The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 436】Facing the mystery (Part 2)

So, as soon as Xuantian entered Wuyuan City, he was 'fooled' by three middle-aged men into the team of the Xuan family in the Western Regions.

Of course, Xuantian also fooled the three middle-aged people, both sides were fooling, and they both achieved their goals, but Xuantian knew in his heart that the three middle-aged people were fooling him, but the three middle-aged people didn't know They were also fooled.

This time, the Xuan Family from the Western Regions had several superpowers at the Heavenly Realm, led by the Patriarch Xuanji himself. Although the number of people was small, their strength was very strong.

More than 20 earth-level strong men also came, all of whom were powerful, and the lowest cultivation level was also in the middle of the earth-level state.

Then, as long as the various sect forces in Wuzhou, or casual cultivators, were strong at the earth level, they were basically tricked or forced to come by the Xuan family, and there were more than a hundred of them.

This time, Wuzhou's earth-level powerhouse suffered a catastrophe for no reason.

Xuantian was brought back to the Xuan family's stronghold in Wuyuan City by three middle-aged people. On the way, Xuantian knew their names after listening to the conversation of the three.

The middle-aged man in the lead was named Xuan Yiping, the middle-aged man at the sixth level of the Earth-level realm was named Xuan Qingfei, and the middle-aged man at the fifth-level Earth-level level was named Xuan Xingyu.

The Xuan family in the Western Regions is a second-rank force, with a great family and a large family, with tens of thousands of people. Xuan Tian was only in the main line of the Xuan family before he was five years old. The people he knows are limited to some core figures in the Xuan family. Most of them are unknown, such as Xuantian doesn't know whether these three people are the direct lineage or collateral lineage of the Xuan family.

But the only thing that is certain is that since the discovery of such an important and confidential event as the home of the 'Wooden Sword King' has been discovered. Xuanji brought these people with him, they must be Xuanji's confidantes, maybe these people existed in the group that chased and killed Xuanhong back then.

In the Xuan family's stronghold, there are already more than a hundred earth-level powerhouses who have been invited by the Xuan family, and they are guarded by heaven-level powerhouses.

Many people are in high spirits. They thought they were really going to dig for treasure, but some people looked downcast. Obviously they knew that this trip would be the road to death, but with the presence of heaven-level powerhouses, they couldn't escape at all.

Xuantian was brought by Xuan Yiping and the other three to the place where many powerful people of the earth level are located in Wuzhou.

"Uncle Zongbao, we have brought another treasure digger." Xuan Yiping walked in front of a sky-level old man who was nearly sixty years old. Respectful and authentic.

Xuantian recognized this person, Xuanzong Bao. The cultivation base of the fifth level of the heavenly realm. In the Xuan family of the Western Regions, he is a pivotal figure.

Even in the land of Shenzhou, Xuan Zongbao is well-known, not only because of his high cultivation base and powerful strength, but also because of his cruelty and merciless attacks. Once Ruo angered him, the disaster would be devastating. If it is light, the family will be destroyed, and if it is serious, the whole family will be destroyed.

Xuanzong has many enemies. However, as the core figure of the Xuan family in the Western Regions, he even became the Supreme Elder many years ago. No one dared to seek revenge from him, and he was quite proud of this.

When Xuanxiong was the head of the Xuan family, he didn't like Xuanzongbao's behavior very much, and reprimanded him several times, but Xuanzongbao still went his own way, and the relationship between the two was very bad.

Xuanhong followed Xuanxiong's teachings, had little contact with Xuanzongbao, and had a cold relationship with him. However, Xuanji liked and worshiped this uncle since he was a child. It may be that Xuanji's personality is very suitable for Xuanzongbao's appetite, and Xuanzongbao also likes Xuanji very much. When I was young, I often pointed out mysteries.

Xuan Zongbao is one of the few people that Xuantian hates the most in the Xuan family besides Xuanji. When the Huang family was bloodbathed and Xuanhong and his party were hunted down, Xuanzong Bao was one of the leaders. of cultivation.

Xuanhong also had the cultivation base of the fourth level of the heavenly realm at that time, and his strength was extremely strong. .

Even, Xuanhong speculated that the reason why Xuanji sent people to attack and kill Huang's family and kill him was most likely at Xuanzongbao's suggestion, because killing everything has always been Xuanzongbao's means, of course , Xuanji is similar to Xuanzong Leopard in character, it may be Xuanji's own thoughts.

Xuan Zongbao looked at Xuantian, with two frightening gazes in his eyes, but Chu Haobo's human skin mask was flawless, it wasn't 'Earth Eye Pupils', even a heavenly powerhouse couldn't tell the truth.

"Okay! Lead him there. The number of people is almost there. Tomorrow, we will go to Daqingshan." Xuanzongbao nodded with a loud voice.

Xuantian stood together with all the powerhouses in Wuzhou. Although he hated in his heart, he didn't look at Xuanzongbao. His eyes would produce emotion and reveal his identity. Although he is now a powerhouse, he is related to the huge Xuan family of the Western Regions. Still very small.

Especially in a fifth-layer heaven-level powerhouse like Xuanzong Bao, beheading an earth-level powerhouse is as simple as crushing an ant, and it is impossible to compete.

This time, Xuantian could be said to be seeking skin from a tiger. When he arrived at Daqingshan, the treasure map on his body was his greatest reliance.

"The Patriarch is here!" Suddenly, a loud shout sounded.

Hearing the words, Xuan Tian's spirit shook, and his body trembled with excitement. The current Patriarch of Xuan Family is Xuan Ji, Xuan Tian's greatest enemy in this life. After more than ten years, will they finally meet again?

Xuan Zongbao suddenly glanced at Xuantian who was trembling, but many strong men who were depressed had also trembled just now, it was a tremor of fear, Xuanzongbao didn't care about Xuantian.

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps, and a group of people came in, most of them were strong men of the earth level, and there were also a few strong men of the heaven level.

Walking in the most central and leading position is a middle-aged man in his late forties, dressed in black, tall and straight, with a resolute, determined face, full of spirit, and imposing manner.

A group of people came in, and Xuan Tian's eyes fell on this person. He is the current Patriarch of the Xuan Family—Xuan Ji.

There was a domineering aura about Xuanji's body, as soon as he entered, all the powerful people in the world had a thought of bowing to him. If they didn't try their best to restrain themselves, they might kneel down involuntarily.

Xuantian also felt this idea, but his mind was firm, and the sword intent could break through all crooked thoughts, but it didn't have much effect. He looked at Xuanji and was slightly startled. Xuanji's cultivation had already reached the seventh level of the heavenly realm , even comparable to his master Luo Xiaoye.

"His aptitude is not as good as his father's, and he has always been three realms behind his father. However, twelve years ago, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the third level of the heavenly realm, which is only one realm away from his father. Now that twelve years have passed, his His cultivation has grown so fast, reaching the seventh level of the heavenly realm! What kind of kung fu is he cultivating? Could it be that he cannot succeed in the king-level magic! His aura is so domineering that it makes people want to kneel down and submit, so it must be the kung fu he cultivated. It has something to do with the law!" In Xuantian's mind, several thoughts flashed in an instant.

"See Patriarch!" The strong Xuan family who were here originally saw Xuanji, and immediately knelt down and shouted, even Xuanzong Bao was no exception.

"Uncle Bao, please get up!" Xuanji walked up to Xuanzong Bao in a few steps, helped him up, and then glanced at him: "Everyone get up!"

"Thank you Patriarch!" After all the strong men shouted, they stood up.

Xuantian frowned secretly. In the land of China, no power kneels down to greet the suzerain or the patriarch. They just fold their fists and bend down to greet each other. This reminds him of the ancient Qing Dynasty in his previous life, where he kept kneeling, It will make people slavish, and the harm will last for hundreds of years.

"Patriarch, the number of people is almost there." Xuanzong Bao said.

"Okay!" Xuanji smiled happily, walked in front of all the powerful people in Wuzhou, and said, "Everyone, I will not lie to deceive you. It is absolutely true to go digging treasures."

"Thank you, Patriarch Xuan!" Some strong men with excited expressions shouted.

Other strong men glanced at the excited strong men, as if looking at a group of idiots.

The expressions of all the strong men saw the mystery in their eyes, and he continued: "However, although the place where the treasure is located has been found, the situation inside is not yet understood. This needs everyone to explore, and the sky will not fall in vain. If you want to gain, you must first give.”

"Will it be dangerous?" A strong man with an excited expression asked.

Xuanji nodded: "Yes! This is a gamble, success will pay off, and losers will be buried in the wilderness."

"What? So dangerous? Isn't it just to dig treasure? I won't go...!" Immediately, some excited strong men calmed down and shouted loudly.

Xuanji smiled slightly, and there was disdain in the laughter: "It's up to you whether to go or not, go, you may have a chance to get the treasure, if you don't go, you will die now!"

Whether it was those who were depressed before or those who looked excited, now they all showed fear in their eyes.

"No! I won't go! I won't go...!" A strong man in his twenties shouted.

In Wuzhou, the strong man is respected. He is a strong man at such a young age. He is definitely a genius in Wuzhou. From now on, he will definitely walk sideways in Wuzhou. Brother, there is no need to take this risk.

Xuanji stretched out a finger, pointing at the young strong man who shouted.

A finger shot out violently, and instantly shot into the forehead of the young strong man.

With a bang, the young strong man's head was blown off, blood splashed everywhere, brains exploded, and his headless body immediately fell to the side.

A series of terrified screams sounded, and the strong men looked horrified, and dared not say anything anymore.

Xuanji's eyes swept across the strong men, and finally fell on Xuantian, saying: "A bunch of trash, only you have a little courage."

After Xuanji finished speaking, he turned and left. After walking a few steps, a voice came: "Clean up, we will be on the road tomorrow."

Seeing Xuanji's background disappearing from his field of vision, Xuantian let out a sigh of relief. He had been suppressing his emotions. Just now Xuanji's eyes were fixed on him, which really surprised him, thinking that Xuanji had spotted it.

The corpse was disposed of quickly, and everyone the Wuzhou strongman knew gathered into a group, discussing a lot, feeling confused about the fate of tomorrow, but he dared not escape. With the guards of the heavenly rank strongman, escaping was absolutely impossible.

Only Xuantian's mood was calm and calm, he sat quietly at the side, adjusted his breath with luck, adjusted his body to the peak state, and prepared for tomorrow's arrival.

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