The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 440】Punching and Sword Master (Part 2)

Suddenly, 'Master Sword' felt a chill down his back.

Murderous! 'Master Sword' was startled, he felt extremely dangerous, the sword glow behind him was so fast that he almost had no time to dodge.

There was no time to dodge, so there was no need to dodge, the body of 'Sword Young Master' immediately rushed forward, and at the same time, a light flashed from behind him, and a 'Heaven-level Spirit Sword' burst out.

The sword glow and the 'Heaven-Level Spirit Sword' struck together, making a loud 'clang'.

The 'Heaven-Level Spirit Sword' was so strong that it was indestructible for non-kings and divine weapons, blocking the attack of this sword light.

However, that huge power made the 'Heaven-Level Spirit Sword' violently shaken, and the mind of the 'Mr. Sword' was connected with the 'Heaven-Level Spirit Sword'. It hit the ground and fell like a dog eating shit.

The reaction of 'Sword Master' is so sensitive, he jumped on the ground and slid for a moment, then immediately jumped up, his figure flashed to the edge of the pavilion like lightning, and then he turned to look at the attacker.

After Xuantian exposed his identity, he had already taken off the human skin mask, and now it is his real face.

When 'Master Sword' saw Xuantian, the pupils of his eyes dilated instantly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Xuantian, it's you? You're still alive!"

"How dare you attack me!"

"You can come here, how is it possible!"

In the blink of an eye, 'Master Sword' exclaimed three questions.

Xuan Tian didn't answer him, but just shook a book in his hand.

There are four large characters on the cover of the book - Wanjian Zhenjing.

"What?" The pupils of 'Mr. Sword' dilated again, and he immediately raised his hands to have a look. There is no secret book in hand, it's gone.

The scene just now replayed in the mind of 'Mr. Sword' in an instant. First, he was watching the 'Thousand Swords Manual' and was deeply attracted by the peerless swordsmanship in it. He suddenly felt murderous. Then. He jumped forward, and at that time the "Ten Thousand Swords Manual" was still in his hand.

Then, he was knocked to the ground. He jumped to the ground, and after gliding for a certain distance, he stood up quickly, and then suddenly. He saw Xuantian, who had the "Ten Thousand Swords Manual" in his hand.

Ni! With that pounce just now, he threw out the Wang Jie magic skill in his hand.

When 'Sword Master' figured it out, he almost burst into tears.

Xuantian waved the 'Thousand Swords Manual' in front of 'Mr. Sword', and stuffed it into his bosom. In fact, it was put into the 'Space Ring'.

"Just now I saw your old man Xuanji outside, which made me very angry, Xuan Jian, now you dedicate the 'Wan Jian Zhen Jing' to me. My heart is much more comfortable." Xuan Tian looked at the 'Jian Gongzi' and smiled slightly. , the anger just now was swept away, very carefree.

Although 'Young Master Sword' is not very old, he is the top of the younger generation. With a firm mind, after a short period of shock and horror, his emotions quickly calmed down. He looked at Xuantian with a sword-like gaze: "Hand over the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual', and I can give you a good time."

"Benbenben... Benben, you are big!" Looking at the serious face of 'Mr. Jian'. Xuan Tian sneered for a while with a condescending expression, "I still don't know that death is imminent, so give me a happy one, or let me give you a happy one, and give your head to your father as a great gift!"

"Xuantian, you are courting death!"

'Master Sword' said coldly, he was completely angry, just now the 'Thousand Swords Manual' was snatched by Xuantian, it was not as serious as the anger at this moment.

All along, "Master Sword" only regards "No. 1 Young Master" as an opponent, and is determined to walk the road of the supreme king.

"Young Master Jian" is arrogant and conceited, except for the "No. 1 Young Master", he despises all the geniuses of the younger generations, and thinks he is superior, and all the geniuses and evildoers of the younger generations, including Xuan Tian, ​​are ignored by the "Young Master Jian".

However, now the 'Mr. Sword' is being looked down upon by Xuantian. Judging from Xuantian's tone, it seems that he can kill and cut him at will. For the arrogant and arrogant 'Mr. Sword' who wants to face and be famous, this is a big deal. humiliation.


Moreover, just now Xuantian used the advantage of a sneak attack to put 'Master Jian' in a messy situation, now that 'Master Jian' is facing Xuantian head-on, it is absolutely impossible for him to say that he is afraid of Xuantian.

call out! call out! call out!

As soon as the words of 'Mr. Sword' fell, three sword lights flew out from between his eyebrows. They were three 'Heaven-Level Spirit Swords', and the finished characters floated beside him.

"Although my son's Gangyuan is imprisoned and unable to exert the heaven-defying power of the sword formation, even if it cuts you into meat paste, that is enough! Kill——!"

With the last roar of 'Master Sword', the speed of the three 'Heaven-Level Spirit Swords' suddenly increased, and they stabbed towards Xuan Tian at the same time, drawing three shining rays of light in the void.

The 'Heaven-Level Spirit Sword' can easily penetrate the body-protecting aura of a Heaven-level powerhouse, and the cutting weapon is stronger than a Heaven-level treasure. Although Xuantian has two 'Earth-level Spirit Swords' , but completely unable to resist, there is only one result when taking it out, and that is to be destroyed.

Facing the three 'heaven-level spirit swords' pierced by 'Mr. Sword', Xuantian remained unmoved, his figure moved, shuttled in the trajectory of the formation, perfectly fused with the formation, and merged into one.

With a wave of Xuantian's palm, the flowers and plants beside the lake flew up in pieces, turned into sword lights, and appeared in front of him in an instant.

These sword glows are not the power of Xuantian, but the sword energy of the "Wooden Sword King" left behind through the formation method, the attack power is very powerful and the power is boundless.

The bright sword light flew over, covering the three 'Heaven-level Spirit Swords' in an instant, and there was a burst of bang, bang, bang, bang, and the three 'Heaven-Level Spirit Swords' trembled suddenly, and retracted in a blink of an eye to the 'Sword Master' in vivo.

And 'Mr. Sword' was also shaken violently, with some blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. It can be seen how terrifying the attack power of those flowers and plants turning into sword lights is. He was hurt.

In the formation, Xuantian also enjoyed the peerless swordsmanship of the "Ten Thousand Swords Manual". He controls the formation and can attack with these sword lights at will.

Following Xuantian's hand gesture towards 'Master Sword', a piece of sword light immediately struck towards 'Master Sword' like rain.

Even the 'Heaven-Level Spirit Sword' was trembling, how could the body of 'Sword Young Master' dare to touch these sword lights, not to mention that he still can't use the body protection of the Gang Yuan, he can only dodge.

Xuantian's swordsmanship is exquisite, these flowers and grass swords can only carry out the simplest and direct attacks, but under Xuantian's control, they are orderly, just like exquisite sword moves.

After a few breaths, the 'Mr. Sword' was thrown into chaos by these sword lights, and he was very embarrassed. Even his clothes were cut into several holes, and he was almost injured. There was no contempt in his eyes anymore.

However, Ren'Sword Master' couldn't figure it out no matter how he thought about it, Xuantian had never read the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual', but why he was able to turn flowers into swords, this is obviously the peerless swordsmanship in the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual'.

call out--!

A sword light flashed across the neck of 'Jian Gongzi', almost severing his throat, and he was covered in cold sweat. In the panic, he used all his strength to pounce to the side, only to avoid this lore sword .

However, Xuantian seemed to have expected the reaction of 'Mr. Sword', knowing that he could not be killed by this sword, so he waited a long time ago, and when 'Mr. Sword' exhausted his strength to dodge the sword, he happened to rush forward. Arrived beside Xuantian.

Xuan Tian's prepared fist immediately slammed into the face of 'Mr. Sword'.

Boom—! Was smashed straight.

Xuantian practiced the 'Nine Forging Kung Fu' with a very strong physique, and later practiced the king-level magical skill 'Great Vajra Divine Power Kung Fu', which has infinite power. Terrifying.

Even though 'Mr. Sword' is a super strong man in the heavenly realm, his face felt severe pain at this moment, three of his teeth flew out, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body was immediately blown away by Xuantian's punch up.

The eyes of 'Mr. Sword' are almost dark. He is the top genius among the prince-level evildoers, and the youngest peerless evildoer to step into the heaven-level realm. When he was in the heaven-level realm, he was beaten by a fifth-level earth-level warrior. One punch, still hitting him in the face!

Moreover, this punch hit him not like a mosquito bite, but like being hit by a hammer.

If this news gets out, his 'Sword Master' will probably be laughed out of his teeth by all the warriors in Shenzhou!

shame! Shame!

At that moment, the first thing that 'Sword Master' felt was not pain, but the loss of face.

Thank goodness no one saw it! 'Young Master Sword' thought in his heart.

Xuan Tian punched 'Mr. Sword', but he didn't dare to rush up to punch him a second time. The punch just now was a matter of timing. 'Mr. Sword' couldn't fight back, couldn't dodge, so he could only hit him.

However, 'Sword Master' can fight back, his fist strength is much heavier than Xuantian's, and Xuantian's body is weaker than 'Sword Master', so he will be seriously injured, not to mention, 'Sword Master' has a 'heaven-level spirit' in his body Sword', if Xuantian is touched, he will be cut in two.

Xuantian didn't chase after him, with a big wave of his hand, another large area of ​​flowers and plants by the lake turned into sword light and flew towards 'Master Sword'.

"Damn it! There's no way to fight!"

'Mr. Sword' screamed in his heart, Xuantian's strength was not in his eyes, but this 'Wooden Sword King''s unique skill 'Wanjian Zhenjing' was enough to kill him.

"Xuantian, one day, I will tear you to pieces!"

'Young Master Sword' shouted loudly, his voice was full of unwillingness, but he didn't dare to fight Xuantian anymore, his body followed the force of Xuantian's punch, and jumped directly to the edge of the pavilion.

Then, "Young Master Sword" kicked his legs fiercely, and his body was like an arrow. He rushed over a hundred meters in an instant, jumped over the lake, and landed by the lake. Then, without stopping at all, he rushed straight forward into the Daqing Mountain.

. )

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