The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 441】 Sixth Floor

Xuantian watched as 'Master Sword' disappeared, and did not chase after him.

Leaving this lake area, Xuantian lost the power of the formation, and he was no match to catch up with 'Master Sword', so he had to go.

Here, Xuantian can control the power left by the 'Wooden Sword King', he is not afraid of anyone coming, once the 'Master Sword' leaves, Xuantian will take out the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual'.

Sure enough, the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual', although the swordsmanship is superb and incomparably miraculous, is indeed not something that Xuantian can cultivate.

To practice the 'Wan Jian Zhen Jing', one needs to absorb the essence of wood qi from flowers, plants and trees every day and refine it into sword qi. Xuantian and five elements lack wood, and in the vitality of heaven and earth, only wood qi cannot be absorbed.

"It seems that the peerless swordsmanship of the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual' really has no chance for me!" Xuantian sighed, and put the 'Ten Thousand Swords Manual' into the 'Space Ring'.

Xuantian felt that the vitality of heaven and earth above the lake was very strong, almost reaching the peak, and there were signs of transformation into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The 'Wooden Sword King' was able to choose Daqingshan as the final destination, which shows that this place is indeed extraordinary.

He opened his eyes and looked into the surrounding void, sure enough! There is not only dense heaven and earth vitality flowing in the air, but also a lot of heaven and earth aura mixed in it. Practicing here is almost equivalent to constantly absorbing spirit stones for cultivation.


Suddenly, Xuantian was slightly startled. In the void, he saw a few ruddy white air currents, which were very rare. However, the sharp pupils in his eyes did not escape Xuantian's eyes.

"This is...!" Xuantian's pupils suddenly dilated, "This is the essence of the earth veins!"

The essence of the earth veins is only near the dragon's mouth of the earth dragon veins. It will appear with the breath of the dragon veins of the earth.

There is earth vein essence here, doesn't it mean that there is an earth dragon vein here?

Xuantian suddenly became excited, what he needs most now is the essence of the earth veins, this thing can quickly improve the cultivation level of the earth-level powerhouse.

Xuan Tian lowered his head and immediately looked down at his feet.

At the foot is a pavilion. Below the pavilion is the lake, about 30 to 40 meters deep, and there are several meters of silt under the lake. Then, it is the real underground.

Xuantian's divine pupils are compared to when he first cultivated. It was much stronger, and now he could see a distance of 150 to 60 meters. Even though the lake was separated by dozens of meters, he could still see the ground about 100 meters below the bottom of the lake.

really! The essence of the earth's veins in the ground is a little more than in the air, but Xuantian still couldn't see the existence of the earth's veins.

Xuantian can be sure that there is an earth dragon vein in the ground, but it is at least a hundred meters below the ground. Xuantian can't see it now when he uses the 'Earth Eye Pupil'.

To Xuantian, the attraction of the dragon veins of the earth was much greater than that of the "Thousand Swords Manual". He immediately sat down on the edge of the pavilion and opened his eyes to look at the ground. Look for opportunities.

There is a small amount of earth vein essence in the air, floating up and down, indicating that the earth dragon vein has not left at the moment, and should be staying in the ground. According to the usual practice, the earth dragon vein flows deep underground. Rarely gets close to the ground, but when it does, it will definitely pop up on the ground.

This is the "Earth Spirit King"'s introduction to the earth dragon vein in the "Earth Eye Pupil". Xuantian is now waiting for the opportunity for the earth dragon vein to emerge.

Since the end of the ancient times, no one has been able to compare with the "Earth Spirit King"'s understanding of the dragon veins of heaven and earth. What the "Earth Spirit King" said is absolutely true.

And indeed it is!

Xuantian waited for more than an hour, and sure enough, he saw something protruding from the depths of the ground, it was an imaginary dragon's head.

The dragon veins of the earth are about to emerge from the ground.

The rising speed of the dragon veins of the earth is not slow, and it rushed up at a distance of 100 meters. Xuantian was already holding a square khaki-colored stone in his hand, waiting for it. This is the "Dragon Seal", which can seal the dragon veins of the earth treasures.



How could Xuantian miss this opportunity, he immediately flipped his hands over and slapped the 'Dragon Seal' on the dragon veins of the earth.

The earth's dragon veins are invisible and invisible, and the eyes of the earth cannot be seen, but the treasure 'Sealing Dragon Seal' can seal it.

As soon as the 'Fenglong Seal' met the earth dragon's veins, its light suddenly became brighter, and it fell into the lake like lightning. In an instant, it hit the top of the dragon's mouth, and the sinking earth dragon's veins suddenly stopped.

Xuantian jumped into the lake, and soon dived to the 'Dragon Seal', stood in the mouth of the dragon vein of the earth, and then put the 'Dragon Seal' into the 'Space Ring' middle.

Like a dead thing, the dragon veins of the earth suddenly came to life and moved again. With Xuantian in its mouth, it sank to the ground.

In the dragon's mouth, the concentration of the ground vein essence is tens or hundreds of times that of the air, which is very sufficient.

The opportunity was rare, Xuantian immediately put aside distracting thoughts, began to absorb the essence of the earth veins to refine, and put all his attention into cultivation.

The dragon veins of the earth dived into the depths of the ground, shuttled aimlessly, while Xuantian sat in the mouth of the dragon, forgetting each other, the continuous stream of earth vein essence was absorbed and refined by him, and the true essence in his body became stronger and stronger. The thicker it is, the more acupoints in the meridians are activated one by one.

one day! two days! three days...

This time, the dragon veins of the earth have been traveling underground for a longer time than last time.

Five days later, Xuantian's cultivation broke through again, and he stepped into the sixth level of the Earth-level realm. It has only been more than a month since he broke through to the fifth level of the Earth-level level last time. The cultivation speed of a super strong person is really like riding a rocket.

The dragon veins of the earth are still running through the ground, and Xuantian also continues to practice to consolidate his cultivation.

All of a sudden, another five days passed, and Xuantian's cultivation had already reached the peak of the sixth level of the Earth-level realm. He only needed to activate the acupoints, and his cultivation could go a step further, break through the seventh level of the Earth-level realm, and become a strong man in the late stage of the Earth-level realm. the ones.

"Keep going! Hit the seventh level of the Earth-level Realm!" Xuan Tian secretly said in his heart.

However, Xuantian's wishful thinking failed to come to fruition, just when he was about to activate the acupoints, the essence of the earth veins suddenly decreased dramatically.


Xuantian opened his ground eye pupils, and saw the entire head and neck of the earth dragon veins in his eyes, and saw that the dragon head of the earth dragon veins was trembling, and, compared with normal times, it was more faint, and even the god pupils looked at it. It looks like a transparent layer, which seems to be dissipating.

This is a symptom of excessive consumption of dragon vein essence. If Xuantian absorbs it more strongly, the dragon veins of the dragon land will completely dissipate.

"Hey, this earth dragon vein is not big enough to raise my cultivation base to the seventh level of the earth level. The land is boundless, but dragon veins are very rare. Don't let this dragon vein be destroyed in my hands." Xuan Tian changed his mind and immediately stopped practicing.

The dragon veins of the earth have spirit properties. Seeing that Xuantian stopped absorbing the essence of the earth veins, he quickly rushed to the surface, spit out Xuantian, sent the evil star away, and then quickly sank into the ground.

Ten days later, Xuantian returned to the ground, he looked around, he was located in a group of mountains, he was no longer in the desert.

The last time the spirit veins of the earth traveled underground for two days, Xuantian came to the southwest from the northeast of Shenzhou. This time, after traveling underground for ten days, Xuantian was startled. Went to another continent?

\u003cThe oasis where the valley is located is only more than 200,000 miles away from the Ximuli Desert where Daqing Mountain is located. \u003c, if you get the "Ten Thousand Swords Manual", you will give a copy to Wan Chungu. Now that you have the "Ten Thousand Swords Manual", you will naturally fulfill your promise. \u003cYanaka. \u003cGu Shi, I have already said that if I didn’t get the ‘Ten Thousand Swords Manual’, I would leave directly. If I got the ‘Ten Thousand Swords Manual’, I would go back to Wan to drink tea. When he came, his expression was suddenly excited, and even the tea in his hand was shaken out. \u003c, Mu Qingchen, Mu Qingjie and his son accompanied each other, and no one else was present. \u003c, said: "Master Mugu, I got it by luck, and now it returns to the original owner." \u003cAfter receiving the "Ten Thousand Swords Manual", his hands were trembling, and he said: "Young Master, I never thought that you would get the 'Ten Thousand Swords' After the "Jian Zhen Jing", it can be returned to the valley, this... this is the king-rank magical skill that all warriors in Shenzhou dream of. Strange, but Tian Shao, when you said you would send it back, you really sent it back. If you keep your word, I think no one in this world can compare with you. I don’t even know how to repay such a great kindness. , if the ancestors knew it, I hope that the spirit in the sky can bless Tianshao and fulfill every wish of Tianshao...!" "The two brothers Mu Qingchen and Mu Qingjie also said excitedly. \u003c Said: "I didn't tell you my full name last time. Perhaps, you should have heard of me long ago. My name is Xuantian!" "

"Xuantian, who was kicked out of his family by the Xuan family of the Western Regions when he was young?"

"Xuantian, the direct disciple of Beichen Pavilion Master Luo Xiaoye?" \u003c, Mu Qingchen, Mu Qingjie and his son exclaimed in unison.

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