The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 437】 Xuantian is here (Part 1)

Some strong men escaped in the dark, but without exception, they were all turned into corpses and thrown back, and the rest of the strong men did not dare to act rashly.

No words all night!

The next day, several heaven-level experts and more than 20 earth-level experts from the Xuan Family of the Western Regions set off from Wuyuan City to Daqingshan with more than a hundred earth-level experts from Wuzhou.

Daqing Mountain is a small oasis in the Ximuli Desert, with a radius of only a few kilometers.

But the location is excellent, with several peaks in the middle.

'Wooden Sword King' regards this place as the final destination, and there are some chain formations nearby, all of which are phantom formations. When warriors enter them, they will not be trapped or lost, but they will be unconscious Bypassing Daqingshan, Daqingshan cannot be seen at all.

The Ximuli Desert is not as big as the Xitas Desert, and it is not that dangerous inside. There are many more powerful people coming in and out. However, no one has discovered the existence of Daqing Mountain for so many years.

In recent months, some relics of the "Wooden Sword King" have been found out by the experts in Shenzhou, and the Xuan family of the Western Regions was the first force to discover the "Wooden Sword King" relics. It was discovered by the "Master Sword" during his training abroad.

Following the footsteps of the "Wooden Sword King" and some clues, the 'Mr. Sword' found the Ximuli Desert, broke through the illusion with his sword intent, broke through the maze around the Daqing Mountain, and discovered the Daqing Mountain.

'Master Sword' determined that Daqing Mountain was the final destination of the 'Wooden Sword King'. The Xuan family of the Western Regions intends to monopolize the inheritance of the 'Wooden Sword King', so the Patriarch Xuanji secretly brought some people to Wuzhou, while most of the other members of the Xuan family deliberately created smoke in the northern part of the Western Regions, falsely claiming to have discovered the 'Wooden Sword King'. The sword king's final destination attracted all the strongmen from the major powers in China, and they all rushed to the northern part of the Western Regions.

'Master Sword' is eager for quick success. Without waiting for Xuanji to arrive, he entered the Daqing Mountain alone and lost the news. However, Xuanji led people to come, and he could only break through the periphery of Daqing Mountain, and inside Daqing Mountain, no matter whether it is a strong person at the ground level. If you are still a heaven-level powerhouse, your true essence will be imprisoned if you enter. Every grass and tree inside may turn into a sword light to attack at any time. It was very dangerous, even if it was Xuanji, he couldn't break in, and retreated after suffering a little trauma.

Xuanji believes that there must be a correct route inside Daqing Mountain, but they don't have enough manpower to test them one by one. Therefore, the strong people in Wuzhou were taken. All of them were used as cannon fodder to explore the way.

The experts from the Xuan family have all come to Daqing Mountain, although this time they brought more than a hundred experts from Wuzhou with them. But there was no accident. After walking through a few phantom mazes and only a few hundred miles into the Ximuli Desert, several green and green mountain peaks appeared in front of everyone.

"In the Ximuli desert, there is an oasis?" Seeing the scene in front of him, the strong man from Wuzhou was shocked.

It is only a few hundred miles away from Wuzhou, so it can be said that it is very close, but they have never heard of it. There is also an oasis here.

Moreover, looking at these green and green peaks, with lush trees and shaded grass, they are more vibrant than any other place in Wuzhou.

When he arrived at the destination, Xuanji said loudly: "The treasure is in this green hill, everyone work together to find the correct route, and the treasure will be yours."

After saying that, Xuanji waved his hand.

More than a hundred Wuzhou powerhouses were immediately divided into more than a dozen teams. Each team was led by some heaven-level powerhouses or earth-level powerhouses, and spread out along the edge of Daqing Mountain.

The Xuan family has done in-depth research on Daqing Mountain, and feels that there are more than a dozen locations, all of which may have the correct route, and need to be explored one by one.

The task of exploration is naturally these Wuzhou powerhouses.

Xuantian's team has a total of ten people, the highest level of cultivation is only the sixth level of the earth level. There are a total of four Xuan family powerhouses leading them, all of them are earth-level powerhouses.

Among the four Xuan family powerhouses, Xuan Tian knew three of them, they were Xuan Yiping, Xuan Qingfei, and Xuan Xingyu who called him to stop on the street yesterday.

The other person is a strong man at the ninth level of the Earth Stage Realm, named Xuan Qingzhou.

"Yellow fart, you are so lucky, you met me again, you are really lucky." Seeing that Xuan Tian was on the same team as him, Xuan Yiping immediately moved over, looking very familiar.

Xuan Qingfei and Xuan Xingyu also followed behind him.

Xuantian ignored the homophony in Xuan Yiping's words, and said: "I heard that Xuantian, the personal disciple of the master of Beichen Pavilion, who is famous in China, is from the Xuan family of the Western Regions, isn't it?"

Although he knew that the three of them were Xuanji's confidantes, Xuantian still couldn't help but ask.

Xuan Yiping, Xuan Qingfei, and Xuan Xingyu three people heard 'Xuantian', their expressions paused slightly, Xuan Yiping said: "Yeah! Xuantian has only a small name, how can it be described by the name moving Shenzhou, we in the Western Regions The young master of the Xuan family, 'Master Sword', can be called Moving Shenzhou. You are right, Xuan Tian is indeed from our Xuan family, but he was expelled from the family. He has long been irrelevant to the Xuan family of the Western Regions. The young master said that when Xuantian stepped into the heavenly realm, he would cut off Xuantian's sacrificial sword. If Xuantian died under the sword of my young master, it would be his honor. Unfortunately, he did not have such a blessing. The Seven Profound Mountains are dead."

"Xuan Tian is worthy to be my young master's opponent, please die early, don't dirty the young master's sword!" Xuan Xingyu said angrily.

Xuan Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "I heard that Xuan Tian has great destiny. He was hunted down and killed more than ten years ago, but now he is dead. Is it true?"

"Of course it is true. The imprisonment of the Qixuan Mountain Range is gone, and all the people trapped inside have come out, but some people have disappeared forever, and Xuantian is among them." Xuan Yiping said with certainty.

Xuan Qingfei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly sighed: "It's a pity... He was still a kid back then, but we couldn't kill him...!"

Xuan Tian's eyebrows twitched, and he glanced at Xuan Qingfei, "Why, when Xuan Tian was hunted down, were you there?"

"We are all here!" Xuan Xingyu's tone was very proud, "We have made great contributions to the Patriarch, otherwise, the Patriarch would not have secretly brought us to Daqingshan."

"Very good! Very good!" Xuan Tian smiled softly, but the killing intent in his heart instantly increased.

"Very good?" The three asked in unison in puzzlement.

Swish Swish Swish!

The light burst out, and three sword lights answered them.

The cultivation bases of the three are at the fifth, sixth, and seventh levels of the Earth-level Realm in order, and there is Xuan Qingzhou, who is at the ninth-level of the Earth-level level, standing next to them. They never imagined that Xuantian is only at the fifth level of the Earth-level level. , would suddenly kill them suddenly.

However, Gui didn't expect that they forced Wuzhou's strong men to be cannon fodder to scout the way. They were always vigilant in their hearts, fearing that they would escape. Although they were chatting with Xuantian, they actually kept shooting at all times. status.

However, Xuantian's sword was too fast, with the flash of the sword light, they felt a chill on their necks.

clang clang clang!

The swords of Xuan Yiping, Xuan Qingfei, and Xuan Xingyu were only half drawn, and they stopped instantly as if time stood still.

The heads of the three flew up at the same time, if Xuan Tian didn't make a move, all three of them were instantly killed.

A strong man at the fifth level of the Earth-level realm instantly killed three strong men of the same or higher level with one sword, and one of them was at the seventh-level of the Earth-level level, belonging to the late stage of the Earth-level level. This is simply unbelievable. The expressions of the Wuzhou strong men who were traveling together were all shocked and shocked, and there was disbelief in their eyes.

"Bold!" A loud shout sounded suddenly.

Xuan Qingzhou, the powerhouse of the Xuan family, suddenly became furious, whoosh! A sword light burst out, and instantly slashed towards Xuantian.

A huge coercion appeared. A strong man in the ninth level of the earth level is four levels higher than Xuantian. Once an attack is launched against him, there will be a coercion of "no matter what happens". This is a rule, the general trend , just like the "devourer" devours everything without swallowing each other, it is a rule destined in the dark, which makes people irresistible.

Originally, a strong man at the ninth level of the earth level was already strong enough and terrifying enough, coupled with the suppression of the rule of "things are not more than three", it made Xuantian feel that it was difficult to resist, and the fierce sword wind hit his face, making him have a kind of To feel fragmented, unable to resist the idea.

Most of the other Wuzhou powerhouses are four realms lower than Xuan Qingzhou, and they are also suppressed by the rule of "no matter but three". She came, with only fear in her eyes, but no sign of dodging.

Xuantian's sword intent erupted, killing the thought of not resisting, and immediately slapped it out.

Earth fire printing method!

A palm print of flame shot out suddenly, and it became bigger in an instant, grabbing at the sword glow that shot out, at the same time, Xuantian's body exploded back.


The giant flame palm was split into two halves. Although the power of the 'Earth Fire Sealing Method' is terrifying, it has great damage to the powerhouses of the ninth and tenth levels of the earth level, but the strong people of the ninth and tenth levels of the earth level They won't stand and let Xuantian fight, beyond the four realms of Xuantian, their attack power plus rule suppression is enough to break the 'earth fire seal method'.

The 'Earth Fire Sealing Technique' was broken, turned into two flames, Xuantian took back his palm in an instant, Xuan Qingzhou's sword glow was blocked by the 'Earth Fire Sealing Technique', and it was half a beat slower, Xuantian had already avoided it when he struck down. aside.

call out! call out!

Xuan Qingzhou was about to perform the second sword technique on Xuan Tian, ​​when suddenly two sword lights shot out.

"Two swords in one!" Xuan Tian shouted loudly, pressing his left palm on Xuan Qingzhou.

The two 'earth-level spirit swords' merged into one in an instant, turning into an even bigger, brighter, and dazzling spirit sword, like a blazing long spear, piercing the Xuanqingzhou.

Xuan Qingzhou's face was terrified, although he was four realms higher than Xuantian, he also felt the great danger of death from this sword, the power of this sword was enough to kill him instantly.

His sword move was withdrawn immediately, and the sword pierced countless swords in front of him in an instant, forming a sword curtain, blocking the blow of the spirit sword combined into one.

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