xuantian's eyebrows did not explode Xuantian's head, but plunged into the sea, and disappeared without even a wave.

To be precise, the lightsaber did not pierce between Xuantian's eyebrows, but was 'sucked' into Xuantian's eyebrows.

It was naturally the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' in Xuantian's eyebrows that produced that terrifying devouring power.

The old man in yellow robe cast the lightsaber pierced by the 'Earth Eye Eye', and pierced Xuantian's eyebrows, and was sucked into the sword body by the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit'. There seemed to be something inside the little 'Excalibur Sword Spirit'. In the infinite space, the ten-foot-long lightsaber was sucked into it, and there was no sign that it couldn't hold it.

Even, Xuantian felt that the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' seemed to be a bit unfinished. It has been more than two years since the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' entered Xuantian's eyebrows, although most of the time the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' There was no movement at all, but once he woke up from a deep sleep, Xuantian always had the feeling of being connected with the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' by flesh and blood.

Xuantian reached the wonderful state of looking inside his eyebrows again, he 'saw' that after the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' devoured the lightsaber, it seemed to be much brighter, and the originally pure white little sword began to emit white light.

The light emitted became more and more intense and dazzling, and suddenly, the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' seemed to erupt, and endless light burst out instantly.

It was as if Xuantian saw the sun suddenly with his naked eyes, the space between his brows was suddenly white, and it was completely submerged by the endless rays of light suddenly gushing out from the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit'.

Xuantian is closely connected with the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit'. Knowing through feeling, the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' was provoked and launched a counterattack.

call out--!

The endless white light instantly filled the space between Xuantian's eyebrows, and then shot out, turning into a straight line and shooting straight ahead.

The white light instantly cut the void, and the khaki-yellow space was instantly cut in half under the white light. Nothing could block this ray of light. Even the terrifying old man in yellow robe was no exception. He was instantly cut in half by the white light, and soon faded away.

The power of this ray of light cannot be described by Xuantian in words, it is easy to cut through the world, beyond Xuantian's understanding and imagination.

As the projection of the 'Earth Spirit King', the old man in yellow robe is already strong enough. Even the most powerful people at the peak of the heavenly level may not be able to match, but. In front of that white light. Just like the void does not exist, it is easily cut into two halves.

call out--!

After the endless white light shot out, it was retracted in an instant, as if time went backwards, it returned to Xuantian's eyebrows, and the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' soon fell silent again, Xuantian couldn't feel it.

but. The earthy yellow light around Xuantian disappeared, and he appeared in the cave hall again. Less than ten feet away from the stone table.

It seems that Xuantian has not only passed the third hurdle left by the 'Earth Spirit King'. Moreover, as soon as the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' attacked, it destroyed the space of the third level.

Among the strong men in the 'Tianxing Pavilion', those whose heads happened to be facing the stone table saw Xuantian suddenly reappearing in the cave hall, they were startled, and two exclamations came out immediately.

"How can it be?"

"Xuantian actually passed this level!"

Bo Haozhu couldn't see the other side of the stone table, but when he heard these two sounds, his eyes turned white, and he almost fainted from anger.

Xuantian destroyed the third level, 'Earth Eye Eye' and Lingshi no longer have any defensive masks, everyone can go to the stone table and harvest a lot of spirit stones and 'Earth Eye Eye', the king-level magical skill .

The 'Earth Spirit King' wants to select an inheritor whose aptitude is at least the perfect level of earth attribute. Xuantian's earth attribute aptitude is far behind, and he should be eliminated, but the power of the 'Excalibur Sword Spirit' is too terrifying , the projection of the 'Earth Spirit King' was easily obliterated, and even the entire third level was destroyed.

Although Xuantian is not the successor of the ideal of the 'Earth Spirit King', things cannot develop according to the wish of the 'Earth Spirit King'. Regardless of whether the 'Earth Spirit King' is willing or not, Xuantian will accept the 'Earth Eye Pupil' It's in the bag.

Knowing that Xuantian passed the third level, and that the spirit stones and king-level magical skills left by the 'Earth Spirit King' are in front of Xuantian, every disciple of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' is full of envy, jealousy and hatred, especially Bo Haozhu. , his expression was full of unwillingness and extremely depressed.

But it's a pity that they were all tapped on their acupuncture points by the genius of the 'Blood Refining Sect', and it took about twelve hours before they were able to break through the acupuncture points and resume their actions. It's gone, but they can only continue to lie on the ground and watch Xuantian get this great harvest.

"Xuantian put that huge pile of spirit stones into the bag... Oh! There are at least a thousand pieces of spirit stones in that pile!"

"Xuantian picked up the stone box containing the 'Earth Eye Pupil', I'll go! That is the supreme inheritance left by the 'Earth Spirit King', a king-level magic!"

Xuantian's every move made the two 'Tianxing Pavilion' powerhouses whose heads happened to be facing the stone table envious, wishing to replace Xuantian with themselves.

Every sentence, every word of the two of them made the hearts of the other strong men twitch.

Xuantian was playing with the stone box, it was a sealed stone box, and what was placed inside should be the 'Earth Eye Pupil', only if it was sealed in this way, it would not be weathered in the long river of time, and it could last for a long time.

One after another, the inheritance of the supreme king appeared in this world. It can be seen that the supreme king knew and believed the ancient prophecy. They knew that this was a world of great prosperity for thousands of years. It must fully play its role, otherwise, in the age when the supreme king does not appear, no matter how many king-level magical skills are born, it will be in vain.

Xuantian used the 'Earth-level High-grade Spirit Sword' to cut open the stone box layer by layer, and soon, he cut into the space in the box. There was indeed a cheat book inside. Xuantian took it out and saw that the cover of the cheat book was There are four big characters written on it - ground eye pupil.

"Ah——! Inside the stone box is really a king-level magic skill 'earth eye pupil', this is a king-level magic skill, I'll go! I'll go!" The two strong men who looked at Xuantian shouted excitedly , the king's magical skill is right in front of them, but they can only watch Xuantian hold it in their hands, so why not get excited.

Xuan Tian opened "Earth's Eye Pupil" for a look, and was overjoyed to confirm that it was true.

Xuantian's earth attribute aptitude is only at the good level, which is better than ordinary people, but it is still not excellent. It is very difficult to become the supreme king by relying on the "Earth Eye Eye", and it is difficult to cultivate the "Earth Eye Eye" to a great success. Attack and kill.

However, it is not difficult to cultivate the 'earth eye pupil' to a small level. It is still possible to look at the general situation of the mountains and rivers, the spiritual veins of the heavens and the earth, the virtual reality of the formation, etc. Xuantian's cultivation method already has the "Lei Zun Jue" With the "Great King Kong Divine Power", the combat techniques already have the "Great King Kong Divine Power" and "Wanhua Shengfa". For him, the king-level magical skills about cultivation and attack are the icing on the cake, only the "ground eyes" Pupils are what Xuantian needs most.

Having harvested the 'Earth Eye Eye', Xuantian immediately had a calculation in his mind. He wanted to cultivate the 'Earth Eye Eye' as soon as possible. If he could see through the mountains and the earth, and the spirit veins of heaven and earth, then the speed of cultivation would be much faster. , The earth-level realm can find the earth veins, absorb the essence of the earth veins for cultivation, and the heaven-level realm can find the heavenly veins, absorb the essence of the heavenly veins for cultivation, this is a much faster way than continuously absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth for cultivation.

Since ancient times, only the "Earth Spirit King" has the fastest cultivation speed when he is in the earth-level realm, because he is constantly looking for the earth veins, and his cultivation base will break through every two to three months, but when he reaches the heaven-level realm, It is difficult to find the Tianmai, so his cultivation speed is a little slower, otherwise, the person who became the supreme king before the age of thirty may not be the only one who is the "undead king" Emperor Qinhuang, if he can find enough Tianmai, The 'Earth Spirit King' may become the supreme king one step earlier than the 'Undead King'.

Now trapped in the extremely deep underground mine veins, Xuantian can be sure that with the means of the 'Earth Spirit King', there is absolutely no way to leave directly. If he does not cultivate the 'Earth Eye Pupil' and see through falsehoods, he will not be able to leave this place.

However, where to practice the 'Earth Eye Eye' is a problem. Should I leave alone while the experts in the 'Tianxing Pavilion' are still restrained in the acupoints, or should I just stay here to practice?

After thinking for a while, Xuantian made a decision in his mind. He walked to the strongest man in the 'Tianxing Pavilion' who was closest to the stone table, and used a top-grade earth-level sword to draw a deep ditch from one side of the cave hall to the other.

Then, engrave a line next to the deep ditch: I will kill anyone who dares to cross this ditch!

Xuan Tian decided to practice the 'Earth Eye Pupil' here.

Xuantian's soil attribute aptitude is not high, and it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate the "earth eye pupil". This spirit stone vein, I don't know how big it is, but no matter where Xuantian goes, as long as he can't do without the "spirit stone vein" , it is not difficult for these strong men of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' to find him.

Instead of waiting for them to find it again, why not practice here!

Here the internal force is imprisoned, with Xuantian's strength, even the nine geniuses of the 'Blood Refining Sect' were killed, these 'Tianxing Pavilion' experts, all together are not Xuantian's opponent, Xuantian is not afraid They started to snatch the 'earth eye pupil'.

Therefore, it is better to cherish the time and quickly cultivate the 'earth eye pupil' successfully, find the earth veins, practice quickly, and break through the realm of cultivation.

After finishing all this, Xuantian returned to the side of the stone table, which was thirty feet away from the place where he drew the ditch, if anyone approached, he would have enough time to react.

Putting the 'Earth Eye Pupil' into his arms, Xuantian did not rush to practice, but meditated first. After half an hour, Xuantian's state of mind completely calmed down, and all distracting thoughts were expelled from his mind. Take out the pupil of the ground eye, watch it carefully, and practice according to the secret book.

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